Looks like these Orcas purposefully did not get these seals because of the surfers to me. I have seen Orcas come right up on the beach to eat seals. These ones kept their distance and the seals actually look like they are using the humans to get away. This pod could have easily gone into way more shallow water to hunt them and did not because of the proximity of the surfers. The guy walking was knee to waist deep and the Orca could easily have swam within a couple of feet of him and did not. The seals stayed close to the people using them as a buffer it looked like to me. Those animals are so smart I think they chose not to push in close to humans. They are not sharks who bite to see what something is. They in fact can and have eaten sharks including the great white without getting even a scratch. What amazing and wonderful creatures they are. Thanks for sharing the video very cool.
I would say you're right. Orcas hunt together and food share. They're not sharks, they're cetaceans and even though they're the top predator in the ocean, they're not human killers. They have specific strategies for how they kill and eat different prey. Search Ingrid Visser and watch some wonderful footage of her research.
I have watched all of her youtube stuff I wish there was more. She is a pioneer in her field. I find these creatures facinating. The video of the orca making imitating prop noise and some of there interactions with humans makes me believe they are more intelligent than humans want to believe they are. The family units are amazing as well as their ability to learn. I think they are the smartest animals besides most humans on the planet. Thanks and have a great day.
wowgoat - If the Orcas are 'residents' they don't eat the seals, just fish. I don't know either way about these but I'd think the seals would still be wary of the Orcas.
These were resident orcas that feed on fish only. The seals were confused and wondering why the orcas weren't after them. Seals cant tell the difference between resident orcas and transient orcas that feed on marine mammals. They almost look the same. Orcas will do what they want and hunt what they want, regardless if humans are there or not.
orcas and humans have lived in that area for a very long time, with the greatest sonar tech ever known, i'm pretty sure those oras were aware of the humans before the humans were aware of them.
Note to the surfers, if you see seals in the water and the area has had sightings of Orca's before, DON"T GET IN THE FREAKING WATER DRESSED LIKE SEALS!
USCFlash Oh don't worry I know, but if the whales were in a playful mood the surfers could still get hurt. Most likely no deaths but there could be a mild accident.
Eszra Well i dont understand what we are talking about then, since i agree they should not be messing around in the water at the same time....though my point was, that orcas, even when seeing humans dressed like seals, know the difference :) Incidentally, if you want to see something amazing, search for Dr. Ingrid Visser, of New Zealnd....one of the foremost researchers on Orcas in the world. She swims with a pod of orcas that she has been studying for years, and does so regularly, dressed as a seal ;) They are very familiar with her, they also know her since she has helped save a member or tow of those particular pods in teh area, from stranding. She is quite an amazing woman. Has her own channel on YT, with quite a few videos and she has made many amazing documentaries about orcas. :)
I once saw a killer whale in a fjord in western Norway while waiting for the ferry. It came right up to us too! Unfortunately it was gone before I managed to grab my camera. I will never forget it though. One of the most beautiful creatures I've ever seen!
An animal that has adult great white sharks on it's menu is an animal that deserves a tremendous amount of respect, and a wide berth, especially when it's hunting.
True, but orcas have never attacked a human in the wild, whether hunting or not. These highly intelligent beings know we're not on the menu, and the surfers would have been safe from sharks out there. Just large dolphins with a nice paint job.
I wouldn't call it respect. Just intelligence. Orcas don't see humans as food and are smart enough to differentiate between a human and a sea lion and just go about their lives.
WhatStef there were seals or sea lions swimming there also- an they didn't even come out of the water. Maybe they were in shallow water with locks of rocks close to the surface where orcas cannot hunt them. I personally think orcas don't catch smaller sea mammals as easily as people think.
The Orcas were shepherding the seals and the surfers just happened to be in the way, they're way to intelligent to care about a few stoners on a surfboard
The Orcas can distinguish prey well, and have some of the most advanced communications between all mammals. Some would say those surfers are foolish; I'd like to think it was a calculated risk, to be part of an experience where only a select few others would dared to have gone.
I live in this region. Never in my life have I read about an accident or injury to humans caused by orcas. Never. Maybe there's been something, but it woulda been some weird, quirky isolated incident. Those surfers KNOW orcas as good as any marine biologists. They coexist and share the same waters on a daily basis for about the last 40 years that surfing has been popular in Tofino.
