i actually beat him on my first playthrough because I reused the old strat I used on the original smt5 but this time with sakuya, except they nerfed accursed poison so I couldn't skip the mediarahan, ended up spending all of my MP items and had to scrounge up MP over multiple press turns by using chakra drops. kodama wasn't kidding those things come in clutch. that was probably one of the more honest strats. the stuff people be doing with stacking magatsuhi effects is insane
Yeah I did it on hard no NG+, I was malding after my 20th attempt because demi-f*ck would screw up my Impaler Animus + Omagatoki Charge with all buffs/debuffs and Parasele Blur I felt so good at the 34th attempt when he didn't nuked my whole party and I got off 7 HARD parasele blurs on his ass I was straight up dancing after the one shot
@@kiritsu551I already beat Demi Fiend in the original game on casual then later on normal. I beat Satan on Casual on Vengeance (was still tough), and I have already beat Demi fiend on my first normal Godborn mode run. I also want to add I beat Masakado (which was my very first time facing him and was a frigging monster) on this same run as well and I just outright bodied Shiva. Now, I just feel like going back to curb stomp Demi Fiend just for all the stress I endured in the last game. =P
Hard to beat that demi-fiend goon without some kind of strat. At first I was bummed I couldn't just power through the fight on hard mode the way I'd done the rest of my playthrough, but eventually doing some research and blasting that mofo on turn two still felt fucking great.
Demi fiend ain’t too bad tbh, just have a good number of demons with repel phys to trick his AI, and you can even skip his mediarahan with an ailment, aside from that, you can also do the classic paraselene blur with Impaler glory to utterly decimate him, even on goborn hard mode
@Venombot21 Wow, lol, I didn't even know what Paraselene Blur was. I guess it's a Tsukuyomi skill that I completely ignored, but I just watched a vid on that strat, and yeah, that's pretty slick. :p
@@LordYggdrasill Paraselene Blur is the offense skill given by the final Tsukuyomi Essence, which is unlocked right after entering the path to the Empyrean.
@@JR384 I looked it up earlier, and it looks like you get it from the researcher in the Tokyo Diet Building, right? So she gives you the essence after entering the Empyreal? Up until now, I thought there was only 1 Tsukuyomi essence.
@@LordYggdrasill Yeah there's a total of 3. The Base essence is unlocked immediately after joining with him, the Median is unlocked after first entering the Temple of Eternity - and it gives Intercalation (+1 half press turn if you dodge), Lunation Flux (Slight MP Recovery, doesn't consume a press turn), and Lunar Hurricane (Agility- difference-based weak Physical Force damage to 1 foe) as Nahobino-exclusive skills. The Ultimus Essence can be gotten after entering the Empyrean; and gives Luminescent Mirage (guarantees 1 evasion on self during the next turn, pairs very nicely with Intercalation), and Paraselene Blur (4 Physical Light attacks, can only be used after dodging at least one attack during the previous turn) And yes, they're all obtained by talking to the same scientist in the Tokyo Diet Building.
Yeah Paraselene blur is arguably the strongest singular attack in the entire game, 4 strength based light attacks that can each crit, combine that with omnipotent succession + extra press turns from demons like baal, mastema, yoshitsune and Omagatoki: Charge against enemies that don't resist light Or do the same thing but Impalers Glory instead of Omnipotent succession when you have enemies who resist or null light, you can pretty much 1 turn every boss in the game even on godborn, besides level 999 virtual battle bosses
Demifiend is really hard, I only beat him once in NG+ 1 after grinding like 10 level 99 demons with stats boosts + 20 because I've got them by fusing lvl 99 demons. Even like that took my 10 attempts
@@dylendye7410 oh yeah my strat completely revolved around killing the demons. i magicmaxxed my nahobino with ice, fire, and dark magic. used all my magic incense for snake nuwa with safeguard and sacrifice of clay for debuffs and also to kill wind weak demons, and that pretty much covered all the demons. the rest of the team was just support and odin dedicated to damaging the demi-fiend with gugnir. i had perfect rhythm until it came to tanking chaotic will because if I had 2 or more demons die, it would take me like 2 turns to halfway get back to order, which gave me just 1 turn to actually kill demons. once I stacked both mask skills I never had a (consequential) chaotic will death.
@@_GLXC nuwa snake and Baal carried the fight, my Nahobino had a strenght Murakumo build and was the main dealer to demifiend, I had to fuse Zeus kill Cu Cuulain coz I didn't have Safeguard
@@dylendye7410 yeah because I had safeguard on nuwa and no electric skills, cu chulainn was just chilling there taking 0 damage and throwing out the occasional debilitate
*sigh* I just found myself in a pickle and it’s all due to my ego I censerelly want to be him in normal difficulty but I can’t and I can’t finish the story either due to tehom. I really don’t want to put safety difficulty on but I think I’ll need to enable it at least for demi-fiend
I did it on hard on my first playthrough. It requires some cheese. I had black rider seal him at half health so he didn't full heal. I mainly focused on killing his demons. debuffing with yoko and mostly letting hit all moves deal with demi fiend while my mc dealt crits with murakumo against his demons. The only problem was chaotic will.
