We Need To Talk About 101 Dalmatians: The Series More

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @EmployeeAMillion
    @EmployeeAMillion  10 місяців тому +11

    Just wanna clarify something about the best list.
    Gap to hide spoilers.
    At 15:00 I say a higher ratio of my favourite episodes come from Season 1. That may not sound right, since there are 4 episodes from Season 1 and 6 episodes from Season 2 on the best list. But when you factor in that Season 1 is less than a quarter of the length of Season 2, that’s a much stronger ratio of that season’s contents on there.
    Plus, sometimes the best and worst episodes lists may not be entirely reflective of which seasons I prefer. (Tiny Toons was a pretty blatant example.) And besides, both seasons of 101 Dalmatians: The Series were produced and aired at the same time, which is why I didn’t bother to name a favourite season anyhow.

    • @mackenzieasbury9216
      @mackenzieasbury9216 9 місяців тому +1

      I find it interesting that Roger enters into the upstairs bathroom tossing off his blue bathrobe.
      Then Roger was naked to take his shower. He closed his eyes as he was singing and enjoying his nice shower.

    • @mackenzieasbury9216
      @mackenzieasbury9216 9 місяців тому +1

      I wish in the elephant episode He Followed Me Home that Cruella would have commented on his belly button. I know she saw Roger's belly button and his pecs as his bare chest was visible. Cruella barges into the upstairs bathroom seeing Roger in the shower. He opens his eyes and sees Cruella in the bathroom becoming embarrassed.

    • @mackenzieasbury9216
      @mackenzieasbury9216 9 місяців тому +1

      Even when Roger turns entirely to his front when he's naked to grab the shower curtain to conceal himself, he was at that moment still exposed to Cruella. The noise she made altered Roger to open his eyes seeing her in the bathroom. I bet you his heart was pounding when he noticed that Cruella barged into the bathroom seeing him naked in the shower.

    • @mackenzieasbury9216
      @mackenzieasbury9216 9 місяців тому +1

      She immediately says "But there was an elephant. In your shower." This tells me she wanted to move on and try to forget seeing his junk. I assume the reason she looked up afterwards was she didn't want to look at his groin area anymore. She likely didn't see his discarded blue bathrobe on the floor.

    • @mackenzieasbury9216
      @mackenzieasbury9216 9 місяців тому +1

      Cruella should have commented on Roger's belly button. I know she saw it and his pecs. Roger wrapped a blue towel around his waist.

  • @markbaldwin9701
    @markbaldwin9701 8 місяців тому +5

    This was one of my favorites as a toddler! It had popped back into my head when I was 27 years old and I bought the episodes from Amazon Video as a result. I felt such nostalgia watching it online again. Cadpig and Spot are my favorite characters.

  • @termitesc.aardwolf3644
    @termitesc.aardwolf3644 10 місяців тому +24

    It's a shame both this and 101 Dalmatian Street are so underrated and overlooked. This was my fave Disney cartoon series as a kid alongside Chip & Dale Rescue Rangers and Timon & Pumbaa.

    • @twotonedearly
      @twotonedearly 6 місяців тому +3

      yeah and sadder still, they focus more on Cruella than on the dalmatians themselves

    • @mackenzieasbury9216
      @mackenzieasbury9216 5 місяців тому +1

      ​@@twotonedearly 24:41 Clip of Jimbo the elephant.

    • @mackenzieasbury9216
      @mackenzieasbury9216 5 місяців тому +2

      ​@@twotonedearly You make a striking good point.

    • @baffledbrandon3132
      @baffledbrandon3132 4 місяці тому +2

      Same, mate.

  • @SparklingWithNiGHTS-yv5fe
    @SparklingWithNiGHTS-yv5fe 10 місяців тому +23

    This is one of those television shows that I watched a lot when I was a kid, but that strangely left my brain completely years later.{except the scenes involving Rolly being bullied for being fat.}
    And when I see something related to this franchise nowadays,the (some)thing out of nowhere quickly overloads my brain with beautiful memories of the show.(kind of like the scene with Ego eating Ratatouille from the pixar film of the same name.)

