Single Stream Recycling - Tour a Material Recovery Facility (MRF)

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @leef8063
    @leef8063 Рік тому +6

    I was supervisor at an old, I think one of the first MRF's ever conceived for five years. Mechtronics machinery in Northampton, Pa. We used Van Dyke services for repair and upgrading. Looks like the single stream equipment is improving. But most plastic still goes to the land fill, the 3 to 7 plastics on the recycling triangle posted on products are sent to landfills.

    • @rowland5951
      @rowland5951 Рік тому

      You need some AMP Robotics in there.

  • @cherylandersen1154
    @cherylandersen1154 7 років тому +13

    Loved the video. I am such a strict recycler! Amazed at all the new machines that help with the sorting process!

  • @giuseppebattagliese6424
    @giuseppebattagliese6424 4 роки тому +1

    Sorry because on the sides of the conveyor belt, do not create specialist robotic arms (with ultrasound to recognize its material) for some materials not discarded before before (and after).

  • @ArleneAdkinsZell
    @ArleneAdkinsZell 5 років тому +10

    Fascinating, I will remember bits of it every time I haul of my recycles :)

  • @margarettebordios3127
    @margarettebordios3127 2 роки тому +1

    May I use this video for my school video project?

  • @ivorygilyard2243
    @ivorygilyard2243 4 роки тому +6

    I appreciate the recycling effort. But these workers should all be wearing masks, gloves and suits while managing this garbage! The health of these workers is necessary and important.

    • @chrisrishermn
      @chrisrishermn 3 місяці тому +1

      Most probably wouldn't want to wear it.

  • @justtabandme8871
    @justtabandme8871 5 років тому +7

    Wow! I guess I’m really behind the times, regarding how single stream recycling works!!! I live in an apartment now, & the only available recycling we have is one “single stream” bin. I just figured that I should thoroughly rinse out all food containers, including my cat food cans, so the workers didn’t have to breath so as to cut down on the smells that must accompany the sorter’s job. However, I didn’t notice any of the personnel wearing masks. So, does that mean I’m wasting another resource for nothing? Hmmm...this video was super thorough!

    • @Nardius1999
      @Nardius1999 2 роки тому +1

      Generally, you want to always rinse food products and not just because of the smell. The items to be recycled must be clean otherwise when they are melted or shredded for reprocessing, that food will go right into the batch.

  • @cjisavailable
    @cjisavailable 6 років тому +9

    I'm surprised that some workers opt out of using any mask. I understand it's harder to breathe wearing those though.

    • @AluminumOxide
      @AluminumOxide 4 роки тому

      2:24 there's one guy with an industrial mask

  • @macfamacfa
    @macfamacfa 5 років тому +8

    As a health and safety practitioner in the UK I was having kitchens watching this video. I think even the untrained eye could spot the inconsistencies with the wearing of PPE. I think the speed at which the belt was moving could cause motion sickness for the workers and some of them were clearly working too fast as a result of that. I can only make an assumption from what I saw in that video but I'm guessing the staff retention rate will be low and sickness rates high due to musculoskeletal issues due to staff working at such a speed and overreaching when picking the waste.

    • @leef8063
      @leef8063 Рік тому +2

      I guarantee you no one is working that fast all day, unless the supervisor or camera is Supervisor of an MRF!

  • @FireManMadaFaka
    @FireManMadaFaka Рік тому

    1:36 lights? its not suppose to be "lites"?

  • @emmerzondacomos398
    @emmerzondacomos398 3 роки тому +1

    how much those machine costs tho,

  • @jorgerodriguez-tg9we
    @jorgerodriguez-tg9we 7 років тому +2

    Me interesaria ver la viavilidad y posibilidad que estas plantas se pudieran instalar en mi pais Uruguay y America latina

    • @Cristianderson_Rib
      @Cristianderson_Rib 4 роки тому

      Olá. Já conseguiu a resposta sobre a máquina e o processo?!

  • @gregelliott5016
    @gregelliott5016 5 років тому +2

    Why do people dislike these videos?

  • @EmeraldView
    @EmeraldView 6 років тому +8

    I've been neatly containing all my paper into brown paper grocery bags and putting that in my single-stream bin.
    So... apparently that's wasted effort on my part. Just throw it all in the bin haphazardly.