A note of caution: at least one surfer has been accidentally bitten by an orca, although the orca quickly realised his mistake. Surf isn't the best place for visual and aural recognition. Also, an orca was reported stealing a spear fisherman's catch by grabbing the bag and pulling the person down until he let go of the bag. The point is that no human has ever been intentionally or aggressively harmed by a wild orca, as far as we know, although boats have been sunk by them (e.g. "66 Days Adrift", Butler). And they have at times formed long-lasting cooperative hunting arrangements with humans (see "Killers in Eden" on YT).
I lived in Victoria back in 2003 and went up to Tofino to try Serf on week off, it was the same back there Fucking Orca's all over the place, scary shit I tell you i went out one time and came back in as faster then i went out, there was an orca about 100-150 feet away from me on my first set and it scared the holy fuck out of me to see that fin sticking what seems like 6 feet out of the water would scare anyone, I never went out again that day and never have went serfin ever again!
Bit of a misleading title, but amazing footage nonetheless! The transients are clearly looking at the sealions (seals?) but don't look like they are seriously hunting them - water looks rocky so probably too shallow, plus the sealions don't seem to be in much of a rush once they are inbetween the rocks! Great video :)
I wouldn’t be in the water when they’re hunting seals.... with a black wetsuit it’s looking for trouble. Still they are so smart that there has not been a single fatal orca attack on a human. Ever. That’s an unbelievable stat.
Thanks for the informed comments Marcie! Muchly appreciated! So you don't think the surfers have anything to be concerned about given the circumstances? I ask because I surf out there occasionally and my natural reaction would be to head to shore until the hunt had passed by. (My concern would be that in a wet suit I'd look somewhat similar to a seal. ;)) - hopefully a little less blubbery though. :D
No thx he sounded like a geek giggling to himself while the Orcas were on a hunt chasing all those Seals and the surfers were in danger of being mistaken as seals
Actually, they are transients. Southern Resident Orca of Vancouver Island do travel to Tofino, but not as often as one might think. They likely wouldn't be this close to shore either, as residents ONLY feed on Salmon and not Mammals such as seals and sea lions. Transients tend to have sharper dorsal fins, which these clearly have. And Marcie Callewaert is quite active in the whale watching community around Southern Vancouver Island. I would tend to believe her too.
Orcas are highly intelligent. If they are trying to corral you out of the water, its for one of three reasons: a) you're interfering in their hunt b) there are young orcas present (protective instinct) OR c) there are other predators present, such as sharks Orcas and sharks are known to show up where seal pups are present to hunt. Many sharks often vacate the area as Orcas are known to hunt them as well. So, realistically, best to get out of the water to live to surf and swim another day. Edit add: Orcas have been known to protect humans, either by circling them protectively to ward off other predators, and by bringing drowning victims back up to the surface, and nudging them to encourage breathing. We should all remember that we are in their home, and be good guests. Orcas are beautiful, amazing creatures and should only be in captivity for rehabilitation on a short term basis.
Osckarre most people can't even tell between Transient Killer whales and Resident killer whales, that mostly hunt fish, and are used in huge aquatic theme parks.
Nice click bait title dude... I've seen the orcas and also the surfers, but the only chase I can see is behind the seals! Orcas are just hunting I'm pretty sure they know humans like to have fun in the water, and they distinguish us from their preys for sure!! If not just forget about surfing on those waters cause orcas are the ultimate predator on the oceans, certain is that if they want surfers for lunch, they'll have them soooo easy. Nice video with the usual click bait title even better. Don't lie with titles
Wrong there has been several instances of orcas attacking humans in the wild however it could have just been a mistaken case of identity, There has been no recorded deaths in the wild only in captivity
projectstreet There have been incidents in the wild. Most have been nudges or shoving by Orcas. There has been just one case of an Orca biting a surfer. And you're right. It was a case of mistaken identity. Most likely by a juvenile. The Orca immediately let go of the surfers leg. Could there be other incidents in the wild? Yes. But not purposeful attacks. Curious shoving, or nudging would be the case.
