Reasons Why I Love Germany! (American living in Germany)

  • Опубліковано 25 жов 2024


  • @chuckcooper272
    @chuckcooper272 4 роки тому +125

    I was born in the USA, moved to Germany 50 years ago to teach for a year at a University and have remained here . I thank God daily, that I made that decision, as life here is much more relaxed and I feel more secure than I ever felt in the USA. As you have said, things like good medical insureance, unemployement benefits, 6 weeks of vacation, free education, good public transportation, much less crime, good retirement funds and a good work/leisure time balance has been great. Also important Germans are very tolerant and do not try to convice you to join their religion, political opinions or conspiracy theory. There are no bumper stickers telling the world your opinons. You can think what you want, but leave me in my peace and quiet. As one can see in the present virus crisis Germans trust their government and follow the rules, even though it is sometimes difficult and gets on one's nerves. But far fewer people have died in Germany and the number of new infections, although increasing, is still much lower than in the USA. And although I am not a fan of Mrs. Merkel, she does not daily do or say things, which are embarassing, which is something one cannot say about Mr. Trump. I do hope you will have such a wonderful life in Germany as I have had over the last 50 years!

    • @helfgott1
      @helfgott1 4 роки тому +4

      Thank u Sir a german

    • @chuckcooper272
      @chuckcooper272 3 роки тому +3

      @Mike Schröder I wrote, that I am not a fan of Mrs. Merkel, which does not mean I do not respect her or that I reject her policies. She is doing a good job with the Pandemic but more often she tends to sit things out instead of looking for the cause of problems and offering good solutions. As to the question, why I do not "love" Mrs. Merkel, I do fear this is an American language question, for it would be impossible for me to "love" a person, who I have never personally met. "Love" is for me a deep emotion and certainly not something used to describe how I feel about something like food, pop music, politicians or cinemas. I love my family, Partner and close friends. In general Mrs. Merkel has managed to break down the barriers between "conservatives" and "liberals", for example the closing down of the German nucular power plants. Alone for this action she deserves full support. Unfortunately in many countries there is no communication between the difference political positions, making compromises impossible and in the long run destroying democracy.

    • @aurelius7775
      @aurelius7775 3 роки тому +3

      Germany was and is a nice country, but ..... we have to go back to the christian roots and ..... Trump is much better than Merkel, politically, that's a fact. In my opinion, Americans and Germans should stay together and fight for christian freedom and therefore, i love the Americans.

    • @stefanweigl4608
      @stefanweigl4608 3 роки тому +4

      @@aurelius7775 you may have heard from the Separation of state and Church in Germany. . thank God that Trump this ......... has been votet out. I am absolutely Not a Fan of Merkel. But To compare Mrs.Merkel with Trump in any way is a great naughtiness. To vote för Trump Shows what spirit Child someone is and which political unterstanding someone have.

    • @aurelius7775
      @aurelius7775 3 роки тому

      @@stefanweigl4608 Biden and Merkel represent the Elites, Trump is against them. What is that showing us? If you believe the mainstream-media, it's your problem! Pace e bene!

  • @furzkram
    @furzkram 4 роки тому +57

    The speed is fine, pronunciation is clear, no complaints from my side.

    • @domrevan
      @domrevan 4 роки тому +2

      Same. Very easy to understand everything. Were there complains? If so, i could not understand why. ;)

    • @fureuropa-gegennwo1259
      @fureuropa-gegennwo1259 4 роки тому +2

      Yes, i am fast talker toó, but you are not HALF as bad as me! haha
      No, i wouldn't have noticed any wrong speed in your talking, and even after you mentioned it i still thought it sounded good to me :)
      I actually thought that you have a very good speed and a good pronounciation, to be honest while you were talking , i thought '"she speaks a kind of English so clear that it will be easy to understand even for those germans who are not really perfect in English", yes i seriously thought that, even before you mentioned it could be too fast! :)
      Perfect speed, everything good! Thumbs up, lady! :)

  • @kujasan
    @kujasan 4 роки тому +45

    There are many reasons not to sympathize with the late Helmut Kohl, former Federal Chancellor. But he is quoted with this simple truth:
    "Die Menschlichkeit einer Gesellschaft zeigt sich nicht zuletzt daran, wie sie mit den schwächsten Mitgliedern umgeht."
    Your first point is exactly about that.
    Sorry, not the most fluent translator here. Maybe like this:
    "The humanity of a society is defined by the way they treat their weakest members."

