Lance Armstrong Full Interview with Kevin Kelly - Cardiac Classic

  • Опубліковано 17 вер 2024


  • @MarkPalace
    @MarkPalace 9 років тому +19

    Great interview!

    • @intomatrix1
      @intomatrix1 9 років тому +13

      I am surprised he still has the brass frankly. Surely the decent thing would be to keep a low profile.

  • @Pleaver
    @Pleaver 9 років тому +73

    Say what you want, this guy is a stone cold warrior.

  • @manilafixedgear2312
    @manilafixedgear2312 9 років тому +76

    The more I read about the subject of "corporate psychopath" the more I think Lance falls into that catagory. The way he speaks and the way he is able to lie directly to someone and twist the truth is disturbing.

  • @intomatrix1
    @intomatrix1 9 років тому +28

    What does Betsy Andreu think?

  • @markwright7021
    @markwright7021 9 років тому +43

    I know this is not the right thing to post...but, I had no interest in the cycling sport until this doping scandal came about. Ive bought Tyler Hamiltons book and watched all the documentaries! Now when I watch races I understand strategies and rules. So thanks Lance. He was a cheat and bully, but lets move on. There are lots of dodgy guys in politics who need a good look at....

    • @user-zx1ir7jt4c
      @user-zx1ir7jt4c 9 років тому +3

      Mark Wright I try to explain this to people, that Lance is small potatoes. He's just a sociopath on 2 wheels, a master liar. There are literally guys just like Lance ruining America from legislative offices. Lets look at the real dangerous men and women. Can you imagine if we ran some scumbag politicians through the wringer like we've done Lance Armstrong? Hell, we could clean this country up and fix a lot of problems. America needs to lose this obsession with sports stars... I mean that's why some people have such a virulent hatred of Lance is because they probably had complete faith in the guy and he made them look like idiots.

    • @markwright7021
      @markwright7021 9 років тому

      Well said Sam

    • @user-zx1ir7jt4c
      @user-zx1ir7jt4c 9 років тому +1

      Mark Wright Well, I also just recently got into cycling as well. I started getting into it a couple of years ago, right about the time the Armstrong empire began to crack and crumble. So I have no idea what it was like back then. I've only seen the videos, and judging by some of the videos, I can't imagine anyone thinking that the guy was clean. I guess most cycling fans, especially Americans, looked up to him as some kind of god like figure, like he could do no wrong. And he just ate it up. I will say this about Lance, he brought a fiery tenacity to the sport that was very exciting. That kind of tenacity hasn't been seen in cycling since he hung it up.

  • @patrioticexports2069
    @patrioticexports2069 9 років тому +6

    We all have some "Monster" to deal with in life; the sooner we come to terms with it the better and stronger we become. I admire Americans for the transparency and exposure from impeaching a President to stripping a resident. What about those countries that sweep dirt under their rug to save face? Stay STRONG Lance...LIVESTRONG

  • @jertee227
    @jertee227 9 років тому +8

    Good job Lance!

  • @4vickiekaye
    @4vickiekaye 9 років тому +18

    Almost all of the top riders doped during the "Armstrong" era. Armstrong may have been the most arrogant of the lot and bullied people but he isn't any more guilty than the others. Why isn't there such outrage over baseball, football or basketball? If you think those sports are clean you are highly delusional. Anyone who was a competitive or avid cyclist in the 90's and early 00's knew that the top riders doped. I don't understand the outrage against Lance. I suppose as a culture we require a scapegoat to sacrifice and Lance fit the bill because he made the most of the EPO era. Anyone who knows cycling history knows that doping has been part of the sport from the inception, from brandy to cocaine to amphetamines to blood doping and into the use of EPO and a return to blood doping. The clean riders these days are highly stigmatized and it is unfair when you think about the hypocritical attitude many have considering doping in baseball, football etc.

    • @4vickiekaye
      @4vickiekaye 9 років тому +4

      ***** Why the personal attack? Have you actually read my comment and understand the point I'm making? No, I don't condone doping but it is a part of all major sports and to believe otherwise is delusional thinking. I'm not a big fan of any sport but followed cycling when I was a competitive cyclist. Again I ask the question, where is the outrage against the dopers in baseball, football, basketball, body building, etc? Horse racing? those poor animals are completely doped up, there are even pop up ads for EPO to be sold to horse trainers on You Tube. I guess some people are satisfied with making an example of one person as a sacrificial lamb so that all of the others are granted dispensation. I suggest a dictionary if you don't quite grasp the meanings of the words I use..

    • @fide9
      @fide9 9 років тому

      Vickie Kaye Let's face it! Even today cyclists dope. It's inevitable. Back then, every cyclist that I can remember of, minimally capable of standing up to Armstrong, were somewhere along their professionals careers caught doping. In all honesty, to this day I respect Armstrong. Not on the personal side, especially because I despise and am disgusted by all of his personal attacks and the discreditational endeavour he undertook, towards numerous people who were trying to shed some light into his dubious actions. However, when it comes to his competitive spirit, I believe that never in history has cycling witnessed a man with such drive and will to win and triumph. I remember Thomas Voeckler once saying, after winning a stage: "They were exhausted and I was exhausted. In the end, it came down to who wanted it the most". And in that department, of wanting more that any of the others, I truly believe that Armstrong is yet to find his counterpart. If you want to cure cycling's biggest disease, don't vilify Armstrong. Start with the structure, with the organisational institutions. Re-think the Grand Tours. That's how, step by step, you get rid of doping. If Arsmstrong should be punished? Definitely, but enough is enough.

    • @vivekrbs
      @vivekrbs 9 років тому +4

      Vickie Kaye Maybe you should highlight the culture of corruption , greed and poor values.The US postal team and key people involved knew what they were doing.I don't buy the bullshit in this interview. They pretty much killed cycling.I used to be an avid enthusiast.It is a real pity that all these guys are not behind bars.