Нужно ли Идти на Гей-"Свадьбу", Чтобы не Потерять Друзей?- Водди Бокам

  • Опубліковано 13 вер 2024
  • Можно ли пойти и поддержать друзей на гей-"свадьбу"? Пойти туда будет ли актом любви к Богу? Не пойти туда будет ли актом законничества? Готов ли ты стать законником в чужих глазах со своими "излишне строгими" позициями? Готов ли ты к потере друзей и даже семьи ради Христа? Вполне возможно, что такой выбор будет и в твоей жизни, и ты должен быть готов его сделать. Может это будет не гей-"свадьба", а что-то другое, но Христос призывает быть готовым отрешиться от всего ради того, чтобы следовать за Ним и быть с Ним, а не с неверными Ему.
    Иисус сказал в ответ: истинно говорю вам: нет никого, кто оставил бы дом, или братьев, или сестер, или отца, или мать, или жену, или детей, или земли, ради Меня и Евангелия, и не получил бы ныне, во время сие, среди гонений, во сто крат более домов, и братьев и сестер, и отцов, и матерей, и детей, и земель, а в веке грядущем жизни вечной. (Матфея 10:29-30)
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  • @borisbro5383
    @borisbro5383 2 місяці тому +2

    Да, сегодня это вызов

  • @user-nx7lw2cb1u
    @user-nx7lw2cb1u 2 місяці тому +2


  • @wserthmar8908
    @wserthmar8908 2 місяці тому

    Pay attention to Paul. There are issues with him. I've been non-Pauline. Jesus Words Only is a good source

    • @fedormilovanov
      @fedormilovanov  2 місяці тому +3

      So Jesus makes it clear to us in Acts that we need to listen to Paul, for He converted Paul and made him His servant. All of Paul's letters are breathed out of God's mouth, they are the teachings of Jesus Christ. Paul is a servant of Jesus Christ. He is an apostle of Jesus Christ:
      "As he was traveling, it happened that he was approaching Damascus, and suddenly a light from heaven flashed around him; and he fell to the ground and heard a voice saying to him, "Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting Me?" And he said, "Who are You, Lord?" And He said, "I am Jesus whom you are persecuting," (Acts 9:3-5);
      "Paul, an apostle (not sent from men nor through the agency of man, but through Jesus Christ and God the Father, who raised Him from the dead)," (Gal 1:1).
      The apostle Peter recognizes his authority (2 Peter 3:15).

    • @wserthmar8908
      @wserthmar8908 2 місяці тому

      @@fedormilovanov , Luke thankfully recorded Paul's 3 different Damascus road testimonies. He doesn’t even mention Ananias - who was supposed to have healed his eyes - in the third testimony, which is far longer than the previous two.
      The word translated as "hard to understand", in Greek, is "dysnoetas." Which means "nonsensical," not just "hard to understand."
      Calvin correctly believed Second Peter was anti-Pauline, but to his understanding, that was a reason to exclude 2nd Peter from the canon.
      In Revelation 2:2, false apostles are mentioned. Ephesus is praised for the discernment. Paul complained the Asian churches left him. Ephesus was in Asia.

    • @fedormilovanov
      @fedormilovanov  2 місяці тому +1

      @@wserthmar8908 Where did you find the 3 testimonies of Luke of Paul's conversion? Luke's testimony in Acts is not authoritative to you?

    • @fedormilovanov
      @fedormilovanov  2 місяці тому +1

      Peter says, "according to the wisdom given him," which means that Paul wrote wise things. They were just really hard to understand. And some people, because of their "untaught and unstable" minds, distorted what he had written, Peter goes on to say clearly: "which the untaught and unstable distort, as they do also the rest of the Scriptures, to their own destruction". Your position does not stand up to any criticism and is not in line with what Peter clear wrote.

    • @wserthmar8908
      @wserthmar8908 2 місяці тому

      @@fedormilovanov On three testimonies:
      Acts 9:4-6
      Acts 22:6-10
      Acts 26:13-18
      Other stuff:
      My stance isn't inadequate. Calvin himself, a major Reformer, believed Second Peter to be anti-Pauline. Why am I not allowed to agree with him here?
      You might see Second Peter in this light. But there's another interpretation, it was a faint praise: not apostle, but a brother; not by divine inspiration, but by wisdom. Inspiration contrasted with wisdom, which can be flawed, or at least, not inerrant.
      Finally, "dysnoetas" doesn't mean merely "hard to understand." It's far closer to "nonsensical."
      The Greek word dysnoetas was used to mean "nonsense" by another Christian early writer - Lucian - referring to a false prophet. Lucian said this false prophet replied to Lucian's inquiries with multiple responses which Lucian said were "silly and nonsensical" - dysnoetas - every one." See Lucian's work Alexander the False Prophet, para. 54.
      It's fair that countless pastors are trying to outsmart each other in trying to understand Paul's wording. The truth is likely trivial: his writings were indeed often too confusing to understand.