  • @dirkjanneschutz8109
    @dirkjanneschutz8109 4 роки тому +56

    Das finde ich toll das du gerne hier in diesem Land leben möchtest,so müssten es auch eigentlich wir Deutschen selber sehen wir haben mittlerweile ein wunderschönes Land,klar muss noch einiges überarbeitet werden aber es ist schön hier zu leben und Du gibst hier auch ein gutes Bild ab....Dafür möchte ich mich mal im Namen aller Deutschen bedanken.....👍💪😉😎

    • @stephaniehummler7270
      @stephaniehummler7270 3 роки тому

      Ich bin auch deutsch

    • @dirkjanneschutz8109
      @dirkjanneschutz8109 3 роки тому +1

      @@stephaniehummler7270 Ja und das will mir dann sagen das.........?

    • @stephaniehummler7270
      @stephaniehummler7270 3 роки тому +1

      @@dirkjanneschutz8109... ich ein unnötiges Kommentar geschrieben habe.

    • @dirkjanneschutz8109
      @dirkjanneschutz8109 3 роки тому +1

      @@bamjasla Schön...👍😎

    • @BobiR-bl9fc
      @BobiR-bl9fc Рік тому

      If you are a Single man. Please dont come to Germany, No empty apartment for rent, No Girl friend and No friend .....Just Work hard and die hard .....🌧

  • @Pewtah
    @Pewtah 4 роки тому +19

    Yes, there is bread (in German: "Brot"), and there is toast ("Toastbrot"), but hardly any German would call a toast a bread. At least not a "real bread".

  • @prostetnikjeltz6801
    @prostetnikjeltz6801 4 роки тому +51

    Virtually no german would eat that squishy white-bread without toasting it, so we can just call it toast because we know at some point it's going to be toasted. ;-)

    • @pentlandite9023
      @pentlandite9023 4 роки тому +5

      Untoasted it is just "Wattebrot".

    • @a.b.5124
      @a.b.5124 4 роки тому +5

      It's unable to eat it without being toasted

    • @randomdude8877
      @randomdude8877 3 роки тому +1

      o.o i sometimes just put Marmelade on top of the untoasted bread and eat it raw 😂

  • @idabara7585
    @idabara7585 4 роки тому +6

    that was a nice take on germany. thank you. highly appreciated it these challenging times.

  • @vampireheart1987
    @vampireheart1987 4 роки тому +37

    Freut mich, dass du insgesamt einen so positiven Eindruck von Deutschland hast 🙂 Ich glaube wir Deutschen sehen über uns selbst meist nur die negativen Dinge und verlieren die positiven Dinge etwas aus den Augen, wohl auch, weil wir es schlicht als "normal" oder "selbstverständlich" wahrnehmen - Von daher ist es gut auch mal die Eindrücke von Nicht-Deutschen über ihre Zeit in Deutschland zu erfahren 👍
    Ich verstehe dich gut, für mich redest du also nicht zu schnell 😁

    • @Cyril_Sneer
      @Cyril_Sneer 4 роки тому +1

      Da ich persönlich selbst so funktioniere denke ich das es nötig ist, um immer weiter etwas anzustreben, anstatt sich auf erreichtem auszuruhen, und sich nicht sebstzufrieden auf die Schulter zu klopfen.
      Was leider auch in Deutschland immer häufiger vorkommt...

    • @stephaniehummler7270
      @stephaniehummler7270 3 роки тому +1

      Für mich auch nicht aber es gibt ein paar Wörter die ich nicht verstehe

  • @marklambert8426
    @marklambert8426 4 роки тому +25

    Vielen Dank für die Blumen. Du bist mit Sicherheit auch eine Bereicherung für Deutschland.

  • @wernerruf7761
    @wernerruf7761 4 роки тому +11

    So this strange piece of absorbent cotton, which is sold under the name 'toast', is called like this because it is only edible if you put it into a toaster before. No one with any residual mind will eat it 'raw'.
    Okay, now I'm lying to you. You can also cut the stuff into small cubes, put a large pan with melted and lightly salted butter on the stove and then roast the cubes in it until crispy.
    You can then put the crispy cubes in the middle of potato dumplings or put some of them in tomato soup just before serving.
    But be careful and make sure that there are no husbands, wives, children, boyfriends or girlfriends hanging around in the kitchen or that they can walk around the kitchen unattended for a short time.
    These crispy cubes tend to disappear suddenly before you can use them for the intended purpose. Surprisingly, nobody knows how this could happen. They just disappear and nobody knows why.