  • @itsjayden8002
    @itsjayden8002 10 місяців тому +9

    19:01 The fact that I instantly recognized Bruce & Reed Shelly from writing on the ‘87 TMNT show reminded me of how strange a person I am.

    • @mitchfletcher2386
      @mitchfletcher2386 10 місяців тому +5

      They also wrote for the Mario and Sonic cartoons.

  • @nicholassims9837
    @nicholassims9837 9 місяців тому +12

    Funny how this series toned Cruella down a lot while Dalmation Street cranked up her villainy

    • @UPRailRoad-xg8cb
      @UPRailRoad-xg8cb 8 місяців тому +4

      Personally, I like both versions but I would say the one from Dalmatian Street is the better one.

    • @JaviSocas2My2ndChannel
      @JaviSocas2My2ndChannel 6 місяців тому

      What about the live-action Cruella movie?

    • @twotonedearly
      @twotonedearly 6 місяців тому +3

      @@UPRailRoad-xg8cb Dalmatian Street Cruella definitely was more insane than series Cruella that's for sure, R.I.P. Princess Positron

  • @Cadpig101
    @Cadpig101 9 місяців тому +6

    101 Dalmatians: The Series has been a big part of my life ever since I was a kid, (as evidenced by my name lol) it’s one of the few shows I love rewatching every now and then because, for the most part, it puts me in a good mood afterwards. Like you said, it’s wholesome and bizarre fun.
    It was nice to at last watch a constructive review of the show on UA-cam. This, and another Disney show I adore that is criminally underrated, The 7D, barely gets any love and attention from anyone within the animation community, or are not aware of its existence. And yet, to me, they are some the most wholesome shows to come from Disney.
    Well done with this video! And I hope one day, you’re able to cover The 7D too.

  • @mackenzieasbury9216
    @mackenzieasbury9216 9 місяців тому +3

    I remember this cartoon all too well. I've loved watching 101 Dalmatians: The Series when I was little.

  • @PipeGuy64Bit
    @PipeGuy64Bit 10 місяців тому +10

    Somehow despite growing up through the 2000's, I have no memory of reruns of this cartoon.

  • @Pepe_Le_Pew-qv4pn
    @Pepe_Le_Pew-qv4pn 10 місяців тому +10

    Prety cute and fun show.

  • @AlkisenSuper
    @AlkisenSuper 10 місяців тому +38

    101 Dalmatians II doesn't get talked about a lot either. It seems to be one of the most forgotten direct-to-video Disney sequels.

    • @Pepe_Le_Pew-qv4pn
      @Pepe_Le_Pew-qv4pn 10 місяців тому +17

      and probably one of the better ones.

    • @twotonedearly
      @twotonedearly 5 місяців тому +2

      and ironically, 101 Dalmatian Street retconned 101 Dalmatians 2

    • @desenhosanimados2010
      @desenhosanimados2010 2 місяці тому

      ​@@twotonedearlywhich is bad

  • @JasLamArr91
    @JasLamArr91 10 місяців тому +6

    I loved the theme song for this show!

  • @melissacooper8724
    @melissacooper8724 8 місяців тому +2

    What I mainly remember about the show was that they toned Cruella down to where she no longer wants to kill the puppies. Instead, she mostly plots to steal the Dearly's farm. I find it understandable since they were doing a weekly TV series.

    • @mackenzieasbury9216
      @mackenzieasbury9216 8 місяців тому +1

      In the elephant episode called He Followed Me Home I found it funny seeing that when Roger was taking a shower in the upstairs bathroom... Cruella barges into the bathroom seeing Roger in the shower naked. When she saw him naked she saw the front of him. She definitely saw everything of Roger's in his front. She definitely saw Roger's penis.

    • @mackenzieasbury9216
      @mackenzieasbury9216 8 місяців тому +1

      In the episode He Followed Me Home Cruella saw Roger's crevices, his pubic area, his belly button, his pecs. Cruella should have talked about his belly button and commented on how nice it looked.

