Induction Energy Experiments

  • Опубліковано 26 гру 2024

КОМЕНТАРІ • 3,9 тис.

  • @ElectroBOOM
    @ElectroBOOM  6 років тому +1359

    HEY HEY! the giveaway times is up! The winners are:
    - Anil M3
    - electroboom@mp... [apparently a lot of people registered electroboom emails to enter the draw!]
    And to submit your ideas and stuff:
    And thank you!

    • @ak27129
      @ak27129 6 років тому +11

      Please search how to make solar cell with 3 is fake i think

    • @Sulentar
      @Sulentar 6 років тому +3

      come on give this osciloscope so i can make some crazy stuff, not like you but still crazy i tell them to you so u can make even more youtube conten, and so u can show the world u do care about europe subcribers

    • @georgevavouras
      @georgevavouras 6 років тому +2

      ElectroBOOM wow, you included Taras and George Chaniotakis in your vid! Ive subbed to both of em (and to you)!! Ooo, Im from Greece and George Chaniotakis too!!!!!!!😂😂

    • @El-Hombre-Random
      @El-Hombre-Random 6 років тому +2

      in minute 8:08 you scare me hahahaha

    • @DeconvertedMan
      @DeconvertedMan 6 років тому +1

      make a superconductor!

  • @kaizah1997
    @kaizah1997 5 років тому +1548

    5:16 That circle end point was SO on point.

    • @Apollucas
      @Apollucas 5 років тому +52

      I KNOW RIGHT??

    • @thel.olives7269
      @thel.olives7269 5 років тому +39


    • @johnrubensaragi4125
      @johnrubensaragi4125 5 років тому +6

      That is what you can do if you do it slowly

    • @logemi668
      @logemi668 5 років тому +47

      that was not even slow at all

    • @strikervette4142
      @strikervette4142 5 років тому +6

      I was literally just about to comment the exact same thing

  • @superj1e2z6
    @superj1e2z6 6 років тому +7869

    Everything is free energy when you still live at your parent's house.

    • @satibel
      @satibel 6 років тому +115

      unless you rent part of the house ^^

    • @onedeis8011
      @onedeis8011 6 років тому +13

      Hahaha F right

    • @BrebtaGamesSK
      @BrebtaGamesSK 6 років тому +103

      Or you can steal electricity from your neighbours

    • @NoNeedtoFeedtheJudge
      @NoNeedtoFeedtheJudge 6 років тому +3

      manaquri doesn't matter to the world you're still living free

    • @zonatekno98
      @zonatekno98 6 років тому +2

      or at your neighbor's house

  • @nottherealpaulsmith
    @nottherealpaulsmith 5 років тому +1512

    that one guy who called his induction cooker "free energy" must also call his faucet "free water"

  • @TheJohn8765
    @TheJohn8765 6 років тому +2087

    At first, I thought... wait, is this really a Mehdi vid?? Then: "I will probably design my own induction heater, later, without safety features".
    Yup. It's Mehdi, all right.

    • @baronsonics
      @baronsonics 6 років тому +6

      classic medhi, the medhi we all know and love

    • @tomaszlis993
      @tomaszlis993 6 років тому +25

      Those safety features.. always interfering with your best ideas.

    • @rexrex3520
      @rexrex3520 6 років тому +2

      this video was uploaded 2 hours ago, but yout comment is 18 hours ago

    • @shubhampreetsingh8630
      @shubhampreetsingh8630 6 років тому +2

      rex rex i have seen this problem many times

    • @salsapicante
      @salsapicante 6 років тому +2

      I had to check my calendar to make sure it wasn't April 1st

  • @hibobbert
    @hibobbert 6 років тому +746

    Let's not overlook the fact that Medhi just drew a nearly perfect circle where the two ends met seamlessly @ 5:14

    • @hellelujahh
      @hellelujahh 6 років тому +33


    • @eduAC.
      @eduAC. 6 років тому +4

      Impressive indeed D:

    • @CaffeinatedTech
      @CaffeinatedTech 6 років тому +6

      Yeah I was impressed by that too.