  • @jeromemckenna7102
    @jeromemckenna7102 4 роки тому +5

    One of my wife's daughters is still paying the bill for her nearly 4 year old son. The delivery was normal and she had coverage from her job. So, I agree with you.

  • @galerites
    @galerites 4 роки тому +18

    I don‘t think that we in Northern Germany are less ecofriendly, we go green, too and produce quite an amount of wind energy for example, the produced current is also meant to supply parts of Southern Germany, if the infrastructure wil be installed, which is a difficult point, because a lot of ppl don‘t accept windmills and power lines next to their houses. Thank your for your videos, very interesting to see my country with „different eyes“....!:)

    • @Cyril_Sneer
      @Cyril_Sneer 4 роки тому +3

      Oder ums direkt zu sagen!
      Die Bayern wollen die neuste/bequemste Technik, aber die Produktionsstätten, und Produktionsabfälle sollen da bloß nicht die schöne Landschaft ruinieren! Darum wird das alles auf Nord-/Mitteldeutschland abgewälzt!
      Gilt für Flüchtlingsheime, Windräder, Bahnstrecken, Atomkraftwerke, Atommüll, Stromtrassen usw...
      Halt jedes notwendige Übel, was man aber nich unbedingt vor der Haustür haben will... 🤷‍♂️

    • @outdoorolli5754
      @outdoorolli5754 4 роки тому

      @@Cyril_Sneer, ist ja nicht Bayerns Schuld, wenn die Energiepolitik windreiche Standorte bevorzugt. Davon gibts in Bayern weit weniger und auch in Norddeutschland versucht man touristisch genutzte Gegenden nicht ohne Not zu verspargeln. AKWs, Bahnstrecken und Stromtrassen gibts in Bayern ebenso wie anderswo in Deutschland.
      Ich denke mal, die deutschen Großstädte nehmen sich in ihren Umweltschutzbemühungen wenig - egal ob Süd, Nord, Ost oder West. Wo der Umwelt-Gedanke generell etwas weniger verbreitet ist, scheint auf dem Land zu sein, aber dort sind die Herausforderungen auch andere.

    • @markowerner1488
      @markowerner1488 4 роки тому

      @@outdoorolli5754 "Wo der Umwelt-Gedanke generell etwas weniger verbreitet ist, scheint auf dem Land zu sein, aber dort sind die Herausforderungen auch andere." Dazu hätte ich gerne Beispiele?

    • @outdoorolli5754
      @outdoorolli5754 4 роки тому

      @@markowerner1488, die offensichtlichtlichsten sind das Fehlen eines leistungsfähigen ÖPNV, der das Auto zum unumstrittenen Nr. 1 Verkehrsmittel macht, sowie die Landwirtschaft, deren Auswirkungen auf Landschaft, Vegetation, Tierwelt und Trinkwasser dort eher hingenommen werden, als die etwas praxisferneren Stadtbewohner das als akzeptabel ansehen würden.

    • @markowerner1488
      @markowerner1488 4 роки тому

      @@outdoorolli5754 der ÖPNV hat doch nichts mit meinem Umwelt-Gedanken zu tun, ich würde gerne bessere Anbindungen haben aber bekomme sie nicht da die Busse natürlich nicht ausgelastet werden würden und das ganze genauso in Grün ist.
      Die Landwirtschaft die sehr strengen Regeln unterliegt und die viele Schulungen machen muss um z.B. Planzenschutzmittel ausbringen zu dürfen um einen höheren Ertrag zu bekommen um überhaupt überleben zu können da wie beim Einkauf als auch beim Verkauf von z.B. Milch und Korn denen die Preise diktiert werden?
      Schon mal an die Städter die einen Schrebergarten besitzen und ohne Schulungen oder wirkliche hintergrund und ohne jegliche Bodenproben irgendwelche Pflanzenschutzmittel aus dem Baumarkt auf die Erde bringen nachgedacht? Und nein das sind nicht wenige allein eine Stadt in der nähe mit 63.761 Einwohner (31. Dez. 2019) hat über 90 Kleingartenvereine. Das zum Umwelt-Gedanken in der Stadt.
      Schwarze Schafe gibt es überall aber den Umwelt-Gedanken auf dem Land als nicht so ausgeprägt zu bezeichnen finde ich persönlich falsch.