    • @twotonedearly
      @twotonedearly 6 місяців тому +1

      @@mackenzieasbury9216 ah yes, when the pups stashed Jimbo the Elephant in the shower just as Roger got in and before Cruella barged in on him, pretty hillarious scene

    • @mackenzieasbury9216
      @mackenzieasbury9216 5 місяців тому

      ​@@twotonedearly Thank you very much for replying to me nicely. And agreeing with me it was funny seeing Cruella barge in on him. She accidentally saw Roger naked.

    • @mackenzieasbury9216
      @mackenzieasbury9216 5 місяців тому

      ​​@@twotonedearly Do you think Cruella saw Roger's penis? I know she saw his nude front. I remember the four main characters stashing Jimbo. You're right about this scene being hilarious.

  • @UPRailRoad-xg8cb
    @UPRailRoad-xg8cb 8 місяців тому +4

    I like both shows but I personally think Dalmatian Street was better because it seemed to be a bit more grounded, better utilized a large cast of Dalmatians, but most importantly, it made better use of Cruella De Vil's character. It feels like a natural continuation of who Cruella De Vil is. A fur crazed psycho who will stop at nothing to get what she wants. Even if that means tracking down the decedents of the original 101 to get her coat 60 years later.

  • @machadragonii145
    @machadragonii145 10 місяців тому +6

    Looking back on the show, Tara's strong performance as spot makes think of Kazooie, and if she ever ended up playing her, I wonder if she would use the same voice

    • @twotonedearly
      @twotonedearly 6 місяців тому +1

      yup and she would use that voice later on as Truffles from Chowder, Toot Braunstein from Drawn Together, and Penny the Chicken from Dark Deception.
      Tara also voiced Two-Tone as well. I know she's used that voice for a couple of characters as well including Pinky from Pac-man and the Ghostly Adventures, Princess Clara from Drawn Together, and a few more I can't remember.

  • @icecreamsfluffychannel
    @icecreamsfluffychannel 10 місяців тому +5

    You should have mentioned the unaired pilot. It's lost media that was very sought after.

  • @Lucios1995
    @Lucios1995 10 місяців тому +4

    13:38 Makes me think it's the same style as that animated Mr. Bean show. I think you showed animated Mr. Bean for a frame in this video?
    What's up with 18:19 ? What did John Travolta do?

  • @silveryote1
    @silveryote1 10 місяців тому +8

    Another weird spinoff series is what they did with All Dogs Go To Heaven. Still scratching my head over the choices the writers made since I was a kid.

    • @termitesc.aardwolf3644
      @termitesc.aardwolf3644 10 місяців тому +4

      I dunno, it had some pretty cool episodes that live in my head rent-free like that one where they go into a video game or the one where they wander into an enchanted medieval town.

  • @kevin10001
    @kevin10001 10 місяців тому +4

    I watched it when it originally aired and it’s the first program in my one Saturday morning lineup I tried to recreate as best as I could with me being on episode 57

  • @avaranabraham8507
    @avaranabraham8507 10 місяців тому +11

    Fun fact the voice of tripod is voice of Arnold from hey Arnold

    • @mackenzieasbury9216
      @mackenzieasbury9216 8 місяців тому +2

      That's correct. I knew I recognized his voice.

    • @baffledbrandon3132
      @baffledbrandon3132 4 місяці тому +2

      He also voiced King Bob in Recess.

    • @mackenzieasbury9216
      @mackenzieasbury9216 4 місяці тому +2

      ​@@baffledbrandon3132 You're absolutely right kind sir. For King Bob he used his Wolfgang voice. Wolfgang was quite a bully in Hey Arnold!

