I use to have a neighbor who had this condition. Anytime he would leave the house he wore this aluminum foil blanket and would run around the yard. He used to light up his house with lamps and candles and one night one of the lamps got knocked over and it caused a house fire and it killed him. Made me feel real bad for him and his family that he had to live like that.
This disease is so dangerous-there was a successful lawyer in New Mexico who got it and it ruined his marriage, relationship with his brother (who also became an attorney) and in the end his law firm. He died due to his complications with this disease. It is so sad.
I’m in extreme pain. Especially when internet of things, uploads/downloads start. It’s grueling, like touching electricity with wet hands. Metal anything makes things worse. Had to turn off my cell phone, hardwire my tablet and turn off and unplug most everything. Still, pain is so bad! My muscles hardened especially between 2pm and 4:30 Static and my skin and hair being to dry, cause it to be worse. GPS in car, metal and electric seats, car onboard pc, tower’s, other peoples phones cars, electrical poles, solar, magnets all hurt, even some people who have strong electricity fields, like my husband, cause it to spike. I have gadolinium toxicity caused by getting MRI’s with gadolinium contrast, which makes my condition worse. I noticed I was suffering more when 3g kicked in, then 4g, 5 g is so bad! I didn’t know a lot of what I know now. 5g pain wise and my muscles strength and energy are so low. Working on getting protected but cost is so high. This is no joke!
I knew this guy, he was a great person and the disease completely ruined his life. It got to the point that only immediate family was allowed in his house, which he never left. When his brother would visit, he had to leave in cell phone in the mailbox before going in.
@@ahronthegreat I've tried that countless times, it doesn't work with EHS like it does in some cases with food. After an exposure for less than an hour for example is I removed the radiation filter from my PC and screen I can only run on VGA safely I get extremely sick in less than an hour. I'm getting real sick of living like this, I've given up everything technologically besides a single small music project I do in small bursts with wearable radiation protection because my body can't handle it. I with glenjenkins on the worst part about it though being the gaslighters keeping this condition from being medically recognized. The level of censorship is mind blowing, it's so bad that in place like Reddit if you make a topic about it, it will be wiped within hours tops. There is some surviving topics out there on reddit mostly about someone complaining about someone with this condition (very few from suffers that survived) and a couple dead forums I've come across for us as well as FB groups (but I'm not on FB so I can't join them) but that's it for us. There is something so fishy going on because there are so many of us but we just get censored to death. I see the topics pop up all the time but like I said that get deleted very quickly, I've gotten banned for simply discussing my experience with it. Another thing is the topics will be downvoted into oblivion almost immediately when other topics are literally not getting any votes up or down in the time frame at all.
Why should anyone believe in your grandiose delusions if you're doing absolutely nothing to even try to demonstrate them? It would be the easiest thing in the world to show that you can do this.
I have to say that even though I"m not 'bothered' by E-sensitivity, I have do have very keen hearing senses. The high frequency 'buzzing' that occurs from fridges, baseboard heaters, etc... really bothers me and gives me headaches. The world is a very noisy place. I'm not surprised that some people are suffering from all of this 'noise' - electronic, audio or otherwise.
I have this too. Many people also have sensory processing disorder and this is also a very normal thing for those with ADHD (me) or ASD. I have issues with things that visual, audible and physical. Bright fluorescent lights are my biggest problem by far but I'm also affected by computers and vacuum cleaners and fridges and car heaters. Supermarkets are hell for me. Got motion sickness too. Very hypersensitive :/
Me personally when I was in active addiction my hearing would be on 10000000 percent so I try to remain realistic and cut out all of the t.i shit. But after a year of sobriety all the sudden they're back and I haven't released and I have had complete peace the whole time I've been sober
Traditional Chinese Medicine phytotherapy and sleeping in a healthy environment (in the nature, close to water) allows me to tolerate EMF saturated environments during the day.
I too am a sufferer! I can't stand near Bluetooth, WiFi, 3/4G and any electrical appliance! The sharp stabbing pain begins almost instantly! It's like an ice pick going thru my skull! My eyes start to hurt and if I do not remove myself I begin feeling terrible nausea and feeling of faintness. It's so bad that I sleep in the bathrooms of hotels to be protected from WiFi or network emissions as the walls offer some protection and if it's too intense I feel like I am dying! It's horrible that we are not taken seriously or believed! I too like using my iPhone and the likes but I always have to watch that I don't over do it! If someone has their Bluetooth next to me, I don't even have to look or know they are there! The searing pain through my skull tells me straight away! How can they say it's imaginary? Why won't we be believed? The minute I turn off all devices my headache lifts like a veil and the pressure and burning in my skull just dissipate! I am struggling every day with tech emissions! My life revolves around trying to balance it by getting enough sleep away from EMFS and eating anti inflammatory foods! It's like a bucket that overfills and needs to be emptied in order to have any amount of tolerance of EMFs! Please people believe us! We DONT want to be like that! We too used to love WiFi's and mobile phones! We do not CHOOSE to be this way!
@@talxicityzone7724 i so intrigued .. I ve not met anyone who has similar symptoms to mine and am so interested to hear that you are like me! Most people have skin tingling or other symptoms and they wear tin foil which I know does not work at all so I am wondering if they actually are experiencing EMF sensitivity or something else? The problem with tin foils or any Emf blocking blankets/devices is that they tend to amplify the emissions if not completely closed off or if some of the waves seep through! I know that because I tried it and it didn't work. It works only if you cover the router itself by reducing the transmission but ultimately is no good for 4G towers. I tried so many ways to use those aids but it never really worked. On occasions I felt a lot worse as the blanket will rebound the waves and cause me more pain (headache). It has to be 100% full proof and that is almost impossible. One cannot sleep with a cover on the face without running out of air! Even a faraday cage on which I spent £850 did not offer much help but made me feel worse. I think the problem is that it allows some transmission to permeate through and then rebounds once inside making the problem just as bad. (These waves move very differently from say sound waves etc..I ve done a lot of research ) Can you please tell me more about ur experience as it helps to join the dots and identify with a fellow sufferer. Thank you for your compassion and for replying to my message! God bless.
Hospital physician here. Unfortunately the safety standards for microwave radiation have been set to accommodate economic and military purposes, not long-term public health. The Bio-initiative Report 2012 and NTP study are good places to start when unpicking this issue. Everybody is affected by this, even if it is below the level of their awareness. These frequencies penetrate the skin, right through the skull and skeletal system to underlying organs. They affect the non-visual receptors in the retina which controls how we perceive light to make hormones and neurotransmitters. It stimulates cortisol which is a stress-response. All of these mechanisms translate to a range of damage from a mitochondrial, cellular and neuro-hormonal perspective. This is, by far, the biggest public health challenge we have ever faced. We are microwaving ourselves from the inside-out and, what's more, we are paying for the privilege and enjoying the ride without realising we have been dazzled with comfort and convenience at the expense of our health and safety.
@@benedykt123313 your comment doesn't further the discussion in either direction. It might be more interesting if you read the publications I suggested, one of which is a government-funded study, and then respond with your thoughts.
This stuff is real. It's a fact that the 4G makes your water molecules spin on their axis. I get pressure in my ears, elevated blood pressure, kinks in my muscles and back, tightness in my chest, pressure on the glands in my neck. It goes on and on. I draw blood. they are now running heavy Wi-Fi signals in these homes. I had blood coming out of my ears last week. I am ready to quit my job and I am praying for God's guidance. These signals are everywhere, you can't escape them. Also, the residents in the nursing facilities are under these signals 24/7 and i guarantee you, it's slowly killing them. It's actually mass genocide but it's a multi billion dollar industry, there IS a depopulation agenda and they are lying out of their noses about the dangers of this stuff. I feel this woman's pain.
@80s retro Even if it the info was on FB, they would remove it and call it fake news. There is a book called Electromagnetobiology. It is almost 300.00 No offense, but you need some education here. And no, I do not own a microwave. It nukes out the nutrients in food. I have no more time for your foolishness and btw, 80's music sucked!
I'm just now figuring out what caused such rapid bone density depletion, contractures and spasticity in my daughter who was in nursing facilities after a traumatic brain injury. Amongst so many other things. The saturation of artificial frequencies. She had severe unmanageable hypercalcemia. These frequencies affect us molecularly, straight through the voltage-gated calcium channels
@@3glitch9 That is sad. I drew blood and the signals running in the nursing facilities are sky high. Think of all the old ppl who are sick and they are being fried on top of and probably don't know why they are feeling so bad. I am sorry about your daughter. This tech is a holocaust!
Nice to see someone else here wide awake to this agenda. I've become extremely electro sensitive recently to the point I was so poorly I felt like I was dying. I've recently bought a faraday canopy and clothes and beginning to feel better. I wish the world would wake up. They've been slowly causing sickness keeping profits for pharmaceuticals for decades while pretending it's all safe.
@@angeliesings Sorry to hear that. They have made this world unliveable for some and when they crank up the 5G signal EVERYONE'S gonna feel it. I am a prayer -er and I believe God will heal me of this. It's awful.
The BBC needs to do some real research on this subject - it has been known for a very long time of the dangers of EMF's but big money has always supressed it.
If there really was a large amount of money invested into suppressing the harm that EMFs do, then everything that proves that EMFs do harm could also be a Conspiracy.
No one has suppressed anything. Scientists have even given time to you lunatics to demonstrate your magical powers and the results were resoundingly negative. You can't detect wifi. You can't detect phone signals. If you think you can, it would be trivially easy to demonstrate.
This is a hilarious Chuck McGill reference from Better Call Saul. Chuck plays a covert narcissist who pretends that radiowaves are radioactive as a desperate ploy to gain narcissistic supply. EHS is a telltale sign of a desperate covert narcissist displaying their perpetual victimhood and they want you to feel sorry for their made up fake condition. Narcissism is a mental illness that is treatable but narcissists refuse treatment because they think they know everything already.
Chuck McGill played a covert narcissist who pretended to be the victim of radiowaves. EHS is obviously not a real condition, it is however a mental health illness and a telltale sign you are dealing with a covert narcissist.
I suffer daily in central London, can only go on my phone for seconds before I feel the effects... Intense pressure in my head, migraines, anxiousness ,sickness, face numbness, muscle twitching etc. This is real and after years of suffering I’m going to take some action... Not sure how much it will help as we are in a world full of it. 😢
Hey! Let me start this off by saying that your symptoms are completely real. Assuming that you aren't purposefully just lying for attention, you probably do suffer from headaches, nausea, and whatever other symptoms you're describing. You're not crazy, either. Now that I've gotten that out of the way, I'm going to say this: you are not suffering these (very real) symptoms because of electricity. This is an example of the nocebo effect. It's an involuntary response from the brain in which illness is experienced not because of a disease, but because of the belief that a disease exists. This is very similar to the placebo effect, the difference being that placebos are positive and nocebos are not. There is a very good video (which also talks a bit about electrosensitivity) by CGPGrey called "This Video Will Hurt" linked here. www.google.com/search?q=this+video+will+hurt&oq=this+video+will+hurt&aqs=chrome..69i57j0.4939j0j0&client=ms-android-motorola-rev2&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8# Onto the topic of the existence of electrosensitivity! So, if you want the main point, here it is; electrosensitivity is not real. It is caused by the aforementioned nocebo effect. There have been studies done in which supposed sufferers are put in a room with a wifi router, but are not told whether it is really on or not; instead, they are shown whether it is on at random. The study found that, even if the router was off, as long as the sufferer believed it was on, they would experience symptoms. Similarly, subjects with active routers which appeared to be off did not report symptoms. Here's some studies. pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/21769898/ www.bmj.com/content/332/7546/886?view=long&pmid=16520326 I hope you get the help you need! Best wishes, Vivian Wang
Don't let anyone tell you that electrohypersensitivity isn't real. The studies that have been conducted so far, have been set up in a faulty way. 70% of independend research on wireless technologies show adverse health effects. Your symptoms are classis electrosensitivity symptoms. The most important step is to shield your bedroom, or at least to create a shielded place you can sleep. That way, your body can get some rest and restore a bit, and you'll feel better during the day.
@@CatBloom42 onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1002/bem.20536 A meta-analysis of 46 blind or double blind provocation studies. "Despite the conviction of IEI-EMF sufferers that their symptoms are triggered by exposure to electromagnetic fields, repeated experiments have been unable to replicate this phenomenon under controlled conditions" "Media reports about the adverse effects of supposedly hazardous substances can increase the likelihood of experiencing symptoms following sham exposure and developing an apparent sensitivity to it. Greater engagement between journalists and scientists is required to counter these negative effects." If you feel sick then you feel sick, but electromagnetic fields are conclusively not the cause. The more likely causes are anxiety (can cause burning sensation in hands, headaches, heart palpitations among many other symptoms) and skin disorders.
@@venividivivi those are old studies and new studies from this year says that previous studies were flawed and that it is in fact a real nurological pathological disorder. Check it out. So glad ehs sufferers are finally getting vindicated. www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7139347/
Omg I am going thru this same problem here in my city I. Experiences headaches dizziness nauseous high ringing in my ears feeling warm spots in my chest having heart palpitations for the last 5 months how can I go about getting tested they are in the process of reffering me out to a cardiologist and getting blood work done 😔 This is like tourtue with no one to turn to or no one to run too it's heart breaking
Unfortunately, you can't get tested for electrohypersensitivity (EHS). They probably won't be able to find anything and tell you "it's in your head" and "you have to learn to live with it". I used to have pretty severe EHS, I feel better now, after making some lifestyle changes. The things that helped me most were shielding my bedroom, turning the electricity off at night, and quitting caffeine. At night, your body is most vulnerable to wireless radiation, so it's important to shield your bedroom so your body can rest and recover. I wish you all the best!
Another thing that has helped me besides all the things mentioned above is getting grounded. I have a grounding sheet on my bed, I walk without shoes in my backyard grass.... I highly recommend a book called Earthing by Clinton Ober. This isn't hype, it has all but cured me of my EHS symptoms. They were so severe that I had to retire 15 years early.
The (so called) Spanish Flu was the result of two things: 1. The turning on (for the first time,) of some very powerful radio transmitters. 2. Vaccinating the general public. This ailment was NOT contagious, this was an illness which you aquired. www.5gexposed.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/English-Summary-of-The-Invisible-Rainbow-A-History-of-Electricity-and-Life-3.pdf
There are plenty of reasons to feel sick in an urban environment, stress from work, feeling boxed in within a city or house and seeing white everywhere. There are plenty of other scientifically proven reasons why walking in a natural environment would sooth the soul, there’s no reason to attribute this effect to radiation, especially when the evidence backing up the claim is shaky at best.
@@yesno7889 Not quite. Studies were done on rats(you can look this up) in which some were given microwaved food vs the rats that did not and within a short period of time the rats that were given the microwaved developed cancerous tumors. Do I need to go into how close our anatomy is? On an organic level? To these mammals?
@@NYCeesFinest It amazes me how even though cancer is constantly rising in people, no one looks at their environment, they just say oh well some BS study says this is all save, I'll just carry on walking off a cliff like a lemming
When I was at school in 1990 to 1997 we didn't have smartphone we didn't have anxiety or depression now most kids have anxiety and depression because of smartphones i think the government need to ban kids having them and put up health warnings about them
@@stevenfortier6436 Thanks to vaccines and medicine people dont die at 30, as they did centuries ago. We are waiting for a coronavirus vaccine so that older people and people with pre-existing diseases dont die.