  • @helfgott1
    @helfgott1 3 роки тому +2

    Healthcare and education are human rights. A government which is unable to fullfill these essential needs to their citizens is not what i call a government.
    I am an 61 years old german

  • @indiramichaelahealey5156
    @indiramichaelahealey5156 3 роки тому +1

    I am from Germany and lived in the US for 6 years. I came back exactly for the reasons you mentioned. You can add very low fees for studying at universities or colleges as well as getting 24-30 days of paid vacation to the list. In Germany a lot of people do not know anything else and therefore take all these advantages they have for granted.

  • @hildefischer1169
    @hildefischer1169 4 роки тому +5

    Thank you, Neeva! No, not too fast 😄
    Happy to hear that a young person like you finds Germany a good place to live. I guess in all the turmoil about how to create a good future we need positive feedback on just the things you mentioned. Have a good time and stay healthy 😊👍🏻

  • @stefanjung4454
    @stefanjung4454 4 роки тому +3

    Your speed of talking is good! I can understand everything. It's nice when you are feeling good in Germany, that makes me proud. Stay save and healthy! I got a bad cold....

  • @Cadfael007
    @Cadfael007 4 роки тому +77

    I love Germany because every person who is allowed to vote gets his/her election voting card automatically. No matter if you vote via mail or at the polling station, your vote is save and counts.
    In Germany criminals can vote but can't become president. In the USA criminals can't vote but become president.

    • @jan-peterbrodersen3302
      @jan-peterbrodersen3302 4 роки тому +2

      The US has no so called "Melderegister". Thats why in eine counties in the US have 115% participating in voting.

    • @Wand444
      @Wand444 4 роки тому +1

      This is a good one!

    • @MrGerdbrecht
      @MrGerdbrecht 4 роки тому +2

      @@jan-peterbrodersen3302 We have the duty to bring children to school. Thatswhy our gov is allowed/forced to count ppl to make sure all children go to school.

    • @donjonson1748
      @donjonson1748 4 роки тому

      Das stimmt nicht! In Deutschland dürfen Kriminelle nicht wählen, aber gewählt werden. §45 StGB...

    • @edelgardgoldmann4542
      @edelgardgoldmann4542 4 роки тому +2

      @@donjonson1748 dazu muss der Richter beim Urteil deine Staatsbürgerrechte aufheben . Das passiert aber nur bei schlimmen Taten.

  • @camworkstv
    @camworkstv 3 роки тому +1

    Good video!
    Two little remarks from me:
    1. if you look closely, the bread is not called "Toast", but "Toastbrot". Means: it is bread to toast.
    2. ecological living with all its consequences is not only common in southern Germany, but in all of Germany. We all separate the garbage, collect returnable bottles, try to protect the environment and if we can afford it financially, we also buy BIO.
    Thank you for enjoying living here in Germany and having such a good opinion of our country and passing it on to your viewers.

  • @saadalbadri5210
    @saadalbadri5210 4 роки тому +2

    You speaking in very great way, Néeva!
    My greatest hello to your lucky husband 😁
    -American lives in the UK.

  • @doloresmey
    @doloresmey 4 роки тому +3

    Dein Englisch ist sehr gut zu verstehen! Für mich das richtige Tempo. Danke für deine Eindrücke. 😊

  • @Alias_Anybody
    @Alias_Anybody 4 роки тому +26

    "Toast is not toast until it has been toasted"
    You have to see it as an instruction manual. People who don't toast toast are weird.

    • @MichaEl-rh1kv
      @MichaEl-rh1kv 4 роки тому +3

      in fact the full name is "Toast-Brot" - bread for toasting. It's this somewhat squishy soft wheat bread. Personally however I prefer to toast a "Kastenbrot" (same form, but edible even without being toasted - a little bit crunchier and not pure wheat)

    • @floriansautter2458
      @floriansautter2458 4 роки тому

      German Toastbrot isn't toasted bread but bread that is meant for toasting. It needs to be a certain size an be squared or at least rectangular in order to fill a toaster. In its non-toasted form it most likely is too soft and non-crunchy for most Germans. Good non wholewheat lighter and glutenous bread is crunchy from the outside and soft or moist inside. It's different from Zwieback which isn't meant to be be baked twice but has already been.