  • @pizzarolly
    @pizzarolly 10 місяців тому +3

    Childhood Classic

  • @bullmonty764
    @bullmonty764 10 місяців тому +7

    Personally I like Spot. She’s a cute little chicken

  • @CaptainBZarre
    @CaptainBZarre 10 місяців тому +3

    This was my first ever time learning about the sequel to the original 101 Dalmatians novel and now I really want to read it! Sounds like such a weird story but also one that invites a lot of creativity in its premise alone. The more surreal elements of the series could be coincidental, but I really like your theory that it was meant to be a nod to the sequel considering the series already adapts a mix of elements from different Dalmatian incarnations.

  • @montanajackson3713
    @montanajackson3713 9 місяців тому +3

    Yeah, why exactly does this incarnation of cruella want to buy the farm anyway? She never fully explained why. Is it to humiliate the dearlies like you said? Does she want to convert the spot of land into a mini mall or boutique? The writers really should’ve given more context and reason to her farm-buying plan.
    Also, I really wish we’d gotten a second season to Dalmatian street.

  • @reptaronice96
    @reptaronice96 10 місяців тому +4

    Great video! I've been a fan of the series since childhood. I think what makes it work the most is that it's a movie spinoff, but it has its own identity at the same time. It's a sequel to two different versions of the story, but it's also kind of its own thing, which I like.
    I do really wish they gave more focus the other Dalmatian characters- from what I've heard, executive meddling came into play here. Patch was going to be more prominent and Penny (from the animated movie) was going to be in the show as well, but the Disney higherups thought kids would get too confused between so many puppies (yes, really). The move to the US from England was odd but considering they did it in The New Adventures of Winnie the Pooh as well, not too surprising. Both were on ABC so I wonder if that was some rule they had. Kinda disappointing how Cruella was toned down so much into a corporate criminal, but going back to the show as an adult, some of those corporate criminal moments make her STILL just as evil when you think about it (and it's not canon, but I've always had a theory that she's not going after the puppies for fur anymore MAINLY because her kidnapping them was still fresh in everyone's mind so she's moving away from fur for PR reasons).

    • @twotonedearly
      @twotonedearly 6 місяців тому +1

      I do agree with this, I would have liked to see Two-Tone get some more development too. As well as Patch, Dipstick, and Wizzer too.
      They did at least do this in 101 Dalmatian Street

  • @vacuumblink2300
    @vacuumblink2300 7 місяців тому +3

    "what are you waiting for... inflate me!" lmao

    • @SodaCider641
      @SodaCider641 Місяць тому

      101 Dalmatians: The Series Out of Context

  • @elysiabarr425
    @elysiabarr425 10 місяців тому +6

    The episode’Alive and chicken’ was banned for several years after 9/11

    • @SodaCider641
      @SodaCider641 Місяць тому

      Why? What’s wrong with that episode?

    • @elysiabarr425
      @elysiabarr425 Місяць тому +1

      @ there was a scene where the chicken character( in forgot her name) flies around a shilo or something almost hitting it. The episode is on Disney plus though now

  • @Illumisepoolist
    @Illumisepoolist 10 місяців тому +4

    Yeah saw the first episode in the airplane. I saw a few episodes on regular televison too.

  • @dylangeltzeiler946
    @dylangeltzeiler946 10 місяців тому +2

    Oh yes, the Disney show that came September 1997 just before or after my 5th Birthday. Not to mention made by the same creators who brought us Disney’s Brand Spanking New Doug a year earlier. Then later PB&J Otter several months after this. Believe me, I was there back in the day of the 1990S.

  • @mathieuleader8601
    @mathieuleader8601 10 місяців тому +3

    the brigadoon episode is very uncanny

  • @quickgrawmcdraw2893
    @quickgrawmcdraw2893 10 місяців тому +2

    Spot was my favorite character in this show, and I never even realized she was a girl when I was watching this as a kid 😅

  • @mikistrawberri
    @mikistrawberri 22 дні тому

    I remember first watching it when it came on. I was 8 /almost 9 years old at the time. Cadpig is still my favorite to this day in my mid 30s.

  • @OfficialRaveBlitz
    @OfficialRaveBlitz 3 місяці тому

    This show was pretty great! Love how it combined the elements from the 1961 Animated film, the 1996 Live-action remake and the book.