    • @sparkie5571
      @sparkie5571 6 років тому +4

      i noticed that too, it's like, too perfect

    • @uniearesende
      @uniearesende 6 років тому +3

      Wow , I missed that

  • @anonymous-vo2rd
    @anonymous-vo2rd 5 років тому +442

    "Hin now"
    "It's higher"
    That was just epic

    • @benjaminkonikoff2026
      @benjaminkonikoff2026 4 роки тому +15

      I know right I’ve watched it 60 times(that one specific part) and I’m crying

    • @dacianbuzlea
      @dacianbuzlea 4 роки тому +8

      Why does Electroboom sound like a dying goblin

    • @syedhussain4099
      @syedhussain4099 4 роки тому +9

      @@dacianbuzlea he sounds like gargamel from the smurfs😂

    • @Phydoux2112
      @Phydoux2112 3 роки тому +4

      You know it's painful. Look at the scope. It's painful but it's got a comedic value that's indescribable.

    • @Smartlion1
      @Smartlion1 3 роки тому

      No he is saying "hmmmmmm now"
      I like to imagine that he is thinking very hard and finally comes up with the word "now"

  • @mtark9988
    @mtark9988 6 років тому +259

    Did he say free energy? Did he plug his cooker into his neighbour's outlet? Lmao

  • @xand3r6_yt
    @xand3r6_yt 6 років тому +859

    7:11 i'm pretty much immune at this point to jumpscares, but this one send me flying off the chair

    • @cookiemunchers89
      @cookiemunchers89 6 років тому +29

      I'm the same way lol -I too shat myslef-

    • @Tw1s7
      @Tw1s7 6 років тому +3

      Same, man... same.

    • @pyromancer7922
      @pyromancer7922 5 років тому +10

      I literally felt that in my heart

    • @sammy_1_1
      @sammy_1_1 5 років тому +2

      I just blinked.

    • @jaydellinger6674
      @jaydellinger6674 5 років тому +3

      I was watching this while sleeping

  • @supernova6177
    @supernova6177 5 років тому +306

    I cant believe how perfectly you connected the circle at 5:14

    • @TantalumPolytope
      @TantalumPolytope Рік тому +1

      @@ElMoussaouy he does it on purpose for entertainment. he also shocks himself for entertainment

  • @hall01235
    @hall01235 6 років тому +409

    The Egyptians used their batteries to mine bitcoin.

    • @VolthausLabElectronics
      @VolthausLabElectronics 6 років тому +15

      Fascinating history of the Egyptian bitcoin. It eventually failed due to the gipcoin swindles hence the term to 'get gipped or gypped'

    • @rayrey6049
      @rayrey6049 6 років тому +11

      hall01235 Ancient Nigerians scammed them out of it.

    • @jotabeas22
      @jotabeas22 6 років тому

      hall01235 nah, they had UA-cam ads for that. Just like we do now.

  • @JN-zr4ts
    @JN-zr4ts 6 років тому +27

    I'm a mechanical engineer and I'm trying to learn electronics from this guy.
    One of the best channel on youtube. ❤️👍

  • @Demonoid1990
    @Demonoid1990 5 років тому +71

    "I'm measuring the capacitor voltage and it's around... f**k" 8:48 This gave me a good laugh.

  • @2ShotsDown
    @2ShotsDown 6 років тому +35

    I stopped the video at 2:05 you convinced me now i will preach your words to all who will listen

  • @saya1_
    @saya1_ 6 років тому +91


  • @buckEighty1
    @buckEighty1 6 років тому +10

    I knew where you were going, but the first two minutes of this video had still had me cringing beyond my comfort level. You make building projects look difficult, I love you presenting projects in your patent pending, half-concocted style; Much love for that!

  • @gabe5499
    @gabe5499 6 років тому +22

    7:13 that jump scared me

  • @hdx9820
    @hdx9820 5 років тому +178

    Marathoned two years worth of videos
    I learned a lot
    I laughed a lot
    I came to expect that everytime you connect a capacitor, it will blow up :P

  • @syedarslanalishah6905
    @syedarslanalishah6905 6 років тому +96

    My GOD that Circle! :O 5:17

  • @shinji7754f
    @shinji7754f 6 років тому +346

    This is the only guy who's allowed to deliberately make videos longer than 10 minutes, because it's just longer duration of pure entertainment

    • @NCFCNath
      @NCFCNath 6 років тому +21

      Nice name 👍🏼

    • @ignshadexx8669
      @ignshadexx8669 5 років тому +7


    • @contolism
      @contolism 5 років тому

      hokya hokya

    • @kaneyt0
      @kaneyt0 4 роки тому +2


    • @NewRepublicMapper
      @NewRepublicMapper 4 роки тому +2

      That Name Tho That Mehdi Play Electric Guitar

  • @eduardososa843
    @eduardososa843 4 роки тому +71

    2:07 Bullsh**!!
    2:14, 2:21 😂
    2:33 I will probably design my own induction heater later with no safety features.

