Can someone tell me the scale of the toy vehicles that are used? I bought some that were slightly too big to look right and I'd love to pick up some more that were more to scale like the ones in this video. Thanks in advance for the help.
Does cover from Magnetic refraction not drop off if the attacker is within 2? I was told it was treated like normal cover, and so if the attacker was within 2, you dont get the effect...
Great game gentlemen! Was great to see objective play Avengers, took a lot of tips for my own Avengers tactics.
Pyro only gets 1 power per his attacks I believe. When you one shot Beast you mentioned he got 6 power from it I think.
A couple times magneto used his leadership to dish out 2 power after a size one was thrown.
Why couldn`t you boost Magnetos defense on the ric blast? As far as I remember, it`s not limited to once pr turn
I don't recall off the top of my head the exact occurrence, but did I have power at the time?
Pyro’s builder only gains 1 power, not power equal to damage.
Can someone tell me the scale of the toy vehicles that are used? I bought some that were slightly too big to look right and I'd love to pick up some more that were more to scale like the ones in this video. Thanks in advance for the help.
1 : 43 seems to work. For model train O-scale.
Does cover from Magnetic refraction not drop off if the attacker is within 2? I was told it was treated like normal cover, and so if the attacker was within 2, you dont get the effect...
Magneto’s cover comes from the card which supersedes the base rule.