  • @Flower_Mom
    @Flower_Mom 10 місяців тому +3

    I don't know if you take requests/suggestions for future videos, but I'd love one about The 7D. No one ever talks about that show.

  • @baffledbrandon3132
    @baffledbrandon3132 4 місяці тому

    God, I LOVED this show as a kid!

  • @SodaCider641
    @SodaCider641 Місяць тому

    10:27 101 Dalmatians: The Series Out of Context

  • @mackenzieasbury9216
    @mackenzieasbury9216 9 місяців тому +4

    I still love watching reruns of this cartoon on Disney+

  • @twotonedearly
    @twotonedearly 6 місяців тому +1

    this series was great in my opinion, sad it never got more merchandise outside of some coloring books and some storybooks (The Big Dig and Cruella Returns) and the McDonalds Happy Meal toys (the flipcars which I had 3 of them, namely the ones with Cadpig, Two-Tone, and Rolly). Then again, they still had a lot of merchandise left over from the live action movie available at the time too and Disney figured not to flood the market with two 101 Dalmatians franchises at the same time (would kill to get a 101 Dalmatians the series Two-Tone plush, or Lucky for that matter)
    Now there was something else to point out, and that would be Lucky having a love interest and as the video pointed out on Dumpling (and let's be honest, it would never work between them besides the obvious fact Rolly had a crush on Dumpling), Lucky was doing his darndest to get out of his "debt" after he accidentally saved Dumpling's life in "The Life you Save" she even stole Two-Tone's fantasy from "Love em and Flea em" too (I'll go into more detail on that episode later), safe to say that couple would never happen, that and Lucky did get his debt erased, freeing him from Dumpling.
    the next would be Rebecca, the 16th century dalmatian pup seen in DeVilville in the episode "Devillage Elder", as the episode explained the Curse of DeVilville, Hester Hen had casted the curse on the village to make the citizens eternally happy being in the village, save for Judge Dimsdale de Vil who was miserable. and in the episode we do see Roger, Anita, Lucky, Rolly, and Cadpig become influenced by the curse and making them love being in the village (Lucky found himself in the curse's effect befriending Rebecca), Spot who was immune to the curse broke it on Lucky, then did the same for Cadpig, Rolly, Roger, Anita, and Rebecca too, this also had the effect of changing the color of Rebecca's eyes from a shade of pink to blue, her natual eye color. Though when the dalmatians escaped the village, Lucky invited Rebecca to come with them but she refused stating she needs to stay and keep her DeVil in check (Judge Dimsdale) while telling Lucky to go back to his world and keep his DeVil in check (Cruella), also the side effect of the curse would also make Lucky (as well as Roger, Anita, Rolly, Cadpig, and even Cruella) forget about the village and everything that happened in there. Also, the village would always appear once every century so it's obvious this couple couldn't happen either due to the DeVilville curse.
    the last one, and of course one I'll talk about is Two-Tone. I know people shame this couple due to the whole incest thing but you have to remember they are dogs, not humans. Anyhow the series bible even indicates Two-Tone having a crush on Lucky (she also has one on the farm's bully Mooch though he tends to ignore her, even though she's his advisor in the gang) the series bible also points out that Two-Tone even hangs out with Lucky and they tend to dig for bones together, the series episode "Love em and Flea em" does go a step further with Two-Tone in the limelight as she finds difficulty in finding an outfit to impress Mooch only for Mooch to reject her and ironically Lucky invites her to the Four Legged Fall Ball, also as mentioned above Two-Tone has a fantasy vision of Lucky as her knight in shining armor (which Dumpling later stole in "The life you save") when she accepts Lucky's invite to the Four Legged Fall Ball. In the end, despite Mooch's attempts to sabotage Lucky (including using Dipstick's fleas and dumping pink food coloring into Lucky's fleabath) backfire as Two-Tone chooses Lucky, complete with the heart shaped iris out and the two nosing as well.

    • @twotonedearly
      @twotonedearly 5 місяців тому

      @@mackenzieasbury9216 um, what does this have to do with my topic on Lucky having a love interest?