    • @syedhussain4099
      @syedhussain4099 4 роки тому +1

      I watched it in 0.25 playback speed and now I cannot stop laughing 😂

  • @samtechpro
    @samtechpro 6 років тому +187

    Did that guy plug it to the neighbor's outlet.. Lol..This guy is very entertaining. (Y)

    • @wiffleduster
      @wiffleduster 5 років тому +2

      Very entertaining and educational very hard to do

    @WAKEISLAND99 6 років тому +523

    Sir if you were operating my electrical chair I would be honoured to be killed

    • @fishsnacc7029
      @fishsnacc7029 6 років тому +138

      MAPLETHELEAF there's a good chance he'll end up electrocuting himself

    • @SreenikethanI
      @SreenikethanI 6 років тому +3

      *Randomguy13* hehehe

    • @taunokekkonen5733
      @taunokekkonen5733 6 років тому +32

      "This FULL BRIGE RECTIFIER will fry you good! Shit, why isn't it worki..ZZZZAP"

    • @johnkaplun6666
      @johnkaplun6666 5 років тому +3

      He would botch it lol

    • @abdimukhammad
      @abdimukhammad 5 років тому +4

      He'll shock himself I believe 😂😂😂

  • @peenusweenus3169
    @peenusweenus3169 5 років тому +211

    "HHNNNNMMMYYOOOWWWW! Its higher." 8:10

    • @fie1329
      @fie1329 3 роки тому

      Pretty accurate measurement!

  • @czechcrusader6461
    @czechcrusader6461 6 років тому +275


  • @rhyswarrior4972
    @rhyswarrior4972 6 років тому +28

    Man.. Just wanted to let you know @ElectroBOOM That I found your channel a couple weeks ago and it's now among my top 3 favorite channels on UA-cam! Totally signing on to your Patreon this next payday :D AWESOME channel man!

  • @HECKproductions
    @HECKproductions 5 років тому +40

    "i will design my own [...] with no safety features"
    thats the spirit

  • @HighMansx
    @HighMansx 6 років тому +188

    That was a genuine scare at 7:13!

  • @HomemadeChemistry
    @HomemadeChemistry 6 років тому +38

    Finally FREE ENERGY!!! I always knew it would be you!

  • @juliansspace4754
    @juliansspace4754 5 років тому +49

    "Did he plug his cooker into his neighbors outlet?" haha my sides

  • @mrsoloman1899
    @mrsoloman1899 6 років тому +101

    I like the way he says "FULL BRIDGE RECTIFIER"

    • @etherealstars5766
      @etherealstars5766 6 років тому +5

      Tamil Binary - FOOLL BRIZGE RECTIFIRE lol

    • @Okuni_
      @Okuni_ 6 років тому +1


    • @antkoos
      @antkoos 6 років тому


  • @EddyGurge
    @EddyGurge 6 років тому +190

    Eddy Currents, my favorite kind!

    • @Laraib16abid
      @Laraib16abid 6 років тому +4

      EddyGurge what a narcissist

    • @EddyGurge
      @EddyGurge 6 років тому

      I also like a good Cuvee Eddy.with dinner!

    • @My2ndAngelic
      @My2ndAngelic 6 років тому

      Did you mean Foucault currents?

    • @blockchaaain
      @blockchaaain 6 років тому +1

      Mehdi* Currents

    • @KingJellyfishII
      @KingJellyfishII 6 років тому

      I prefer blackcurrents...

  • @cotirlanvladut6591
    @cotirlanvladut6591 6 років тому +71

    Always I like when you say: "FULL BRIDGE RECTIFIER!" Lmao.

  • @daviddiesdas
    @daviddiesdas 6 років тому +908

    5:15 casually draws perfect closed circle

    • @DJstarrfish
      @DJstarrfish 6 років тому +75

      *egg shape

    • @togeka6295
      @togeka6295 6 років тому +121

      He fucking obviously mentions it's perfect closed, not the circle self.

