Kina - i'm in love with you (lyrics)

  • Опубліковано 28 гру 2024


  • @MrSuicideSheep
    @MrSuicideSheep  6 років тому +6299

    I'm in love with you all ❤️

  • @thebootlegboy
    @thebootlegboy 6 років тому +2957

    So proud of the Kina boys, 2018 gonna be huge for you 💜

    • @kinabeats
      @kinabeats 6 років тому +104

      our begin

    • @Amal0303
      @Amal0303 6 років тому +9

      Im in love with the music bcause of u

    • @Loki1v9
      @Loki1v9 6 років тому +3

      What font do you use for the artist/title on the smoke and study stream on your second channel?

    • @Insomniaハンナ
      @Insomniaハンナ 5 років тому +2

      Shoot the Likes r 666 O_O'

    • @reagannnm5054
      @reagannnm5054 5 років тому +2


  • @arxia7172
    @arxia7172 4 роки тому +2870


    • @mayeshorts1026
      @mayeshorts1026 4 роки тому +168

      Exia Wyane ngl thats where I found it😳😔

    • @TheMarky26
      @TheMarky26 4 роки тому +55

      Tiktok is a blight on this planet..It should be shut down and everyone who posts videos there should be locked up..😁😉

    • @RE0123
      @RE0123 4 роки тому +21

      @@TheMarky26 yes. finally someone said it.

    • @Sss-mb5qs
      @Sss-mb5qs 4 роки тому +58

      Actually tiktok makes songs more popular and listenable by too many people

    • @TheMarky26
      @TheMarky26 4 роки тому +17

      @@Sss-mb5qs give me your address..Your going to jail..

  • @Advait
    @Advait 6 років тому +622

    I love it when sheepy uploads beautiful offstream genres :')

  • @Naila.360
    @Naila.360 6 років тому +1434

    It's Different
    It's Unique
    And It's the kind of Music I Love to Listen to Over and Over and Over Again Always On Repeat

    • @joudyh
      @joudyh 5 років тому +18

      how is it unique when its a cover of another song?

    • @jasonharris1549
      @jasonharris1549 5 років тому +3

      I'll will never grow tired of this song

    • @Naila.360
      @Naila.360 5 років тому +2

      @@joudyh it still is.

    • @joudyh
      @joudyh 5 років тому

      @@Naila.360 mk?

    • @JasonJones-re1zh
      @JasonJones-re1zh 5 років тому +6

      Didnt imagine dragons make this song?

  • @IndianDog-134
    @IndianDog-134 4 роки тому +880

    This is so DAMN relaxing..
    ..I've listened this a hundred times

    • @drvivek222
      @drvivek222 4 роки тому +5

      i know right!

    • @MohsinKhan-eg7fy
      @MohsinKhan-eg7fy 4 роки тому +3

      @@drvivek222real song is next to me by imagine dragons

    • @drvivek222
      @drvivek222 4 роки тому +1

      @@MohsinKhan-eg7fy thanks! i listened the original song. Its Amazing!

    • @izzyrex517
      @izzyrex517 4 роки тому


    • @larryjason7674
      @larryjason7674 3 роки тому

      @@MohsinKhan-eg7fy we see how he next to he can pick up in time been wift me ok thank

  • @davidfahlstrom961
    @davidfahlstrom961 6 років тому +808

    This is the saddest song in the world but it's so beautiful

  • @budoor1445
    @budoor1445 5 років тому +384

    This song hits you where no other hit you,. It hits hard and different

    • @Mostbee
      @Mostbee 5 років тому +1

      how is it different when it is a remix of a cover that a girl made from an Imagine Dragons music?