@80s retro wasn't much anxiety back then as it is now doctors are saying it's bad for us 3g 4g 5g WiFi watch this video ua-cam.com/video/-T2R2htAaqg/v-deo.html
Im a living Evidnece foe EMF sensitivity , memory loss, I feel fatigue , skeleton burning , bone pain, pain down my spine ,sleep disorder, waking up in the middle of night , night mare while Im around the WIFI. I feel like Im antenna ., ever since I found out the cause and reduced the use of wifi Im much better than before.
What evidence? That's literally just a claim with zero evidence behind it. It would be extremely easy for you to demonstrate your power in a blinded trial. So far everyone has failed those trials.
hi eng.knowledgeseeker!!. May I ask with the utmost of care and love and respect, did you have the jabs from the last 2/3/4 yers?. I too am a fellow sufferer exactly like you. Im trying to see the correlation between people who suffer ehs and any jabxines they've had. cheers, xxxxxxx
Wi-Fi certainly does not cause any of those symptoms you mentioned. Have you considered speaking with a doctor to diagnose your symptoms rather than to believe a silly ploy that is a completely fake scam? 5g and WiFi are not effecting you, you are not an antenna (nor do you understand how antennas work or what they do). EMF sensitivity is not real, you can not hear your wifi. It seems like you are act like like “the victim” of something that is not real to gain narcissistic supply. 5g is not harmful. Just wear your tin foil hat Karen.
You are not crazy neither nuts or imagining. I used to have the pressure very intently, but since I posted the comment things have changed over time. I learned about sound therapy, learned how to open all my chakras, and chi flow. now it is not as bad
You're much worse than crazy. You're monstrously arrogant and obstinate. If you could actually sense any of this, you could easily demonstrate it. Yet you do ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to even try to demonstrate it.
No, EMS is totally fake and the 5G towers going up are not effecting you. You dont “suffer from” this body has ever “suffered from” EMS. EMS is a fake condition that some really desperate covert vulnerable narcissists use to always play “the victim” but it’s not real. Radiowaves are not radioactive. Just wear a tin foil hat when you go out in public to let everyone else know what a crazy narcissist you are so they can avoid you. ❤❤❤
Hi BoloUp, welcome to my world. With all due respect, may I kindly ask if you believe its injection related from the last 2//3/4 years or did you just get it one day?.
Electrohypersensitivity as a Newly Identified and Characterized Neurologic Pathological Disorder: How to Diagnose, Treat, and Prevent It Dominique Belpomme et al. Int J Mol Sci. 2020
Studies have been done even back as far as 2000 or before and they were squashed and the PhD's fired from their college research positions. I could send a link to one newsletter from 2001 that had several of them in it.
From WHO .. The symptoms are certainly real and can vary widely in their severity. Whatever its cause, EHS can be a disabling problem for the affected individual. EHS has no clear diagnostic criteria and there is no scientific basis to link EHS symptoms to EMF exposure.
I tried a faraday tent. It couldn't stop the higher frequencies that I hear 24/7. In fact, it made it worse because they bounced around in there. This can't be good for anyone, whether they are consciously feeling symptoms or not.
Thanks, because I was about to buy a faraday bed, but I live in apartments, so I can't see that really working. I wish I could do something about this, because I feel like crap all the time & don't have a living life, I just exist!
I have this though possibly a bit milder but it's still really crap with sleeping and feeling numb and disoriented, mentally dulled, strange skin sensations, I've had pain in some bones in really bad areas but rarely I am in environments like that or I would be really depressed, oh in general it is really depressing, it's like being attacked all the time....crazy world....
They like people described by the US Pentagon military as "Empowered Individuals" in their communities. I also know that they target people who say, or act in a disapproved manner against their business, social agenda, or political power globally.
@ Heather Herrera First check your blood magnesium level. Then get you an emf/rf meter to see if you are being hit by microwaves, which can cause the heat & palpitations. Medical doctors like me are not trained to diagnose emf/rf covert attacks. So they might not find the cause. Best wishes.
They kill targets through 5g/ direct energy weapons, usually cancer or some organ failure, this is worldwide. I am a targeted individual from ireland 🇮🇪.
I developed Chroinc Tinnitus and thought it was noise exposure from loud motorcycles, spent 18 months at Drs and UCLA gave me all sorts of experimental treatments and meds, they were all wrong. I bought a EMF/RF tester and realised my house was a huge EMF/FR field and that my office has been next to a mains breaker box and Wifi router for 12 years I defintaly have EMF toxicity and it cripples me 24/7, my head is solid electrical feedback dosent stop, I believe the electrictiy dried out the Mitacondria cells in my brain causing the screaching, its awfull and no one believes me, its made me really depressed and anti social, I cant even look at artificial light or go out anymore, Big Tech and the Comunication companys will have a lot to answer to as more of us get affected just so they can make money. remember electricity has only been around for 100 years and we are the experimental generation.
The tinnitus is how it all starts. They've been putting stuff in the water,air, and food. It gets into our bodies turns us into antennas. Basically turning us into cyborgs.
I've tried NAD+ therapy actually. Gave me more energy and I'm also taking a niacinamide every day too. Hasn't done anything for this though. Mitochondrial dysfunction is definitely involved but there is something else going on too. The only thing that helps the tinnitus is time away from as much EMF and food/chemical triggers as possible. I'm screwed though since I am surrounded but a million wifi access points with the only thing I'm thankful for being that they're all at least a few rooms worth of space away from mine. One day we'll get real medical recognition but more people need to start pushing for exposure, we need actual solid online communities with actual medical professional backing. This is just history repeating itself scientifically. First it was cigarettes, now it's wifi and electrosmog.
If you have it to the strong degree I do, you'll still react to waves from towers and others devices, but will feel somewhat better. I use nothing wireless and still do thru a scary torture..usually in AM's from rush hour at 7: 30 Am thru noon or so.
I been suffering from wifi elec/gas meters for years now at least since 2012, but didn't quite understand or figured out until around 5 + years ago. However, I brought this up to my doctor, family and friends and they thought I was crazy or have anxiety, no I know what I'm suffering from & it's all these new technologies, such as wifi , 4g & 5g and lets not forget all the LEDs white lights all over the streets, homes, apartments, businesses and buildings
@Picard sucks that's great! I noticed I feel much better when I'm around the beaches, brick houses, trees and homes that are far apart and away from wifi power lines/ 5g towers too. So, hopefully you'll feel better when you move. Take care UA-cam friend.
hey picard and S N, where r u both from? sorry S N, i had got stuck some of my issues and i had forgotten that i had messaged u, let me know guys, i can seriously give u info which can help correct things. knowledge will remove the fear
@@mrx8080 I don't feel fear, what I'm is tired & pissed because the government knows the damages that these things have on our health, lives and the costs to try to fix it or the expenses to avoid it, and the daily constant battle to fight for our wellbeing each day, months & now years. . Yes it's overall taxing over time .
@@mrx8080 Sorry I'm just ranting, but it would nice try to get some help, I been trying so many things already, maybe what you know may help? Thanks for the reaching out.
It is a hell. See my comment above. Because other people don't feel it, they don't believe me. They also will not shut their phones off around me. These signals are everywhere, there's no escaping them.
I said to my friend I feel like I'm slowly dying. In 2 years I've gone from bieng a driver of 40yrs, now can't drive at all for the last 2years. Been dizzy, head spinning 24,7 bells and vibrations in my head, anxiety is through the roof. Can't bare any noise white noise. Sudden pressure in head. I'm suffering horrific muscles spasms legs, feet, back, neck. Throat, and upper respiratory problems, chronic fatigue, 24,7 just want to lay down and close my eyes. Had brain scan, nothing wrong no tumours nothing. But said I had pppd, and cirvicovirtigo and crystals in the ear, although 3 head manoeuvres failed to help me! Also had neck mri. Having endoscopy 26th Sept, 22 to look at a condition I've had 20 or 30 years oesophagitis reflux disease, and hiatus hernia in my chest. Its never been to much of a problem, but now this last 3 months I can hardly swallow food, I choke at least 4 times a day. My body is not absorbing nutrition vitamins etc. My iron level is 7 it should be 70. I have very low levels of everything. My doctor said we don't want to alarm you, but it may be cancer of the oesophagus, and to see if my hernia is strangling my oesophagus. The doctor said, it's pressing on my other organs causing oxygen restriction, to my brain, and that could be why I'm so dizzy etc. So just waiting for this procedure to see where I am. But right now I have no life, I can't function normally when I feel I've become detached from reality. I am 59 with 5 kids all grown up, 20 grandkids, 1 great grand baby! I can't even hold them for fear I'll drop them, it really upsets me. So to everyone on here, you are not crazy, in England we know it 5geeeee poisoning.
I'm in the US, just turned 48 and have been experiencing alot of what your suffering with going on 4 years. It's absolutely tormenting which is what I believe the powers that be want...
Traditional Chinese Medicine phytotherapy and sleeping in a healthy environment (in the nature, close to water) allows me to tolerate EMF saturated environments during the day.
Traditional Chinese Medicine phytotherapy and sleeping in a healthy environment (in the nature, close to water) allows me to tolerate EMF saturated environments during the day.
I am really proud of everyone in this video for talking about it. Even the sun produces radiation which is how we get sunburn. People need to open their minds
@@MrCmon113 Cell phones emit low levels of non-ionizing radiation when in use. The type of radiation emitted by cell phones is also referred to as radio frequency (RF) energy. As stated by the National Cancer Institute, "there is currently no consistent evidence that non-ionizing radiation increases cancer risk in humans.idiot
They don’t generate microwaves in the same way that a mobile phone does. Unless they were broadcasting live, she shouldn’t feel anything major. With that camera, all of the audio would’ve been hooked up with a cable, not much on that camera would be wireless. I can’t even see them using Bluetooth microphones. In summary; yes, you would be correct if they were broadcasting live to a base station elsewhere. However, you’re more than likely wrong in this case as anything they would appear to be using is hooked up with cables and there is nothing being broadcasted. For example, when he measured his phone, EMF was low, when he turned on any kind of transmission, the EMF was high. These people seem to be effected by radio and microwaves waves rather than less powerful waves created by non broadcasting devices.
@@DankMemesForAngryTeens you are 💯 % correct. These ignorant naysayers are so annoying only for their stupid comments mind ... trolling seems their preferred methods of communication
The telecoms box at the bottom of our road emits a high frequency sound that I cannot hear, but my daughter hears, and feels it as a stabbing pain in her head as it stops and starts. Just because there are no studies backing this up, doesn't mean it doesn't exist - gee, I wonder why there are no studies - it's not rocket science. The amount of tech in use is increasing, and we have no long term studies because who would fund them? We have never before had so much EMF in the air. Not everyone can tune it out. And it's not tinnitus when you block your ears and the sound stops.
The sound that your daughter hears has nothing to do with electrosensitivity. It's just so, that the telecoms box vibrates very fast, so sound gets created. Electrosensitivity is, when you suffer directly from electromagnetic waves. When a machine creates a sound and some people can hear that sound, that has nothing to do with electrosensitivity, but with the fact that some people can hear higher sounds than others.
Yes agree, as I also can hear a high frequency sound where am at too. The sound seems to be coming from outside as I had tried to turn off the breaker to the tiny house, yet could still hear it. Yet others are unable to hear anything, guess I am just highly sensitive. The sound is disturbing my sleep, it’s also causing a stabbing pain in my head too cause it is nor stop however it is a lot worser in the daytime. I been renting out a tiny house in a RV park, yet didn’t realize people like us who are (EHS) a RV park can be a very dangerous place cause of all the electricity running through out it.
@@BlueButterfly-child-ofGod Well sorry to hear that, but you are most likely not electrosensitive. You probably just have a very good hearing ability. Something outside of your house (or maybe even inside) produces this very high sound, that is nearly outside of the human hearing range, so not many people can hear it. This sound is most likely caused by a device that runs on electricity, but not by electromagnetic waves themselves.
Maybe, you are the study. And anyhow, they wouldn’t publish anything that could kill off the population or someone they want to control or target that easily whenever they want and in a way that is so underhanded and in public.
I live in Saudi Arabia and I have a big problem with electricity and electromagnetic every time I use my phone or any device like pc or a remote control it does hurt me. I feel like my hands goes stiff hot dry and Numbness every time using technology. all that comes after I get into the MRI and I don't know if it was the cause or not. sorry for my bad English
Hi we make clothes for people suffering from electromagnetic hypersensitivity. We have gotten great feedback from our customers that it helps them a lot in life. emsuojaus is the company name...cant put the address here :(
Do not listen to that voice in your head. Nor do not accept bribes over the internet. Do only what motivates you, and don't be persuaded that any action beyond what you are motivated to do will lead to a big payment. There is a thing, and it's the worst thing that has ever happened to humanity. Period.
I always slept much better at my G parents, this was before I knew about EMFs, I got a meter and tested the levels and they were undetectable at my G parents.
says one who has done 0 research on the subject. Good luck Eric with your fears. It's easier for you to pretend it doesn't exist because it's too scary.
I use placebo drugs in an ambulance all the time. Small amounts of oxygen via a nasal cannula have been a godsend for me. The symptoms are real, and the treatment genuinely works, but I wonder if the diagnosis is wrong
Mind and body are absolutely one! Just like when you feel mentally ashamed or disgusted, your stomach become ill and you may vomit- the physical symptoms are real even if the trigger is purely mental. I do believe some of these people are unknowingly bringing this down on themselves. How or why, I don’t know. I also believe that some people truly are sickened by the bombardment of unnatural signals and god knows what constantly assailing us. It’s nice that you are empathetic with these patients and go through the motions of giving what you identify as placebos. I’m sure it helps them immensely. There’s a show on Netflix that addresses this, documentary style. Can’t remember the name right now but it’s a new show.
Not really. They're not insane, sure, but it's a nocebo effect. Keep in mind that being affected by nocebos is involuntary, so the supposed electrosensitivity sufferers most likely are experiencing the symptoms they're describing, just not because of the radiation. CGPGrey did a video on it, which is very informative. Link's here: www.google.com/search?q=this+video+will+hurt&oq=this+video+will+hurt&aqs=chrome..69i57j0.4939j0j0&client=ms-android-motorola-rev2&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8# Here's some studies that show that electrosensitivity isn't real: www.bmj.com/content/332/7546/886?view=long&pmid=16520326 pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/21769898/
Vivian Wang The study-design in previous EHS-Studys has many flaws, because it’s not based on objective data but on the subjective impressions of the participants. Good summary: betweenrockandhardplace.wordpress.com/2017/11/08/ehs-research-is-scientifically-worthless-for-two-reasons/
@80s retro "surrounded by more powerful EM sources like FM radio"...thats simply not true. even though FM transmits at several kilowatts,it is usually far away from residential buildings. Cell towers are quite close, even more so with 5G and mmwaves -because they have to be. High frequencies can travel at faster speeds but can go only short distances. The phenomenon of the individual sensitivity to radiation is well known for ionizing radiation, for non-ionizing ultraviolet radiation and for ultrasound. Therefore, it is scientifically justified to suspect (assume) that the individual sensitivity exists also for the EMF exposures.