    • @Nyambers
      @Nyambers 6 років тому +12

      toge Ka
      Well, you could say that both perfect and closed are describing the circle, since “perfect”couldn’t be describing “closed” since they are both adjective... To correct it, it should be perfectLY closed circle, so that the an adverb would be describing an adjective.
      Actually, if people had enough IQ it’s easy to see the mistake, and understand that the OP was obviously trying to say “perfectly closed” circle. So yeah, I agree with you. Just wanted to clarify adjective adverb sht.

    • @H.EL-Othemany
      @H.EL-Othemany 6 років тому +2

      so he should say " perfectly" closed circle

    • @alimedani0296
      @alimedani0296 6 років тому

      not perfect, look at the sides, it's like an egg

  • @kittiworks
    @kittiworks 6 років тому +83

    5:16 ...that was closed a little too perfect. How did he do that? Does shocking yourself that often give you circle-completing superpowers?

  • @lcmleaked5148
    @lcmleaked5148 5 років тому +19

    7:58 "did he put his induction heater to neighbors socket" 🤣

  • @O_Alfredo
    @O_Alfredo 6 років тому +40

    When the crazy Russian hacker clip played, i thought you were going to bash him. It was so funny when you just said "well that's totally correct"

    • @thebeastgamer303
      @thebeastgamer303 6 років тому

      Alfredo Burnay same

    • @davidmokonyane
      @davidmokonyane 3 місяці тому

      He did bash the 9V battery I feel bad for the inventor 😂😂

  • @ghassanm3
    @ghassanm3 6 років тому +102

    Man!!! I ran into your channel by accident and I have to say... It is VERY awesome. You crack me up man! The free energy B.S. videos you made a while back killed me! Excellent videos... Very very funny! Keep it up man... Please! Exceptional work!

    • @coastersaga
      @coastersaga 2 роки тому +1

      So long as you don't tell anyone that you need to charge a superconducting coil before it's ready to use, you can get away with free energy scams.

  • @FBpancake21
    @FBpancake21 5 років тому +1

    Watched probably 20 videos in a row and barely understand the physics of it all. This guy is so entertaining.

  • @DJFoxyOfficial
    @DJFoxyOfficial 6 років тому +141


    • @peenusweenus3169
      @peenusweenus3169 5 років тому +3

      HHNNNNNYOOWWW. its higher

    • @flying_Night_slasher
      @flying_Night_slasher 4 роки тому

      Ahhh yes a burn and an explosion back to back

    • @MaxiGouogle
      @MaxiGouogle 3 роки тому

      You should write the content of detective stories or horror films.

  • @Poki3
    @Poki3 6 років тому +40

    The first 2 minutes of the video are all I need! Say no more! You totally convinced me and this is a fantastic discovery!

  • @andyshistorylessons8278
    @andyshistorylessons8278 6 років тому +14

    Lol! 2:21, *SIZZLE!* GA-HOW!
    Love your channel, Mehdi!

  • @sushantguha407
    @sushantguha407 6 років тому +129

    8:10 Who needs a voltmeter when you have Mehdimeter 😂😂

  • @Electroblud
    @Electroblud 6 років тому +93

    I'm measuring the voltage and it's aroouund.... BAM! . . . More than the capacitor can take. You made my day xD xD

  • @Gameboy_1992
    @Gameboy_1992 Рік тому +2

    Legend says hes still designing an Induction cooker with no safty features

  • @MissingLink64
    @MissingLink64 6 років тому +9

    Brilliant opening, almost thought we lost you to the dark side for a second.

  • @sushantguha407
    @sushantguha407 6 років тому +516

    Crazy Russian hacker = Safety is number one priority
    Mehdi = safety is number 2 priority fun is number one 😂😂😂😂😂😂

    • @georgesaliz8727
      @georgesaliz8727 6 років тому +12

      Sushant Guha crazy Russian hacker does some dangerous and stolen things. Such as his dry ice a.c. thing, spewing massive amounts of co2 in a closed room is dumb, not to mention the entire design was stolen from another youtuber

    • @potatoraider7320
      @potatoraider7320 6 років тому +3

      George Saliz well it does not matter, his entire content has less than 5% content stolen from other channels and most channels always plagiarize you know.