Holy hell that's awesome, Vancouver Island surfers are braver than stink for staying out there in the surf although I'm pretty sure the whales know the difference between surfers and sea lions. Excellent video and a testament to why Tofino is one of my favourite places on the planet - stunningly beautiful, the best place to be to get up close and personal with nature
***** Actually orcas wouldn't probably kill humans to eat them. For example when they kill a humpback whale, they might just eat the tongue and some soft nice parts and leave the rest. There wouldn't be very much to eat in a human being for an orca.
Inuits have been killed by orcas,orcas have also hunted arctic and Antarctic explorers by trying to knock them off of ice flows. We would never know if they occasionally go after humans because as pack hunters they wouldn't leave anything left that was recognisable. My personal feeling is that anything that kills and feeds on the tongues of baby whales,that can catch and eat dolphins,that partially beach themselves to hunt seals and kills sharks just for their livers isn't anything is want to be in the water with.
Its actually not in Tofino .It was taken by Ron at Mussel Beach Campground in Ucluelet BC . The Orcas were teaching the young to hunt.This is Rons front yard and this kind of view is common from the camp sites that open on to the beach
Bit of a misleading title, very cool video though. I'm sure people can put two and two together but they are hunting the very obvious seals in the area. It's a type of technique they use as they are extremely intelligent, it's a way of trapping the seals in. Dolphins are known to do the same thing with fish.
This video should be called "Orcas in the surf @ Tofino so we got out of the water because we were scared." The orcas weren't chasing people, they were chasing the seals.
I don' think that's entirely true... Yes, Resident orca pods eat almost primarily fish, however transient orcas can also live in pods (usually much smaller in number though...)
The amount of times I've operated a whale watching boat around Southern Vancouver Island and have come across T's in multiple's, 2, 3, 4 in numbers are greater than singles. Just some food for thought.
I saw the vid. this morning. It was a click through on a site by a well known videographer. Not necessarily the Orca vid. but the click through... There was a graphics warning before you clicked it the orca came right up on the beach and snatched the man who was wading in the surf. It was kind of alarming. Wild animals are not acting like they were before.
Now, I know orcas are typically curious and friendly toward people, but if I was a surfer, the LAST thing I would want to do is be around the water when orcas are hunting seals. Animals, like people, make mistakes and during the heat of the hunt, an orca might mistake a surfer on a board as a seal. Still, it would be an awesome thing to watch from a boat or from the shore.
I believe they were after the seals. I live on Whidbey so see transients around here as well. Always thrilling to see a bunch! I recall being with the whale researchers and also hearing how silent they are...the underwater microphones when beside residents are absolutely alive with sounds of chattering!
LOL. True. However, you always hear about shark attacks because there is always somebody else with that "lucky" person. Orcas are the most amazing and interesting of the ocean predators to me personally.
What was that creepy laugh whenever the orcas were becoming more active and when it looked like they were all over a seal? And laughs watching surfers close to the Orcas.... hoping they'd get bit?
That is so awesome last summer I was spear fishing while snorkelling and j ended up swimming with a pod of 6 orcas for about 15-20 mins was fuckin amazing they wouldn't have harmed the surfers
If you see orcas and seals in the area together don't go in the water, especially in a dark wetsuit. All it takes is an orca to think your a seal and your severally hurt or dead.
They are not chasing surfers out of the water lol. They are just there and there are seals also but they do not seem to be after them. Looks like they could be resident orca they only eat fish. There has never been a case of a wild orca ever hurting a human. They are very smart animal. I would have loved to be in the water with them so cool.
The chance that they are offshore, is highly unlikely. Not much is known about Offshore Orca and they typically stay hundreds of miles off the coast, that is why they are called "Offshore". Is it possibly, yes? But highly unlikely. I've witnessed in the numbers you describe and there are not that many Orca here. Just because they aren't killing doesn't mean they aren't playing with the seals. They could be teaching their young to hunt too, which doesn't always involve killing. Odds are T's.
Where was this taken? I'm interested in whether these are transient Orcas or residents. It would depend on the location since some groups mainly eat fish while others kill penguins, seals, whales, etc. I'd get out the water too if Orcas were on the hunt! :3 Great footage.
whaaat. these ppl were still surfing/swimming in the water with the orcas so close. thats scary but kind of cool at the same time. i would of stayed in the water aswell only if there were other humans around.