Omg in have the same feeling as the second girl , it started when i was watching tv. I cant sleep and when i use phone or even listen to electronics my brain feels strange and pressure. It started 3 weeks ago.
Your brain runs on electricity... While the source is biochemically produced, the end result is still electric power. Your brain is around 20watt or something of power. People becoming sick from stuff like seen in this doc is as real as people thinking they get magical powers from eating chocolate. - Feeling pressure in the brain area could be stress or lacking sleep over a given period. Serious pressure however, seizures and such could be a tumor and guess what you need to use to find out the latter... a scanner that works within the scope of electromagnetism.
@@cilpsooo1 Its not a paper scanner, you simpleton. A PET scanner (Positron Emission Tomography) scanner uses slightly radioactive markers (liquid) that is injected into your bloodstream so that it is picked up on the room sized medial scanner and the images can tell if you have a tumor or similar. - However, unless you have other serious symptoms than just a light headache. You wont get one because its 99% chance you are just a bit under the weather rather than having a tumor. A brain tumor can be very painful. So it is more likely you do NOT have one... - Wifi is harmless... Maybe you have other issues like stress or whatever that can cause discomfort, but your deduction from watching this is wrong.
@@Lobos222 you're right. I went to a neurologist and he said i have tension headache cause by a tension in the neck and shoulders. The symptoms are getting less severe. And thank you for the reply.
I agree. Before all the texting and Snapchats and Facebook was just a normal site. I think we had Myspace. But nothing like today we have to go to our computers for that now everything is in the phone and people are constantly on their phone and in their phone and constantly communicating but actually disconnecting.
@@mr.e1220 wow exactly, The days of my space , bebo and MSN live text chat, before whatsapp and facebook. Heading to the desktop computer then much later on getting a laptop,
@@peterhh369 I think that they put out a frequency that subtly changes our brains. It has more effect on the younger generation. That's why the younger generation is so violent and just snap and go and shoot up schools because they are constantly exposing themselves to these frequencies.
@@mr.e1220go to the Fullerton Informer YT channel it's all there specifically a his 2 years ago interview called 5G-The Interview of the Century on wireless-artemis and apple 666... HIs text book he uses it is from a science known as magnetobiology.
@@a-khanation5279 go to the Fullerton Informer YT channel it's all there specifically a his 2 years ago interview called 5G-The Interview of the Century on wireless-artemis and apple 666... HIs text book he uses it is from a science known as magnetobiology.
I'm not sensitive to EMF or electronics at all. I used to think I was and that it had a spiritual effect but it was totally just in my head. I'm now completely fine around all electronics. Computers, Wifi etc. They have no effect on me at all. Feel strong, confident, calm and centered around them.
Omg I’m so sorry :( I can hear wifi too.. I have noticed the kare towers go up here in Australia, I feel constant fatigue (never use to) .. stabbing pain and headaches in the side of my head nearly everyday .. it’s horrendous. I’m so sorry 💔
For the last 18 months or so, I've been suffering from inner body vibrations, mainly in my legs and feet. It's driving me crazy, and keeps me awake at nights. Nobody, not even GPs have an answer. There was a 5G tower put up at our local shops while Covid was keeping us indoors, and I can see it from my bedroom, and am now wondering if it's that. We have all the technology in our home, laptop, modem, etc., though, even standing next to our fridge sends the vibrations through me. Is there anybody out there that is suffering from this? (I'm in Australia, if that makes a difference).
This can also be a sign of Multiple Sclerosis, chronic migraine, or vitamin deficiency as well. You may want to talk to your doctor and rule these things out. It will help you narrow down the cause and relief!❤
It's nano technology. Soak your feet in saltwater preferably with iodine. Salt with iodine in it. Scrub your feet well and do a body cleans. You can look up this information on UA-cam or Google. Some people are taking activated charcoal to absorb the nanotech. Hopefully this helps you.
The radium argument is quite vapid. The radium paint was known to be harmful. That's why the scientists and everyone but the "radium girls" wore protection. The scientists considered the girls to be disposable and never told them of the dangers.
To the second girl, is your name Emma? You can hard wire a home computer from an ethernet cable. This will shut the Wi-Fi down in your home. You need to have the phone comapny disbale the Wi-Fi on their end and then you have to make sure the blue tooth in your computer is disabed also.
Glad to see this has been discussed, and this is a somewhat older video already. Many folks simply want to regurgitate what Big Business and government (funded by Big Business) are saying, but the health results sure seem to be telling a different story.
As you say, you have a thing about big business ie capitalism, racsim, and all the other isms and obias. What you have is symptom of left wing ideology. It all in the head; wishful thinking as there is no such thing as this condition. You have confirmation bias and hysteria which you can catch from vids like this.
Can someone please help me and my daughter? Recently my one year old was in the hospital for “seizure” like activity. No seizures after the EEG. I started recording everything over the past couple of days. I think this might be what my daughter is going through.. can static electricity cause this? I need help. The episodes for her are getting worse. I think we both have developed MD because of this. Which worries me that we’re both immuno compromised. I know that’s bits of info for such a large thing that’s going on but if anyone has any clue on what to do for her please email me or comment back. I’m going to upload videos of what’s going on.
Take off her shoes as often as possible walk her out in nature barefoot. Turn off your WiFi and devices in the house. Stay calm and pray. God bless. Also salt baths or sea air is healing.
I think you should read invisible rainbow which you can do online free. I would make babies environmental as clean as could be from emfs, smart meters etc. Get emf material and wrap her up in it. I have no smart meter and wear clothes 24/7. I have shielded my windows and get xtra sleep by turning off electricity at the box. Smart meters are deadly
@@911arrow4, oh, look! You're pushing *another fraudster* on us. What is the name of the organization you work for? How much are they paying you to push this Russian propaganda on us?
My new neighbor moved in...within a week, hammered their farm wire onto my electric farm fence posts ...Then hooked them to each other with metal ties. Evil IS crazy. Did I mention the x recently also got a Forged, Submitted (but denied) life policy on me, 2 yrs after divorced -- and we are still business partners.
Electromagnetic fields do affect certain individuals in a negative way. Similarly, changes in the barometric pressure of the atmosphere to those with arthritis.
This 'documentary' had a number of shortcomings that seriously affects the credibility and doesn't really deserve the title of a documentary. It relied primarily on the anecdotes of the self-proclaimed suffers. Not a single doctors, psychiatrist or health authority representative was presented in this documentary. The best the editors could come up with was a quote from an excerpt from the World Health Organisation that somewhat misrepresented the opinion of the W.H.O. . The logical conclusion is that the editors behind this piece had an agenda for sensationalism.
Doctors and "experts" don't know everything, plus they have been indoctrinated into political correctness and fear of scrutiny by their colleagues. Many experts are now being exposed as frauds and doctors are not relied upon for expert opinion like they once were. They've let too many people down too often for too long.
Double Blind tests (as in, the patient & the person conducting the test don't know when the subject is exposed to electromagnetic fields) show that these people can't tell when they are exposed to electromagnetic fields or not. Game Over.
I can't speak for the people in the video but i experience IMMEDIATE negative reactions to electricity in certain situations, smart phones, next to my body, the sun, some wrist watches stop when i put them on etc... BUT i'm lucky as I can physically control my interactions with these things & therefore function & live fine. I also have many allergies to many things ranging from food, nail polish , car oils etc. I've been searching for a website or support group who experience these kinds of negative reactions & so far nothing. I've even checked for scientists dealing with this kind of phenomenon but to no avail.
@@AH-vw9nq The conditions you describe -- Electro-Hypersensitivity and Multiple Chemical Sensitivity -- are well established impairments of environmental intolerance. In fact, these are related and many people with one will eventually find they suffer from both. The Electrosensitive Society (in Canada) has a strong online support group and much useful information. You might check out the Seriously Sensitive to Pollution blog which provides lots of info on how to live in a poisoning world. It is very common that people who develop EHS and MCS also suffer from a history of food or environmental 'allergies', may have had nervous system damage (such as a car accident), may have had a single large over-exposure to pesticides or EMF. Avoidance is the number one strategy, but even that is not enough. Once sensitized, then even high magnetic fields and power line voltage harmonics aggravate your conditions, where you could tolerate them OK before that. Many of these conditions can be addressed in homes by a building biologist, but it can be hit-or-miss or expensive (likely, both) and it becomes nearly impossible in an urban or shared housing event. Look for Dr. Magda Havas and Dr. Olle Johansson as two example researchers with decades of experience. Good luck on your health journey.
You know, in the settings of the mobile phone it says keep this device 2 meters away from the body at all times. Definitely don't sleep with it next to your head. Shoes off as often as possible, grounding helps.
To understand why *5G is safe* we need to understand the following: *We have drawn an arbitrary line around the bands of the EMF spectrum.* The _only_ difference between the IR/microwave/radio wave spectrum and "light" is that we can see light. Beyond that, they operate exactly the same. *What do we know about light:* 1. Light can be used to transmit information. 2. Light creates heat. 3. Light is perceived by our eyes. 4. When "concentrated", light can cut and burn things. *Does this make light dangerous?* No. Most light is safe to use due to the low power level that it designed for. That's also true of the *lower frequency EMF* that we use for communications.
UV light can damage human skin, visible light can't do it directly as far as I know. Some frequencies penetrate objects better than others. We use microwaves to heat food, try do it with visible light. These bands don't operate the same.
@@topherkrock an incandescent light bulb has a heating element and with a magnifying glass you also concentrate infrared radiation. Technically visible light can heat objects but it's impractical in everyday life cause of its properties which are different from frequencies of the other bands.
If the effects are immediate then it's EASY to test. Close your eyes while I hold a radio next to your head. If you can tell me when it's there, it's real (but it doesn't disprove anything scientifically since someone could say they are less sensitive but sensitive over time so they wouldn't sense any immediate effects.) People who say that it's intense though, "Close your eyes and let me know when the radio is near your head". Ebay has geiger counters for around $50. It would be interesting to test household items. If they came back zero that would put some people at ease, but I doubt it's zero.
For those narrow-minded people I say fuck science, even though I really enjoyed my 10 science courses in college. read dr eben alexander's book on another subject which speaks to science vs one's own experience.
not f the science, just the completely rigid minded scientists who think they know it all. The scientific research backing all of this has been around over 20 yrs. It's a cover -up.
@@sunnieemerson6814, you have _faith_ in the religion known as "Flat Earth". They will take you in and embrace you while reaffirming your beliefs in ghosts.
I would have thought she was crazy 18 months ago until I had a smart meter installed and tinnitus started pulsating in one ear, I have just had it put in dumb mode and the ringing has stopped, however, it;s still showing a lot of EMF of my detector!
Nice that this lady was able to self diagnose herself. God that we live in a time when doctors know nothing and alternative wellness cures can sell you so many things to help. (save up... keep the scam rolling....we love your money.)
A Smart Meter was installed on my house a few months ago, even though I didn't want one. I have been sick ever since. EMF damage our brain and nervous system.
Great video! Eventually the ignorant ridiculing masses will catch up. There will be a day when everyone will acknowledge that this is a real life changing problem for EVERYONE on the planet.
@@andrewcameron6611 I had lyme disease back in 2011 through 2012, although I was treated & cleared of it, the damage from having it has debilitated for life. I haven't been well since along with all of these new wifi damaging radiation devices ,making it very unbearable to have a quality of health and life. Cry faces and a fighter at the same time.
@@andrewcameron6611 if you have it you need treatment asap, the longer you have it the worse it attacks your ligaments, joints, muscles and immune system , it can cripple you for life.
We really can’t know whether this is real or not. Maybe some people are more sensitive than others. Just because I don’t experience it, does not mean someone else can’t. We’ve barely come to a point where we understand the human body, let alone how it’s affected by electromagnetic radiation.
I have covered my wifi modem with aluminium foil and it has reduced the strength from -50 db to -65 db. Wifi work fine but it has made it safer. I also turn it off at night.
Hi we make clothes for people suffering from electromagnetic hypersensitivity. We have gotten great feedback from our customers that it helps them a lot in life. emsuojaus is the company name...cant put the address here :(
I know what it's like. I've tried creating a faraday cage but with no success I'm getting headaches much worse now. I can only use this device rarely. I had to have my smart meter removed. I can't have a flat screen TV or smart appliances. It's torture. I've destroyed 8 cellphones
@@chrisarcanas5479 If you want to know how "everyone" will be effected by 5G not just the sensitive watch about magnetobiology science this man has the 5G frequency figured out has a background in bio Life sciences ua-cam.com/video/tMxLaItznu0/v-deo.html
Do any of you guys realize that ALL FORMS OF LIGHT is electromagnetic energy. If there's enough light for you to see then your being absolutely bombarded with electromagnetic fields. Actually it would be physically impossible to escape.
No, they don't understand the science behind it at all. The electrician of all people should have had some understanding of how the materials of his trade work
i have been using a samsung galaxy note 9 cp..i am one of those affected by emfs and cant use it no more due to headaches i can feel the intensity of radiation i am getting from it it hurts a lot and i get so sensitive by electric gadgets and such my body is a lot different than what it used to be i am fighting for my life and help others be aware of the damage modern tech are causing us humans too much is not good not only that i camt control my body sometimes and negative nd positive energy come in my body possession and such? gosh trust me guys ive been experiencing it singing uncontrollably like holy3 and ...i would kneel during masses uncontrollably...sometimes something bad comes out from my mouth if i am into places that are abandoned dark and isolated i dunno i cant control my body like ii used to nd i get so sensitive esp. thunders and such my head would ache..or wifi signals i would be dizzy
If you haven’t done it yet, go to a doctor and discuss your symptoms. It’s most likely not the fact that gadgets and their signals are hurting you, as electricity is used within your own nervous system to make your muscles move and brain work. I don’t want to invalidate your experiences, but I really suggest not to be so hasty in blaming your symptoms on gadgets.
EHS is not real. If ANY a of what you claimed is somewhat real you really should see a doctor. EHS is a ploy used to gain narcissistic supply so probably this “pain” is imaginary. Be careful of covert narcs who use ploys like this to gain narcissistic supply. Covert narcissists are like energy vampires.
Theoretically we electro sensitive should be able to develop our electronic interfaces. I develop enough affecting street and parking lot light I can step in to a 10 -20 car lot and all the lights go off. Or pass a dim pole and it comes on why is there not some of us openly able to render power over atms, and various electronics computers. Phones, and when we're bothered by devices it should be in our reach to make it blow fuse or up completely and we r able to access use and control everything in nearby cell phones Instead of being forced into radio free zones like in AR.
please be educated from the Fullerton Informer YT channel this 5G no one can acclimate to the 60 GHZ frequency it will run on video is 2 years old but he is still fighting for stopping 5G he is based in CA ua-cam.com/video/tMxLaItznu0/v-deo.html
The WHO, Tells you who they are look at the snake wrapped around the symbol, that tells you all you need to know. The devil is on a mission to hurt & harm every one.
I think sensitive people like us can be likened to the canaries they used to send down into mines to test for gas leaks. The canary would be sensitive to it, and pick up the slightest amount and fall dead which alerted the miners to get out. We are people like these canaries, we are alerting others to the dangers of it, through our sensitivities alerting us to it. The human body always alerts us when something isn't right.