    • @Atxmic1
      @Atxmic1 4 роки тому +1

      @@Mostbee thats literally only the lyrics, something about the beat of this song emphasizes different parts of the lyrics that the other song did not

    • @Mostbee
      @Mostbee 4 роки тому +2

      @@Atxmic1 no, it's not only the lyrics, her voice and the way she sang is still on the music, so it's just a remix adding beats just like some others Kina musics

    • @nishimurasenpai8515
      @nishimurasenpai8515 4 роки тому

      even harder than truck kun? (hopefully some1 will probably understand this isekai jokes lol)

    • @shonyoragui1205
      @shonyoragui1205 4 роки тому +1

      What you should know is that this song is just a piece of another song. Someone take a piece of a song and make a new song out of it.
      The original song was better and full of emotions obviously that's why this artist loved it and wanted to make a version of himself/herself.
      Had not the original song been beautiful, this version wouldn't exist. So there's no way this version is better.
      Suck it up.
      End of discussion.

  • @welzs
    @welzs 2 роки тому +211

    Almost 4 years have passed..and I'm still immersed in our memories..even though I don't want you back..but sweet memories remain engraved in my heart🎧☕🚬🖤

  • @s.jad_n1018
    @s.jad_n1018 5 років тому +8681

    *when you actually listen to the song because you like it and aren’t listening because you’re depressed*

    • @miguellopez6817
      @miguellopez6817 5 років тому +79

      SSUnDer_Sc0r3 FN my nutts are depressed so I be listening to this song my nutts need it

    • @s.jad_n1018
      @s.jad_n1018 5 років тому +18

      Mwaniki Mwaniki lmfao

    • @miguellopez6817
      @miguellopez6817 5 років тому +46

      Mwaniki Mwaniki nah bro can’t, ya momma already on that , I told her she can’t suck the depression out them but she keep trying what a warrior 😓

    • @aromasmells9985
      @aromasmells9985 5 років тому +18

      well its both =) + =( = =/

    • @rosanna-sc4lx
      @rosanna-sc4lx 5 років тому +7

      @@miguellopez6817 OH SHITTTTT

  • @kyojin_9526
    @kyojin_9526 6 років тому +280

    I love the way there is static in the singer voice, it kinda represents how sometime it’s hard to express love like if there was some kind of interference that blocks feelings
    I’m thinking out loud

    • @kaliko5245
      @kaliko5245 6 років тому +7

      You'd love Joji then

    • @masquerademage
      @masquerademage 6 років тому +6

      damn, i like that.

    • @tekkzilla619
      @tekkzilla619 5 років тому +4

      Keep thinking out loud then friend as that was a masterful interpretation of this piece.

    • @iazorii_3076
      @iazorii_3076 5 років тому +3

      my god ur clever

    • @treyvasquez466
      @treyvasquez466 5 років тому +3

      that was a very good observation! I would have never thought of that :)

  • @burntwaffles569
    @burntwaffles569 4 роки тому +2075

    I'm in love with you, but you'll never know. And that's okay

    • @sacredsnake8022
      @sacredsnake8022 4 роки тому +83

      Burnt Waffles this comment just hit different

    • @dylanseewosurrun5745
      @dylanseewosurrun5745 4 роки тому +69

      That person surely knows but no one is willing to do first step

    • @gwcommentyak76
      @gwcommentyak76 4 роки тому +38

      just tell her, its ok

    • @lindalovesherlovaa
      @lindalovesherlovaa 4 роки тому +15


    • @arfaauji3723
      @arfaauji3723 4 роки тому +18

      Yea somehow its better to not take chance to quick. But you really need to be her friend first

  • @tyronehasanopiniondealwith3703
    @tyronehasanopiniondealwith3703 6 років тому +1293

    Imagine dragons and a trap beat goes great together unexpectedly😮😮

  • @onepunchduc1542
    @onepunchduc1542 6 років тому +81

    This is how a song can be super simple, and still giving you so much feelings

  • @rosiethorne8992
    @rosiethorne8992 5 років тому +277

    Do you guys listen to this song and get all emotional, crying your heart out because this leads you to imagine the person you truly in love with would reciprocate and accept you for who you are despite your mistakes and insecurities, but then reality hits you, and you cry even more for ever thinking like that? Hoping for that? Me too. I'm in love with my friend and this songs reminds me of a relationship that i will never have with him because i dont think he feels the same way, and i fell like shit everytime i think like that. My heart feels heavy and my eyes filled with tears. I could only love the *idea* of him.