If a surfer got in the way or if a seal used a human for cover they would let you know. Especially if they were teaching juveniles. Incidents with wild orca are very rare. Once we got in the way of harbor seals in an inflatable kayak and seals scared the shit out of us. They gave fair notice. "We are eating here." The seals growled bearing teeth chasing us away. They followed very aggressively letting us know how vulnerable we were.
I think its pretty cool how (so far) orcas haven't just gone ahead and dummied some surfers (knock on cedar) and that these guys could experience something so cool. For more footage of canadian surfing and nature check out the short film 'groundswell'. You can order it as well at the surf network's product site. Proceeds go to Raincoast an NGO that helps to protect the coast.
Looks like these Orcas purposefully did not get these seals because of the surfers to me. I have seen Orcas come right up on the beach to eat seals. These ones kept their distance and the seals actually look like they are using the humans to get away. This pod could have easily gone into way more shallow water to hunt them and did not because of the proximity of the surfers. The guy walking was knee to waist deep and the Orca could easily have swam within a couple of feet of him and did not. The seals stayed close to the people using them as a buffer it looked like to me. Those animals are so smart I think they chose not to push in close to humans. They are not sharks who bite to see what something is. They in fact can and have eaten sharks including the great white without getting even a scratch. What amazing and wonderful creatures they are. Thanks for sharing the video very cool.
I would say you're right. Orcas hunt together and food share. They're not sharks, they're cetaceans and even though they're the top predator in the ocean, they're not human killers. They have specific strategies for how they kill and eat different prey. Search Ingrid Visser and watch some wonderful footage of her research.
I have watched all of her youtube stuff I wish there was more. She is a pioneer in her field. I find these creatures facinating. The video of the orca making imitating prop noise and some of there interactions with humans makes me believe they are more intelligent than humans want to believe they are. The family units are amazing as well as their ability to learn. I think they are the smartest animals besides most humans on the planet. Thanks and have a great day.
wowgoat this comment deserves more likes.
wowgoat - If the Orcas are 'residents' they don't eat the seals, just fish. I don't know either way about these but I'd think the seals would still be wary of the Orcas.
These were resident orcas that feed on fish only. The seals were confused and wondering why the orcas weren't after them. Seals cant tell the difference between resident orcas and transient orcas that feed on marine mammals. They almost look the same. Orcas will do what they want and hunt what they want, regardless if humans are there or not.
orcas and humans have lived in that area for a very long time, with the greatest sonar tech ever known, i'm pretty sure those oras were aware of the humans before the humans were aware of them.
+trca101 Your pic made me jump. lol!!
trca101 Good point but when I became aware of them I would not have taken any chances!
trca101 vvvxvvvvxx Bevvxv qvcv
Note to the surfers, if you see seals in the water and the area has had sightings of Orca's before, DON"T GET IN THE FREAKING WATER DRESSED LIKE SEALS!
Well fortunately, orcas are far smarter than sharks and they can differentiate between seals and humans.
USCFlash Oh don't worry I know, but if the whales were in a playful mood the surfers could still get hurt. Most likely no deaths but there could be a mild accident.
true, but there are not any instances of wild orcas actually playing with humans even...they tend to avoid humans, exhibiting only curiosity.
USCFlash Yes that is true. I'd still want them to be careful. I don't want them hurt accidentally. Orca's are just giant dolphins.
Well i dont understand what we are talking about then, since i agree they should not be messing around in the water at the same time....though my point was, that orcas, even when seeing humans dressed like seals, know the difference :)
Incidentally, if you want to see something amazing, search for Dr. Ingrid Visser, of New Zealnd....one of the foremost researchers on Orcas in the world. She swims with a pod of orcas that she has been studying for years, and does so regularly, dressed as a seal ;)
They are very familiar with her, they also know her since she has helped save a member or tow of those particular pods in teh area, from stranding.
She is quite an amazing woman. Has her own channel on YT, with quite a few videos and she has made many amazing documentaries about orcas.
This is an awesome video - a real gem. Thank you for sharing this with us.
I once saw a killer whale in a fjord in western Norway while waiting for the ferry. It came right up to us too! Unfortunately it was gone before I managed to grab my camera. I will never forget it though. One of the most beautiful creatures I've ever seen!