    • @lajoswinkler
      @lajoswinkler 6 років тому +5

      Crazy russian hacker is a dipshit. Indeed, his video which basically advises building a suicide machine (dry ice in a ventilated bucket) is still online, despite numerous reports people did, and despite UA-cam's new rules.
      He also steals content.

    • @ivanmitrovic7789
      @ivanmitrovic7789 6 років тому +1

      Sushant Guha you are GENIUS😂😂

    • @diamondflaw
      @diamondflaw 6 років тому

      Safety Third

  • @arca930
    @arca930 4 роки тому +7

    2:33 he kept his promise after over 2 years

  • @leontam221
    @leontam221 6 років тому +213

    did he plug his cooker into his neighbour's outlet!?

    • @anxhelogjinaj699
      @anxhelogjinaj699 4 роки тому +3

      Dead im deadclolololol i was looking for this comment

    • @johnd.6543
      @johnd.6543 4 роки тому +1

      That channel was greek lmao

  • @hongigo
    @hongigo 6 років тому +9

    Don't forget, safety is number one priority!
    Ohh, wrong channel

    • @jedz5151
      @jedz5151 6 років тому +2

      It's more like "BOOM"

  • @TheZotmeister
    @TheZotmeister 3 роки тому

    8:49 Full credit for actually finishing the sentence grammatically correctly post-explosion.

  • @robertgonzalez6046
    @robertgonzalez6046 6 років тому +4

    I literally just started watching your videos about 15 minutes ago and you are hilarious and informative! You just earned a new. sub.

  • @Gabanatora
    @Gabanatora 6 років тому +68

    Cody trolls with a dihydrogen monoxide video and now ElectroBOOM with the Pyramid batteries. April fools is still a month away you know.

    • @Mylity66
      @Mylity66 6 років тому +13

      Well, dihydrogen monoxide can cause of lung failure and death if inhaled, and its also a very corrosive acid.

    • @crystalsoulslayer
      @crystalsoulslayer 6 років тому +12

      If you think dihydrogen monoxide is bad, look up what sodium chloride is made of! They put that stuff in FOOD!

    • @vaibhavgupta20
      @vaibhavgupta20 6 років тому

      Mylity 66 i to stupid to understand, corrosive water?

    • @tettros
      @tettros 6 років тому +1

      H2O lmao it’s not hard di=2 mono=1

    • @crystalsoulslayer
      @crystalsoulslayer 6 років тому

      Vaibhav Gupta, water is a polarized molecule, so it's a really good solvent. It also encourages metal to rust, so it's technically corrosive. You can make anything sound scary if you use the chemical name and describe its properties in the most exaggerated way possible. It's a tactic often used by quacks that run "health blogs" to try to sell alternatives, and it's also something you often see the anti-vaccination crowd doing.
      Calling water "dihydrogen monoxide" and describing these properties of it is a popular way to demonstrate how easily people can get swept up by nonsense if they don't think critically and do their own research. Not that chemicals with scary names are _never_ dangerous, just that you can't tell by the name alone.

  • @anshgrey
    @anshgrey 4 роки тому +7

    I love how this video has the opening where Medhi is talking about the history. Can you make more about electronic devices, or components formation from the beginning. As a separate video perhaps?
    So educational. Wish I was an electrical engineer haha

    • @Rev22-21
      @Rev22-21 3 роки тому

      Yeah, too bad he never read " Secrets of the Cold War Technology " especially chapter one. (I recommend you read that.)That energy he mocks coming from the cosmos (and Tesla actually proved exist) is seen and heard everyday on the old analog TV's .......on stations that 'snow' and nothing else is on; in other words, between those stations you normally receive as TV. Proof on an "AM" radio is also called static.

  • @drawingablankesq
    @drawingablankesq 6 років тому +6

    I love this return to form! Wiring stuff incorrectly for an explosion is highly entertaining and I'm glad you're doing it again.

