Once again a cool viedo. But please explain to me what you are doing at the end of the video. I don't understand. You fill your shovel, lift it up and then empty it again. Again and again. Why? De-icing or why do you do That? Thank you for the video and greetings from Switzerland
It looks like he is filling his bucket for 2 minutes and then weighing it to get a rough tons/hr for the different aggregate sizes coming off the crusher.
En nyfiken fråga: Räcker det med hjullastare godshantering för att jobba på grustag som detta eller måste man ha hela markberedningsbiten också ? Frågar då jag är på väg att ta hjullastarkort för just godshantering och undrar om jag bara kastar bort tid och pengar på att inte även ta markberedningsbiten också.
I was waiting for you to put the plow on, haha 😂
Какие же классные звуки у Caterpillar!
Operator not afraid of the wrenches. 👍
What a great transmission drove the 966xe and 988xe
Ну красава!!! Приятно видеть труды настоящих профи!!!!
very good video! nice to see other tasks of yours too!
Thanks, from North Dakota! Great, Great Chanel!
Perfect Saved to watch later when I get home from work👍
Wisconsin here! I Love watching your plowing videos. Where is your quarry? I want to look at it from Google Earth. Thanks! Be safe
Usda xeyirli işler cat 1 nömredi her zaman
Wow so beautiful road that I never seen .
good job !!! top level nice!!!
Once again a cool viedo. But please explain to me what you are doing at the end of the video. I don't understand. You fill your shovel, lift it up and then empty it again. Again and again. Why? De-icing or why do you do That? Thank you for the video and greetings from Switzerland
It looks like he is filling his bucket for 2 minutes and then weighing it to get a rough tons/hr for the different aggregate sizes coming off the crusher.
Интересно. Жду роликов с расчисткой снега.❄
Were in the World are you
@vilmer atv Sweden.
How many hours are on that loader?
I'm a senior in college taking heavy equipment operations and really enjoy it.
soon 11000 hours
@@gruskarlsson wow that's a good amount
Granted you operate it pretty much year round
fajns zabawka i pewnie milo sie pracuje taka ile na raz lyszka może zabrac materiału i spalanie ile wychodzi
What were you doing at the end sittin in each pile?
Kral ! Türkçe başlık at milyon izlenme alırsın. Biz severiz iş makinası izlemeyi :)
Love watching your videos
Are you steering with a wheel or joy sticks ?
there is no steering wheel in the machine
В какой стране вы живете, работаете? Я из России тоже работаю на погрузчике volvo l 220h, хороший аппарат. Но думаю Cat тоже очень неплох.
En nyfiken fråga: Räcker det med hjullastare godshantering för att jobba på grustag som detta eller måste man ha hela markberedningsbiten också ? Frågar då jag är på väg att ta hjullastarkort för just godshantering och undrar om jag bara kastar bort tid och pengar på att inte även ta markberedningsbiten också.
Är nog olika men här behövs allt tog alla 3 behörighet för att få köra
Hello Gurka! I've got an question. So, where are you from?/where do you live? :)
I from colombia
Saludos amigo, yo trabajo con esa máquinaria
Fick ni nå snö nu?
2cm typ
Why don't you have any stock piles of sand around the road save the running around