    • @grandmak.
      @grandmak. 4 роки тому

      @Wolfgang Preier Norwegians do it all the time

  • @dahrrg
    @dahrrg 4 роки тому +2

    I read a study once in which people from different countries around the world have been asked what they miss the most when abroad for holidays, work etc. Most answers were related to food. Germans would miss the fantastic bread variety first.

  • @farkoosh50
    @farkoosh50 4 роки тому +11

    There are no cities in the states that have great transportation and lots of bikes. The closest might be Portland. But that is an anomaly. I for one just bought a very expensive electric bike so that I don't have to drive everywhere. The problem is that I am constantly terrified of it being stolen so I can barely go into anywhere without putting three locks on and making sure there are security guards around. Bike theft is rampant in the US, especially in cities that have a lot of bike lanes and riders. Gangs are brought to the cities in in Vans with angle grinders that can easily cut through any lock. The U.S is like a third world country where everyone thinks everything is theirs. no one understands community past their doorstep and certainly not past their paycheck. We don't expect anyone to help because they never have and the poor saps here don't think they deserve it. We are a country of battered spouses believing that this it is the way things are supposed to be. The dream of America is just that, A dream, nothing more. At 61 years old I cannot remember a time when America was great. There has always been poverty and suffering, racism and sexism, greed and graft. In every city, in every town in every corner of the nation. Don't let the movies from Hollywood fool you. This nation is suffering. This nation has never kept its promises because it has never really tried to make any.

    • @V100-e5q
      @V100-e5q 4 роки тому +2

      Its a carrot held in front of the donkey. You need to be tricky to really get the carrot.

    • @berulan8463
      @berulan8463 4 роки тому

      Sadly, I think you're right. But there are always opportunities for development. The greatest obstacle might be what we call “Neoliberalismus“ or “Turbokapitalismus“ where each and everything is about money.

    • @ericv7720
      @ericv7720 3 роки тому

      America has always been a plutocracy, and any course of improvement that would require the wealthy to pay just a little more in taxes gets thrown into immediate backlash. The fact that we almost had a right-wing extremist coup back in January points to fact that when the rich don't get what they want, there's always an army of goons to shake us down.

  • @PianistStefanBoetel
    @PianistStefanBoetel 4 роки тому +4

    When talking about nature I think Germany is extremely diverse in a relatively small area in terms of different geography and landscape. From the Sea to high mountains you have everything kind of reachable. Whereas the scale of each landscape in the U.S. is just huge which is also fascinating.

  • @thorz7304
    @thorz7304 4 роки тому +2

    I watch your videos at 135% speed. And i can perfectly understand you. Your pronounciation is very good.

  • @thomasgotting6105
    @thomasgotting6105 4 роки тому +17

    What I would like to know is: There are many Americans living in Germany and every single one loves our health care. Question: Do you tell your families in America about the health care here and what do they say? =)

    • @neevabee_
      @neevabee_  4 роки тому +5

      Yes and all of my family is very jealous!!

    • @swanpride
      @swanpride 4 роки тому +3

      Maybe that's the key...maybe Democrats shouldn't campaign on "healthcare for all", but instead of "Healthcare like in Germany". This way no Republican can claim that it doesn't work considering how long it already works in Germany.

    • @grandmak.
      @grandmak. 4 роки тому

      @@swanpride as far as I understand they don't claim it doesn't work, they rather assume that would be socialism which they are afraid of

    • @grandmak.
      @grandmak. 4 роки тому

      @Wolfgang Preier das meinst du ironisch, oder?

    • @grandmak.
      @grandmak. 4 роки тому

      @Wolfgang Preier du meine Güte !

  • @birgerhansen1532
    @birgerhansen1532 4 роки тому +3

    ..."some solid reasons" ;-) Spoken like a pro. - I like your videos.

  • @Jay-in-the-USA
    @Jay-in-the-USA 4 роки тому +5

    Das ist doch schön, dass es dir in Deutschland so gut gefällt. Ich nenne Toast-Brot immer Toast,....egal ob getoastet oder nicht 😁
    Und dein Englisch versteht man sehr gut!