    • @PatriotForThePlanet
      @PatriotForThePlanet 5 років тому +1

      Depends where you live. Many MRFs don't want shred at all now, as it is much harder to get separated from glass than this makes it seem.

    • @KameraShy
      @KameraShy 4 роки тому +1

      @@PatriotForThePlanet Exactly. Places are different, and sometimes change waste haulers which do things differently. Check with your local company.

  • @rowland5951
    @rowland5951 Рік тому

    Hopefully most MRFs will be fully automated in the future.

  • @selaimankrikez7353
    @selaimankrikez7353 5 років тому +2

    where i can buy like this machine

  • @DC9848
    @DC9848 8 років тому +13

    1)Electric automatic crane needed for the input phase
    2) magnetics stage should the beginning
    3) the shredding should be more powerful so no manual big item removal needed
    4) the video did not address biowaste
    Otherwise amazing system

  • @pastorgoof
    @pastorgoof 2 роки тому

    How much a plant like cost

  • @shankarrao5698
    @shankarrao5698 4 роки тому

    Complex machine and complicated manual process at MRF. What if segregation of different solid waste is done at source. Life will be easier for personnel and machines at MRF. That is what is being attempted by us in india

  • @jeanyork6163
    @jeanyork6163 3 роки тому +1

    지구를 살리고 인간도 살리는 리사이클링을 하여 자원도 보존하고 나무도 숲도 정글도 보존하여 지구환경을 보호하여 맑은공기 마시며살자

  • @relentlessmadman
    @relentlessmadman 5 років тому +3

    this system is obviously to big for my kitchen where sorting needs to begin.

    • @relentlessmadman
      @relentlessmadman 5 років тому

      You are right institution like schools and restaurants, truck stops and such generate, more mixed waste. In a perfect world?????? there might not be a human race! at least one that relies on convenience stores, for dinner!

    • @relentlessmadman
      @relentlessmadman 5 років тому

      The perfect world

  • @MrCarpbasher
    @MrCarpbasher 2 роки тому

    I'm surprised a Bollegraff baler is used rather than a Harris machine which would of been way better and make a more solid bale plus its American made so wouldn't of been made too far away.

    • @walter5700
      @walter5700 Рік тому +1

      European machines are better 😉

  • @subhajitmoirangthem2438
    @subhajitmoirangthem2438 4 роки тому +1

    I like more videos about capital cause etc.

  • @subhajitmoirangthem2438
    @subhajitmoirangthem2438 4 роки тому

    I am interested.

  • @charleschan2282
    @charleschan2282 4 роки тому +2

    Mass machines but little result!

  • @abdulkhalifa1386
    @abdulkhalifa1386 5 років тому +1

    Great job
    I would like to know how much the cost will be for factory like this
    Please let me know

  • @jamesrivis620
    @jamesrivis620 5 років тому +10

    Terrible music. Also ALL staff should be REQUIRED to wear dust masks.

    • @MacNerfer
      @MacNerfer 4 роки тому +3

      Why are people so freaked out by some people not wearing masks? The air is clearly not dusty, recyclables don't release a lot of microscopic material, so dust masks aren't really doing much.

    • @conlabendigayledemuchoscal4366
      @conlabendigayledemuchoscal4366 4 роки тому

      Amén mi piri para que me digas que te parece y que te parece y que te parece y

    • @callumpoole6687
      @callumpoole6687 Місяць тому

      It’s actually dusty asfuck due to glad and paper dust

  • @Elvis-guy1973
    @Elvis-guy1973 5 років тому +3

    I cant believe these workers arnt wearing face masks,that environment is disgusting.

  • @pramodbhandari7925
    @pramodbhandari7925 5 років тому

    impressive one';all of the people have to know about recycle

  • @thegamechanger7157
    @thegamechanger7157 2 роки тому

    I'll show how integrated engineering design work's

  • @louisstevens9613
    @louisstevens9613 4 роки тому +3

    I wonder if they ever find money? It's in there

  • @AdamMT1618
    @AdamMT1618 5 років тому

    I tossed a metal drill press into the recycling bin. Think it got recycled or tossed?

