I bought it from a local salon, and I just saw it by chance when I walked in. Unfortunately I couldn't find any directory on the Kevin Murphy website for where products are sold, but they do have a salon finder that might help.
I have heard that using leave-in conditioner before you apply it makes it stick better and blow drying it after lightly will get the flakey bits out :)
@sexythinglea I only got a chance to try it on quickly in store. From what I could tell it was about the same consistency, but it's a lot brighter and more obvious than the orange!
have you heard of the hair chalking trend? I do not have any access to kevin murphy products in my country so I was just curious if this product is the same as using regular coloured chalk on hair. Please do let me know if this colour bug product runs out quickly as well. Your review was so helpful by the way :)
@Emmasandlers777 Thank you! :) And sorry--I should have mentioned that! I think I paid around $16 for the product, and that is for a single colour. The colours are sold separately, so you would have to buy each individually. Let me know if you have any more questions about it!
you're supposed to use product before & after you put it on, that's why it's not sticking to your hair, and you have dark hair so it'll take more product to apply. Kevin Murphy does a video on how to apply it on his website.
just spray hair spray or some kind of conditioner onto your hair before you apply it, it'll make the colors brighter and the powder will have something other than your hair to stick to.
You're supposed to put a product like a spray or paste in your hair BEFORE applying the color bug. The color will stick to the product and not fall out as fast! :)
Most likely, yes. I've tried this product with tons of hairspray both before and after applying, and it still sheds like crazy, so I definitely wouldn't suggest wearing it to bed...!
Brush ur hair, put the top part of ur hair in a clip as if u were curling it, then put hairspray or whatever product, apply the color bug, apply more hairspray, then leave to dry, then ur done! Hope i helped :)
I bought it from a local salon, and I just saw it by chance when I walked in. Unfortunately I couldn't find any directory on the Kevin Murphy website for where products are sold, but they do have a salon finder that might help.
@VanillaREM it's good to spray after you apply too and it doesn't come off until you shampoo !!
I have heard that using leave-in conditioner before you apply it makes it stick better and blow drying it after lightly will get the flakey bits out :)
@MsDragunlady Thanks for the tip! As I mentioned, I'd heard of it before, but just never tried it myself. Now, I definitely will!
if you apply hairspray or any other product before to dampen the hair it will stick better and also not flake off
@sexythinglea I only got a chance to try it on quickly in store. From what I could tell it was about the same consistency, but it's a lot brighter and more obvious than the orange!
have you heard of the hair chalking trend? I do not have any access to kevin murphy products in my country so I was just curious if this product is the same as using regular coloured chalk on hair. Please do let me know if this colour bug product runs out quickly as well. Your review was so helpful by the way :)
@Emmasandlers777 Thank you! :) And sorry--I should have mentioned that! I think I paid around $16 for the product, and that is for a single colour. The colours are sold separately, so you would have to buy each individually. Let me know if you have any more questions about it!
You are meant to apply the color bug over product, so that the color sticks to the product and sets. It will be brighter and won't flake off.
you're supposed to use product before & after you put it on, that's why it's not sticking to your hair, and you have dark hair so it'll take more product to apply. Kevin Murphy does a video on how to apply it on his website.
From the video I watched, this was the correct way to apply it.
just spray hair spray or some kind of conditioner onto your hair before you apply it, it'll make the colors brighter and the powder will have something other than your hair to stick to.
You're supposed to put a product like a spray or paste in your hair BEFORE applying the color bug. The color will stick to the product and not fall out as fast! :)
Where is it in Spain?
@VanillaREM Where did you get this?
question : do you have to straighten your hare BEFORE you put the product on OR AFTER you put the product on ? And for how long does it last?
Put hairspray on after you put on the product to reduce the flaking.
Most likely, yes. I've tried this product with tons of hairspray both before and after applying, and it still sheds like crazy, so I definitely wouldn't suggest wearing it to bed...!
No Blue?
Brush ur hair, put the top part of ur hair in a clip as if u were curling it, then put hairspray or whatever product, apply the color bug, apply more hairspray, then leave to dry, then ur done! Hope i helped :)
good question
Sorry for the late reply, you can use them repeatedly!
Where did you get this?
how much did it cost?
Did u use hairspray after u applied the chalk?
so if u go to sleep overnight with this product on, will it get like all over ur pillow?
Question, does you hair feels like dry and stiff after you applied that? :)
@citrine376 Good advice, thanks!
I bought it from a local salon.
Can u get me one plz
@jigaram2204 Thanks for the tip!
Your supposed to use hairspray after...
$20 for a thin piece of hard-to-apply chalk? :P if u get soft pastels for around $5 they work better and it's much easier to use. Just look it up
loook at his toturial. you need products in your hair so it dosn't get on youar clothes that mch:)
oh nevermind
buy cheap artist's chalks if you don't have an intention to put your money into hair salon products.