  • @dereknewbury163
    @dereknewbury163 4 роки тому +3

    Good video and I really like your attitude. You speak quickly but very clearly: not a problem. Look forward to more from you - how easy is it to 'fit-in' in Germany?

  • @m.jl.m.eichhorn315
    @m.jl.m.eichhorn315 4 роки тому +4

    👍👏 ich sehe Sie so gerne🤗, hoffe auf viele weitere tolle Videos👏👏👏

  • @wallykaspars9700
    @wallykaspars9700 4 роки тому +1

    I like your points about living in Germany.
    Also, your treatment of the vine on the stair railing is interesting.

  • @CondorDrake
    @CondorDrake 4 роки тому +2

    As a German who has spent some time in the US as well, I think what you say is absolutely true, but it's just one side of the medal. Germany is a social economic country by it's constitution which is why we have things like Arbeitsamt or unemployment money etc. While I think this is great, it comes at the price of the lack of support for entrepreneurship or promotion of elites which is what the US does a lot better. That's the reason why we have no silicon valley, no facebook, youtube or other billion dollar startups. I'm running my own company for 12 years now and I can tell you it's so incredibly hard to get that started with all the extra taxes you need to pay that according to polls, 70% of Germans couldn't ever imagine starting their own business. Don't get me wrong, I'm happy with this country and the political way it is taking but I just wanted to say it comes at a price. You can't visit doctors for free or have free education without someone paying for it. The top 10% of people income-wise pay 90% of the total taxes and you already belong to those 10% when you just make a little more than average.

  • @hepti5865
    @hepti5865 4 роки тому +6

    I like your Videos and listening to your point of view 👍 You don‘t speak to fast. My English is not the best but I understand every single word you say.

  • @albrechtkusei5085
    @albrechtkusei5085 4 роки тому +6

    I call it "Toastbrot" before and " Toast" after it's toasted. On the bag however it says e.g "Butter Toast" or "Vollkorn Toast". That's the typical denglisch marketing fluff.

    • @Cadfael007
      @Cadfael007 4 роки тому +1

      I do it the same way. "Ich kaufe ein Toastbrot." but "Möchtest Du eine Scheibe Toast?" (after it's toasted).

  • @StefanC123
    @StefanC123 4 роки тому +3

    Point 1: Cannot say much, I am not an immigrant.
    Point 2: USA has a leadership of minority that continuesly blocks that. For me personally just the dumpest thing, but I am not here to talk about my frustration over the states.
    Point 3: Yeah right? Bread can be so amazing! So many types of bread, with sunflower seeds, with hazelnuts, a sour dough bread, rye,... Or even just the "normal" wheat one that still has a bunch of variations. For everyone who visits Germany: Go to a bakery and buy a "Vollkornbrot". How did you call your toast earlier? :D
    Point 4: I think it is just a logical thing to do. But we are still one of those rich countries who create tons of garbage, especially plastic, and ship it to other countries. What we are doing so far is not enough; not even close. We might not be as bad as e.g. USA or China, especially because we try to move in a better direction. But don't fall for that, we still have single packed candies, plastic around almost everything and even totally unnecessary packages like for fruits and vegetables. Try to find stuff that is not packed in plastic is a big challenge. We are not done yet. And the trash is not gone because we ship it away.
    Point 5: Well, Tübingen :D I know what you are talking about :D But I wouldn't say that South Germany is the prettiest, there are also wonderful landscapes in every other direction. They are just different from one and another. I cannot rate that :D Pretty is pretty, there is no "prettier than" :D
    Point 6: It is kinda related to point 4. But true, we have amazing public transportation. And people who say "it is shit" are just people who will never be happy with public transportation anyway.
    English: Cannot say much, I have a high level of English (I assume :P) and i understand you regardless your speed.

  • @Ilanuil
    @Ilanuil 3 роки тому +2

    Da liest jemand "Die Elfen" von Bernhard Hennen. Vorzüglicher Geschmack!