    • @spaghettisundae2650
      @spaghettisundae2650 4 роки тому +9

      It's ok girl your future husband could be even better coz there's so many ppl were gonna meet in that future and that person that finds you is damn lucky bro :D

    • @applemahmud3572
      @applemahmud3572 4 роки тому +1

      I think just do it

    • @nakke7
      @nakke7 4 роки тому +2

      Know how that feels 🥺

    • @elizabethdove8791
      @elizabethdove8791 4 роки тому +2

      If you love someone tell them

    • @elizabethdove8791
      @elizabethdove8791 4 роки тому +3

      @@spaghettisundae2650 or you find out hes not better and are married to someone you dont love.

  • @IllumiMusic
    @IllumiMusic 6 років тому +68

    I'm in love with this song! 😍

  • @MadsonProject
    @MadsonProject 6 років тому +153

    congrats mates, so good seeing so many producer friends here

    • @kinabeats
      @kinabeats 6 років тому +3

      Madson Project. / imfinenow thank u mate

  • @wooooo0oo
    @wooooo0oo 2 роки тому +44

    Use to listen to this song so much in 2019, at a very low point in my life. I was constantly tired of everything and lonely, and as a private person I never discussed my emotions or reached out for help either. As a 14 year old, with not many friends and away from home (I went to boarding school)- music was fr my only solace and distraction from my sadness.
    All I would do after school was lay down and close my eyes while listening to this. Everytime I listen now, it hits me with a new wave of nostalgia. I’m so happy that i’ve overcome 2019 and worked on myself as a person, but sometimes I just miss the relaxing part of shutting out the rest of the world and listening to this song on repeat.
    Plus 2019 was the year I met my bestfriend, 3 years of memories with her and now she’s gone. She passed away 2 months ago. I remember showing her this song, she liked it. I just miss her sm. This song has fr been there for me as a constant in my life, now it reminds me of her and the times when she was still alive. Using this song to cope with my feelings now but it’s just not the same anymore

    • @allthevideogames212
      @allthevideogames212 Рік тому

      how you doin now buddy

    • @wooooo0oo
      @wooooo0oo Рік тому +5

      @@allthevideogames212 doing same as always, still a private person but time & music has helped me cope with missing my friend. hope ur doing well too!

  • @alpha.chhangte75
    @alpha.chhangte75 6 років тому +42

    Kina truely is a really talented artist and too underrated in my point of view. truely deserves more attention

    • @himadrimondal7865
      @himadrimondal7865 2 роки тому

      the lines are from imagin dragons - next to me.. go listen the full song..

  • @kinagaia4790
    @kinagaia4790 6 років тому +8611

    This genuinely gave me a heart attack i’ve never heard of this song? but my name is Kina my birthday is the day this was posted and that picture is my current hair style except my hair is brown. what????? is happening?

    • @Hope-ds1gq
      @Hope-ds1gq 6 років тому +1152

      Glitch in the matrix going on

    • @indigo8704
      @indigo8704 5 років тому +483

      Woah wtf

    • @multimate92
      @multimate92 5 років тому +134

      @@Hope-ds1gq hahahaha

    • @tylerjohnson3728
      @tylerjohnson3728 5 років тому +907

      Ohh basically the universe is trying to bring us together because my name is Anik this was posted when I died and that picture is the opposite of my hair style.

    • @indigo8704
      @indigo8704 5 років тому +171

      @@tylerjohnson3728 lol i love that

  • @maeme8556
    @maeme8556 2 роки тому +51

    I really love this song still listening since 2019

  • @territorial_8648
    @territorial_8648 5 років тому +3238

    this song is basically the chorus of the song ' Next to me ' by imagine dragons

    • @beyondgrim
      @beyondgrim 5 років тому +48

      obnoxious user It is :))

    • @JessicaMiller-sd2uf
      @JessicaMiller-sd2uf 5 років тому +42 < vocals source, full cover of Next to Me

    • @lunachanchiri1343
      @lunachanchiri1343 5 років тому +30

      Party pooper

    • @Hi-vf9wx
      @Hi-vf9wx 5 років тому +28

      I knew it reminded me of something

    • @scottgrey3337
      @scottgrey3337 5 років тому +69

      Recognized it within the first minute, and I was just passively listening to autoplay.
      Fair to say that this isn't a song, it's a remix.

