You Have No Soul

  • Опубліковано 23 лип 2024
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  • @hammersaw3135
    @hammersaw3135 Місяць тому

    “The excellence of the soul is understanding; for the man who understands is conscious, devoted, and already godlike.”
    ― Hermes Trismegistus

  • @JimTempleman
    @JimTempleman 7 місяців тому +6

    Kosho Uchiyama Roshi, Shohaku Okumura, Taigen Daniel Leighton (1997) Wholehearted Way (Dogen’s Bendowa). p. 76
    "What Buddhism is concerned about is not something abstract, but the very concrete and actual reality of life. All beings exist through life experience of the self. The self lives out itself in the life experience of all beings. The life experience of the self and the myriad beings that we experience are one. This is the reality of life. The life experience of the self and the life experience of all beings can never separate into subject and object. That which experiences and that which is experienced cannot be divided into two. This reality that cannot be differentiated into two is called dharma or mind, and it is the meaning of the expression "dharma and mind are one reality" (shinpō ichinyo). [Wait for it:]
    Therefore, we cannot say that we appear on the world's stage when we are born, and leave it when we die. We were born with this world in which we live out our lives as life experience. We live with this whole world. When we die, our whole world will die with us also. …”

  • @pearlyung
    @pearlyung 7 місяців тому +5

    All these religion and philosophy have mythical gods, individuals, and separate self, with various godly characters, and then they teach there is no separate self. Except Buddhism.

    • @fingerprint5511
      @fingerprint5511 7 місяців тому

      I came to the conclusion you have and also that each God represented some fragment of imagination.

  • @Kameko-uq5wy
    @Kameko-uq5wy 7 місяців тому +4

    When you actually do notice how people believe in a soul while saying they don't, it is very funny to see how they express their belief without saying it. I remember maybe a decade ago people were talking about brainscans and brain mapping and brain simulating a lot for some reason, with the express interest in using the concept to become immortal, or I guess "bottle their soul", almost becoming like some kind of prophecy of bringing heaven to earth. I see it a lot with lay Buddhists as well, like you mentioned. They'll very bluntly say there is no soul and then use stand-in words for it like "karma" or something, almost like they are trying to express a belief in a soul but now it's a bad word to them.

  • @cudniantic
    @cudniantic 7 місяців тому

    🙏 brad...i've been into spirituality a lot, especially yoga...meditation, advaita, kundalini all kinds of stuff...but zazen, buddhism, dogen to be in particular changed my whole perception of spirituality...i've been watching your content and studying dogen.....and on one of the videos that struck me was to stick to 1 i've done that for the last 2 months...and the results have been amazing...i know it sounds silly, results in zazen and buddhism...but it kinda is....i mean that's how our mind is built also...if you stick to chopping wood and fetching water, you'll chop wood and fetch water.....yet i've been practicing meditation since 2013...i've been doing zazen since 2019...and what has been so fascinating to me is how this concept of soul, that i was grasping on...even to this day...and i was sensing that there's more to this since in my zazen, i've experienced this nothingness, constantly...then i started to think about this koan - i think it's the no-thing koan...which was presented to me very early in my zazen, i was somehow uneasy to present this to the people that i know and where i teach buddhism....because i was uncertain by myself what it is, because i can obviously see "my soul, mind and body", so who am i? i am no thing. or just noting. thank you brad...did i figure this out? does it matter...ziggy had the best answer. bye! p.s. i stumbled on this lego fortnite trailer lol it's kind interesting after this video, thanks a lot!

  • @hammersaw3135
    @hammersaw3135 Місяць тому

    "Naming is the origin of all particular things" Tao Te Ching

  • @willieluncheonette5843
    @willieluncheonette5843 6 місяців тому

    Krishna's words are golden here. The soul is immortal, the body is not.

  • @curiouscompliance
    @curiouscompliance 7 місяців тому +1

    Play it Brad!

  • @BobCarsonsMMA
    @BobCarsonsMMA 7 місяців тому +1

    Little libraries have books you borrow and return, not take and keep. Go put some of your books in there and it’s all good.

  • @williambigger1545
    @williambigger1545 5 місяців тому

    it’s interesting that Advaita, as a Hindu response to Buddhism, seems to state the same thing in a seemingly contradictory way: that all is Self. of course, the experience of nonduality is the same.

  • @ceeemm1901
    @ceeemm1901 7 місяців тому

    ...that would explain the blisters on my feet.....