@@topherkrock Gro Harlem Brundtland? Who is this famous suffer of EHS? Just the former Prime Minister of Norway and director of the World Health Organisation.. ouch! The World Health organisation leader would not allow cell phones in her office even. Some would sneak them in and she would know. How? She reacted to them. But who is she to challenge your false narrative? The govt or big tech says cell phones are safe and effective. There are tens of thousands of studies that prove otherwise. The industry studies will make your story true. And why are commenting here? Just for fun?
Unfortunately, it is too real. If you want to look more into it, there was a study published on March 11, 2020 It’s called: Electrohypersensitivity as a Newly Identified and Characterized Neurologic Pathological Disorder: How to Diagnose, Treat, and Prevent It. By the international journal of molecular sciences. Dominique Belpomme 1,2,3,* and Philippe Irigaray 1,2. It’s a pretty interesting read
I need to stop watching stuff like this because I’m beginning to wonder just how many ppl are really crazy just live your life who cares about stupid stuff u have one life live it up god help eveyone
5G is the real threat. The Fullerton Informer YT you need to know the hyper sensitive people are the only ones with 3G 4G EMF effects please be educated by this man based in CA ua-cam.com/video/tMxLaItznu0/v-deo.html and this was determined 2 years ago
@@Hydro-Québec The Dangers Of 5G - 11 Reasons To Be Concerned The USA is currently leading the way on 5G. At the June 2016 press conference where the Federal Communications Commission’s (FCC) head Tom Wheeler announced the opening up of low, mid and high spectrum’s. There was no mention of health effects whatsoever. But the dangers are real. Thousands of studies link low-level wireless radio frequency radiation exposures to a long list of adverse biological effects, including: DNA single and double strand breaks oxidative damage disruption of cell metabolism increased blood brain barrier permeability melatonin reduction disruption to brain glucose metabolism generation of stress proteins Let’s not also forget that in 2011 the World Health Organization (WHO) classified radio frequency radiation as a possible 2B carcinogen. More recently the $25 million National Toxicology Program concluded that radio frequency radiation of the type currently used by cell phones can cause cancer. But where does 5G fit into all this? Given that 5G is set to utilize frequencies above and below existing frequency bands 5G sits in the middle of all this. But the tendency (it varies from country to country) is for 5G to utilize the higher frequency bands. Which brings it’s own particular concerns. Here is my review of the studies done to date - 11 reasons to be concerned. #1 - A DENSER SOUP OF ELECTROSMOG We’re going to be bombarded by really high frequencies at low, short-range intensities creating a yet more complicated denser soup of electrosmog
Continued > To work with the higher range MMW in 5G, the antennas required are smaller. Some experts are talking about as small as 3mm by 3mm. The low intensity is for efficiency and to deal with signal disruption from natural and man-made obstacles. #2 - EFFECTS ON THE SKIN The biggest concern is how these new wavelengths will affect the skin. The human body has between two million to four million sweat ducts. Dr. Ben-Ishai of Hebrew University, Israel explains that our sweat ducts act like “an array of helical antennas when exposed to these wavelengths,” meaning that we become more conductive. A recent New York study which experimented with 60GHz waves stated that “the analyses of penetration depth show that more than 90% of the transmitted power is absorbed in the epidermis and dermis layer.” The effects of MMWs as studied by Dr. Yael Stein of Hebrew University is said to also cause humans physical pain as our nociceptors flare up in recognition of the wave as a damaging stimuli. So we’re looking at possibilities of many skin diseases and cancer as well as physical pain to our skin. #3 - EFFECTS ON THE EYES A 1994 study found that low level millimeter microwave radiation produced lens opacity in rats, which is linked to the production of cataracts. An experiment conducted by the Medical Research Institute of Kanazawa Medical University found that 60GHz “millimeter-wave antennas can cause thermal injuries of varying types of levels. The thermal effects induced by millimeterwaves can apparently penetrate below the surface of the eye.” 5/30/2018 5G Radiation Dangers - 11 Reasons To Be Concerned | ElectricSense www.electricsense.com/12399/5g-radiation-dangers/ 3/4 A 2003 Chinese study has also found damage to the lens epithelial cells of rabbits after 8 hours of exposure to microwave radiation and a 2009 study conducted by the College of Physicians and Surgeons in Pakistan conclude that EMFs emitted by a mobile phone cause derangement of chicken embryo retinal differentiation. #4 - EFFECTS ON THE HEART A 1992 Russian study found that frequencies in the range 53-78GHz (that which 5G proposes to use) impacted the heart rate variability (an indicator of stress) in rats. Another Russian study on frogs who’s skin was exposed to MMWs found heart rate changes (arrhythmias). #5 - IMMUNE SYSTEM EFFECTS A 2002 Russian study examined the effects of 42HGz microwave radiation exposure on the blood of healthy mice. It was concluded that “the whole-body exposure of healthy mice to low-intensity EHF EMR has a profound effect on the indices of nonspecific immunity”. #6 - EFFECTS ON CELL GROWTH RATES A 2016 Armenian study observed MMWs at low intensity, mirroring the future environment brought about by 5G. Their study conducted on E-coli and other bacteria stated that the waves had depressed their growth as well as “changing properties and activity” of the cells. The concern is that it would do the same to human cells. #7 - EFFECTS ON BACTERIA RESISTANCE The very same Armenian study also suggested that MMWs effects are mainly on water, cell plasma membrane and genome too. They had found that MMW’s interaction with bacteria altered their sensitivity to “different biologically active chemicals, including antibiotics.” More specifically, the combination of MMW and antibiotics showed that it may be leading to antibiotic resistance in bacteria. This groundbreaking finding could have a magnum effect on the health of human beings as the bandwidth is rolled out nationwide. The concern is that we develop a lower resistance to bacteria as our cells become more vulnerable - and we become more vulnerable. #8 - EFFECTS ON PLANT HEALTH One of the features of 5G is that the MMW is particularly susceptible to being absorbed by plants and rain. Humans and animals alike consume plants as a food source. The effects MMW has on plants could leave us with food that’s not safe to consume. Think GMOs on steroids. The water that falls from the sky onto these plants will also be irradiated. A 2010 study on aspen seedlings showed that the exposure to radio frequencies led to the leaves showing necrosis symptoms. 5/30/2018 5G Radiation Dangers - 11 Reasons To Be Concerned | ElectricSense www.electricsense.com/12399/5g-radiation-dangers/ 4/4 Source: www.hindawi.com/journals/ijfr/2010/83627 Another Armenian study found that MMWs of low intensity “invoke(s) peroxidase isoenzyme spectrum changes of wheat shoots.” Peroxidase is a stress protein existing in plants. Indications are that 5G will be particularly harmful to plants - perhaps more so than to humans. #9 - EFFECTS ON THE ATMOSPHERE AND DEPLETION OF FOSSIL FUELS Implementation of the 5G global wireless network requires the launching of rockets to deploy satellites for 5G. These satellites have a short lifespan which would require a lot more deployment than what we’re currently seeing. A new type of hydrocarbon rocket engine expected to power a fleet of suborbital rockets would emit black carbon which “could cause potentially significant changes in the global atmospheric circulation and distributions of ozone and temperature” according to a 2010 Californian study. Solid state rocket exhaust contains chlorine which also destroys the ozone. The effects on the ozone are thought to be worse than current day CFC exposure. Google’s Project Loon is said to bring Internet to rural and hard-to-access areas by using helium balloons. But these balloons only have a 10-month lifespan. We’re looking at a lot of helium being used here, more than what we can possibly have on Earth? #10 - DISRUPTION OF THE NATURAL ECOSYSTEM Since the year 2000, there have been reports of birds abandoning their nests as well as health issues like “plumage deterioration, locomotion problems, reduced survivorship and death,” says researcher Alfonso Balmori. Bird species that are affected by these low levels, non-ionizing microwave radiation are the House Sparrows, Rock Doves, White Storks, Collared Doves and Magpies, among others. But it’s not just the birds. The declining bee population is also said to be linked to this non-ionizing EMF radiation. It reduces the egg-laying abilities of the queen leading to a decline in colony strength.
@@buffypeterson1736 I tried listening to it, but TBH, I cannot be bothered. The guy has no idea how radiation absorbtion works, a quick crash course in quantum physics would completely take this guy out. It's not that the video is too long, but I don't really want to hear a guy that says things I can tell are wrong for 2 hours, outside of a debate. Also that video title is quite... characteristic.
Check out the book ...The Invisible Rainbow by Arthur Firstenberg....explains sensitivities to electricity from the very beginning of it's discovery. THe WHO is insane...this is a real difficulty for millions
If you want to look more into it, there was a study published on March 11, 2020 It’s called: Electrohypersensitivity as a Newly Identified and Characterized Neurologic Pathological Disorder: How to Diagnose, Treat, and Prevent It. By the international journal of molecular sciences. Dominique Belpomme 1,2,3,* and Philippe Irigaray 1,2. It’s a pretty interesting read
I use to have a neighbor who had this condition. Anytime he would leave the house he wore this aluminum foil blanket and would run around the yard. He used to light up his house with lamps and candles and one night one of the lamps got knocked over and it caused a house fire and it killed him. Made me feel real bad for him and his family that he had to live like that.
He insisted he wasnt crazy
Better call Saul
They finally got him. They will get you one way or another if you're a Targeted Individual. God bless his soul.
Batteries do NOT even have electricity in them. That show was disinfo. Lies.
This disease is so dangerous-there was a successful lawyer in New Mexico who got it and it ruined his marriage, relationship with his brother (who also became an attorney) and in the end his law firm. He died due to his complications with this disease. It is so sad.
Hope his damn brother had nothing to slip in his diagnosis :(
Is this lawyer named, Chuck?
I’m in extreme pain. Especially when internet of things, uploads/downloads start. It’s grueling, like touching electricity with wet hands. Metal anything makes things worse. Had to turn off my cell phone, hardwire my tablet and turn off and unplug most everything. Still, pain is so bad! My muscles hardened especially between 2pm and 4:30
Static and my skin and hair being to dry, cause it to be worse. GPS in car, metal and electric seats, car onboard pc, tower’s, other peoples phones cars, electrical poles, solar, magnets all hurt, even some people who have strong electricity fields, like my husband, cause it to spike. I have gadolinium toxicity caused by getting MRI’s with gadolinium contrast, which makes my condition worse. I noticed I was suffering more when 3g kicked in, then 4g, 5 g is so bad! I didn’t know a lot of what I know now. 5g pain wise and my muscles strength and energy are so low. Working on getting protected but cost is so high. This is no joke!
I think I heard about this in the news back when I lived in New Mexico. Didn’t he die in a house fire?
I knew this guy, he was a great person and the disease completely ruined his life. It got to the point that only immediate family was allowed in his house, which he never left. When his brother would visit, he had to leave in cell phone in the mailbox before going in.
The worst part is, everyone around you thinks your insane. I can deal with the sensitivities, it's the pieces of dirt who refuse to believe it.
Try building a tolerance for the frequencies little bits of poison can make u immune
@@ahronthegreat I've tried that countless times, it doesn't work with EHS like it does in some cases with food. After an exposure for less than an hour for example is I removed the radiation filter from my PC and screen I can only run on VGA safely I get extremely sick in less than an hour. I'm getting real sick of living like this, I've given up everything technologically besides a single small music project I do in small bursts with wearable radiation protection because my body can't handle it. I with glenjenkins on the worst part about it though being the gaslighters keeping this condition from being medically recognized. The level of censorship is mind blowing, it's so bad that in place like Reddit if you make a topic about it, it will be wiped within hours tops. There is some surviving topics out there on reddit mostly about someone complaining about someone with this condition (very few from suffers that survived) and a couple dead forums I've come across for us as well as FB groups (but I'm not on FB so I can't join them) but that's it for us. There is something so fishy going on because there are so many of us but we just get censored to death. I see the topics pop up all the time but like I said that get deleted very quickly, I've gotten banned for simply discussing my experience with it. Another thing is the topics will be downvoted into oblivion almost immediately when other topics are literally not getting any votes up or down in the time frame at all.
Why should anyone believe in your grandiose delusions if you're doing absolutely nothing to even try to demonstrate them?
It would be the easiest thing in the world to show that you can do this.
People tend to not believe you when you believe in things that don't exist.
I have to say that even though I"m not 'bothered' by E-sensitivity, I have do have very keen hearing senses. The high frequency 'buzzing' that occurs from fridges, baseboard heaters, etc... really bothers me and gives me headaches. The world is a very noisy place. I'm not surprised that some people are suffering from all of this 'noise' - electronic, audio or otherwise.
How to solve this problem me to had
The same for me 😑
I have this too. Many people also have sensory processing disorder and this is also a very normal thing for those with ADHD (me) or ASD.
I have issues with things that visual, audible and physical. Bright fluorescent lights are my biggest problem by far but I'm also affected by computers and vacuum cleaners and fridges and car heaters. Supermarkets are hell for me. Got motion sickness too. Very hypersensitive :/
Me personally when I was in active addiction my hearing would be on 10000000 percent so I try to remain realistic and cut out all of the t.i shit. But after a year of sobriety all the sudden they're back and I haven't released and I have had complete peace the whole time I've been sober
joe biden...................Wake up
I'm sick from this , it's killing me slowly , this world is fucked
Exactly I feel your pain.
yep, the big cull is on, especially the last couple of years after the....
Traditional Chinese Medicine phytotherapy and sleeping in a healthy environment (in the nature, close to water) allows me to tolerate EMF saturated environments during the day.
@@lisiagalli5085 Traditional Chinese Medicine Clasic hokus pokus
No you're not. You're having mental health issues and should seek professional help. Not seek attention with it from strangers on the internet.
I too am a sufferer! I can't stand near Bluetooth, WiFi, 3/4G and any electrical appliance! The sharp stabbing pain begins almost instantly! It's like an ice pick going thru my skull! My eyes start to hurt and if I do not remove myself I begin feeling terrible nausea and feeling of faintness. It's so bad that I sleep in the bathrooms of hotels to be protected from WiFi or network emissions as the walls offer some protection and if it's too intense I feel like I am dying! It's horrible that we are not taken seriously or believed! I too like using my iPhone and the likes but I always have to watch that I don't over do it! If someone has their Bluetooth next to me, I don't even have to look or know they are there! The searing pain through my skull tells me straight away! How can they say it's imaginary? Why won't we be believed?
The minute I turn off all devices my headache lifts like a veil and the pressure and burning in my skull just dissipate! I am struggling every day with tech emissions! My life revolves around trying to balance it by getting enough sleep away from EMFS and eating anti inflammatory foods! It's like a bucket that overfills and needs to be emptied in order to have any amount of tolerance of EMFs! Please people believe us! We DONT want to be like that! We too used to love WiFi's and mobile phones! We do not CHOOSE to be this way!
You sound much like myself. Excruciating pain. So sorry you’re going through this!
@@talxicityzone7724 i so intrigued .. I ve not met anyone who has similar symptoms to mine and am so interested to hear that you are like me! Most people have skin tingling or other symptoms and they wear tin foil which I know does not work at all so I am wondering if they actually are experiencing EMF sensitivity or something else? The problem with tin foils or any Emf blocking blankets/devices is that they tend to amplify the emissions if not completely closed off or if some of the waves seep through! I know that because I tried it and it didn't work. It works only if you cover the router itself by reducing the transmission but ultimately is no good for 4G towers. I tried so many ways to use those aids but it never really worked. On occasions I felt a lot worse as the blanket will rebound the waves and cause me more pain (headache). It has to be 100% full proof and that is almost impossible. One cannot sleep with a cover on the face without running out of air! Even a faraday cage on which I spent £850 did not offer much help but made me feel worse. I think the problem is that it allows some transmission to permeate through and then rebounds once inside making the problem just as bad. (These waves move very differently from say sound waves etc..I ve done a lot of research ) Can you please tell me more about ur experience as it helps to join the dots and identify with a fellow sufferer. Thank you for your compassion and for replying to my message! God bless.
