Grading and flipping vintage packs. The JUNK WAX era of UFC Cards? SELL the HYPE BUY the GOATS.

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @degenrips
    @degenrips 3 місяці тому +2

    Amazing conversation I love when Josh gets to unleash and go in on a topic. Using Josh’s methods and tips have been insanely profitable for me. Getting attached to a card especially when you pull it yourself is so easy, takes time and experience to break free. Buying GOATS is key, to add my own spin to that, buy a card that feels like you’re preserving history.

    • @boxalarmtrading
      @boxalarmtrading  3 місяці тому

      @@degenrips Love it! Preserving those big moments is what it’s all about.

  • @takeonefortheteam3764
    @takeonefortheteam3764 2 місяці тому +2

    great show

  • @dk_displays
    @dk_displays 3 місяці тому +3

    0:12 I have 2 of these :) Cool to see

    • @boxalarmtrading
      @boxalarmtrading  3 місяці тому

      I’m not surprised! Do you have them graded or just sealed? any round 1 packs? I wouldn’t mind getting a round 1 pack graded eventually.

    • @dk_displays
      @dk_displays 3 місяці тому +1

      @@boxalarmtrading​​⁠I have 2 of these expo exclusive packs loose; not slabbed and 2 of the Round 2 promo packs that are similar

    • @dk_displays
      @dk_displays 3 місяці тому +1

      @@boxalarmtrading I want to get the GSP cards signed & slabbed

    • @boxalarmtrading
      @boxalarmtrading  3 місяці тому

      @@dk_displaysThat would be sick!

  • @MMAcardboardLLC
    @MMAcardboardLLC 3 місяці тому +2

    Good stuff.
    I agree, don't get to attached, selling when your cards appreciate in value is the way I've been able to get into bigger cards.

    • @boxalarmtrading
      @boxalarmtrading  3 місяці тому

      @@MMAcardboardLLC Such a simple idea but something I’m going to have to work on!

  • @SeanSullyy
    @SeanSullyy 3 місяці тому +2

    Awesome listen! A+ content man, thanks and great job.

    • @boxalarmtrading
      @boxalarmtrading  3 місяці тому

      Thanks so much Sean I appreciate that, have a good weekend🤙

  • @TheGoldenOctagon
    @TheGoldenOctagon 3 місяці тому +1

    Good Stuff Zac. I love hearing others stories. 🙏🙏

  • @motorbreathblake
    @motorbreathblake 3 місяці тому +2

    Another great episode. Thanks for putting this together.

    • @boxalarmtrading
      @boxalarmtrading  3 місяці тому +1

      @@motorbreathblake Thanks Blake appreciate you watching!

  • @ufc_card_fiend
    @ufc_card_fiend 3 місяці тому +2

    What a convo! Switched a few of my perspectives on things, especially the “this is in my pc forever!” mindset 😬 I’m so loyal, even to cardboard, I have to get over the letting go part! 😂
    And Josh is right about the inspiration you provide for viewers and other content creators like myself Zac. Straight up, you go hard in (editing) paint! You put a video out, I’m watching it!

    • @boxalarmtrading
      @boxalarmtrading  3 місяці тому +1

      Me too man, but all of his reasoning is on point! I'm glad the video brought up some thought provoking ideas to improve. Thanks so much J$ i'm working hard to try and bring a good product to you guys, and right back at you. You're my thumbnail inspiration and i'm continuing to try and work to get to your level.

    • @ufc_card_fiend
      @ufc_card_fiend 3 місяці тому +1

      @@boxalarmtrading straight up! Really felt like I got to know Josh through this video. He’s got a vault of knowledge and of amazing cards im sure! Glad we can all inspire one another in some way in this space. We truly never stop learning and growing ✌🏼

    • @The047SportsTCGCards
      @The047SportsTCGCards 3 місяці тому

      Appreciate ya bro

  • @The047SportsTCGCards
    @The047SportsTCGCards 3 місяці тому +1

    Appreciate you Zac and enjoyed the conversation with you and I think we hit on a lot of things that folks in the card community want to hear - esp UFC.

    • @boxalarmtrading
      @boxalarmtrading  3 місяці тому

      @@The047SportsTCGCards It was a fun talk man thanks for coming on. Agreed hopefully people can get something from the video I think there’s some gems in there!

  • @Matty_Mac
    @Matty_Mac 3 місяці тому +2

    Great job @The047SportsTCGCards & @boxalarmtrading really enjoy these collector convos. Told you Zac, your editing & production skills are on point!
    Absolutely respect the opinions expressed here, but I have some different views.
    Some really great points about buying into the GOATs, not getting too attached to your PC, staying away from breaks and risks with opening hobby boxes. But I think it needs to be at least acknowledged that we are all different in our collecting, especially financially & general personal choice.
    We all have limits to money which dictates our spending in turn the simple ability to purchase cards. We can’t just all buy and own big valued cards. And we don’t all like the same things, otherwise we are all tracking in the same direction, chasing and wanting the exact same things. Some people just like to collect other fighters that are not the ‘socially agreed’ greats. We all get enjoyment from the hobby in various ways.
    Respectfully, even if I could afford it, I’ll pass on a Jon Jones RC Auto. Why, because regardless of the card value, I don’t respect the man.
    I think too we get it now that Golds, Blacks, Superfractors etc are worth more, but not sure where the line lies to apparently bother collecting is at all, /99 /49 /25 or less?
    Agree that Beckett didn’t utilize the pandemic time correctly, missed opportunity for sure, but IMO (and previously expressed) BGS grades overall, represent the true condition & integrity of the actual card. Could care less if PSA is ‘popular’, I’m always dubious of a PSA 10’s actual real condition. I do like the look of an SGC slab though.
    Hope you're right about Fanatics cleaning up their print runs, but I think the Panini 3 year run will still hold some value.
    BTW 34:56 Shots fired indeed Zac. Everything does Josh!
    Thanks fellas 👍

    • @boxalarmtrading
      @boxalarmtrading  3 місяці тому

      @@Matty_Mac Well said Matty we all get enjoyment in collecting for different reasons and in different ways!

  • @binladen5299
    @binladen5299 3 місяці тому +3

    Got a Dustin and Conor kaboom 💥! Everyone Iv shown say those are there favorites . Bullish on the kaboom

    • @binladen5299
      @binladen5299 3 місяці тому +3

      Great episode !

    • @boxalarmtrading
      @boxalarmtrading  3 місяці тому +1

      @@binladen5299 The sales history shows that they’re selling pretty nicely! Thanks for the support.

  • @TiagoNunesCA
    @TiagoNunesCA 3 місяці тому +2

    SGC CGC 🤮. Sorry. PSA still king and I am ok with Beckett.

    • @boxalarmtrading
      @boxalarmtrading  3 місяці тому +1

      @@TiagoNunesCA What are the reasons for not liking SGC or CGC?

    • @TiagoNunesCA
      @TiagoNunesCA 3 місяці тому +1

      @@boxalarmtrading pure design I don’t like the black backgrounds but that is just me .

    • @boxalarmtrading
      @boxalarmtrading  3 місяці тому +1

      @@TiagoNunesCA Gotcha that makes sense! Do you like Tags design? They seem to have one of the clearest slabs out right now.

    • @TiagoNunesCA
      @TiagoNunesCA 3 місяці тому +1

      @@boxalarmtrading yup tag design is clean and if grows in popularity I would support it .