  • @jugsewell
    @jugsewell 7 місяців тому +1

    Master Dasui said to an assembly,
    The virtuous ones of antiquity all sought reality, not deceiving themselves. How could they be compared to flighty moths casting themselves into flames, injuring and destroying themselves? They clearly understood life and death, so repetitive cycles couldn’t hold them back. ​That is why ‘cognition cannot conceive it, knowledge cannot know it.’ Haven’t you heard how Shakyamuni Buddha closed the door, and the enlightened layman Vimalakirti kept silent? The saint Subhuti explained without speaking, the gods Indra and Brahma heard without listening. This matter is very difficult, very difficult!
    from: Treasury of the Eye of True Teaching: by Master Dahui (successor to Master Yuanwu , of Blue Cliff Record fame. Translated by Thomas Cleary
    This massive collection of quotes and stories of the Masters appeared (approx.) 60 years before the title was borrowed by He Who Must Not Be Named.

  • @joeg3950
    @joeg3950 7 місяців тому

    The concept of soul comes from Hellenic philosophy (Plato). Christianity takes the hellenic idea and adapts it to their philosophical system. The soul's epistemology is studied in theological seminaries/schools outside of the evangelical traditions (not allowed to question origins, etc. in fundamentalism). The downside is that the soul's existence is not questioned, only that it's nice to now where the western concept originates. One thing I wrote abut in seminary was embodiment - this tends to get shut down after a certain point. One of the reasons I discarded some of the western classical ideas of soul and jumped into Zen. Once I shed some of the theological/philosophical garbage, things cleared up for me. There's a large amount of detritus in Western and Eastern theological traditions.

  • @lani0
    @lani0 7 місяців тому +1

    😮oh no nithyananda!!!

    • @skrrskrr99
      @skrrskrr99 Місяць тому

      I’m good with my Hare Krishna BG 😂.

  • @dallasdandigitalproduction393
    @dallasdandigitalproduction393 7 місяців тому +7

    This is the thing that I struggle with in Buddhist philosophy. If we have no Atman, no soul, then where does love,kindness and compassion come from? Where does great art come from? Are all these just pieces of our brain? Just chemical reactions from our autonomic nervous system based on cultural conditioning?I can't buy that. But I DO believe people who do tragic and horrifying things to other humans without remorse or conscience definitely are soulless. This is why war is such a devastating thing,bc people lose their humanity to destroy other humans. They become machine -like in their lack of respect for life. Truly tragic imo

    • @BobCarsonsMMA
      @BobCarsonsMMA 7 місяців тому +1

      Define what you mean by “soul.”

    • @dallasdandigitalproduction393
      @dallasdandigitalproduction393 7 місяців тому +1

      @@BobCarsonsMMA My concept is the indestructable part of us that exists beyond the body. Also known as Atman, that which comes back to reincarnate to balance karma. Its the inner spirit that animates life. With that self, we are machines imo.

    • @dallasdandigitalproduction393
      @dallasdandigitalproduction393 6 місяців тому

      @@HerFavColor-ut9qb that doesn't make sense. Great human achievements don't happen bc we aren't "self centered",lol.

    • @ciaranballetta3997
      @ciaranballetta3997 6 місяців тому +1

      This I great question. I think what is meant is no “separate” soul; no separate individual life-force, no separate personal essence. I think what you’ll find talking to a lot of zen and Buddhist people, is that these qualities that you mentioned (that make us real, sensitive, vital, and able to connect with ourselves and others) are still real and possible without the need for a separated personal essence. There is also evidence that the original meaning of atman was more akin to the concept of Self, Mind or Jiko that you’ll find in zen. Not a total lack of something we might call soul, just a lack of edges or separation with any ‘other’ phenomena in our universe.

    • @pajamawilliams9847
      @pajamawilliams9847 6 місяців тому

      There's one thusness which moves all things. The thing that is 'you' is an expression of it and it dissolves with the body. You exist as a bubble of foam in a sea of foam. You have nothing to fear because 'you' aren't the bubble, 'you' are the soap that makes the bubbles. This is different from Atman, because the bubble doesn't transfer it's selfness to a different bubble, the soap returns and is recycled completely.
      What makes life precious is that it is fragile, fleeting, and unique. If bodies can be thrown away and recycled, life is cheap. If your child's existence is snuffed out when they die, it is precious. Life is precious. But also, it must end, and can at any time. To recognize life is both precious and fleeting, and to live wisely in accordance with this truth constitutes the sum of Awakening. This is the four noble truths and when it is grasped the spiritual life is complete.

  • @mattrkelly
    @mattrkelly 7 місяців тому

    I performed that very song, along with many other blues brothers hits... dressed as elwood blues... at about 15 locations around hawaii... including Obama's elementary school... true story 😂

  • @HeikkiLiitoksia
    @HeikkiLiitoksia 7 місяців тому

    topic is why did my teacher say this to me in front of a live audience

  • @MaterialWolf
    @MaterialWolf 7 місяців тому

    well, if mind and body is one ? doesnt that mean that soul and body is one ? so you kinda are both at the same time ? so everybody has no soul , but the body is soul itself so the soul kinda exists ?