Your infact a targeted individual look on gangstalking global groups
@@MegaBrannan ?? Doesn't make sense
See my reply to Hermione above
Hospital physician here. Unfortunately the safety standards for microwave radiation have been set to accommodate economic and military purposes, not long-term public health. The Bio-initiative Report 2012 and NTP study are good places to start when unpicking this issue. Everybody is affected by this, even if it is below the level of their awareness. These frequencies penetrate the skin, right through the skull and skeletal system to underlying organs. They affect the non-visual receptors in the retina which controls how we perceive light to make hormones and neurotransmitters. It stimulates cortisol which is a stress-response. All of these mechanisms translate to a range of damage from a mitochondrial, cellular and neuro-hormonal perspective. This is, by far, the biggest public health challenge we have ever faced. We are microwaving ourselves from the inside-out and, what's more, we are paying for the privilege and enjoying the ride without realising we have been dazzled with comfort and convenience at the expense of our health and safety.
Lol no you're not. Stop lying for attention to strangers on the internet.
@@benedykt123313 your comment doesn't further the discussion in either direction. It might be more interesting if you read the publications I suggested, one of which is a government-funded study, and then respond with your thoughts.
Please Sir, do you have a list of what to do? It has turned my life upside down.
@@Ceej474That guy must work for the CIA.
@@donnavorbach215 Go see a psychiatrist. EHS doesn't exist. it's a mental illness hiding behind a mental disease.
This stuff is real. It's a fact that the 4G makes your water molecules spin on their axis. I get pressure in my ears, elevated blood pressure, kinks in my muscles and back, tightness in my chest, pressure on the glands in my neck. It goes on and on. I draw blood. they are now running heavy Wi-Fi signals in these homes. I had blood coming out of my ears last week. I am ready to quit my job and I am praying for God's guidance. These signals are everywhere, you can't escape them. Also, the residents in the nursing facilities are under these signals 24/7 and i guarantee you, it's slowly killing them. It's actually mass genocide but it's a multi billion dollar industry, there IS a depopulation agenda and they are lying out of their noses about the dangers of this stuff. I feel this woman's pain.
@80s retro Even if it the info was on FB, they would remove it and call it fake news. There is a book called Electromagnetobiology. It is almost 300.00 No offense, but you need some education here. And no, I do not own a microwave. It nukes out the nutrients in food. I have no more time for your foolishness and btw, 80's music sucked!
I'm just now figuring out what caused such rapid bone density depletion, contractures and spasticity in my daughter who was in nursing facilities after a traumatic brain injury. Amongst so many other things. The saturation of artificial frequencies. She had severe unmanageable hypercalcemia. These frequencies affect us molecularly, straight through the voltage-gated calcium channels
@@3glitch9 That is sad. I drew blood and the signals running in the nursing facilities are sky high. Think of all the old ppl who are sick and they are being fried on top of and probably don't know why they are feeling so bad. I am sorry about your daughter. This tech is a holocaust!
Nice to see someone else here wide awake to this agenda. I've become extremely electro sensitive recently to the point I was so poorly I felt like I was dying. I've recently bought a faraday canopy and clothes and beginning to feel better. I wish the world would wake up. They've been slowly causing sickness keeping profits for pharmaceuticals for decades while pretending it's all safe.
@@angeliesings Sorry to hear that. They have made this world unliveable for some and when they crank up the 5G signal EVERYONE'S gonna feel it. I am a prayer -er and I believe God will heal me of this. It's awful.
The BBC needs to do some real research on this subject - it has been known for a very long time of the dangers of EMF's but big money has always supressed it.
And still is, I'm a wifi sufferer.
If there really was a large amount of money invested into suppressing the harm that EMFs do, then everything that proves that EMFs do harm could also be a Conspiracy.
There’s plenty of independent research, but it doesn’t support electrosensitivity.
This is the real research. Anecdotal evidence from an extreme minority of people who have poor insight into their anxiety
No one has suppressed anything.
Scientists have even given time to you lunatics to demonstrate your magical powers and the results were resoundingly negative. You can't detect wifi. You can't detect phone signals.
If you think you can, it would be trivially easy to demonstrate.
maybe "just" a targeted individual (torture subject)
This is a hilarious Chuck McGill reference from Better Call Saul. Chuck plays a covert narcissist who pretends that radiowaves are radioactive as a desperate ploy to gain narcissistic supply. EHS is a telltale sign of a desperate covert narcissist displaying their perpetual victimhood and they want you to feel sorry for their made up fake condition. Narcissism is a mental illness that is treatable but narcissists refuse treatment because they think they know everything already.
Chuck McGill played a covert narcissist who pretended to be the victim of radiowaves. EHS is obviously not a real condition, it is however a mental health illness and a telltale sign you are dealing with a covert narcissist.
I know he swapped those numbers. I knew it was 1216
I suffer daily in central London, can only go on my phone for seconds before I feel the effects... Intense pressure in my head, migraines, anxiousness ,sickness, face numbness, muscle twitching etc.
This is real and after years of suffering I’m going to take some action...
Not sure how much it will help as we are in a world full of it.
Hey! Let me start this off by saying that your symptoms are completely real. Assuming that you aren't purposefully just lying for attention, you probably do suffer from headaches, nausea, and whatever other symptoms you're describing. You're not crazy, either.
Now that I've gotten that out of the way, I'm going to say this: you are not suffering these (very real) symptoms because of electricity. This is an example of the nocebo effect. It's an involuntary response from the brain in which illness is experienced not because of a disease, but because of the belief that a disease exists. This is very similar to the placebo effect, the difference being that placebos are positive and nocebos are not. There is a very good video (which also talks a bit about electrosensitivity) by CGPGrey called "This Video Will Hurt" linked here. www.google.com/search?q=this+video+will+hurt&oq=this+video+will+hurt&aqs=chrome..69i57j0.4939j0j0&client=ms-android-motorola-rev2&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8#
Onto the topic of the existence of electrosensitivity! So, if you want the main point, here it is; electrosensitivity is not real. It is caused by the aforementioned nocebo effect. There have been studies done in which supposed sufferers are put in a room with a wifi router, but are not told whether it is really on or not; instead, they are shown whether it is on at random. The study found that, even if the router was off, as long as the sufferer believed it was on, they would experience symptoms. Similarly, subjects with active routers which appeared to be off did not report symptoms. Here's some studies.
I hope you get the help you need!
Best wishes,
Vivian Wang
here is a man in action please listen to him ua-cam.com/video/tMxLaItznu0/v-deo.html
Don't let anyone tell you that electrohypersensitivity isn't real. The studies that have been conducted so far, have been set up in a faulty way. 70% of independend research on wireless technologies show adverse health effects.
Your symptoms are classis electrosensitivity symptoms. The most important step is to shield your bedroom, or at least to create a shielded place you can sleep. That way, your body can get some rest and restore a bit, and you'll feel better during the day.
@@CatBloom42 onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1002/bem.20536
A meta-analysis of 46 blind or double blind provocation studies.
"Despite the conviction of IEI-EMF sufferers that their symptoms are triggered by exposure to electromagnetic fields, repeated experiments have been unable to replicate this phenomenon under controlled conditions"
"Media reports about the adverse effects of supposedly hazardous substances can increase the likelihood of experiencing symptoms following sham exposure and developing an apparent sensitivity to it. Greater engagement between journalists and scientists is required to counter these negative effects."
If you feel sick then you feel sick, but electromagnetic fields are conclusively not the cause. The more likely causes are anxiety (can cause burning sensation in hands, headaches, heart palpitations among many other symptoms) and skin disorders.
@@venividivivi those are old studies and new studies from this year says that previous studies were flawed and that it is in fact a real nurological pathological disorder. Check it out. So glad ehs sufferers are finally getting vindicated.
Omg I am going thru this same problem here in my city I. Experiences headaches dizziness nauseous high ringing in my ears feeling warm spots in my chest having heart palpitations for the last 5 months how can I go about getting tested they are in the process of reffering me out to a cardiologist and getting blood work done 😔
This is like tourtue with no one to turn to or no one to run too it's heart breaking
Unfortunately, you can't get tested for electrohypersensitivity (EHS). They probably won't be able to find anything and tell you "it's in your head" and "you have to learn to live with it". I used to have pretty severe EHS, I feel better now, after making some lifestyle changes. The things that helped me most were shielding my bedroom, turning the electricity off at night, and quitting caffeine. At night, your body is most vulnerable to wireless radiation, so it's important to shield your bedroom so your body can rest and recover.
I wish you all the best!
Another thing that has helped me besides all the things mentioned above is getting grounded. I have a grounding sheet on my bed, I walk without shoes in my backyard grass.... I highly recommend a book called Earthing by Clinton Ober. This isn't hype, it has all but cured me of my EHS symptoms. They were so severe that I had to retire 15 years early.
It is in your head.
The (so called) Spanish Flu was the result of two things:
1. The turning on (for the first time,) of some very powerful radio transmitters.
2. Vaccinating the general public.
This ailment was NOT contagious, this was an illness which you aquired.
@@RobinYork123 You saying something and linking to a PDF doesn't make it true. Stop stating things like it's fact.
Its starting to make me sick the only time I feel well is out in nature.
Hi just wondering is it all devices that cause this for you or are mobiles and a tough exempt
Nature and exercise is always good. Exercise kills depression and it's free and perfectly safe.....usually lol.
There are plenty of reasons to feel sick in an urban environment, stress from work, feeling boxed in within a city or house and seeing white everywhere. There are plenty of other scientifically proven reasons why walking in a natural environment would sooth the soul, there’s no reason to attribute this effect to radiation, especially when the evidence backing up the claim is shaky at best.
@@yesno7889 Not quite. Studies were done on rats(you can look this up) in which some were given microwaved food vs the rats that did not and within a short period of time the rats that were given the microwaved developed cancerous tumors. Do I need to go into how close our anatomy is? On an organic level? To these mammals?
@@NYCeesFinest It amazes me how even though cancer is constantly rising in people, no one looks at their environment, they just say oh well some BS study says this is all save, I'll just carry on walking off a cliff like a lemming
When I was at school in 1990 to 1997 we didn't have smartphone we didn't have anxiety or depression now most kids have anxiety and depression because of smartphones i think the government need to ban kids having them and put up health warnings about them
That and social media and vaccines all together are just messing with Mother Nature.
@@stevenfortier6436 Thanks to vaccines and medicine people dont die at 30, as they did centuries ago. We are waiting for a coronavirus vaccine so that older people and people with pre-existing diseases dont die.
@80s retro wasn't much anxiety back then as it is now doctors are saying it's bad for us 3g 4g 5g WiFi watch this video ua-cam.com/video/-T2R2htAaqg/v-deo.html
If you think that phone signals can damage your brain, wtf did you go to school for in the first place? All of that effort was wasted on you.
Im a living Evidnece foe EMF sensitivity , memory loss, I feel fatigue , skeleton burning , bone pain, pain down my spine ,sleep disorder, waking up in the middle of night , night mare while Im around the WIFI. I feel like Im antenna ., ever since I found out the cause and reduced the use of wifi Im much better than before.
What evidence? That's literally just a claim with zero evidence behind it.
It would be extremely easy for you to demonstrate your power in a blinded trial.
So far everyone has failed those trials.
hi eng.knowledgeseeker!!. May I ask with the utmost of care and love and respect, did you have the jabs from the last 2/3/4 yers?. I too am a fellow sufferer exactly like you. Im trying to see the correlation between people who suffer ehs and any jabxines they've had. cheers, xxxxxxx
@@hoipoloie, there is no correlation. The Faux-ci jabs have nothing to do with harmless communications.
Being that EHS is _psychosomatic,_ if you _believe_ that you fixed the issue then it _is_ fixed.
Wi-Fi certainly does not cause any of those symptoms you mentioned. Have you considered speaking with a doctor to diagnose your symptoms rather than to believe a silly ploy that is a completely fake scam? 5g and WiFi are not effecting you, you are not an antenna (nor do you understand how antennas work or what they do). EMF sensitivity is not real, you can not hear your wifi. It seems like you are act like like “the victim” of something that is not real to gain narcissistic supply. 5g is not harmful. Just wear your tin foil hat Karen.
You are not crazy neither nuts or imagining. I used to have the pressure very intently, but since I posted the comment things have changed over time. I learned about sound therapy, learned how to open all my chakras, and chi flow. now it is not as bad
Prove it
She thinks a TSHIRT is helpful against invisible intangible radiations. It's like saying a shirt is helping you against nuclear wastes
You're much worse than crazy. You're monstrously arrogant and obstinate. If you could actually sense any of this, you could easily demonstrate it. Yet you do ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to even try to demonstrate it.
No, EMS is totally fake and the 5G towers going up are not effecting you. You dont “suffer from” this body has ever “suffered from” EMS. EMS is a fake condition that some really desperate covert vulnerable narcissists use to always play “the victim” but it’s not real. Radiowaves are not radioactive. Just wear a tin foil hat when you go out in public to let everyone else know what a crazy narcissist you are so they can avoid you. ❤❤❤
Hi BoloUp, welcome to my world. With all due respect, may I kindly ask if you believe its injection related from the last 2//3/4 years or did you just get it one day?.
A provocation study would've been interesting.
Electrohypersensitivity as a Newly Identified and Characterized Neurologic Pathological Disorder: How to Diagnose, Treat, and Prevent It
Dominique Belpomme et al. Int J Mol Sci. 2020
EHS is not a medical condition.
Studies have been done even back as far as 2000 or before and they were squashed and the PhD's fired from their college research positions. I could send a link to one newsletter from 2001 that had several of them in it.
@@sunnieemerson6814, there are lots of charlatans out there. Most of us don't buy their "snake oil".
From WHO ..
The symptoms are certainly real and can vary widely in their severity. Whatever its cause, EHS can be a disabling problem for the affected individual. EHS has no clear diagnostic criteria and there is no scientific basis to link EHS symptoms to EMF exposure.
I tried a faraday tent. It couldn't stop the higher frequencies that I hear 24/7. In fact, it made it worse because they bounced around in there. This can't be good for anyone, whether they are consciously feeling symptoms or not.
39db thats potentially why? need 41 better 50db
zigbee goes right through 39db
do you have a earthing mat ? helps a LOT !!!!
did you ground the faraday cage?
Thanks, because I was about to buy a faraday bed, but I live in apartments, so I can't see that really working. I wish I could do something about this, because I feel like crap all the time & don't have a living life, I just exist!
But yet you are on the internet,?
I have this though possibly a bit milder but it's still really crap with sleeping and feeling numb and disoriented, mentally dulled, strange skin sensations, I've had pain in some bones in really bad areas but rarely I am in environments like that or I would be really depressed, oh in general it is really depressing, it's like being attacked all the time....crazy world....
At it's worst....which is often lately, it is literal "torture."