@tbone2049 This might be story spoliers if you haven't gotten this far, but you get it from a "Tsukuyomi Essense." Once you unlock the "new costume," in the Canon of Vengeance, you'll get the Essence. From there, transfer the moves in the World of Shadows. You can also buy the essence from Gustave, too. The elemental buffs you get from his essence are probably the best you can get by that point in the game, so I bought an extra essence from him so I can have get both the moves and the stats. I forgot how much it was exactly, but it's pretty expensive, lol... 50k macca?
@@LordYggdrasill ah ok and not spoilers imo I started cannon of creation first since I didn’t play it when it came out so guess I’ll get it in new game plus,also how many new games can you do on one save.
@tbone2049 You can overwrite the same save file as many times as you want, so you can NG++++++ on the same file, lol. I made separate files for each run, just to have them, but technically all the older ones are obsolete, since I always choose to carry all my stuff over.
@tbone2049 It'll take like 6 or 7 separate playthroughs if you're going for the Platinum/100% Achievements. I'm a bit of a trophy hunter myself, and I got the Plat on this game, too. You can't simply save scum to get all the achievements either, thanks to _"Purger of Memories"_ and _"He Who Revels in Carnage."_ These require you to complete all of the Virtual Trainer Battles. The problem with this is that each separate ending unlocks a new virtual trainer battle, and in order to access them, you'll need to continue on a NG+ using the previous save data. That's why I said "NG++++++" earlier, lol. But you'll be surprised how fast you can absolutely _blast_ through NG+ runs if you don't do any side stuff; it's really not as ridiculous of a grind as it sounds at first-especially if you play on Safety difficulty.
I see why Aogami would prefer to call your particular Nahobino ‘young man’ instead of his actual name, lmao
i actually beat him on my first playthrough because I reused the old strat I used on the original smt5 but this time with sakuya, except they nerfed accursed poison so I couldn't skip the mediarahan, ended up spending all of my MP items and had to scrounge up MP over multiple press turns by using chakra drops. kodama wasn't kidding those things come in clutch.
that was probably one of the more honest strats. the stuff people be doing with stacking magatsuhi effects is insane
Daaaaaaaaamn they really nerfed Accursed Seal? Sob I'm about to fight him on hard here soon 😭
Yeah I did it on hard no NG+, I was malding after my 20th attempt because demi-f*ck would screw up my Impaler Animus + Omagatoki Charge with all buffs/debuffs and Parasele Blur
I felt so good at the 34th attempt when he didn't nuked my whole party and I got off 7 HARD parasele blurs on his ass
I was straight up dancing after the one shot
Not gonna lie, this made me laugh WAY more than it should have lol. You proved without a doubt that you were most definitely tired of Demi Fiend.
I do not blame you at all! Heck, I plan on paying him a visit after my Godborn run in a NONE Godborn run. 😈
How fo u plan to beat satan tho when demifiends bs is already enough for u
@@kiritsu551I already beat Demi Fiend in the original game on casual then later on normal. I beat Satan on Casual on Vengeance (was still tough), and I have already beat Demi fiend on my first normal Godborn mode run. I also want to add I beat Masakado (which was my very first time facing him and was a frigging monster) on this same run as well and I just outright bodied Shiva. Now, I just feel like going back to curb stomp Demi Fiend just for all the stress I endured in the last game. =P
Hard to beat that demi-fiend goon without some kind of strat. At first I was bummed I couldn't just power through the fight on hard mode the way I'd done the rest of my playthrough, but eventually doing some research and blasting that mofo on turn two still felt fucking great.
I will never install safety difficulty.
Demi fiend ain’t too bad tbh, just have a good number of demons with repel phys to trick his AI, and you can even skip his mediarahan with an ailment, aside from that, you can also do the classic paraselene blur with Impaler glory to utterly decimate him, even on goborn hard mode
@Venombot21 Wow, lol, I didn't even know what Paraselene Blur was. I guess it's a Tsukuyomi skill that I completely ignored, but I just watched a vid on that strat, and yeah, that's pretty slick. :p
@@LordYggdrasill Paraselene Blur is the offense skill given by the final Tsukuyomi Essence, which is unlocked right after entering the path to the Empyrean.
@@JR384 I looked it up earlier, and it looks like you get it from the researcher in the Tokyo Diet Building, right? So she gives you the essence after entering the Empyreal? Up until now, I thought there was only 1 Tsukuyomi essence.
@@LordYggdrasill Yeah there's a total of 3.