    • @fingerprint5511
      @fingerprint5511 7 місяців тому +1

      Is this experience you speak from or what you read or heard? This is of crucial importance. The Buddha said 'investigate'. Don't ask what you believe, find out yourself

    • @MaterialWolf
      @MaterialWolf 7 місяців тому

      @@HerFavColor-ut9qb got it thanks for the tip bro

  • @carmelaloperena8972
    @carmelaloperena8972 7 місяців тому

    Could you make a video about Tibetan Claiming Reincarnations?.
    What is it exactly that reincarnate into a brand new body?. I mean if all forms of life are empty of self, how could it be possible "the individual" be reincarnated?.

    • @HardcoreZen
      @HardcoreZen  7 місяців тому +1

      The individual is not reincarnated.

    • @carmelaloperena8972
      @carmelaloperena8972 7 місяців тому

      @@HardcoreZen ; What is it then?.

    • @HardcoreZen
      @HardcoreZen  7 місяців тому +1

      @@carmelaloperena8972 There are loads of books about this question. Buddhist scholars have produced a lot of theories. The most detailed ones come out of the Yogacara school (which I've done a few videos about). Zen folks tend to mostly ignore those detailed theories. The problem is you can explain it and theorize about it forever and you'll never get it right.
      Personally, I'm not one of those Buddhists who pushes the belief in reincarnation. I'm somewhat of an agnostic about it. I've seen some of those documentaries & things where they attempt to prove reincarnation is real. Some are pretty convincing. But I also know how facts can be cherry-picked and contradictory evidence can be ignored when you're trying to prove something like that. So I don't accept that stuff easily.

    • @deean.art0
      @deean.art0 7 місяців тому +1

      @@HardcoreZen Thanks for the insights, Brad! I was actually curious about the topic of reincarnation after watching this video. Do you remember what documentaries about reincarnation you found most convincing were called? I would love to check those out!

    • @HardcoreZen
      @HardcoreZen  7 місяців тому +1

      @@deean.art0 I can't remember. Some Netflix show, I think. Or Hulu? Like I said, "convincing" doesn't mean that I, personally, was convinced. I've been involved in enough documentaries to know how you can manipulate information (as well as add images, music, special effects, etc.) to make a case that might not really be very strong.

  • @dbbang1
    @dbbang1 7 місяців тому +3

    You have left me more confused than I was before. Just tell me, when I die, what of me stands before King Yama? What of me gets reborn into one of the six realms of existence?
    It's not my soul. Okay, I get that. So what is it?

    • @fingerprint5511
      @fingerprint5511 7 місяців тому

      What 'me'? Ponder this - your brain develops Dementia, you forget who you are. Where is this me? Theravada is the true teachings, the other sects are false Dhamma. There is no form that you are or will answer to, it is the Citta that is reborn 🙏

    • @dbbang1
      @dbbang1 7 місяців тому +1

      WTF?? LMAO

    • @fingerprint5511
      @fingerprint5511 7 місяців тому

      @@dbbang1 By your response you are as Buddhist as Donald Trump. And King Yama? Is that like Santa Clause or praying to Chairman Mao? lol

    • @Vicky-fl7pv
      @Vicky-fl7pv 7 місяців тому +2

      Nothing stands before yama. Nothing is born.

    • @vulgarolga
      @vulgarolga 6 місяців тому

      @@fingerprint5511 There is a nonzero chance you may find some value in the book of a Theravadin scholar ( ).
      Bhikkhu Analayo identifies four superiority conceits in Buddhism. The 3rd one maybe of some interest to you. Its about the Theravādin claim that their central doctrines reflect the teachings of the original Buddha.

  • @fingerprint5511
    @fingerprint5511 7 місяців тому +2

    We don't even have a body. Ask any woman if she controls menstruation, menopause. Women experience the truth of nature unlike us. Imagine suddenly bleeding monthly and suddenly stopping and aging caused by menopause. While we men delude ourselves with a soul as some kind of identity.

    • @OldSchopenhauer
      @OldSchopenhauer 7 місяців тому +1

      I don’t buy the idea that women don’t believe in mind-body duality.

  • @sparrowsparrow4197
    @sparrowsparrow4197 7 місяців тому

    You would get rich busking. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • @mikewright3633
    @mikewright3633 7 місяців тому

    Makes no sense 🥴

  • @thomaserickson568
    @thomaserickson568 6 місяців тому

    This was NOT your best.

  • @Victoreatpussycage
    @Victoreatpussycage 7 місяців тому

    dude you need to cover the full song