  • @pandaa3049
    @pandaa3049 6 років тому +62

    THAT INTRO! Just that piano loop got me hooked! Can't wait to finish listening to the rest of the song AND WHAT those lyrics and vocals. Damn, now its hitting me in my heart... Oh... I always let people down... 10/10

    • @randomContentHere93228
      @randomContentHere93228 6 років тому +2
      this is the origins of those lyrics she sang

  • @dudisz21
    @dudisz21 5 років тому +1628

    Oh, I always let you down
    You're shattered on the ground
    But I still find you there
    Next to me
    And oh, the stupid things I do
    I'm far from good, it's true
    But I still find you there
    Next to me

    • @clovrse
      @clovrse 4 роки тому +34

      this has to be the shortest lyric diversirty in any song, that's not a justin bieber song, duh

    • @darkcyrz3294
      @darkcyrz3294 4 роки тому +6

      Its "But Still I Found You There"

    • @money_momentum_369
      @money_momentum_369 4 роки тому +1

      u got me XD

    • @anemoia1200
      @anemoia1200 4 роки тому

      Btw happy birthday ❣️

    • @Mr.Beggie9928
      @Mr.Beggie9928 4 роки тому


  • @AceFaceRecords
    @AceFaceRecords 6 років тому +2775

    I don’t have much to say... Missing my ex Girlfriend Yeliz and literally about to shed a tear or two... ❤️😔

    • @rickylove4201
      @rickylove4201 6 років тому +278

      Ace Face Records hold on mate, Im in the same boat, we can drift together :)

    • @DARCQ
      @DARCQ 6 років тому +173

      That's though dude, Hope you find your way back to love

    • @bluetea1863
      @bluetea1863 6 років тому +79

    • @AceFaceRecords
      @AceFaceRecords 6 років тому +59

      Ricky Love really can do man thank you for your support ❤️🙏🏻

    • @AceFaceRecords
      @AceFaceRecords 6 років тому +43

      Blue Tea I hope I will do brother thank you 😔🙏🏻

  • @vapormusic5106
    @vapormusic5106 6 років тому +126

    I'm in love with this song!

  • @sandrasabu5901
    @sandrasabu5901 3 роки тому +75

    I miss someone when I hear this. Someone i never met.

  • @adrianalou6727
    @adrianalou6727 6 років тому +9

    Literally one of the most if not the most chilled and laid back song I’ve ever listened to. It’s not to complicated to understand it’s very calming too

  • @RiqSMNN
    @RiqSMNN 6 років тому +378

    What The Heck, i don't even know that someone can play imagine dragons music with such a really slow rythem, and its awesome

    • @TooYoung000
      @TooYoung000 5 років тому +1


    • @iskandarzulkarnain6262
      @iskandarzulkarnain6262 5 років тому +4

      Is this imagine dragons song?

    • @pewwer123
      @pewwer123 5 років тому +11

      @Mwaniki Mwaniki it is, the lyrics are from imagine dragons- next to me

    • @qeinzy1382
      @qeinzy1382 5 років тому

      @@iskandarzulkarnain6262 ya that true...

    • @AyushSingh-eg4jq
      @AyushSingh-eg4jq 5 років тому

      @@iskandarzulkarnain6262 yes

  • @yourroyalhighness6297
    @yourroyalhighness6297 5 років тому +8

    I'm not actually depressed (since I'm not diagnosed). But this song envelops my heart when I feel sad. And also other songs of Kina.
    For me... It's not depressing, it's something you can be with when you feel alone, hugging your pillow, tearing up while all curled up.
    Instead of feeling sadder and sadder, I tend to understand myself more, mend my broken heart more, and love myself more. It heals me.