The Base essence is unlocked immediately after joining with him, the Median is unlocked after first entering the Temple of Eternity - and it gives Intercalation (+1 half press turn if you dodge), Lunation Flux (Slight MP Recovery, doesn't consume a press turn), and Lunar Hurricane (Agility- difference-based weak Physical Force damage to 1 foe) as Nahobino-exclusive skills.
The Ultimus Essence can be gotten after entering the Empyrean; and gives Luminescent Mirage (guarantees 1 evasion on self during the next turn, pairs very nicely with Intercalation), and Paraselene Blur (4 Physical Light attacks, can only be used after dodging at least one attack during the previous turn)
And yes, they're all obtained by talking to the same scientist in the Tokyo Diet Building.
Yeah Paraselene blur is arguably the strongest singular attack in the entire game, 4 strength based light attacks that can each crit, combine that with omnipotent succession + extra press turns from demons like baal, mastema, yoshitsune and Omagatoki: Charge against enemies that don't resist light
Or do the same thing but Impalers Glory instead of Omnipotent succession when you have enemies who resist or null light, you can pretty much 1 turn every boss in the game even on godborn, besides level 999 virtual battle bosses
Demifiend is really hard, I only beat him once in NG+ 1 after grinding like 10 level 99 demons with stats boosts + 20 because I've got them by fusing lvl 99 demons. Even like that took my 10 attempts
i beat him on like my 3rd attempt after realizing abyssal mask is not enough you need hellish mask to guarantee you dont get instakilled.
@@_GLXC My problem was the turn reduction after it, I had projblems killing tje demons before Gaea Rage, I had a nice rng with CW
@@dylendye7410 oh yeah my strat completely revolved around killing the demons. i magicmaxxed my nahobino with ice, fire, and dark magic. used all my magic incense for snake nuwa with safeguard and sacrifice of clay for debuffs and also to kill wind weak demons, and that pretty much covered all the demons. the rest of the team was just support and odin dedicated to damaging the demi-fiend with gugnir.
i had perfect rhythm until it came to tanking chaotic will because if I had 2 or more demons die, it would take me like 2 turns to halfway get back to order, which gave me just 1 turn to actually kill demons. once I stacked both mask skills I never had a (consequential) chaotic will death.
@@_GLXC nuwa snake and Baal carried the fight, my Nahobino had a strenght Murakumo build and was the main dealer to demifiend, I had to fuse Zeus kill Cu Cuulain coz I didn't have Safeguard
@@dylendye7410 yeah because I had safeguard on nuwa and no electric skills, cu chulainn was just chilling there taking 0 damage and throwing out the occasional debilitate
Hey, you don’t have to call me out like that, alright?
*sigh* I just found myself in a pickle and it’s all due to my ego I censerelly want to be him in normal difficulty but I can’t and I can’t finish the story either due to tehom.
I really don’t want to put safety difficulty on but I think I’ll need to enable it at least for demi-fiend
I did it on hard on my first playthrough. It requires some cheese. I had black rider seal him at half health so he didn't full heal. I mainly focused on killing his demons. debuffing with yoko and mostly letting hit all moves deal with demi fiend while my mc dealt crits with murakumo against his demons. The only problem was chaotic will.
Where do you get omnipotent succession
@tbone2049 This might be story spoliers if you haven't gotten this far, but you get it from a "Tsukuyomi Essense." Once you unlock the "new costume," in the Canon of Vengeance, you'll get the Essence. From there, transfer the moves in the World of Shadows. You can also buy the essence from Gustave, too. The elemental buffs you get from his essence are probably the best you can get by that point in the game, so I bought an extra essence from him so I can have get both the moves and the stats. I forgot how much it was exactly, but it's pretty expensive, lol... 50k macca?
@@LordYggdrasill ah ok and not spoilers imo I started cannon of creation first since I didn’t play it when it came out so guess I’ll get it in new game plus,also how many new games can you do on one save.
@tbone2049 You can overwrite the same save file as many times as you want, so you can NG++++++ on the same file, lol. I made separate files for each run, just to have them, but technically all the older ones are obsolete, since I always choose to carry all my stuff over.
@@LordYggdrasill oh dang then maybe I can get all achievements then in one playthrough
@tbone2049 It'll take like 6 or 7 separate playthroughs if you're going for the Platinum/100% Achievements. I'm a bit of a trophy hunter myself, and I got the Plat on this game, too. You can't simply save scum to get all the achievements either, thanks to _"Purger of Memories"_ and _"He Who Revels in Carnage."_ These require you to complete all of the Virtual Trainer Battles. The problem with this is that each separate ending unlocks a new virtual trainer battle, and in order to access them, you'll need to continue on a NG+ using the previous save data. That's why I said "NG++++++" earlier, lol. But you'll be surprised how fast you can absolutely _blast_ through NG+ runs if you don't do any side stuff; it's really not as ridiculous of a grind as it sounds at first-especially if you play on Safety difficulty.
Bruh, what???😮