Our night shift employee cannot timeout, it says "connot timeout. No timein" their schedule is 10 pm to 6 am and obviously their timein date is different to their timeout date because as I said they are night shifters. Can you please help me solve with this matter?
change the braces to square bracket '[ ]' Next error : changed continue to continue 2 copy: if (!TCPDF_STATIC::empty_string($this->lispacer)) { $this->lispacer = ''; continue 2; } I gave up on the 3rd error
Can we integrate the biometric input machine into this system for in and out timings?
hello nice work but payslip or payroll dont print out
Our night shift employee cannot timeout, it says "connot timeout. No timein" their schedule is 10 pm to 6 am and obviously their timein date is different to their timeout date because as I said they are night shifters. Can you please help me solve with this matter?
can you send me the source code please. not able to access it
why is this int is subtract 1
if($int > 4){
$int = $int - 1;
in datatable after 10 records unable to edit
I got error Field 'time_out' doesn't have a default value anf from payroll fatal error apsyste\admin\payroll.php on line 81
When I changed password from database and try to login with new password.. Then it's not coming
I can't login after changing password
Thanks! :^o
Array and string offset access syntax with curly braces is no longer supported in D:\LOCALHOST\htdocs\onlinepayrollphp\tcpdf\tcpdf.php on line 16893
change the braces to square bracket '[ ]'
Next error : changed continue to continue 2
copy: if (!TCPDF_STATIC::empty_string($this->lispacer)) {
$this->lispacer = '';
continue 2;
I gave up on the 3rd error