    • @mackenzieasbury9216
      @mackenzieasbury9216 5 місяців тому

      ​@@twotonedearly I'll stop bothering you. I just like reminiscing on the show. I can delete my comments and leave you in piece. I apologize.

    • @mackenzieasbury9216
      @mackenzieasbury9216 5 місяців тому

      ​​@@twotonedearly Only connection I see is the Lucky love interest episode Love Em Flea Em is the sister episode of aforementioned elephant episode. I hope we can be on good terms.

    • @mackenzieasbury9216
      @mackenzieasbury9216 5 місяців тому

      ​@@twotonedearly But could we still find a separate comment of yours for us to talk about that elephant episode? If you don't want to I understand. Or I could post one talking about it and you can nicely reply underneath it. You'd make my day. I respect you.

    • @twotonedearly
      @twotonedearly 5 місяців тому

      @@mackenzieasbury9216 no no, it's okay. was just wondering thats all, no need to delete your comments

  • @Xiaolin-Loonatic
    @Xiaolin-Loonatic 3 місяці тому

    Hard to believe Jim Jinkins developed this. TBH, the art style and character designs look like something you'd see from Tad Stones.

  • @jbleichman
    @jbleichman 25 днів тому

    10:37: and that’s how DeviantArt was made

  • @mackenzieasbury9216
    @mackenzieasbury9216 8 місяців тому +1

    16:02 Jimbo the elephant from the episode He Followed Me Home.

  • @mackenzieasbury9216
    @mackenzieasbury9216 8 місяців тому +1

    In the episode Two Faces of Anita I find it funny when Roger's pants dropped exposing his pink boxers. They were pink ones with red hearts and a magenta waistband. He used his suspenders as leashes for Lucky and Cadpig. His pants later dropped again when he was applauding Anita for winning her Designer of the Year award.

  • @mackenzieasbury9216
    @mackenzieasbury9216 5 місяців тому +1

    I grew up on this 101 Dalmatians series. I'm thankful to Jim Jinkins for having created this masterpiece of a cartoon. I especially like the episode with Jimbo the elephant called He Followed Me Home. And there's the hilarious clip where the puppies and Spot stash Jimbo in the shower behind the curtain as Roger comes in to take a shower. Then, Cruella barges into the upstairs bathroom seeing Roger naked. At least she peeped at him by accident. She saw his front when she saw him naked.

  • @mackenzieasbury9216
    @mackenzieasbury9216 9 місяців тому +1

    I loved the elephant episode called He Followed Me Home. Particularly when Roger gets in the shower to enjoy himself. Cruella didn't know about him getting in the shower and she barges into the upstairs bathroom seeing Roger in the shower and she saw the front of him. She was probably thinking "Aahh! Roger's naked!" She was trying to expose Jimbo the elephant. Afterwards as Cruella does her nervous smile and gritted teeth she was very much thinking "Ugh! I saw his tinkler." Roger was embarrassed at the sight of Cruella seeing him naked. He knew that she saw his nude front. She definitely saw everything up front.

  • @laurabentz7898
    @laurabentz7898 9 місяців тому +2


  • @remuslazar2033
    @remuslazar2033 7 місяців тому

    4:04 why does Lucky have Fremen blue eyes?

    • @0deadx21
      @0deadx21 4 місяці тому +1

      Other puppies have cyan scleras too.

  • @WildKat25
    @WildKat25 10 місяців тому +2

    The sad part is that Dalmatians make pretty crap family dogs, especially with young kids. I worked in a Vet Clinic for years and later have work for years as a foster, and Dalmatians are very much working dogs that have very little patience for kids. They tend to be very jealous and vicious against others that aren't their immediate owners. I almost had my face ripped off by a female when I was waiting for it to wake up from anesthesia after a dental cleaning. It faked being asleep as I removed the intubation tube and it lunged for me. Luckily, I was quick enough to slam her head down and hold her until a fellow work could help me muzzle it and put it in a kennel. Don't get me wrong, some Dalmatians can have a sweeter nature, but they tend to havs jealousy issue with young kids or against other animals in the home.