  • @Electronic4081
    @Electronic4081 6 років тому +127

    Omg wearing your FULL BRIDGE RECTIFIER shirt! Btw this is by far my favorite shirt! I’m in ninth grade and everybody asks what it is! Love explaining it like you do! Especially yelling at the top of my lungs “ITS A FULL BRIDGE RECTIFIER!!”.Thank you for this awesome content and shirt

  • @syafiq9365
    @syafiq9365 5 років тому +5

    Good job sir...u make learning electrical look so fun...although im an electrical student...its still fun to learn from your video although its something i already know. Keep up the good work

  • @an1mesh
    @an1mesh 6 років тому +37

    2:07 that is what I was saying from the beginning of the video. Thanks for clarifying . I knew you would not believe that crap!

  • @lukasmakessomething7322
    @lukasmakessomething7322 6 років тому +123

    The real alien trading with the egyptians was Mehdi

    • @yalgret
      @yalgret 6 років тому +1

      Lukas haha only Americans use the word alien for 'immagrants' that aren't white. I bet you support Trump and you are a disgusting racist. Maybe you should be deported back to Ireland.

    • @нечистый-х3я
      @нечистый-х3я 6 років тому +3

      johnDon #maga

    • @nobully_osu
      @nobully_osu 6 років тому +7

      johnDon woooosh

    • @TheV-Man
      @TheV-Man 6 років тому +1

      That would actually explain a lot.

    • @sindriatlason6925
      @sindriatlason6925 6 років тому

      tunak tunak

  • @reidturnbull9650
    @reidturnbull9650 5 років тому +1

    Induction cookers turn on and off to gradually bring up the heat of whatever pot is on the cooktop. It’s a super slow pwm style method. So the numbers on the dial are usually just a delay adjustment.

  • @Owen_loves_Butters
    @Owen_loves_Butters 2 роки тому +4

    2:20 funny how the safety actually made it more dangerous for him, because in Mehdi's own words "What they don't know is that nothing can stop me"

  • @dr_stoned_4207
    @dr_stoned_4207 6 років тому +38

    At first i though that did mehdi hit his head some were .
    then: this is BULLSHIT.
    ok he is good.

    • @ausintune9014
      @ausintune9014 6 років тому +1

      shaikh faizan too much zapping

  • @seanwilson9219
    @seanwilson9219 5 років тому +2

    Dude your seriously a Great Teacher to alot if people.... keep up the good content my friend.
    Thank you for it.

  • @kubbythebusman
    @kubbythebusman 6 років тому +19

    This is my new favourite channel. I'm in hysterics lol

  • @jeremy4045
    @jeremy4045 4 роки тому +9

    9:26 same energy as plugging in an extension cord into its own socket

  • @jimsvideos7201
    @jimsvideos7201 2 роки тому

    5:18 Flawless closing of that circle, I'm genuinely impressed.

  • @Tizmox
    @Tizmox 6 років тому +4

    9:20 "The cool part is that the coil itself is not warm at all", pun intended?

  • @stars5753
    @stars5753 6 років тому +8

    8:09 Best reaction i've ever seen

  • @jonesbbq307
    @jonesbbq307 4 роки тому +1

    5:16 that's a really well-drawn circle with seamless connections.

  • @Scotty-vs4lf
    @Scotty-vs4lf 5 років тому +20

    9:35 me when my crush said yes to the dance

  • @mikeoliver3254
    @mikeoliver3254 6 років тому +25

    I really want one of those scopes.

    • @KeysightLabs
      @KeysightLabs 6 років тому +9

      Good luck! We're also giving some away at

    • @shawnyu194
      @shawnyu194 6 років тому +1

      Gimme da scope

    • @georgescutraian1215
      @georgescutraian1215 6 років тому +1

      Keysight Labs do you have different giveaways on different countries, or all of them are for the same list? I need to know this in case you do have giveaways in my areas, so i could participate.

    • @carolynmmitchell2240
      @carolynmmitchell2240 6 років тому

      Keysight Labs can you just give me one and write it off on taxes?

    • @KeysightLabs
      @KeysightLabs 6 років тому +1

      You can check the T&Cs for eligibility details.

  • @langoustyyy7429
    @langoustyyy7429 5 років тому +43

    Just don’t say
    It is around.......
    You know how it is going to end

  • @eliasenns4928
    @eliasenns4928 6 років тому +47


  • @Keksmania
    @Keksmania 6 років тому +10

    I know a lot of those explosions are planned for entertainment purposes and teach people to be careful, but I am not sure if you are always sure it is save. How can you tell if a explosion is dangerous or not?