  • @Rainerjgs
    @Rainerjgs 4 роки тому +3

    Liebes Neeva-Bienchen,
    vielen herzlichen Dank für Deine so liebenswerte Liebe zu unserem Lande, welches nicht ohne Grund seit vielen Jahren zum beliebtesten Lande der Welt gewählt wird! - Ich liebe Deine so charmanten, ausdrucks- und liebevollen Auftritte, Deine so ausdrucksvolle Art und Dein anmutiges Aussehen und ich liebe alle Deine Videos!
    Allerdings wäre es wirklich gut wenn Du etwas ruhiger und langsamer sprächest, denn was wir Deutsche nicht mögen, ist die amerikanische Hektik und das oft überschnelle und aufgeregte Sprechen, zumal des amerikanische Englisch nicht unser Muttersprache ist und wir in der Schule das eleganter, ruhigere und harmonischere Oxford-Englisch gelernt haben!
    Du hast in Deinem heutigen Beitrage übersehen, daß auch in Deutschland das Toast-Brot nicht einfach nur "Toast" heißt, sondern dies nur die umgangssprachliche Abkürzung von "Toastbrot" ist. Wenn das Toastbrot aus dem Toaster kommt, dann ist es ein getostetes Toastbrot!
    Bevor Du also wieder einmal "insane" (verrückt) wegen irgend etwas in Deutschland wirst, solltest Du Dich besser erst einmal genauer erkundigen und besser hinschauen! Liebe Grüße vom, der dankbar dafür ist, daß uns die Amis zur Demokratie verholfen und nach dem Krieg vor dem Verhungern gerettet haben!

  • @megremisfamily4music
    @megremisfamily4music 4 роки тому +2

    I’d love to know how you decided to live in Germany and how you met your husband. Love your videos, Neeva Bee!

    • @neevabee_
      @neevabee_  4 роки тому +2

      Hi there! I actually already made a video about how I met my husband and moved to Germany :) feel free to check it out!

  • @adamwasserman9159
    @adamwasserman9159 2 роки тому

    Your video is very informative. Do not alter your speech or attitude. You are delightful.

  • @tasminoben686
    @tasminoben686 4 роки тому +8

    Moin Neeva, danke, dass du deine Ansichten mit uns teilst.
    Zu deiner Frage: Mein Englisch ist schlecht. Und du sprichst sehr klar und langsam genug, dass ich alles verstehen kann. Thanks a lot for this!
    Ist die kurze Ukulele am Anfang deiner Videos von dir? Wenn ja, vielleicht magst du uns mal etwas vorspielen?
    LG Ben aus Hamburg

  • @startup2017
    @startup2017 4 роки тому +1

    Your speed of talking is just good.

  • @swenschlobach8071
    @swenschlobach8071 4 роки тому +1

    I'm a German and your video was perfectly understandable for me. But I LOVE your offer to speak slowly, because this is what I missed the most when I had to deal with Americans in my profession. They simply had no feeling that for a foreigner English spoken in such a slang and speed is hard to understand. Sometimes I had the feeling that some felt that English had to be a kind of universal language that everyone in the world could understand immediately.

  • @tommycanadasmobazimmer
    @tommycanadasmobazimmer 4 роки тому +1

    As a former German, now living in Canada with similar Healthcare as Germany, it is just mind boggling how expensive and exclusive the American HC system is. I believe it is twice as expensive per capital as in 🇨🇦. It’s all about the dollars in the US. That’s why people work 50 or 60 hours per week, with 2 weeks vacation. But to what end???

  • @Sanginius23
    @Sanginius23 4 роки тому +1

    Here in Berlin I life perfectly fine without a car. Public Transport is great and my Bike and feet bring me wherever I want.
    Plus I save a ton of money, dont care about gas prices, insurance, repairs, parking etc.
    It is a no brainer to have no car.
    And if I do need a car, there are many car sharing vehicles everywhere on the streets to pick up super easy (all done with an App in 20 Seconds)

  • @schutzenfest6691
    @schutzenfest6691 4 роки тому +3

    Thema Toastbrot: In meiner Familie sagt man zum ungetoasteten Sandwich-Brot "Toastbrot" (Brot zum Toasten). Sobald es dann getoastet ist, sagen wir einfach Toast (ohne "Brot"). Anders kann man es aber auch nicht essen - "richtiges" Brot ist schon etwas ganz anderes.

  • @Cadfael007
    @Cadfael007 4 роки тому +9

    The South of Germany surely is NOT most eco friedly. They want to have electricty but no wind mills or solar panels. These have to be in the North of Germany and gigantic cables have to be layed so that the South has its electricity without wind mills. The South also wanted nuclear power but the nuclear waste has to be brought into the North.

