cool video ☺ glad i found your channel. im moving to Koh Tao in Thailand to do my IDC in september. cant wait for that! so i love watching any videos on diving in thailand 😊
I love your channel. Thank you for all your videos! The 1st one I watched was your dentist appointment in Bangkok. Super informative. I love watching all your adventures! I have always wanted to try a live aboard dive boat. Thank you for tips about bathing suits and clothing. Me and my husband are moving to Thailand in October and plan on getting our dive certifications. We are hoping to do tons of dives while we are there.
+Vegan Goddess Juiliana I'm so excited for your move! I don't think anyone can go wrong moving to Thailand; even i've considered that. They've even got vegan possbilities! As for dives, the liveaboard helps accelerate your amount of dives. I wrote more on my blog post, but it's worthwhile and you get better quality dive locations. Thailand is an awesome place for diving and definitely less expensive!
Hi I was reading your review of Wicked Diving as I am considering them to do my DM course. Just wanted to clarify something as I am sure it will help you in the future. The right word is Thermocline not Therma Climb. Its understandable how one can mis hear it. Easy to mistake :) Happy Diving. Would advice getting lots of dives in now before even thinking of Rescue Certification. Cheers :)
good back pack. have a nice Journey👍💯😍💖
cool video ☺ glad i found your channel. im moving to Koh Tao in Thailand to do my IDC in september. cant wait for that! so i love watching any videos on diving in thailand 😊
Thanks so much for the after trip added part at the end found that super useful!
You are very welcome!
looks like fun...enjoy and be safe....
You go GRRRL! 🙌
Thanks +Global Adventurer =D =D
Love your vids.....keep up👊🏻💪🏼✈️
Thanks for watching +can ulken ! =D
I love your channel. Thank you for all your videos! The 1st one I watched was your dentist appointment in Bangkok. Super informative. I love watching all your adventures! I have always wanted to try a live aboard dive boat. Thank you for tips about bathing suits and clothing.
Me and my husband are moving to Thailand in October and plan on getting our dive certifications. We are hoping to do tons of dives while we are there.
+Vegan Goddess Juiliana I'm so excited for your move! I don't think anyone can go wrong moving to Thailand; even i've considered that. They've even got vegan possbilities! As for dives, the liveaboard helps accelerate your amount of dives. I wrote more on my blog post, but it's worthwhile and you get better quality dive locations. Thailand is an awesome place for diving and definitely less expensive!
Thank you! I will checkout your blog to read all the details about the live aboard. Keep up your videos I love them!
Very details information!
Hi I was reading your review of Wicked Diving as I am considering them to do my DM course. Just wanted to clarify something as I am sure it will help you in the future. The right word is Thermocline not Therma Climb. Its understandable how one can mis hear it. Easy to mistake :) Happy Diving. Would advice getting lots of dives in now before even thinking of Rescue Certification. Cheers :)
great video!
Have fun but be careful some crazy fish in the water's there.
Thanks for the tips! I can't use the girl stuff, but there's still some good mentions.
+MikeDiamond Glad you could use some of the tips. Please share this channel with others!🤗🤗🤗
What are your plans after this Christine? 😊 Where are you headed? We'd love to meet up with you and collab on some videos.
+Cafe con Leche Abroad Collab in the future most definitely! Aside from the video update i just put out, my future travels are still unknown.