EHS is all in your mind.
They like people described by the US Pentagon military as "Empowered Individuals" in their communities. I also know that they target people who say, or act in a disapproved manner against their business, social agenda, or political power globally.
@ Heather Herrera
First check your blood magnesium level. Then get you an emf/rf meter to see if you are being hit by microwaves, which can cause the heat & palpitations. Medical doctors like me are not trained to diagnose emf/rf covert attacks. So they might not find the cause. Best wishes.
They kill targets through 5g/ direct energy weapons, usually cancer or some organ failure, this is worldwide. I am a targeted individual from ireland 🇮🇪.
@Emmanuel-jf7xf any health advise appreciated for targeted folks?? Cheers.
There are a plethora of things that could the source of these symptoms. Going straight to electromagnetic waves is pretty wild
@@Emmanuel-jf7xf, doctors are there to treat _real_ things, not give in to a delusion.
I developed Chroinc Tinnitus and thought it was noise exposure from loud motorcycles, spent 18 months at Drs and UCLA gave me all sorts of experimental treatments and meds, they were all wrong. I bought a EMF/RF tester and realised my house was a huge EMF/FR field and that my office has been next to a mains breaker box and Wifi router for 12 years I defintaly have EMF toxicity and it cripples me 24/7, my head is solid electrical feedback dosent stop, I believe the electrictiy dried out the Mitacondria cells in my brain causing the screaching, its awfull and no one believes me, its made me really depressed and anti social, I cant even look at artificial light or go out anymore, Big Tech and the Comunication companys will have a lot to answer to as more of us get affected just so they can make money. remember electricity has only been around for 100 years and we are the experimental generation.
Havana syndrome (microwave weapon attack) causes so-called "tinnitus" too
The tinnitus is how it all starts. They've been putting stuff in the water,air, and food. It gets into our bodies turns us into antennas. Basically turning us into cyborgs.
Are u also allergic to other thing and foods?
I believe you...
I've tried NAD+ therapy actually. Gave me more energy and I'm also taking a niacinamide every day too. Hasn't done anything for this though. Mitochondrial dysfunction is definitely involved but there is something else going on too. The only thing that helps the tinnitus is time away from as much EMF and food/chemical triggers as possible. I'm screwed though since I am surrounded but a million wifi access points with the only thing I'm thankful for being that they're all at least a few rooms worth of space away from mine. One day we'll get real medical recognition but more people need to start pushing for exposure, we need actual solid online communities with actual medical professional backing. This is just history repeating itself scientifically. First it was cigarettes, now it's wifi and electrosmog.
You won't be bothered until you are added to the list.
What list?
@@topherkrock terrorist watch list as a targeted individual is what he means. I'm on it since 13 years old
@@DialAPurchase-dd8qn, so the fake thing that no one is on because it doesn't exist?
I totally feel her, was so Lucky to come over this subject.
Hope you cleaned up afterwards.
Was it the part where she climbed over the fence in that skirt?
This is a illness I can't go out it's made me very ill using smartphone 3g 4g WiFi TV I'm quiting it all I'm hoping to feel better soon
Why do you like E-bikes?
normanjames bitchute for help got censured
@@MrTantalust electric bikes don’t make me Ill if it’s plug 🔌 in to socket then I feel ill
If you have it to the strong degree I do, you'll still react to waves from towers and others devices, but will feel somewhat better. I use nothing wireless and still do thru a scary torture..usually in AM's from rush hour at 7: 30 Am thru noon or so.
I been suffering from wifi elec/gas meters for years now at least since 2012, but didn't quite understand or figured out until around 5 + years ago. However, I brought this up to my doctor, family and friends and they thought I was crazy or have anxiety, no I know what I'm suffering from & it's all these new technologies, such as wifi , 4g & 5g and lets not forget all the LEDs white lights all over the streets, homes, apartments, businesses and buildings
@Picard sucks that's great! I noticed I feel much better when I'm around the beaches, brick houses, trees and homes that are far apart and away from wifi power lines/ 5g towers too. So, hopefully you'll feel better when you move. Take care UA-cam friend.
hey picard and S N, where r u both from? sorry S N, i had got stuck some of my issues and i had forgotten that i had messaged u, let me know guys, i can seriously give u info which can help correct things. knowledge will remove the fear
@@mrx8080 I'm in Southern California, near Los Angeles.
@@mrx8080 I don't feel fear, what I'm is tired & pissed because the government knows the damages that these things have on our health, lives and the costs to try to fix it or the expenses to avoid it, and the daily constant battle to fight for our wellbeing each day, months & now years. . Yes it's overall taxing over time .
@@mrx8080 Sorry I'm just ranting, but it would nice try to get some help, I been trying so many things already, maybe what you know may help? Thanks for the reaching out.
thank you for this film (info helped me with my EHS)
You don't have EHS. No one does.
@@topherkrock I sure did, for a long time too.
@@immanuelvandriem3886, no one has EHS. It is not a real disease.
Would love to hear some stories from people who came here with similar sensitivities. What is life like for you?
It is a hell. See my comment above. Because other people don't feel it, they don't believe me. They also will not shut their phones off around me. These signals are everywhere, there's no escaping them.
@@Clairbear1222 bro you should get a emf blocking braclet it counter acts the incoming emf
@@Jameshello45 I would like to think it was that easy Vince but thanks anyway.
@@Clairbear1222 why is it not that easy I just bought one today.
@@Jameshello45 Are you emf sensitive? Is it working? Then why have all these people moved if it is that simple? These signals make me sick as heck.
I said to my friend I feel like I'm slowly dying. In 2 years I've gone from bieng a driver of 40yrs, now can't drive at all for the last 2years. Been dizzy, head spinning 24,7 bells and vibrations in my head, anxiety is through the roof. Can't bare any noise white noise. Sudden pressure in head. I'm suffering horrific muscles spasms legs, feet, back, neck. Throat, and upper respiratory problems, chronic fatigue, 24,7 just want to lay down and close my eyes. Had brain scan, nothing wrong no tumours nothing. But said I had pppd, and cirvicovirtigo and crystals in the ear, although 3 head manoeuvres failed to help me! Also had neck mri. Having endoscopy 26th Sept, 22 to look at a condition I've had 20 or 30 years oesophagitis reflux disease, and hiatus hernia in my chest. Its never been to much of a problem, but now this last 3 months I can hardly swallow food, I choke at least 4 times a day. My body is not absorbing nutrition vitamins etc. My iron level is 7 it should be 70. I have very low levels of everything. My doctor said we don't want to alarm you, but it may be cancer of the oesophagus, and to see if my hernia is strangling my oesophagus. The doctor said, it's pressing on my other organs causing oxygen restriction, to my brain, and that could be why I'm so dizzy etc. So just waiting for this procedure to see where I am. But right now I have no life, I can't function normally when I feel I've become detached from reality. I am 59 with 5 kids all grown up, 20 grandkids, 1 great grand baby! I can't even hold them for fear I'll drop them, it really upsets me. So to everyone on here, you are not crazy, in England we know it 5geeeee poisoning.
just cut all the wifi in your life , or leave the city and go live in the rural are away from towers.
I'm in the US, just turned 48 and have been experiencing alot of what your suffering with going on 4 years. It's absolutely tormenting which is what I believe the powers that be want...
Traditional Chinese Medicine phytotherapy and sleeping in a healthy environment (in the nature, close to water) allows me to tolerate EMF saturated environments during the day.
Traditional Chinese Medicine phytotherapy and sleeping in a healthy environment (in the nature, close to water) allows me to tolerate EMF saturated environments during the day.
how about getting a real treatment? Instead of making somthing up that will never be fixed
I am really proud of everyone in this video for talking about it. Even the sun produces radiation which is how we get sunburn. People need to open their minds
Because the UV radiation of the nearby star is harmful, the microwave radiation from your smartphone must also be? Who was your physics teacher?
The sun produces UV light which is an ionizing radiation. That’s the difference, and it’s a major one.
@@MrCmon113 get yourself educated
@@MrCmon113 Cell phones emit low levels of non-ionizing radiation when in use. The type of radiation emitted by cell phones is also referred to as radio frequency (RF) energy. As stated by the National Cancer Institute, "there is currently no consistent evidence that non-ionizing radiation increases cancer risk in humans.idiot
I'm hypersensitivite because of the smart meter it is caused by emf exposure
"it's torture" she says while standing directly unfazed in front of a TV camera
They don’t generate microwaves in the same way that a mobile phone does. Unless they were broadcasting live, she shouldn’t feel anything major. With that camera, all of the audio would’ve been hooked up with a cable, not much on that camera would be wireless. I can’t even see them using Bluetooth microphones. In summary; yes, you would be correct if they were broadcasting live to a base station elsewhere. However, you’re more than likely wrong in this case as anything they would appear to be using is hooked up with cables and there is nothing being broadcasted. For example, when he measured his phone, EMF was low, when he turned on any kind of transmission, the EMF was high. These people seem to be effected by radio and microwaves waves rather than less powerful waves created by non broadcasting devices.
@Norii You are delusional.
@@DankMemesForAngryTeens you are 💯 % correct. These ignorant naysayers are so annoying only for their stupid comments mind ... trolling seems their preferred methods of communication
@@thinktankcritic5267, these "naysayers" have common sense.
The telecoms box at the bottom of our road emits a high frequency sound that I cannot hear, but my daughter hears, and feels it as a stabbing pain in her head as it stops and starts.
Just because there are no studies backing this up, doesn't mean it doesn't exist - gee, I wonder why there are no studies - it's not rocket science. The amount of tech in use is increasing, and we have no long term studies because who would fund them?
We have never before had so much EMF in the air. Not everyone can tune it out. And it's not tinnitus when you block your ears and the sound stops.
The sound that your daughter hears has nothing to do with electrosensitivity. It's just so, that the telecoms box vibrates very fast, so sound gets created. Electrosensitivity is, when you suffer directly from electromagnetic waves. When a machine creates a sound and some people can hear that sound, that has nothing to do with electrosensitivity, but with the fact that some people can hear higher sounds than others.
Yes agree, as I also can hear a high frequency sound where am at too. The sound seems to be coming from outside as I had tried to turn off the breaker to the tiny house, yet could still hear it. Yet others are unable to hear anything, guess I am just highly sensitive. The sound is disturbing my sleep, it’s also causing a stabbing pain in my head too cause it is nor stop however it is a lot worser in the daytime. I been renting out a tiny house in a RV park, yet didn’t realize people like us who are (EHS) a RV park can be a very dangerous place cause of all the electricity running through out it.
@@BlueButterfly-child-ofGod Well sorry to hear that, but you are most likely not electrosensitive. You probably just have a very good hearing ability. Something outside of your house (or maybe even inside) produces this very high sound, that is nearly outside of the human hearing range, so not many people can hear it. This sound is most likely caused by a device that runs on electricity, but not by electromagnetic waves themselves.
@@Niko-zf5ml It can be both.
Maybe, you are the study. And anyhow, they wouldn’t publish anything that could kill off the population or someone they want to control or target that easily whenever they want and in a way that is so underhanded and in public.
I live in Saudi Arabia and I have a big problem with electricity and electromagnetic every time I use my phone or any device like pc or a remote control it does hurt me. I feel like my hands goes stiff hot dry and Numbness every time using technology. all that comes after I get into the MRI and I don't know if it was the cause or not. sorry for my bad English
Hi we make clothes for people suffering from electromagnetic hypersensitivity. We have gotten great feedback from our customers that it helps them a lot in life. emsuojaus is the company name...cant put the address here :(
I'm going through the same thing
normanjames bitchute for help got censured
you might have been poisoned with gadolinium .. a heavy metal which is used for mri's
@@silvercell4844 how about a code name? Emf clothes work for me.
Do not listen to that voice in your head. Nor do not accept bribes over the internet. Do only what motivates you, and don't be persuaded that any action beyond what you are motivated to do will lead to a big payment. There is a thing, and it's the worst thing that has ever happened to humanity. Period.
What the F are you talking about
@joseph1845 too little of a brain to understand what he said lol
WOW there is a lot of physiological illness in the comment section
@James East EMF is their scapegoat, they just have simple everyday anxieties. Nothing new here.
It’s really and truly sad to read.
I always slept much better at my G parents, this was before I knew about EMFs, I got a meter and tested the levels and they were undetectable at my G parents.
says one who has done 0 research on the subject. Good luck Eric with your fears. It's easier for you to pretend it doesn't exist because it's too scary.
Look up "target individuals" and "gang stalking". These people are not crazy and there are a lot of them being tortured and harassed this way
OMG. TIs are quite the "special category" of person, aren't they?
Their reasoning is flawed. No one is out to get them. Meth is a powerful drug.
I use placebo drugs in an ambulance all the time. Small amounts of oxygen via a nasal cannula have been a godsend for me. The symptoms are real, and the treatment genuinely works, but I wonder if the diagnosis is wrong
Mind and body are absolutely one! Just like when you feel mentally ashamed or disgusted, your stomach become ill and you may vomit- the physical symptoms are real even if the trigger is purely mental. I do believe some of these people are unknowingly bringing this down on themselves. How or why, I don’t know. I also believe that some people truly are sickened by the bombardment of unnatural signals and god knows what constantly assailing us.
It’s nice that you are empathetic with these patients and go through the motions of giving what you identify as placebos. I’m sure it helps them immensely. There’s a show on Netflix that addresses this, documentary style. Can’t remember the name right now but it’s a new show.
Who owes Netflix? Ask real people what they feel.
These people seem to be the only normal ones in an insane world.
Not really. They're not insane, sure, but it's a nocebo effect. Keep in mind that being affected by nocebos is involuntary, so the supposed electrosensitivity sufferers most likely are experiencing the symptoms they're describing, just not because of the radiation. CGPGrey did a video on it, which is very informative. Link's here: www.google.com/search?q=this+video+will+hurt&oq=this+video+will+hurt&aqs=chrome..69i57j0.4939j0j0&client=ms-android-motorola-rev2&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8#
Here's some studies that show that electrosensitivity isn't real:
Vivian Wang The study-design in previous EHS-Studys has many flaws, because it’s not based on objective data but on the subjective impressions of the participants. Good summary: betweenrockandhardplace.wordpress.com/2017/11/08/ehs-research-is-scientifically-worthless-for-two-reasons/
@80s retro "surrounded by more powerful EM sources like FM radio"...thats simply not true. even though FM transmits at several kilowatts,it is usually far away from residential buildings. Cell towers are quite close, even more so with 5G and mmwaves -because they have to be. High frequencies can travel at faster speeds but can go only short distances.
The phenomenon of the individual sensitivity to radiation is well known for ionizing radiation, for non-ionizing ultraviolet radiation and for ultrasound.
Therefore, it is scientifically justified to suspect (assume) that the individual sensitivity exists also for the EMF exposures.
The real Chuck Mcgill
I 100% believe them. It is a real condition. More studies need to be done.
*You **_can_** believe them, but it is **_not_** a real condition.* Studies have been done.
Surely you could show way more people than 3
Thank you for covering such an interesting topic in a fair and balanced way!
ua-cam.com/video/tMxLaItznu0/v-deo.html please be educated on 5G it will get all not just the hyper sensitive
Omg in have the same feeling as the second girl , it started when i was watching tv. I cant sleep and when i use phone or even listen to electronics my brain feels strange and pressure. It started 3 weeks ago.
