Insomnia: "Mwuahaha! This person will never get to sleep!" *Crendor looks Insomnia straight in the eye. Insomnia knows what is coming and starts to sweat, knowing it's time is up. Insomnia is vaporized after Crendor said the ultimate ASMR phrase* ..."cya"
I just keep re-watching the 10 or so seconds after the first Pringle enters his mouth and it somehow gets funnier every time. Crendor's disappointment is immeasurable, and his day is ruined.
I work at a grocery store and have access to items weeks or months before promotional items like these are actually even displayed on the shelves and these literally taste like a baconator if it were 3D printed. I can say first hand that this review is accurate. Please take this comment into consideration when buying your own can for your own noncontent enjoyment
Insomnia: "Mwuahaha! This person will never get to sleep!"
*Crendor looks Insomnia straight in the eye. Insomnia knows what is coming and starts to sweat, knowing it's time is up. Insomnia is vaporized after Crendor said the ultimate ASMR phrase*
I just keep re-watching the 10 or so seconds after the first Pringle enters his mouth and it somehow gets funnier every time.
Crendor's disappointment is immeasurable, and his day is ruined.
Wish we had these over in Sweden. Thank you for these food review ASMR's Crendor.
Long have we waited....
I hope Jesse doesn't make another react video to this.
I work at a grocery store and have access to items weeks or months before promotional items like these are actually even displayed on the shelves and these literally taste like a baconator if it were 3D printed. I can say first hand that this review is accurate. Please take this comment into consideration when buying your own can for your own noncontent enjoyment
Nice sloth