A funny too directly translated Afrikaans to English, I wish to share! Read improved description!

  • Опубліковано 7 вер 2024
  • Just had to share from my WhatsApp. What makes this video so funny is the very direct very funny translations of Afrikaans compound name parts to English. Skoon-pa or Father-in-Law translates directly to Clean Father or Clean Pa.or Clean Dad.
    Skoon-suster=Sister-in-Law=Clean Sister (skoon-maak=clean-make), Yster-vark or Porcupine became Iron Pig, Bok-ma-kierrie (Buck Mother Walkingstick) bird. Tou opgooi (give up) throwup rope.
    Bakkie means pickup-truck. Bak means hollow shell/hollow bowl or like in bak-werk (hollow-shell-work) of a vehicle (voertuig).
    Vlak-vark=Warthog translates to Shallow Pig, Swaer (Swaar=Heavy) or Brother-in-Law translates kind of to Heavy, Kameel-perd (Giraffe) means Camel Horse, Lui-perd=Leopard means Lazy Horse.
    He talks about my wheel is porridge coming from Afrikaans pap-wiel (flat tyre/wheel) also (porridge) like in Mealie (Maize) Porridge (Mielie-pap or Pap) referring to a flat tyre (band) or wheel (wiel). My wheel is porridge thus papwiel "my wiel is pap" or my wheel is flat or a flat tyre. Dutch is funny!
    Bene (used more for humans, actually pote is used over bene for animals), "bene" (been-ne) can mean either legs or bones like in bones in the air or bene (pote) in die lug or legs up in the sky or air. Sky and Air is both "lug" in Afri. (lig=light and lug=air/sky).
    Ja Afrikaans is unique in it's structure, so when he says "just put some sky into it" kind of mean something like "just put some air into it" (the wheel or tyre) (pump up the flat tyre with air) or "sit (put or sit) lug (air/sky) in (in) die (the) wiel (wheel) or pomp (pump) die (the) wiel (wheel) op (up) or the Afrikaans way of saying pump the wheel up or pump up the wheel. By the way the English word tow as in towtruck is related to the Afrikaans/Dutch word tou as we mean rope when we say "tou" not pull.
    Dubbel-loop(barrel/walk/go) haal-geweer (double-barrel/walk hale-gun) or double barrel shotgun.
    Boom-wortel or tree root (boom=tree) (wortel=root or carrot) carrot = geel-wortel (yellow-root), used wrongly as carrot instead of root) is translated to Tree Carrot not Tree Root.
    Stinky Skunk or Stink Muis-hond becomes Stink Mouse-dog.
    Vlak-tes/Laag-tes (Shallow(tes)/Low(tes) basically low lying flat lands translates to Shallows.
    Vêr-kyker/s or Binoculars translates directly to Far Lookers more meant to mean far seers.
    I am not sure about the arse-hole thing.
    Maybe poep-ol or Poep-hol translates to Arse/Ass Hole, Gat.
    "Oh holes" = "O gaats" meaning "Oh my!" in Afrikaans. He looks so nauseous, he wants to
    throw up rope = Hy (He) lyk (appearance not looking or corpse) so (so) naar (bad/awfull/nauseous) hy (he) wil (wills to/wants to) tou (rope) opgooi (to throw upwards) "Hy lyk so naar, hy wil tou opgooi" meaning "He looks so bad, he wants to give up". "tou opgooi" means "to (want to) give up or to (want to) quit.
    Hilarious especially if you get it by being Afrikaans/Dutch speaking or a South African, great one! So now you know kind of what the Afrikaans guy is kind-off talking about, of cause there is nothing wrong with these Dutch/Afrikaans words, the guy just chose the kind of hunting (jag) story (storie) that sounds like a langstorie or a long/tall story direct translated wrongly with intension to sound very funny in English and you must agree you have never heard such a story before.
    Afrikaans from old Dutch can actually be very funny but in a great descriptive way. Search Leon Schuster (funny movies) and Tolla van der Merwe (Funny storytelling) also check out Afrikaanse Musiek. One is never to old to notice or learn something new!
    Don't forget to check out my other somewhat technical on the fly videos. As they are mostly on the moment (op die ingewing van die oomblik) they lack quality regarding my limited English abilities then. Also try to give me a like or subscribe. Remember it is what I stand for and my messages that matters!