An animal that has adult great white sharks on it's menu is an animal that deserves a tremendous amount of respect, and a wide berth, especially when it's hunting.
MRAR50 my thoughts exactly!
You’ve got that right
True, but orcas have never attacked a human in the wild, whether hunting or not. These highly intelligent beings know we're not on the menu, and the surfers would have been safe from sharks out there. Just large dolphins with a nice paint job.
Those orcas were hunting for fish
They don’t hunt Humans in the wild.
If the Orcas wanted those surfers dead, they'd be dead period.
For what ever reason the masters of the oceans have some what respect for humans
I wouldn't call it respect. Just intelligence. Orcas don't see humans as food and are smart enough to differentiate between a human and a sea lion and just go about their lives.
WhatStef there were seals or sea lions swimming there also- an they didn't even come out of the water. Maybe they were in shallow water with locks of rocks close to the surface where orcas cannot hunt them. I personally think orcas don't catch smaller sea mammals as easily as people think.
wilson blauheuer Well they seem to be doing something right seeing as they're the ocean's top predator.
wilson blauheuer They rub their belly's in the shallow water on the rocks it's like a massage :)
Emperor cesar They were more interested in the seals, that's what they were probably chasing.
The Orcas were shepherding the seals and the surfers just happened to be in the way, they're way to intelligent to care about a few stoners on a surfboard
Why associate marijuana and surfers? Oh because your really old and have no idea i guess
Why associate marijuana and surfers? Oh because your really old and have no idea i guess
Charlie Charles + I live in tofino. I'm pretty sure they are stoners.
The Orcas can distinguish prey well, and have some of the most advanced communications between all mammals. Some would say those surfers are foolish; I'd like to think it was a calculated risk, to be part of an experience where only a select few others would dared to have gone.
I live in this region. Never in my life have I read about an accident or injury to humans caused by orcas. Never. Maybe there's been something, but it woulda been some weird, quirky isolated incident. Those surfers KNOW orcas as good as any marine biologists. They coexist and share the same waters on a daily basis for about the last 40 years that surfing has been popular in Tofino.
Only at seaworld has the orca attacked ah human, Never in the wild, they are just corious about us
Seeing a fin always freaks me out when I'm in the water but I think I would feel safe knowing that orcas are around. Definitely no sharks
I'd give them as much room as they wanted. No questions asked.
I love Orcas so much. My son got to see some once from a boat here in WA. He said “mommy it was so amazing but I was scared” lol
A note of caution: at least one surfer has been accidentally bitten by an orca, although the orca quickly realised his mistake. Surf isn't the best place for visual and aural recognition. Also, an orca was reported stealing a spear fisherman's catch by grabbing the bag and pulling the person down until he let go of the bag. The point is that no human has ever been intentionally or aggressively harmed by a wild orca, as far as we know, although boats have been sunk by them (e.g. "66 Days Adrift", Butler). And they have at times formed long-lasting cooperative hunting arrangements with humans (see "Killers in Eden" on YT).
+awuma Or it means that anyone who has ever been attacked by an orca didn't live to tell about it.
The click bait title was unnecessary. This was cool without it
I know right WTF
I knew they wouldn't be chasing the humans.
I lived in Victoria back in 2003 and went up to Tofino to try Serf on week off, it was the same back there Fucking Orca's all over the place, scary shit I tell you i went out one time and came back in as faster then i went out, there was an orca about 100-150 feet away from me on my first set and it scared the holy fuck out of me to see that fin sticking what seems like 6 feet out of the water would scare anyone, I never went out again that day and never have went serfin ever again!
What beautiful footage, looks so moody and powerful,
Orcas are so used to see them,same as these surfers, they see orcas often. Although playing loudly around when someone is dining is still impolite. ^^
Wow!!! Dude Amazing footage! thanks for uploading!
the orcas were after the seals, not humans.
I'm tired of improper video titles to get more views.
should be a law passed like false advertising
Leif Erikson Yeah, what ever happened to false advertising? It seems like it's no longer a legal issue.
thumbs down and report for spam/misleading txt.