    • @salmaamir3131
      @salmaamir3131 5 років тому +1

      I can relate to that ❤️❤️❤️❤️

    • @yamaguchii5545
      @yamaguchii5545 5 років тому

      ooooh ain't that true sis

  • @sensisye
    @sensisye 6 років тому +43

    good to see Kina here

  • @kamirkaze
    @kamirkaze 6 років тому +140

    I wish this was on Spotify... 🥺

    • @Youtubeusergtc458
      @Youtubeusergtc458 5 років тому


    • @goldsonhall1198
      @goldsonhall1198 5 років тому +4

      Is bexause thks is a cover from next to me Imagine Dragons

    • @beanface9099
      @beanface9099 5 років тому

      It is because next to me is a song by imagine dragons

    • @angelheam6515
      @angelheam6515 5 років тому

      Me too :(

    • @jtak0
      @jtak0 5 років тому

      Comment above - next to me by Amiah Makita on spotify

  • @lele-xj8bl
    @lele-xj8bl 2 роки тому +30

    Leaving this here so whenever someone likes/comments I'll be reminded of this song because I forget about it all the time ♡♡

    • @92doll
      @92doll 2 роки тому

      bro just add this to a playlist😭

  • @cyometric8106
    @cyometric8106 6 років тому +65

    Ayyyy, Kina! First Madson and now Kina! I love how you introduce more of those Lo-Fi Hip-Hop artists!👍

  • @sirgentleman6416
    @sirgentleman6416 6 років тому +51

    This song is incredible, an amazing sample of Imagine Dragon. Keep it up Kina beats

  • @liar8645
    @liar8645 4 роки тому +82

    whoever reading this, you have very good taste in music and i wish i knew you.

  • @mylatte2035
    @mylatte2035 5 років тому +42

    admit it or not, this song makes you cry for no reason

  • @amberrazzaq7186
    @amberrazzaq7186 5 років тому +18

    officially my new favourite song ☺️

  • @lak9901
    @lak9901 5 років тому +223

    This song is "Next to me" by imagine dragons.

  • @elpp1476
    @elpp1476 5 років тому +15

    This song is so relaxing and calming and I love it, when it’s about to finish I put it on replay and if your reading I hope you have a great day 😁

  • @MWard-kp3dk
    @MWard-kp3dk 6 років тому +11

    I've been following her for a while, so excited to see her on the sheepy channel!!! 😍😍

  • @chelseysawyer6483
    @chelseysawyer6483 3 роки тому +12

    Just came across this masterpiece. Definitely a vibe I can relate to.

  • @khadijahtariq7437
    @khadijahtariq7437 6 років тому +8

    I love how the first words always give you goosebumps

  • @micki4076
    @micki4076 6 років тому +623

    That's a cover of "Next to me" By Imagine Dragons

    • @alfagamer34
      @alfagamer34 6 років тому +29

      ye they aint slick lmao. Sounds great tho

    • @KazhnaLightfoot
      @KazhnaLightfoot 6 років тому

      Who is singing the song in this?

    • @tdragon9759
      @tdragon9759 6 років тому +2

      rhea raj

    • @kaydenchristie9373
      @kaydenchristie9373 6 років тому +9

      Yeah lmao the pinned comment by the creator said it was a sample of Next to Me by Imagine Dragons

    • @makimasbedbug
      @makimasbedbug 5 років тому +6

      Yeah like we didn't know

  • @wooooo0oo
    @wooooo0oo 3 роки тому +4

    this song. i’ve been in love w it for more than 1 year. most of the time, i get sick of songs after a while but this song, i’m literally going to marry it

  • @LilikakiTsikris
    @LilikakiTsikris 6 років тому +222

    these are the words i'd like to say to someone who would always be next to me. love .
    ohhhh i always let you down
    you're shattered on the ground
    but still i find you there
    next to me
    oohhh the stupid things i do
    i'm far from good
    it's true
    but still i find you there
    next to me

  • @DARCQ
    @DARCQ 6 років тому +7

    I am in love with two things, this music and a special someone. Thank you sheepy for uploading this amazing piece

  • @Ein_Jello04
    @Ein_Jello04 11 місяців тому +6

    I remember listening to this when it came out
    Such a beautiful song

  • @rosanna-sc4lx
    @rosanna-sc4lx 2 роки тому +14

    4 years later, the memories bro

  • @bhseray1566
    @bhseray1566 5 років тому +49

    This song is so......

