Lucky Finds in Gold Canyon - Reading the River

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @pnwgoldrushers8443
    @pnwgoldrushers8443 Рік тому +1

    What a fun day. Happy for you. Thanks for sharing.

  • @jeffersonstategold8349
    @jeffersonstategold8349 Рік тому +2

    You put in the hard work and came out with more understanding of the area plus some treasure to boot! Plus you know how Mother Nature is😜

    • @insidebendprospecting
      @insidebendprospecting  Рік тому +1

      Watching all those Two Toes videos is starting to pay off! Hope to get back there soon, found some other spots to mine down there that have potential

  • @GSProspecting
    @GSProspecting Рік тому +4

    I always have a blast coming by. Great day out there fam. Keep on digging your doing great work. Gold Squad Out!!!

  • @MayhemProspecting
    @MayhemProspecting Рік тому +2

    Yesssir! Tailings across the way look amazing for a future adventure! Jam packed goodies were waiting for you, beautiful spot. See you soon brooo

    • @insidebendprospecting
      @insidebendprospecting  Рік тому

      Some sniping too i think! I also got a pan of crazy .22 sized ironstones and i know some big gold has gotta be close by

  • @ottisfarrisprospecting105
    @ottisfarrisprospecting105 Рік тому +2

    That looked like a spot that was under water when I was down there,when the water drops we should go back!! Good color,thanks for sharing!!

    • @insidebendprospecting
      @insidebendprospecting  Рік тому

      Yup maybe 30ft up from where you found that dime. We'll have to hit it on the next trip, especially those tailings on the inside bend! Looks prime to me

  • @WestCoastGoldProspecting
    @WestCoastGoldProspecting Рік тому +2

    Right on Matt, that’s a good day for sure.

    • @insidebendprospecting
      @insidebendprospecting  Рік тому

      Sure was, hopefully we can get back there soon and bust into those tailings, found a couple other spots we can mine there too!

  • @Smithsgold
    @Smithsgold Рік тому +2

    Not Bad !!!!!!!!!!

  • @chrisneville6810
    @chrisneville6810 Рік тому +2

    Ausome out there today broother⛏🇺🇸🍻

    • @insidebendprospecting
      @insidebendprospecting  Рік тому

      Thanks Chris, it sure was an awesome day. Been a month and we're still waiting for the water to come down

  • @rickflysaway
    @rickflysaway Рік тому

    Reminded me of a Yogi Berra quote:
    "You can observe a lot by just watching."
    Good job of seeing what you were looking at!

    • @insidebendprospecting
      @insidebendprospecting  Рік тому

      That man had the best quotes, salt of the earth genius right there. Thanks for watchin Rick

  • @OneManMining
    @OneManMining Рік тому

    You earned my like as soon as you collected that chair from the foliage. I’m always collecting trash and what not from our creeks and rivers. I found a Car battery on a GPAA claim and hiked it along with my other gear maybe 100 yards through trees and bushes to take home. Tag on it said 09 😮‍💨

    • @insidebendprospecting
      @insidebendprospecting  Рік тому +2

      Man i dont know if could've lugged a car battery out of a canyon, good on you man! I agree always good to leave the spot better than when you found it

  • @janjohannessmith7033
    @janjohannessmith7033 Рік тому

    Great adventure,

  • @thesearcher118
    @thesearcher118 Рік тому

    Sweet gold. I can dig it. Rock on.

  • @MericaAdventures
    @MericaAdventures Рік тому +1

    Looking good Matt ! I laughed when camera went in the water cause that’s kinda stuff I do v. Good video bro 👍🇺🇸⚒🍀🍺

    • @insidebendprospecting
      @insidebendprospecting  Рік тому +1

      Lol yeah i was pretty focused on rippin out those branches! Thanks brotha

  • @stevenerbach8868
    @stevenerbach8868 Рік тому

    good job on getting some color in the gravel

  • @dmozonnersepicoutdooradven3524

    We can't wait to get to the rivers. Nice gold in Gold Canyon so far. 4.5 grams.

  • @GoldenSkullProspecting
    @GoldenSkullProspecting Рік тому

    Looks awesome there, great looking gold too 👍

  • @donaldrogers5637
    @donaldrogers5637 Рік тому

    I had to smile at your shift in intentions of scouting for good spots to "man, there's gold right here, I'm gonna check it out." I'm sure you did get back to scouting, and I don't blame you for checking out that spot - it really looked good. Nice video, I subbed.

  • @gorillagoldhunters
    @gorillagoldhunters Рік тому

    Awesome buddy! Really enjoy your videos! Thank u!

  • @Pa.PatriotProspecting
    @Pa.PatriotProspecting Рік тому

    Nice spot bro! Get that shiney! Be careful out there!

  • @thereturningboomerang
    @thereturningboomerang Рік тому

    Thank you!

  • @scottpetersen6869
    @scottpetersen6869 Рік тому

    Nice haul!

  • @danlonganecker
    @danlonganecker Рік тому

    Good lookin place glad to see you had a golden day. 🤙🇺🇸

  • @buffalokrisgoldprospecting
    @buffalokrisgoldprospecting Рік тому

    that area looks like a great place. I've never foundbanything with my detector. Well at least no gold with it. . That rock looked super neat. .and it led you to some nice pieces. Awsome bro. You should grab a sluice and sluice that whole area

    • @insidebendprospecting
      @insidebendprospecting  Рік тому

      Thats the plan! Were just dealing with high water at the moment, lotta snow this year. Same, i still need first blood on my machine as well

  • @freedomprospecting9034
    @freedomprospecting9034 Рік тому

    Nice pieces of gold.

  • @melvinroehm821
    @melvinroehm821 Рік тому

    That's the biggest chunk of iron stone I've ever you find lots of iron stone it indicates s low pressor zone so heavies are falling out.

    • @insidebendprospecting
      @insidebendprospecting  Рік тому

      It's crazy, thing must've weighed 40lbs! We had a flood since and i'm curious if it's still there

  • @OpenSpaceWellness
    @OpenSpaceWellness Рік тому

    What a beautiful day!

    • @insidebendprospecting
      @insidebendprospecting  Рік тому +1

      Sure was! About 27 degrees to start, but 55 by the end of the day. Not bad for February

  • @richardbeee
    @richardbeee Рік тому

    Nice. How long did it take you to realize you knocked your go-pro into the creek? I really like your basic prospecting videos. They're so refreshing compared to so many others. Thanks.

  • @autwins5610
    @autwins5610 Рік тому

    Nice 👍🏽

    • @insidebendprospecting
      @insidebendprospecting  Рік тому +1

      It aint the motherlode but we do alright! Looking forward to the Nugget Hunt!!

    • @autwins5610
      @autwins5610 Рік тому

      @@insidebendprospecting Yeah your doing great 😊 too looking forward to the nugget hunt ❤️🥳

  • @williamwallace725
    @williamwallace725 Рік тому


  • @muddled_moogle
    @muddled_moogle Рік тому

    Let's taco 'bout your use of a gold finding device which is cheating!!!!