Miracle... :o
Bit of a misleading title, but amazing footage nonetheless! The transients are clearly looking at the sealions (seals?) but don't look like they are seriously hunting them - water looks rocky so probably too shallow, plus the sealions don't seem to be in much of a rush once they are inbetween the rocks! Great video :)
This is the best thing I’ve ever seen! 🏄♂️
Thanks Adam for sharing this amazing video. Just one of many reasons I love our island.
So much love.
This video is amazing!
I wouldn’t be in the water when they’re hunting seals.... with a black wetsuit it’s looking for trouble.
Still they are so smart that there has not been a single fatal orca attack on a human. Ever. That’s an unbelievable stat.
Amazin video!
Thanks guys.
When staying in Tofino, come on by and say hello!
More like surfers wimp out. I grew up on the island and whales NEVER chase people lol. They hunt seals, but they ignore the boney humans. :)
You know that you're safe from sharks when Orcas are swimming with you.
Video labeled wrong. Good footage though
You kinda have to be a Darwin candidate to continue surfing in waters where you can clearly see sea lions and orca's in the process of hunting them.
Thanks for the informed comments Marcie! Muchly appreciated! So you don't think the surfers have anything to be concerned about given the circumstances? I ask because I surf out there occasionally and my natural reaction would be to head to shore until the hunt had passed by. (My concern would be that in a wet suit I'd look somewhat similar to a seal. ;)) - hopefully a little less blubbery though. :D
we see orcas all august ... its amazing... thanks for sharing xx
If anybody wants to meet the man behind the footage, you should check his interview on our channel!
No thx he sounded like a geek giggling to himself while the Orcas were on a hunt chasing all those Seals and the surfers were in danger of being mistaken as seals
ever see a surfer tail slapped 50 feet through the air ?
that was funny. thanks mate.
Actually, they are transients.
Southern Resident Orca of Vancouver Island do travel to Tofino, but not as often as one might think. They likely wouldn't be this close to shore either, as residents ONLY feed on Salmon and not Mammals such as seals and sea lions.
Transients tend to have sharper dorsal fins, which these clearly have.
And Marcie Callewaert is quite active in the whale watching community around Southern Vancouver Island. I would tend to believe her too.
Orcas are highly intelligent. If they are trying to corral you out of the water, its for one of three reasons: a) you're interfering in their hunt
b) there are young orcas present (protective instinct)
c) there are other predators present, such as sharks
Orcas and sharks are known to show up where seal pups are present to hunt. Many sharks often vacate the area as Orcas are known to hunt them as well.
So, realistically, best to get out of the water to live to surf and swim another day.
Edit add: Orcas have been known to protect humans, either by circling them protectively to ward off other predators, and by bringing drowning victims back up to the surface, and nudging them to encourage breathing.
We should all remember that we are in their home, and be good guests. Orcas are beautiful, amazing creatures and should only be in captivity for rehabilitation on a short term basis.
Omg I’m moving to Tofino next week. Pretty dope 🐋
when there are orcas you can assure that there are no sharks around 😀
water must be cold, having to wear a full body wet suite. sharks like much warmer waters..
Transients chasing sea lions. Cool!
Most people can't tell the difference between a seal and a sea lion lol
most people can't even tell between Transient Killer whales and Resident killer whales, that mostly hunt fish, and are used in huge aquatic theme parks.
orcas hunt seal for food
why would anyone surf there at that moment
Orcas have never attacked humans in the wild
chiCo andtheMan killer whales only hunt what they have been taught to.
Nice click bait title dude... I've seen the orcas and also the surfers, but the only chase I can see is behind the seals! Orcas are just hunting I'm pretty sure they know humans like to have fun in the water, and they distinguish us from their preys for sure!! If not just forget about surfing on those waters cause orcas are the ultimate predator on the oceans, certain is that if they want surfers for lunch, they'll have them soooo easy. Nice video with the usual click bait title even better. Don't lie with titles
Orcas never attacked humans ever, in the wild
Wrong there has been several instances of orcas attacking humans in the wild however it could have just been a mistaken case of identity, There has been no recorded deaths in the wild only in captivity
projectstreet There have been incidents in the wild. Most have been nudges or shoving by Orcas. There has been just one case of an Orca biting a surfer. And you're right. It was a case of mistaken identity. Most likely by a juvenile. The Orca immediately let go of the surfers leg. Could there be other incidents in the wild? Yes. But not purposeful attacks. Curious shoving, or nudging would be the case.