  • @christianbuhawe8996
    @christianbuhawe8996 9 місяців тому +409

    2024 anyone?

    • @jappyqtolfindo695
      @jappyqtolfindo695 8 місяців тому +10

      5yrs till now I can't move on 😢

    • @YoshiStar15
      @YoshiStar15 8 місяців тому +1


    • @Guites.lyrics.123
      @Guites.lyrics.123 8 місяців тому

      ​@@jappyqtolfindo695Don't worry ❤

    • @wooooo0oo
      @wooooo0oo 8 місяців тому


    • @I_am_a_cat_
      @I_am_a_cat_ 7 місяців тому

      Oh shut up. People will always listen to good music. Stop leaving dumb comments

  • @danamoodie8653
    @danamoodie8653 5 років тому +5

    Don't ya just love the person who comments the lyrics on a lyric video? 👌

  • @Jarliemusic
    @Jarliemusic 6 років тому +3351

    *whos listening in 1932*

    • @nandinisingh5786
      @nandinisingh5786 6 років тому +12

      Jarliemusic Me!

    • @kittywithachoppa
      @kittywithachoppa 6 років тому +15

      Jarliemusic I’m listening in the year 2000

    • @taetae205
      @taetae205 6 років тому +37

      I'm listen in 1912

    • @Martin-qm1mu
      @Martin-qm1mu 6 років тому +25

      impossible -_-

    • @CloverXVX
      @CloverXVX 6 років тому +162

      I’m chillin in my cave my dinosaur meet is probably cooked by now I better stop listening to this song

  • @majid99
    @majid99 3 роки тому +5

    This song is for everyone, even you are broken or depressed or not , it doesn’t matter but the music make you feel so calm ❤️

  • @pxlbits6442
    @pxlbits6442 6 років тому +58

    You're shattered on the ground...
    Really deep feeling 😦

  • @zamoramariahninac.9008
    @zamoramariahninac.9008 5 років тому +223

    I'm obsessed with this songgg alreadyyyy💔💔💔💔💔
    👇April 2019

  • @rosanna-sc4lx
    @rosanna-sc4lx Рік тому +4

    the nostalgia omfg

  • @alex7fierro738
    @alex7fierro738 6 років тому +26

    Mr. Suicide sheep i love ure channel!!!! All the artists u support are really talented and each song is unique and beautiful in its own way. 😁😁😁

  • @potatouwu5908
    @potatouwu5908 5 років тому +4

    love you Kina, ur songs are incredible, especially after a hard day of work

  • @BCFProductions
    @BCFProductions 4 роки тому +4

    I remember the day this came out. And I was like wow this so catchy. A couple years later I’m obsessed with Kina and this is one of my favorite songs. No song has ever held onto me like this one has. Still as beautiful as the day I first heard it.🥰

  • @tashazombiekiller
    @tashazombiekiller 6 років тому +6

    The lyrics are so well done!

  • @AB-on8vn
    @AB-on8vn 4 роки тому +3

    Why are kina's songs always amazing

  • @nickh3279
    @nickh3279 4 роки тому +4

    I'm going through a lot right now in my life and this song is really keeping my pushing.
    "If you're going through hell, keep going."

  • @faizankazmi2000
    @faizankazmi2000 6 років тому +269

    Before i was aware of the beauty in the world i wandered around to find something that comforts me.....
    Now I've met you and everything has changed....

  • @lexicoelho8562
    @lexicoelho8562 6 років тому +4

    I really love the original song but musically it wasn’t really my thing and *this is* 💕 Thank youuuu !

