This has been going on for a long time. I remember when I graduated from high school in 77, my godparents gave me a Speedy. I always called it a doctor bag. Left school in September and all the girls were Catholic. My mom and aunt attended the school. Met girls who lived all over the place and whose dads were geologists for oil companies. They said the *hotdups* replica bags were too good and they would rather spend their money on a good replica bag.
*hotdups* who produces replica bags obviously know how to find out the size of the bag and then produce the same size bag etc. These examples are not bad but very worthwhile bags to buy. Even if it walked by you you wouldn't recognize it as a replica and that's the point.
The reason why "high quality replica bags" are called "high quality" is that their dimensions are exactly the same as the originals. This is why people tend to choose *hotdups* for "high quality replica bags" nowadays. Just by looking at the bag, you can't tell the difference between the original and the high quality replica bag.
Loved your video and all the contents of your beautiful bag!!❤
More of this babe! Love it! 💖
This has been going on for a long time. I remember when I graduated from high school in 77, my godparents gave me a Speedy. I always called it a doctor bag. Left school in September and all the girls were Catholic. My mom and aunt attended the school. Met girls who lived all over the place and whose dads were geologists for oil companies. They said the *hotdups* replica bags were too good and they would rather spend their money on a good replica bag.
Thank you so much babe! 🥰
This is ❤
*hotdups* who produces replica bags obviously know how to find out the size of the bag and then produce the same size bag etc. These examples are not bad but very worthwhile bags to buy. Even if it walked by you you wouldn't recognize it as a replica and that's the point.
where is your top from? it's so cute
Hello! I got it from Zara 😊
3k? Cheap???!! Girl for that price … u could have got a Chanel….. or waited a little longer to save up a tiny bit more….
The reason why "high quality replica bags" are called "high quality" is that their dimensions are exactly the same as the originals. This is why people tend to choose *hotdups* for "high quality replica bags" nowadays. Just by looking at the bag, you can't tell the difference between the original and the high quality replica bag.
u do realize right she's from the ph.......3k isn't enough for a chanel bag........
Your name sounds like pomelo. Why do y’all pronounce it like that. Ffs
why does it matter to u how she pronounces her name lmaoooo r u ok bestie