Holy hell that's awesome, Vancouver Island surfers are braver than stink for staying out there in the surf although I'm pretty sure the whales know the difference between surfers and sea lions. Excellent video and a testament to why Tofino is one of my favourite places on the planet - stunningly beautiful, the best place to be to get up close and personal with nature
Wow! What did you use to record? It is perfect
I would have stayed in the lineup to see if they would check me out. Orca's have never killed a human in the wild.
Actually orcas wouldn't probably kill humans to eat them. For example when they kill a humpback whale, they might just eat the tongue and some soft nice parts and leave the rest. There wouldn't be very much to eat in a human being for an orca.
Orcas sonar will give them an outline of you. You won't meet their criteria of a food source.
Inuits have been killed by orcas,orcas have also hunted arctic and Antarctic explorers by trying to knock them off of ice flows. We would never know if they occasionally go after humans because as pack hunters they wouldn't leave anything left that was recognisable.
My personal feeling is that anything that kills and feeds on the tongues of baby whales,that can catch and eat dolphins,that partially beach themselves to hunt seals and kills sharks just for their livers isn't anything is want to be in the water with.
Its actually not in Tofino .It was taken by Ron at Mussel Beach Campground in Ucluelet BC . The Orcas were teaching the young to hunt.This is Rons front yard and this kind of view is common from the camp sites that open on to the beach
Bit of a misleading title, very cool video though. I'm sure people can put two and two together but they are hunting the very obvious seals in the area. It's a type of technique they use as they are extremely intelligent, it's a way of trapping the seals in. Dolphins are known to do the same thing with fish.
Really high quality footage. Really cool.
This video should be called "Orcas in the surf @ Tofino so we got out of the water because we were scared." The orcas weren't chasing people, they were chasing the seals.
I bet there are no more than 5-6 Orca here. And it's apparent that 2 of them are quite young.
I don' think that's entirely true... Yes, Resident orca pods eat almost primarily fish, however transient orcas can also live in pods (usually much smaller in number though...)
The amount of times I've operated a whale watching boat around Southern Vancouver Island and have come across T's in multiple's, 2, 3, 4 in numbers are greater than singles. Just some food for thought.
Thanks for info... That was an awesome scene you caught on video either way! =)
these guys were crazy, they surfed at Transient orcas feeding ground!!
sorry to hear it has closed for the winter...people need to respect that land and the people who live on it first and foremost.
I see killer whales, seals, and very stupid people all in water together. How about that?
pon33villin aren’t you just a party pooper. Good Lord, just enjoy it! It’s pretty cool!
You must live in a box.
I would do it,,,they aren’t a threat... seen several go pro videos with both orca an humans in the water,, no issues of aggression..
@@julieedinger2462 easy to say from your couch lol
@@misguidedangel6550 whatever….
Love it - thanks for posting.
damn we live in such an amazing place!! LOVE this!
I saw the vid. this morning. It was a click through on a site by a well known videographer. Not necessarily the Orca vid. but the click through... There was a graphics warning before you clicked it the orca came right up on the beach and snatched the man who was wading in the surf. It was kind of alarming. Wild animals are not acting like they were before.
Now, I know orcas are typically curious and friendly toward people, but if I was a surfer, the LAST thing I would want to do is be around the water when orcas are hunting seals. Animals, like people, make mistakes and during the heat of the hunt, an orca might mistake a surfer on a board as a seal.
Still, it would be an awesome thing to watch from a boat or from the shore.
amazing footage
The rocks weren't far away , I don't understand why seals didn't desperately rush into shore
I'm pretty sure this was in Uclulet on Vancouver Island just recently..
I believe they were after the seals. I live on Whidbey so see transients around here as well. Always thrilling to see a bunch! I recall being with the whale researchers and also hearing how silent they are...the underwater microphones when beside residents are absolutely alive with sounds of chattering!
Perfect session! :) Love it!!
This is INSANE! I would be out of the water so fast-haven't these people seen planet earth?
they are bored, ego-centric, narcissistic, and have a poor understanding of nature.