Your brain runs on electricity... While the source is biochemically produced, the end result is still electric power. Your brain is around 20watt or something of power. People becoming sick from stuff like seen in this doc is as real as people thinking they get magical powers from eating chocolate.
Feeling pressure in the brain area could be stress or lacking sleep over a given period. Serious pressure however, seizures and such could be a tumor and guess what you need to use to find out the latter... a scanner that works within the scope of electromagnetism.
@@Lobos222 a scanner? What should i do with it?
@@cilpsooo1 Its not a paper scanner, you simpleton. A PET scanner (Positron Emission Tomography) scanner uses slightly radioactive markers (liquid) that is injected into your bloodstream so that it is picked up on the room sized medial scanner and the images can tell if you have a tumor or similar.
However, unless you have other serious symptoms than just a light headache. You wont get one because its 99% chance you are just a bit under the weather rather than having a tumor. A brain tumor can be very painful. So it is more likely you do NOT have one...
Wifi is harmless... Maybe you have other issues like stress or whatever that can cause discomfort, but your deduction from watching this is wrong.
@@Lobos222 you're right. I went to a neurologist and he said i have tension headache cause by a tension in the neck and shoulders. The symptoms are getting less severe. And thank you for the reply.
normanjames bitchute for help got censured
It's all smartphone, that's it.
Life was better without smartphones,
Pre 2010s
I agree. Before all the texting and Snapchats and Facebook was just a normal site. I think we had Myspace. But nothing like today we have to go to our computers for that now everything is in the phone and people are constantly on their phone and in their phone and constantly communicating but actually disconnecting.
@@mr.e1220 wow exactly,
The days of my space , bebo and MSN live text chat, before whatsapp and facebook.
Heading to the desktop computer then much later on getting a laptop,
@@peterhh369 I think that they put out a frequency that subtly changes our brains. It has more effect on the younger generation. That's why the younger generation is so violent and just snap and go and shoot up schools because they are constantly exposing themselves to these frequencies.
@@mr.e1220go to the Fullerton Informer YT channel it's all there specifically a his 2 years ago interview called 5G-The Interview of the Century on wireless-artemis and apple 666... HIs text book he uses it is from a science known as magnetobiology.
@@a-khanation5279 go to the Fullerton Informer YT channel it's all there specifically a his 2 years ago interview called 5G-The Interview of the Century on wireless-artemis and apple 666... HIs text book he uses it is from a science known as magnetobiology.
Look up BARRY TROWER who is an expert in this field and knows of the dangers also
Olle Johansson from Sweden's scientific research on the subject.
You wrote down the names of *_liars,_* not experts.
I can relate to all of you! I wish I had family that understood but they don’t 😢.
You can _relate_ to the lies?
I'm not sensitive to EMF or electronics at all. I used to think I was and that it had a spiritual effect but it was totally just in my head. I'm now completely fine around all electronics. Computers, Wifi etc. They have no effect on me at all. Feel strong, confident, calm and centered around them.
No one needs to hear it was all in your head! If it was then go to a psychiatrist. Most people here are true sufferers.
@@thinktankcritic5267 Look up Roosevelt neurasthenia
@@thinktankcritic5267, there are no "true sufferers". EHS is a psychosomatic condition.
Omg I’m so sorry :( I can hear wifi too.. I have noticed the kare towers go up here in Australia, I feel constant fatigue (never use to) .. stabbing pain and headaches in the side of my head nearly everyday .. it’s horrendous. I’m so sorry 💔
You cannot hear Wi-Fi.
For the last 18 months or so, I've been suffering from inner body vibrations, mainly in my legs and feet. It's driving me crazy, and keeps me awake at nights. Nobody, not even GPs have an answer. There was a 5G tower put up at our local shops while Covid was keeping us indoors, and I can see it from my bedroom, and am now wondering if it's that. We have all the technology in our home, laptop, modem, etc., though, even standing next to our fridge sends the vibrations through me. Is there anybody out there that is suffering from this? (I'm in Australia, if that makes a difference).
I too have the inner vibrations torturous and reminds me of akathisia. I think it is heavy, metal toxicity, and the EMF makes it worse.
Yes same. Do u happen to have an iphone?
@@webguy943 I do have an iphone
This can also be a sign of Multiple Sclerosis, chronic migraine, or vitamin deficiency as well. You may want to talk to your doctor and rule these things out. It will help you narrow down the cause and relief!❤
It's nano technology. Soak your feet in saltwater preferably with iodine. Salt with iodine in it. Scrub your feet well and do a body cleans. You can look up this information on UA-cam or Google. Some people are taking activated charcoal to absorb the nanotech. Hopefully this helps you.
Brazil TI targeted individual V2K Travessa ETCD Diadema São Paulo Ronaldo Lacerda Parabéns BBC pelo documentario
Assedio Eletronico Vila Nova Conquista conhecida como Favela da Coca bairro Piraporinha.
Brasil SP individuo alvo assedio eletrônico 24/7
The radium argument is quite vapid. The radium paint was known to be harmful. That's why the scientists and everyone but the "radium girls" wore protection.
The scientists considered the girls to be disposable and never told them of the dangers.
To the second girl, is your name Emma? You can hard wire a home computer from an ethernet cable. This will shut the Wi-Fi down in your home. You need to have the phone comapny disbale the Wi-Fi on their end and then you have to make sure the blue tooth in your computer is disabed also.
Yeah but imagine the EMF coming off of an ethernet cable. (This is sarcasm)
@@nonamesinspace1291, except it's true. Ethernet cables _do_ have EMF.
@@Clairbear1222, shutting off your Wi-Fi is stupid.
Glad to see this has been discussed, and this is a somewhat older video already.
Many folks simply want to regurgitate what Big Business and government (funded by Big Business) are saying, but the health results sure seem to be telling a different story.
As you say, you have a thing about big business ie capitalism, racsim, and all the other isms and obias.
What you have is symptom of left wing ideology. It all in the head; wishful thinking as there is no such thing as this condition. You have confirmation bias and hysteria which you can catch from vids like this.
5G is safe. IF you have anything to the contrary, science would love to see it!
Can someone please help me and my daughter? Recently my one year old was in the hospital for “seizure” like activity. No seizures after the EEG. I started recording everything over the past couple of days. I think this might be what my daughter is going through.. can static electricity cause this? I need help. The episodes for her are getting worse. I think we both have developed MD because of this. Which worries me that we’re both immuno compromised. I know that’s bits of info for such a large thing that’s going on but if anyone has any clue on what to do for her please email me or comment back. I’m going to upload videos of what’s going on.
Take off her shoes as often as possible walk her out in nature barefoot. Turn off your WiFi and devices in the house. Stay calm and pray. God bless. Also salt baths or sea air is healing.
I think you should read invisible rainbow which you can do online free. I would make babies environmental as clean as could be from emfs, smart meters etc. Get emf material and wrap her up in it. I have no smart meter and wear clothes 24/7. I have shielded my windows and get xtra sleep by turning off electricity at the box. Smart meters are deadly
@@lauraberry226 no WiFi in the house and no smart meters.
@@911arrow4, oh, look! You're pushing *another fraudster* on us. What is the name of the organization you work for? How much are they paying you to push this Russian propaganda on us?
My new neighbor moved in...within a week, hammered their farm wire onto my electric farm fence posts ...Then hooked them to each other with metal ties. Evil IS crazy.
Did I mention the x recently also got a Forged, Submitted (but denied) life policy on me, 2 yrs after divorced -- and we are still business partners.
I feel that there are infiltrators put on these conversations to muddy the waters.
Electromagnetic fields do affect certain individuals in a negative way. Similarly, changes in the barometric pressure of the atmosphere to those with arthritis.
Everyone can feel atmospheric pressure. No one can feel wifi.
If you disagree, go set up the experiment and prove it.
No one is affected by EMF.
This 'documentary' had a number of shortcomings that seriously affects the credibility and doesn't really deserve the title of a documentary. It relied primarily on the anecdotes of the self-proclaimed suffers.
Not a single doctors, psychiatrist or health authority representative was presented in this documentary. The best the editors could come up with was a quote from an excerpt from the World Health Organisation that somewhat misrepresented the opinion of the W.H.O. .
The logical conclusion is that the editors behind this piece had an agenda for sensationalism.
@@clutsta ua-cam.com/video/tMxLaItznu0/v-deo.html
Doctors and "experts" don't know everything, plus they have been indoctrinated into political correctness and fear of scrutiny by their colleagues. Many experts are now being exposed as frauds and doctors are not relied upon for expert opinion like they once were. They've let too many people down too often for too long.
Double Blind tests (as in, the patient & the person conducting the test don't know when the subject is exposed to electromagnetic fields) show that these people can't tell when they are exposed to electromagnetic fields or not. Game Over.
I can't speak for the people in the video but i experience IMMEDIATE negative reactions to electricity in certain situations, smart phones, next to my body, the sun, some wrist watches stop when i put them on etc... BUT i'm lucky as I can physically control my interactions with these things & therefore function & live fine.
I also have many allergies to many things ranging from food, nail polish , car oils etc.
I've been searching for a website or support group who experience these kinds of negative reactions & so far nothing. I've even checked for scientists dealing with this kind of phenomenon but to no avail.
@@AH-vw9nq The conditions you describe -- Electro-Hypersensitivity and Multiple Chemical Sensitivity -- are well established impairments of environmental intolerance. In fact, these are related and many people with one will eventually find they suffer from both. The Electrosensitive Society (in Canada) has a strong online support group and much useful information. You might check out the Seriously Sensitive to Pollution blog which provides lots of info on how to live in a poisoning world. It is very common that people who develop EHS and MCS also suffer from a history of food or environmental 'allergies', may have had nervous system damage (such as a car accident), may have had a single large over-exposure to pesticides or EMF.
Avoidance is the number one strategy, but even that is not enough. Once sensitized, then even high magnetic fields and power line voltage harmonics aggravate your conditions, where you could tolerate them OK before that. Many of these conditions can be addressed in homes by a building biologist, but it can be hit-or-miss or expensive (likely, both) and it becomes nearly impossible in an urban or shared housing event.
Look for Dr. Magda Havas and Dr. Olle Johansson as two example researchers with decades of experience.
Good luck on your health journey.
You know, in the settings of the mobile phone it says keep this device 2 meters away from the body at all times.
Definitely don't sleep with it next to your head.
Shoes off as often as possible, grounding helps.
Chuck always said leave the phones in the mail and stay grounded
No, it doesn't.
Your clothing and simply the atmosphere do more to give you a charge than a phone ever could.
I'll take "things that don't exist" for $1000!
To understand why *5G is safe* we need to understand the following:
*We have drawn an arbitrary line around the bands of the EMF spectrum.*
The _only_ difference between the IR/microwave/radio wave spectrum and "light" is that we can see light. Beyond that, they operate exactly the same.
*What do we know about light:*
1. Light can be used to transmit information.
2. Light creates heat.
3. Light is perceived by our eyes.
4. When "concentrated", light can cut and burn things.
*Does this make light dangerous?* No. Most light is safe to use due to the low power level that it designed for. That's also true of the *lower frequency EMF* that we use for communications.
Good points.
UV light can damage human skin, visible light can't do it directly as far as I know. Some frequencies penetrate objects better than others. We use microwaves to heat food, try do it with visible light. These bands don't operate the same.
@Random-kt4xj , they used a 40-watt light bulb in the easybake ovens.
@Random-kt4xj , you can cook with visible light, btw. Just ask any kid who ever used a magnifying glass.
@@topherkrock an incandescent light bulb has a heating element and with a magnifying glass you also concentrate infrared radiation. Technically visible light can heat objects but it's impractical in everyday life cause of its properties which are different from frequencies of the other bands.
If the effects are immediate then it's EASY to test. Close your eyes while I hold a radio next to your head. If you can tell me when it's there, it's real (but it doesn't disprove anything scientifically since someone could say they are less sensitive but sensitive over time so they wouldn't sense any immediate effects.) People who say that it's intense though, "Close your eyes and let me know when the radio is near your head". Ebay has geiger counters for around $50. It would be interesting to test household items. If they came back zero that would put some people at ease, but I doubt it's zero.
For those narrow-minded people I say fuck science, even though I really enjoyed my 10 science courses in college. read dr eben alexander's book on another subject which speaks to science vs one's own experience.
not f the science, just the completely rigid minded scientists who think they know it all. The scientific research backing all of this has been around over 20 yrs. It's a cover -up.
@@sunnieemerson6814, you have _faith_ in the religion known as "Flat Earth". They will take you in and embrace you while reaffirming your beliefs in ghosts.
I would have thought she was crazy 18 months ago until I had a smart meter installed and tinnitus started pulsating in one ear, I have just had it put in dumb mode and the ringing has stopped, however, it;s still showing a lot of EMF of my detector!
So you're saying that you pressed a pretend button and a miracle happened? Good for you. You now know that this is the nocebo effect.
@@shaun4443 It's all about intensity, duration and proximity. Your meter exceeded your tolerance capacity hence you began to experience symptoms
@@thinktankcritic5267, no, it isn't. Duration would only apply if it caused heating. Since it doesn't, then that's not a thing.
Nice that this lady was able to self diagnose herself. God that we live in a time when doctors know nothing and alternative wellness cures can sell you so many things to help. (save up... keep the scam rolling....we love your money.)
A Smart Meter was installed on my house a few months ago, even though I didn't want one. I have been sick ever since. EMF damage our brain and nervous system.
That's simply not true.
Smart meters don't affect anything or anyone.
Great video! Eventually the ignorant ridiculing masses will catch up. There will be a day when everyone will acknowledge that this is a real life changing problem for EVERYONE on the planet.
ES-UK everyone
I have this problem. it's terrible. no one believes me
I do, I'm sufferer of this too, since 2012
@@SN-ty2rg i recently found out i migth have lime disease that migth be the reason im sensitive to radiation
@@andrewcameron6611 I had lyme disease back in 2011 through 2012, although I was treated & cleared of it, the damage from having it has debilitated for life. I haven't been well since along with all of these new wifi damaging radiation devices ,making it very unbearable to have a quality of health and life. Cry faces and a fighter at the same time.
@@andrewcameron6611 if you have it you need treatment asap, the longer you have it the worse it attacks your ligaments, joints, muscles and immune system , it can cripple you for life.
I believe you
My friend also have ehs, and we dont believe her, what to do? People calling her crazy.. Resigned her job and leave the city living in a remote place
Maybe support her as a friend
Have your friend see a real doctor.
Electro sensitivity my ass were called targeted individuals
no. some perhaps, not most of us
poor poor lady ,what a living nightmare Emma
How did they film this? Digitally on analogue.
😂 EMS is totally fake so it doesn’t matter either way.
What do we do to protect ourselves?
Living far away from network antennas 📡
Nothing. *EHS is a **_psychosomatic_** condition.* It isn't caused by anything real, but manifests real pain. 100% of EHS is self-diagnosed.
Scary I think I've got this as well. I definitely hear voices I've recorded them. It's crazy 😦
We really can’t know whether this is real or not. Maybe some people are more sensitive than others. Just because I don’t experience it, does not mean someone else can’t. We’ve barely come to a point where we understand the human body, let alone how it’s affected by electromagnetic radiation.