    • @dkosmari
      @dkosmari 6 років тому +15

      If he survives, they're not dangerous. Easy.

    • @Dourkan
      @Dourkan 6 років тому +1

      dkosmari best battle techniques are thaught by the survivors eh?

    • @sithsiri
      @sithsiri 6 років тому +1

      You try blowing it up. Then you will know for sure if it isn’t safe.

  • @nuclearpowerphysics5409
    @nuclearpowerphysics5409 2 роки тому +7

    1:56 that is free Energy 🤯😳👍🤩😱

  • @michaelramirez6258
    @michaelramirez6258 6 років тому +26

    Ancient Aliens ElectroBoom edition

  • @JonBjarnason
    @JonBjarnason 6 років тому +7

    Guys, did you notice how he closed the loop at 5:16? Is this magic??

  • @andyshistorylessons8278
    @andyshistorylessons8278 4 роки тому +13

    2:07 My reaction to that Ancient Aliens show! 👽 🐮 💩

  • @gabrielflorit4470
    @gabrielflorit4470 6 років тому +8

    Never clicked on a video so fast. You are great Mehdi!

  • @ROH101
    @ROH101 6 років тому +6

    I plug my cooker in your home..
    Now it is free energy for me. 😂😂😂

  • @avatarthanosthelegendarysu5883
    @avatarthanosthelegendarysu5883 2 роки тому +1

    2:08 oh god dude, did you eat too much

  • @redisus5732
    @redisus5732 4 роки тому +3

    8:11 made me laugh hard that i choked on my own saliva

  • @deathbyreindeer4174
    @deathbyreindeer4174 6 років тому +14

    I came here for ElectroBOOM not the History channel

  • @blueunicorn807
    @blueunicorn807 4 роки тому

    *Please make the induction cooktop video as soon as possible, but please run it on mains only. We trust on u, u r a genius man*

  • @oppok5657
    @oppok5657 5 років тому +33

    7:05 wow it didn't explode
    7:11 nevermind

  • @FirstNameLastName-wv2iz
    @FirstNameLastName-wv2iz 6 років тому +19

    He is, DRAGONBORN 8:10

  • @ManasBhalerao-q5o
    @ManasBhalerao-q5o 14 днів тому

    7:11 it's 11 pm I was half asleep while watching this, thanks for waking me up

  • @roiferreach100
    @roiferreach100 6 років тому +5

    I'm laughing at the last part "free energy" hahaha..
    Anyway, I learned amazing thing today, induction energy can be the disruptor for future technologies

  • @IshanKhandelwal
    @IshanKhandelwal 6 років тому +121

    You are the best..

  • @Aerox90
    @Aerox90 3 роки тому +1

    Ok, so the lesson learned today is: never hold a full glass of soda in your hand and wear headphones on at high volume while watching ElectroBOOM's videos... 🙄 (7:10)

  • @thatretrocattt
    @thatretrocattt 6 років тому +11

    The electric God is back

  • @dalitas
    @dalitas 6 років тому +35

    theres a great documentary called Stargate sg1 that validates your intro!

  • @nonowords7857
    @nonowords7857 4 роки тому +1

    The first minute and a half gave me cancer and a stroke at the same time. THANKS MEHDI!!!

  • @theyhatekath
    @theyhatekath 5 років тому +15

    I was thinking that the *FOOOOOOOL BRIIIIIIGE REKTIIFIIIIIIYAAAA* was missing

  • @KTM_Trooper
    @KTM_Trooper 6 років тому +115


  • @aaronbuxton8201
    @aaronbuxton8201 4 роки тому

    I can only imagine this being the first ElectroBOOM video someone sees and they never watch the channel again.

  • @ahmedmani1051
    @ahmedmani1051 5 років тому +14

    2:07 i was wating until the part he exploades lol

  • @GodlikeIridium
    @GodlikeIridium 5 років тому +6

    "... free energy!!!" Followed by a crazy free energy guy smile xD
    Scary af... xD

  • @JazweenA221
    @JazweenA221 3 роки тому

    Electroboom: THERE IS NO FREE ENERGY
    Also electroboom: *shows light with free energy*

  • @EddyGurge
    @EddyGurge 6 років тому +58

    You sir, are the slayer of gods (ghosts, energy holes, etc)