Salomon Crenshaw what? for surfing??
no, for playing catch me if you dare
bruh those waters are free of sharks for a year
OMG that is amazing 😀 where is this video taken?
i think the surfers where to shallow in the water for the orcas to come and get them, but still WHO IN THE WORLD WOULD DO SOMETHING LIKE THAT.
I feel so bad for the sea lions 😢 But I love that the orca family has babies with them 🐳💕
LOL. True. However, you always hear about shark attacks because there is always somebody else with that "lucky" person.
Orcas are the most amazing and interesting of the ocean predators to me personally.
What was that creepy laugh whenever the orcas were becoming more active and when it looked like they were all over a seal? And laughs watching surfers close to the Orcas.... hoping they'd get bit?
That is so awesome last summer I was spear fishing while snorkelling and j ended up swimming with a pod of 6 orcas for about 15-20 mins was fuckin amazing they wouldn't have harmed the surfers
They were not chasing surfers out of the water, they were herding sea lions to catch them for dinner.
that's awesome Adam!
They are feeding as evidenced by the sea lions and porpoises also in the area.
pretty cool encounter for sure!
If you see orcas and seals in the area together don't go in the water, especially in a dark wetsuit. All it takes is an orca to think your a seal and your severally hurt or dead.
They are not chasing surfers out of the water lol. They are just there and there are seals also but they do not seem to be after them. Looks like they could be resident orca they only eat fish. There has never been a case of a wild orca ever hurting a human. They are very smart animal. I would have loved to be in the water with them so cool.
The chance that they are offshore, is highly unlikely. Not much is known about Offshore Orca and they typically stay hundreds of miles off the coast, that is why they are called "Offshore". Is it possibly, yes? But highly unlikely. I've witnessed in the numbers you describe and there are not that many Orca here. Just because they aren't killing doesn't mean they aren't playing with the seals. They could be teaching their young to hunt too, which doesn't always involve killing. Odds are T's.
Orcas are curious about humans and will play orca games with them.
where is this footage taken? which beach in Tofino? I don't recognize the place
Read my post again. I said "Whale watching boat".. I didn't refer to Orca as whales. We also see Humpback and Grey's out there.
Where was this taken? I'm interested in whether these are transient Orcas or residents. It would depend on the location since some groups mainly eat fish while others kill penguins, seals, whales, etc. I'd get out the water too if Orcas were on the hunt! :3 Great footage.
This is at The Pacific Rim Park,Tofino Vancouver Island British Columbia
Lisa Pecaskie thank you so much! It's gorgeous! I'll have to add that to one of my spots!
whaaat. these ppl were still surfing/swimming in the water with the orcas so close. thats scary but kind of cool at the same time. i would of stayed in the water aswell only if there were other humans around.
Quiksilver made a brown/ tan wetsuit in 4/3mm, but its not warm enough for that break
Nice video of some of the Transient Orcas. Yes, they are definitely hunting the seals!
Seals probably saved the surfers's lives.
where did the orcas chase the surfers out? The one that did get out decided to do so by himself; I didn´t see a Killer Whale behind him.
man need to see this !!
What a beautiful setting.
Had a similar experience on my Jetski! A whole pod chased and tried to eat the underwater camera!
this place is paradise.
Do you have a link? The Orca snatches man' videos are not true. Simply clever editing.
If a surfer got in the way or if a seal used a human for cover they would let you know. Especially if they were teaching juveniles. Incidents with wild orca are very rare. Once we got in the way of harbor seals in an inflatable kayak and seals scared the shit out of us. They gave fair notice. "We are eating here." The seals growled bearing teeth chasing us away. They followed very aggressively letting us know how vulnerable we were.
Hmmm, right before this I watched a whole documentary about a pod of Orcas hunting seals in the shallows. Must have been a figment of my imagination.
Where was this? Look like w coast island somewhere.
I think its pretty cool how (so far) orcas haven't just gone ahead and dummied some surfers (knock on cedar) and that these guys could experience something so cool. For more footage of canadian surfing and nature check out the short film 'groundswell'. You can order it as well at the surf network's product site. Proceeds go to Raincoast an NGO that helps to protect the coast.
Who cares about the facts, comments, etc...just enjoy this beautiful video!
I think this was beautiful, just curious where it was? My guess is the Pacific Northwest
Tofino British Columbia Canada