    • @twotonedearly
      @twotonedearly 5 місяців тому +1

      wow, this is one of the reasons why you need to train them when they are puppies still. And much like other dogs, they also need to be shown a lot of kindness and love when raising a dalmatian from a puppy to adult.

  • @nicholassims9837
    @nicholassims9837 9 місяців тому +2

    Will Phil and Lil have De vil last name

  • @mackenzieasbury9216
    @mackenzieasbury9216 9 місяців тому +1

    In the episode He Followed Me Home I found it funny seeing how Cruella barges into the upstairs bathroom seeing Roger in the shower naked. I could tell he was embarrassed. Since he grabs the shower curtain to conceal himself. He was likely thinking "Yikes! I'm naked in front of Cruella. I can't believe she saw everything of mine in front."
    Cruella looked shocked knowing she saw Roger's penis, his crevices, his pubic area. She was probably thinking "Aahh! Roger's naked!" Then after she does her nervous smile and gritted teeth she was likely thinking "Ugh! I saw his tinkler."

  • @theloudstarkirby4203
    @theloudstarkirby4203 10 місяців тому +3

    It’s like the loud house

  • @lukelichtenthal5407
    @lukelichtenthal5407 10 місяців тому +6

    In my opinion 101 Dalmatian Street is the better version. Shame it only got one season. Seriously Disney WTH?

    • @UPRailRoad-xg8cb
      @UPRailRoad-xg8cb 8 місяців тому +1

      Agreed. I like both shows but Dalmatian Street seems to do a better job at a lot of things like utilizing a large cast of Dalmatian's and being more true to Cruella's character.

    • @baffledbrandon3132
      @baffledbrandon3132 4 місяці тому

      Yeah, HATE how Disney screwed over that show.

  • @GameFactsSpecial
    @GameFactsSpecial 10 місяців тому +4

    I could not stand this show when I was young.

    • @baffledbrandon3132
      @baffledbrandon3132 4 місяці тому +1

      How come?

    • @GameFactsSpecial
      @GameFactsSpecial 4 місяці тому +2

      @@baffledbrandon3132 hard to say I just found it very boring and difficult to watch.

  • @mackenzieasbury9216
    @mackenzieasbury9216 8 місяців тому

    The only episode where Lucky has no lines of dialogue spoken was in A Christmas Cruella.