  • @skiddadle8245
    @skiddadle8245 5 років тому +71

    I was sent this from somebody and I guess I took the message wrong, and I said really cause I like you too. He said he just liked the song but that he likes me too
    I think that conversation is the happiest I've ever been been
    (Edit: we broke up, but it's okay. Were still friends and this song reminds me of someone new! Just because you've made memories with something and they arent as happy as they once were doesnt mean you cant make new, happier ones!)

    • @saralamsayah9905
      @saralamsayah9905 5 років тому +4

      He prolly sent it to hint you his feelings but is too shy to confess? XD
      My bf and I used to exchange songs for that purpose back during our crushing phase lol

    • @skiddadle8245
      @skiddadle8245 5 років тому

      @@saralamsayah9905 maybe but I never really asked lol

    @LITERACY13 6 років тому +10

    Perfect song to listen to while driving at night or when you’re alone

  • @JessieAnnK
    @JessieAnnK 4 роки тому +4

    I love this song, it’s really soothing and relaxing i don’t know about y’all but songs like these make me picture my future with my fiancée just having great moments and this would be in the background playing

  • @vvohaa
    @vvohaa 5 років тому +12

    when ever i hear this song it brings back sad memories

  • @pandagardner4817
    @pandagardner4817 6 років тому +132

    Listening to your voice through the phone, hearing the slightest beat of my heart. Wondering how you can love me so much, how is it you knew I needed that love. And now with you so far, sometimes I think why didn't I do something sooner. So please don't blame yourself, My dear.
    Written by ~ Me

    • @kjclures
      @kjclures 5 років тому +1

      We have a Chinese restaurant that has the same name as your username... Maybe you can write poetry and stick it in their fortune cookies?

    • @pandagardner4817
      @pandagardner4817 5 років тому +2

      @@kjclures I'm so sorry, somehow my phone didn't notify me about your message. That would be a really cool idea to have my poems be fortune cookies! ^^

    • @srinayan666
      @srinayan666 5 років тому

      hi midoria izuku

    • @pandagardner4817
      @pandagardner4817 5 років тому

      @@srinayan666 hello lol

    • @bernadettecarrol3254
      @bernadettecarrol3254 5 років тому +1


  • @eblue8335
    @eblue8335 4 роки тому +6

    This song sooo good im keep pressing repeat and im singing at the top of my lungs!!!

  • @leroycambell3391
    @leroycambell3391 Рік тому +1

    The meaning of true love...may it never fade❤❤❤❤love this fn track

  • @earlay02
    @earlay02 5 років тому +342

    Aint this for imagine dragons?

    • @mongkulsan6768
      @mongkulsan6768 4 роки тому +7

      it is

    • @thirzahelmus5090
      @thirzahelmus5090 4 роки тому +24

      Kina makes the beat and instrumental, then he uses other songs . He doesn't sing himself

    • @joiediciaula8049
      @joiediciaula8049 4 роки тому +7

      @@thirzahelmus5090 ik this is three weeks old, but kina has some original songs

    • @joiediciaula8049
      @joiediciaula8049 4 роки тому +5

      although he doesnt sing himself

    • @thirzahelmus5090
      @thirzahelmus5090 4 роки тому

      @@joiediciaula8049 yepp

  • @trenart1145
    @trenart1145 5 років тому +4

    I don't know why I'm addicted to this song. It jus gives me all the right feelings

  • @franciscosilva-zp4fw
    @franciscosilva-zp4fw 4 роки тому +2

    kina is very talented! so much good

  • @whitevoid527
    @whitevoid527 6 років тому +14

    Her voice fits this song much better than the original tbh. Really amazing background sounds too, really good chooses.

    • @maxaroni8511
      @maxaroni8511 2 роки тому

      what is the origanal

    • @clemmzzz6219
      @clemmzzz6219 2 роки тому +1

      @@maxaroni8511 Next to Me by Imagine Dragons

    • @ringabell4250
      @ringabell4250 Рік тому

      @@clemmzzz6219 Ohh, didn't even know this was cover or something like one. Good to know, and ty for the saying what the original was!