  • @rache638
    @rache638 5 років тому +1

    workers not use mask protection

  • @Sportliveonline
    @Sportliveonline 6 років тому +4

    A very boring job for those sorting out the rubbish

    • @joeyvindictive3552
      @joeyvindictive3552 6 років тому +1

      I can't even imagine doing that ALL DAY LONG! Those must be the employees who screwed up bad!

    • @Sportliveonline
      @Sportliveonline 6 років тому

      no brain

    • @callumpoole6687
      @callumpoole6687 Місяць тому

      The pay is 45 an hour in Audi just bought a gt86

  • @denisterrorist8160
    @denisterrorist8160 5 років тому +1

    I want to work for you an employee don't need me too from thals

  • @scohen88
    @scohen88 3 роки тому +1

    Why are the quality control workers working so hard?? I sense the machines are NOT doing their jobs well.

    • @rowland5951
      @rowland5951 3 роки тому

      The machines are starting to be rolled out.

  • @catalinorodriguez7854
    @catalinorodriguez7854 4 роки тому

    Hola amigos

  • @RobertBourque-f5c
    @RobertBourque-f5c 3 місяці тому

    Gislason Glens

  • @JoeCharron-c4g
    @JoeCharron-c4g 3 місяці тому

    Green Freeway

  • @whez08
    @whez08 5 років тому

    No amount of robotization can replace the human worker in this process.

  • @thomastereszkiewicz2241
    @thomastereszkiewicz2241 2 роки тому

    recycling isn't easy, that's for sure.

  • @huangjack4822
    @huangjack4822 5 років тому

    its too complicated. and too much labors.

  • @sonalpatel6119
    @sonalpatel6119 5 років тому

    Middel Help line

  • @thegamechanger7157
    @thegamechanger7157 2 роки тому

    I will make waste treatment plant

  • @jibbaellie1538
    @jibbaellie1538 5 років тому

    Jibba Ellie 26 January 2019 the time is right 9:33 AM

  • @Angelstanvivfan
    @Angelstanvivfan 4 роки тому

    makes me think about kindergarden (im in 2nd grade.)

  • @recon-solarr257
    @recon-solarr257 6 років тому

    sup yall im famous

  • @richardlexx277
    @richardlexx277 5 років тому

    reciclar plastico

  • @brittahuttche4172
    @brittahuttche4172 4 роки тому

    spielmannszug waschstraße

  • @danvanhoose6783
    @danvanhoose6783 5 років тому +1

    Guess the crappy music helps sorting.

  • @muhammadwaqasmuhammadwaqas2925
    @muhammadwaqasmuhammadwaqas2925 2 роки тому

    Dia duit a dhuine uasail conas atá sibh ar fad tá súil agam go mbeidh sibh go léir go breá is é muhammad waqas an t-ainm atá orm agus is as an Phacastáin a dhuine uasail tá iarratas agam a dhuine uasail tá oibrithe ag teastáil ón gcuideachta seo mar sin tabhair seans dom gur mise tusa freisin mura dteastaíonn uaim obair sa chuideachta seo, tabhair seans dom le do thoil

    @MrJOHNEBOB 5 років тому +1

    The waste needs to be separated BEFORE the front end loader smashes it and the Grinder purres it into a whole lot of land fill, fill 😩
    No wonder the World won't buy our "Recyclable" materials.
    Poor Execution 🤕

    • @FlatterTundra9
      @FlatterTundra9 Рік тому

      Did you even watch the video? The belt at 4:20 showed the only material to not be processed. 99.99% of it got recycled.

  • @mikeissweet
    @mikeissweet 5 років тому

    I recycle all my uneaten food!

  • @kajaskavska7063
    @kajaskavska7063 5 років тому


  • @samlabo1688
    @samlabo1688 5 років тому

    Beautiful cubes
    Now ship it to Asia?
    If the plastic is not near perfect the landfill or open burn or,,, ocean gets it.
    Moisture in the paper and cardboard is useless
    Sleep well
    Your recycling cubes are pollution in Asia

  • @phonemaladouangphachanphen4148
    @phonemaladouangphachanphen4148 4 роки тому