  • @JoshuaSchaferhund-yl9fz
    @JoshuaSchaferhund-yl9fz 2 місяці тому

    Sorry, but as someone who grew up with the original animated film, I absolutely HATE this show with a burning passion. This is easily the worst sequel to a Disney animated canon feature that I have ever had the displeasure of viewing as well as the worst show that Walt Disney Television Animation has ever produced in their catalogue. I would frankly much rather watch The Hunchback of Notredame 2 or Belle's Magical World (which is not an unfair comparison seeing as that was originally supposed to be a full on Beauty and The Beast cartoon) again than make myself sit through an episode of this pile of dreck ever again. It's astounding how even the worst of DisneyToon Studios' direct to video sequels are infinitely more watchable than this piece of shit. It's seriously just as bad if not worse than The Secret of NIMH 2 in regards to how completely misses the mark on what made the original movie special and that is not being said with a hint of hyperbole.
    I don't even consider the show canon (nothing from this show is represented in House of Mouse in regards to 101 Dalmatians, where as other WDTA shows like Pepper Ann, Goof Troop and even Quack Pack are referenced in it), as it's tone and continuity is at vastly jarring odds in contrast to the original movie and the book it was based on, compared to the 2003 DTV sequel or even the 1996 live action remake where some elements are at least compatible with the original 1961 animated feature to some degree.
    First of all, the visuals are *exceedingly* ugly. The art direction is just an uninspired Hannah-Barbara clone and feels like it's trying to ape that style that was making a resurgence in Cartoon Network's latest shows at the time such as Dexter's Laboratory, Cow and Chicken, and Johnny Bravo. The problem is, that just doesn't work at all when you apply it to the original 101 Dalmatians' character designs which are still in the classic Disney art style and results in everything looking like a jagged and angular mess, resulting in two completely different art styles that do not mesh well together into one whole. The episodes with more expressive animation also look hideous with the blockified Disney designs, they do not translate well at all. Cartoon Network's shows worked with that style because they had *simpler* movement and relatively basic character designs and Disney's traditional character art style does not work within those confines. This is clearly the same bullshit they pulled with The Shnookums and Meat Funny Cartoon Show which was a poor man's Ren and Stimpy. I seriously don't understand why they just didn't replicate the original film's sketchy Xerographic-based character designs and aesthetics considering The New Adventures of Winnie The Pooh and even fucking JUNGLE CUBS at least did a decent job of imitating it despite being on a television animation budget.
    The animation itself is also poor and is clearly below average for any WDTA production. It's a significant downgrade compared to even what was produced in the final years of the Disney Afternoon's lifespan. It's extremely obvious that they heavily downgraded the level of detail compared to the original film (as well as WDTA's previous canon feature continuation series at the time) because they didn't want to put the same budget into it's production as WDTA's previous works. For fuck's sake man, even both 101 Dalmatians edutainment PC games tying in with the live action remake that were released the same exact same year that this show came out LOOK BETTER than this. That is just insulting. The show is just UGLY as fuck to look at.
    Secondly, the writing is absolutely GOD AWFUL. This is single handedly the show's biggest problem and combined with the hideous visuals is what completely kills it's watchability for me. The show's main premise is dull and uninspired and almost every episode is either utterly boring or absolutely painful to sit through with cringe inducing dialogue, lousy humor and hollow pop culture references. A large portion of the episodes don't even center around the characters from the original movie, instead largely revolving around it's own generic farm animal OCs like that chicken, that rat or that fucking stupid pug which even this show's fans seem to hate how centered around him this show tends to be. On top of that, the four main characters are mostly being either unlikable assholes or are just completely insufferable. (Cadpig is just an obnoxious and unfunny rip off of Bartok from Anatasia) Cruella De Vil, Jasper and Horace are reduced into hollow parodies of their former selves and I honestly wonder why they even bothered to bring them into this beyond them being arguably the most iconic part of the original film given the show's unbearably juvenile tone.
    Why the fuck did they have to Americanize everything? The British setting made up a large portion of the original movie's IDENTITY (and yes I know TNAOWTP did that too, but that was only because WDTA couldn't afford a child actor from England to play Christopher Robin back then and made due with one locally in California. Besides, the main characters were already Americanized in the original shorts anyway aside from Pooh and Owl.). The tone itself is also batshit retarded and doesn't at all feel in line with the original 101 Dalmatians' far more grounded and relatively dark feel. A proper 101 Dalmatians cartoon should have at least been written by the same people who made TNAOWTP.
    And before you come up with some defense like "but it's just a spinoff that does it's own thing", the show *actively* references the original movie's events numerous times throughout it's run. It's explicitly stated that the original movie's events STILL HAPPENED and that this show is a direct continuation following Cruella's dognapping in said movie. Regardless if it is technically a separate continuity, it is CLEARLY trying to be a sequel to the original 101 Dalmatians in some form or another. And even if you separated it from the original movie and looked at it for what it is on it's own merits, it would still be a bad show that completely lacks it's own identity compared to other childrens' cartoons of it's time which is the worst feeling you can get out of a show like this.
    If for whatever reason you enjoy this show (though I honestly could not fathom why) that's fine, but to me, the only logical reason I can think of as to why this show even has a cult following at all is pure nostalgia, especially considering it was historically largely ignored by the majority of viewers in late 1997/early 1998 (not even getting renewed for a second season on One Saturday Morning like Recess, Pepper Ann or hell even Doug did in the fall of 1998) and was never rereleased outside Toon Disney reruns in the early 2000s until Disney+ came along a few years back.