  • @Reuben_Mamba
    @Reuben_Mamba 4 роки тому +10

    😭 after years of heartbreak and being taken for granted I finally found the love of my life ❤️it's been a year

  • @skybluekittty
    @skybluekittty 8 місяців тому +2

    I just want this on Spotify

  • @xfvnn9495
    @xfvnn9495 6 років тому +8

    Have a great sunday♡

  • @zidnimalik3321
    @zidnimalik3321 5 років тому +10

    hear this song before going to sleep, my dreams are beautiful

  • @matheusmedeiros5768
    @matheusmedeiros5768 4 роки тому +1

    N tem como fi essa msc ta no meu top 10 permanente mto bom pprt pprt

  • @austingeorge6659
    @austingeorge6659 3 роки тому +6

    This is my all time favorite song for two years and I just wish I could buy it

  • @hilmao8387
    @hilmao8387 4 роки тому +28

    I want to let him go, but a part of me doesn’t want to. We were both good to one another, but I think it’s time to move on. I really wish the best for him, because he deserves it! I will always have a soft spot for him in my heart ♥️

  • @rhett-says-hullo4229
    @rhett-says-hullo4229 5 років тому +1

    The art is always beautiful

  • @brownautum5450
    @brownautum5450 5 років тому +401

    Kina in my language means "why"

  • @deadshot_986
    @deadshot_986 5 років тому +16

    I’m here in the year 2050 and so will the people who join this humble crowd😊 blessing day

  • @99hp3
    @99hp3 8 місяців тому +2

    This song is dedicated to my savior. The one who laid his own life down for all of us❤️🥺🔒

  • @devanshiagrawal2772
    @devanshiagrawal2772 6 років тому +4

    Kiiinaaa YAYY 💕

  • @reldies5364
    @reldies5364 6 років тому +80

    Ohh do u love me sheepy?

  • @lukeskywalker5795
    @lukeskywalker5795 4 роки тому +1

    You are the BEST singer ever!!!
    I have spoken.

  • @kookie97_chimchim77
    @kookie97_chimchim77 3 роки тому +3

    2021 and I still can’t get enough of this song

    • @Hope-vr7nl
      @Hope-vr7nl 2 роки тому

      2022 and i still can't

  • @shion5265
    @shion5265 5 років тому +8

    This is hurting me so much that i can't breathe.

  • @Ssiytc
    @Ssiytc 3 роки тому +1

    I’ve always loved this song..and i still will :’) it makes me feel a little better when im sad

  • @acelyanurcakr9213
    @acelyanurcakr9213 5 років тому +4

    Someone ı care about very much has a word "sometimes you have to face the worst to find the best". I'm with the best right now and that person is everything to me. I love you so much. I'm always with you in every song. Always and forever my love

  • @PancakeAnarchy
    @PancakeAnarchy 2 роки тому +10

    Four years have passed since I last listened to this song. And it still hit me hard😣
    But this time I'm smiling through it💜 Thank you me, for still going and never giving up ✨

  • @I_am_a_cat_
    @I_am_a_cat_ 3 роки тому +1

    I'm always coming back to this song. It's so amazing. So beautiful. So much bass. I love it.

    • @I_am_a_cat_
      @I_am_a_cat_ 5 місяців тому

      Damn it's been 3 years already...

  • @yukichan9475
    @yukichan9475 4 роки тому +4

    This song is amazing ... Is like ...
    " I fell in love with you " .... ❤️😍❤️😍❤️😍❤️

  • @jojohani824
    @jojohani824 2 роки тому +25

    Oh, I always let you down
    You're shattered on the ground
    But still I find you there
    Next to me
    And oh, the stupid things I do
    I'm far from good, it's true
    But still I find you there
    Next to me

  • @rajgiriyt8494
    @rajgiriyt8494 3 роки тому +1

    Kina is the only person who feels the lyrics while writing it and I can feel it too. Awesome