There is a lot of scientific research that has gone into this. No one can sense EMF. Their claims are facetious.
I have covered my wifi modem with aluminium foil and it has reduced the strength from -50 db to -65 db. Wifi work fine but it has made it safer. I also turn it off at night.
carfull it can be amplified by 100 with negative waves net tot a power supply
@@ANT-jm4qx the smaller the number the more powerfull the wifi.
@@rabidsminions2079 educate yourself
The tin foil needs to go on your head though.
@@Apollo-p1l lol
What did they do when they were growing up probably listening to the radio and watching tv?
Me too. I'm suffering so badly with EHS.
Hi we make clothes for people suffering from electromagnetic hypersensitivity. We have gotten great feedback from our customers that it helps them a lot in life. emsuojaus is the company name...cant put the address here :(
@J. A. For real what's next emf free neighborhoods selling at 800k and up?
normanjames bitchute for help got censured
@@silvercell4844, stop taking advantage of people! Just because they lack knowledge does not mean they should pay for it!
I know what it's like. I've tried creating a faraday cage but with no success I'm getting headaches much worse now. I can only use this device rarely. I had to have my smart meter removed. I can't have a flat screen TV or smart appliances. It's torture. I've destroyed 8 cellphones
Go to a doctor. Keeping out imaginary things won't help you.
mental health issue that should be treated
but not treated as if it's real. It may feel real to them, but that's how it is with mental health
if a person can tell when a cable passes electricity or not it is not a mental health issue but more like a superpower do you not agree ?
@@chrisarcanas5479 If you want to know how "everyone" will be effected by 5G not just the sensitive watch about magnetobiology science this man has the 5G frequency figured out has a background in bio Life sciences ua-cam.com/video/tMxLaItznu0/v-deo.html
It's not a mental illness its real read the studies from this year www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7139347/
Yes and they can't.
Every time someone tried to demonstrate this ability, they have failed.
If you think you can do it, go ahead.
the government will NEVER say there are EMF problems ,,,, its all about money
Do any of you guys realize that ALL FORMS OF LIGHT is electromagnetic energy. If there's enough light for you to see then your being absolutely bombarded with electromagnetic fields. Actually it would be physically impossible to escape.
No, they don't understand the science behind it at all. The electrician of all people should have had some understanding of how the materials of his trade work
Oh and ringing in the ears
i have been using a samsung galaxy note 9 cp..i am one of those affected by emfs and cant use it no more
due to headaches i can feel the intensity of radiation i am getting from it
it hurts a lot
and i get so sensitive by electric gadgets and such
my body is a lot different than what it used to be
i am fighting for my life
and help others be aware of the damage modern tech are causing us humans
too much is not good
not only that i camt control my body sometimes
and negative nd positive energy come in my body possession and such? gosh trust me guys ive been experiencing it
singing uncontrollably like holy3 and ...i would kneel during masses uncontrollably...sometimes something bad comes out from my mouth if i am into places that are abandoned dark and isolated
i dunno i cant control my body like ii used to nd i get so sensitive esp. thunders and such my head would ache..or wifi signals i would be dizzy
If you haven’t done it yet, go to a doctor and discuss your symptoms. It’s most likely not the fact that gadgets and their signals are hurting you, as electricity is used within your own nervous system to make your muscles move and brain work. I don’t want to invalidate your experiences, but I really suggest not to be so hasty in blaming your symptoms on gadgets.
EHS is not real. If ANY a of what you claimed is somewhat real you really should see a doctor. EHS is a ploy used to gain narcissistic supply so probably this “pain” is imaginary. Be careful of covert narcs who use ploys like this to gain narcissistic supply.
Covert narcissists are like energy vampires.
EHS is not real.
I'm here for better call saul comment😂
Theoretically we electro sensitive should be able to develop our electronic interfaces. I develop enough affecting street and parking lot light I can step in to a 10 -20 car lot and all the lights go off. Or pass a dim pole and it comes on why is there not some of us openly able to render power over atms, and various electronics computers. Phones, and when we're bothered by devices it should be in our reach to make it blow fuse or up completely and we r able to access use and control everything in nearby cell phones Instead of being forced into radio free zones like in AR.
Exactly what I was contemplating today-scared to set someone’s pad on fire tho
Oh man, @eion-stephenson thinks that people are vampires! This stuff is too good!
Does not seem to effect men ?
please be educated from the Fullerton Informer YT channel this 5G no one can acclimate to the 60 GHZ frequency it will run on video is 2 years old but he is still fighting for stopping 5G he is based in CA ua-cam.com/video/tMxLaItznu0/v-deo.html
Much less. Most electrosensitive people appear to be women.
@@CatBloom42 Probably bc women are more sensitive and can hear better than men.
@@benton-benton Not sure what hearing has to do with it, but my, totally unscientific, guess, is that it's somehow related to hormones.
@@CatBloom42 LOL
The WHO, Tells you who they are look at the snake wrapped around the symbol, that tells you all you need to know. The devil is on a mission to hurt & harm every one.
It talks about it in the Bible
Chuck entered the chat...
We're y meditating?
I think sensitive people like us can be likened to the canaries they used to send down into mines to test for gas leaks.
The canary would be sensitive to it, and pick up the slightest amount and fall dead which alerted the miners to get out.
We are people like these canaries, we are alerting others to the dangers of it, through our sensitivities alerting us to it.
The human body always alerts us when something isn't right.
*EHS is a **_psychosomatic_** condition.* It isn't caused by anything real, but manifests real pain. 100% of EHS is self-diagnosed.
It's so true.
@@jeffyang1857, yes, that EHS is psychosomatic.
Gro Harlem Brundtland? Who is this famous suffer of EHS? Just the former Prime Minister of Norway and director of the World Health Organisation.. ouch!
The World Health organisation leader would not allow cell phones in her office even. Some would sneak them in and she would know. How? She reacted to them.
But who is she to challenge your false narrative?
The govt or big tech says cell phones are safe and effective. There are tens of thousands of studies that prove otherwise. The industry studies will make your story true.
And why are commenting here? Just for fun?
@@911arrow4, EHS is not real, it is psychosomatic. Look it up.
There is no such thing as a "Targeted Individual". EHS is a psychosomatic condition. No one is affected by radio waves.
Unfortunately, it is too real. If you want to look more into it, there was a study published on March 11, 2020 It’s called: Electrohypersensitivity as a Newly Identified and Characterized Neurologic Pathological Disorder: How to Diagnose, Treat, and Prevent It. By the international journal of molecular sciences. Dominique Belpomme 1,2,3,* and Philippe Irigaray 1,2.
It’s a pretty interesting read
@@ScreamingBanchie, all fantasy stories are interesting reads. I'm sure that there's a world of intrigue and delight. It's just all fiction.
"where do i begin" - With a bath love.
What you believe you perceive
not when you have no belief and the pain wakes you up from deep sleep 1000 x's, but relocation makes it go away
@@sunnieemerson6814, 5G doesn't affect you. It's all in your head.
Chuck McGill sends his regards
@@hta5172 *1261
I am not crazy! I'm not crazy! I know he swapped those numbers! I knew it was 1216, one after Magna Carta as if I could ever make such a mistake.
I need to stop watching stuff like this because I’m beginning to wonder just how many ppl are really crazy just live your life who cares about stupid stuff u have one life live it up god help eveyone
5G is the real threat. The Fullerton Informer YT you need to know the hyper sensitive people are the only ones with 3G 4G EMF effects please be educated by this man based in CA ua-cam.com/video/tMxLaItznu0/v-deo.html and this was determined 2 years ago
@@buffypeterson1736 5G is harmless stop telling lies .
@@Hydro-Québec The Dangers Of 5G - 11 Reasons To Be Concerned
The USA is currently leading the way on 5G. At the June 2016 press conference where the Federal
Communications Commission’s (FCC) head Tom Wheeler announced the opening up of low, mid and high
spectrum’s. There was no mention of health effects whatsoever. But the dangers are real.
Thousands of studies link low-level wireless radio frequency
radiation exposures to a long list of adverse biological effects,
DNA single and double strand breaks
oxidative damage
disruption of cell metabolism
increased blood brain barrier permeability
melatonin reduction
disruption to brain glucose metabolism
generation of stress proteins
Let’s not also forget that in 2011 the World Health
Organization (WHO) classified radio frequency radiation as a
possible 2B carcinogen.
More recently the $25 million National Toxicology Program concluded that radio frequency radiation of the
type currently used by cell phones can cause cancer.
But where does 5G fit into all this? Given that 5G is set to utilize frequencies above and below existing
frequency bands 5G sits in the middle of all this. But the tendency (it varies from country to country) is for 5G
to utilize the higher frequency bands. Which brings it’s own particular concerns. Here is my review of the
studies done to date - 11 reasons to be concerned.
We’re going to be bombarded by really high frequencies at low, short-range intensities creating a yet
more complicated denser soup of electrosmog
Continued > To work with the higher range MMW in 5G, the antennas required are smaller. Some experts are talking
about as small as 3mm by 3mm. The low intensity is for efficiency and to deal with signal disruption from
natural and man-made obstacles.
The biggest concern is how these new wavelengths will affect the skin. The human body has between
two million to four million sweat ducts. Dr. Ben-Ishai of Hebrew University, Israel explains that our sweat
ducts act like “an array of helical antennas when exposed to these wavelengths,” meaning that we become
more conductive. A recent New York study which experimented with 60GHz waves stated that “the analyses
of penetration depth show that more than 90% of the transmitted power is absorbed in the epidermis and
dermis layer.”
The effects of MMWs as studied by Dr. Yael Stein of Hebrew University is said to also cause humans
physical pain as our nociceptors flare up in recognition of the wave as a damaging stimuli. So we’re looking
at possibilities of many skin diseases and cancer as well as physical pain to our skin.
A 1994 study found that low level millimeter microwave radiation produced lens opacity in rats, which is
linked to the production of cataracts.
An experiment conducted by the Medical Research Institute of Kanazawa Medical University found that
60GHz “millimeter-wave antennas can cause thermal injuries of varying types of levels. The thermal effects
induced by millimeterwaves can apparently penetrate below the surface of the eye.”
5/30/2018 5G Radiation Dangers - 11 Reasons To Be Concerned | ElectricSense
www.electricsense.com/12399/5g-radiation-dangers/ 3/4
A 2003 Chinese study has also found damage to the lens epithelial cells of rabbits after 8 hours of exposure
to microwave radiation and a 2009 study conducted by the College of Physicians and Surgeons in Pakistan
conclude that EMFs emitted by a mobile phone cause derangement of chicken embryo retinal differentiation.
A 1992 Russian study found that frequencies in the range 53-78GHz (that which 5G proposes to use)
impacted the heart rate variability (an indicator of stress) in rats. Another Russian study on frogs who’s skin
was exposed to MMWs found heart rate changes (arrhythmias).
A 2002 Russian study examined the effects of 42HGz microwave radiation exposure on the blood of healthy
mice. It was concluded that “the whole-body exposure of healthy mice to low-intensity EHF EMR has a
profound effect on the indices of nonspecific immunity”.
A 2016 Armenian study observed MMWs at low intensity, mirroring the future environment brought about by
5G. Their study conducted on E-coli and other bacteria stated that the waves had depressed their growth as
well as “changing properties and activity” of the cells. The concern is that it would do the same to human
The very same Armenian study also suggested that MMWs effects are mainly on water, cell plasma
membrane and genome too. They had found that MMW’s interaction with bacteria altered their sensitivity to
“different biologically active chemicals, including antibiotics.” More specifically, the combination of MMW and
antibiotics showed that it may be leading to antibiotic resistance in bacteria.
This groundbreaking finding could have a magnum effect on the health of human beings as the bandwidth is
rolled out nationwide. The concern is that we develop a lower resistance to bacteria as our cells become
more vulnerable - and we become more vulnerable.
One of the features of 5G is that the MMW is particularly susceptible to being absorbed by plants and rain.
Humans and animals alike consume plants as a food source. The effects MMW has on plants could leave us
with food that’s not safe to consume.
Think GMOs on steroids. The water that falls from the sky onto these plants will also be irradiated. A 2010
study on aspen seedlings showed that the exposure to radio frequencies led to the leaves showing necrosis
5/30/2018 5G Radiation Dangers - 11 Reasons To Be Concerned | ElectricSense
www.electricsense.com/12399/5g-radiation-dangers/ 4/4
Source: www.hindawi.com/journals/ijfr/2010/83627
Another Armenian study found that MMWs of low intensity “invoke(s) peroxidase isoenzyme spectrum
changes of wheat shoots.” Peroxidase is a stress protein existing in plants. Indications are that 5G will be
particularly harmful to plants - perhaps more so than to humans.
Implementation of the 5G global wireless network requires the launching of rockets to deploy satellites for
5G. These satellites have a short lifespan which would require a lot more deployment than what we’re
currently seeing. A new type of hydrocarbon rocket engine expected to power a fleet of suborbital rockets
would emit black carbon which “could cause potentially significant changes in the global atmospheric
circulation and distributions of ozone and temperature” according to a 2010 Californian study. Solid state
rocket exhaust contains chlorine which also destroys the ozone.
The effects on the ozone are thought to be worse than current day CFC exposure.
Google’s Project Loon is said to bring Internet to rural and hard-to-access areas by using helium balloons.
But these balloons only have a 10-month lifespan. We’re looking at a lot of helium being used here, more
than what we can possibly have on Earth?
Since the year 2000, there have been reports of birds abandoning their nests as well as health issues like
“plumage deterioration, locomotion problems, reduced survivorship and death,” says researcher Alfonso
Balmori. Bird species that are affected by these low levels, non-ionizing microwave radiation are the House
Sparrows, Rock Doves, White Storks, Collared Doves and Magpies, among others.
But it’s not just the birds. The declining bee population is also said to be linked to this non-ionizing EMF
radiation. It reduces the egg-laying abilities of the queen leading to a decline in colony strength.
@@buffypeterson1736 I tried listening to it, but TBH, I cannot be bothered. The guy has no idea how radiation absorbtion works, a quick crash course in quantum physics would completely take this guy out.
It's not that the video is too long, but I don't really want to hear a guy that says things I can tell are wrong for 2 hours, outside of a debate.
Also that video title is quite... characteristic.
I hear voices via voice to skull around the clock i need to figure out how to block them out help.
Dr virtual 7 - zakaos radio frequency blockers even just real loud music and earplugs cleanse nano
Maybe we can all live together away from the bs
but everyone is capture by the system
Don't pretend to have EHS, since it doesn't exist!
Check out the book ...The Invisible Rainbow by Arthur Firstenberg....explains sensitivities to electricity from the very beginning of it's discovery. THe WHO is insane...this is a real difficulty for millions
That book is a work of fiction created by a madman.
The difficulty is getting people to not believe in a farce. *EHS is 100% fake.*
Thank you.
If you want to look more into it, there was a study published on March 11, 2020 It’s called: Electrohypersensitivity as a Newly Identified and Characterized Neurologic Pathological Disorder: How to Diagnose, Treat, and Prevent It. By the international journal of molecular sciences. Dominique Belpomme 1,2,3,* and Philippe Irigaray 1,2.
It’s a pretty interesting read
Thank you for the fascinating bits of fantasy. We all love fiction.
@@topherkrock stay delusional
@@ScreamingBanchie, I'm staying firmly grounded in reality.