    • @MichaEl-rh1kv
      @MichaEl-rh1kv 4 роки тому +3

      You're talking only for the SouthEast aka Bavaria. ;)

    • @andreaspoppe
      @andreaspoppe 4 роки тому +1

      Unfortunately you are 100% right.

    • @Hanmacx
      @Hanmacx 4 роки тому

      The South didn't wanted to build the power lines
      So they should deal with it

    • @Sanginius23
      @Sanginius23 4 роки тому +1

      In Bayern und BaWü hat doch quasi jedes zweite Hausdach PV Module darauf... Bei der Windenergie geb ich dir recht, allerdings ist das Flachland und küstennähe dafür besser geeignet

  • @CheesyElla
    @CheesyElla 4 роки тому +4

    I've never had a problem with you talking too fast (I usually speed up videos if people talk to slow anyways). and this comes from someone who was born and raised in Germany. But I think if some people have a problem understanding you then there's always the settings button for speed on every video that the person can adjust.
    Also about the Bio thing - I think it's widespread all around Germany. So not specific to the Southern regions :)

  • @xwormwood
    @xwormwood 4 роки тому +1

    You speak just fine, don't worry about the speed, it is perfect.

  • @dieterbuchholz7275
    @dieterbuchholz7275 4 роки тому +2

    Hi Neeva
    In my opinion your speeking speed is absolutely OK.
    Do not slow down.

  • @angiekimalthoff3503
    @angiekimalthoff3503 4 роки тому +5

    I don't think, that you talk too fast (for me). But I don't know all the vocabulary and then I wish me subtitles. O:-)
    I'm sorry for switch to german, but for what I want to say now, my english is not good enough.
    Mir wurde erzählt, dass viele Amerikaner diesen sozialen Gedanken nicht haben, der so typisch ist für die meisten Leute in Deutschland. Wir sind es hier gewohnt jeden Monat unseren Sozialbeitrag vom Lohn abgezogen zu bekommen und damit das Krankensystem zu finanzieren. Eben dieses Krankensystem ist es, was ich hier so gut gelungen finde und was ich mir für die USA wünschen würde - ich glaube dann gäbe es in den USA derzeit auch nicht so viele Tote durch Covid-19.
    Btw - thank you, for sharing your thoughts with us :-)

  • @brian5154
    @brian5154 3 роки тому

    Well thought out and erudite. You are not alone. I am a British immigant to your neighbour state the Netherlands, with a Dutch wife, and share your thoughts and experiences. I did live in Washington DC back in the mid sixties (I am 76) for 3 years. No you don't speak too fast. Brian Oosterbeek Netherlands.

  • @V100-e5q
    @V100-e5q 4 роки тому +1

    American bread is just that: toast. I am astonished to hear that there are different impressions about the eco-friendliness in different regions in Germany. For me it is about the same everywhere. But I have not lived in e.g. Bavaria. On my short stints as a visitor I couldn't find any differences.
    BTW: For me you could speed up your speech.

  • @shmazematze2067
    @shmazematze2067 3 роки тому

    Thank you for seeing the positive sides of germany :)

  • @PianistStefanBoetel
    @PianistStefanBoetel 4 роки тому +7

    We Germans flooded the comment section 😎💪😂

  • @else8
    @else8 2 роки тому

    We have to name this bread in plastic bags new, we took the English name for the product you will have after toasting -Toast. We also name the french type of whitebread baguette, the italian foccacia or chiabatta.. the indian naam etc..then you definitely now what you get. German names are often description of what things are for or their function.

  • @Naontaes
    @Naontaes 4 роки тому +1

    Toast is the short-form of Toastbrot, witch means, This is bread for getting toasted.

  • @juricarmichel5864
    @juricarmichel5864 4 роки тому +1

    Don't want to disillusion you, but i watched our local garbage collection filling their truck with residual waste and recyclable waste at the same time.
    Even read some reports of exporting recyclabe waste. E.g. train after train to France to burn it.
    In the end we are not No.1 in the world, that some other countries consider themselves to be. But we strive to do better in the future. At least i hope we do.

    • @swanpride
      @swanpride 4 роки тому

      I always see people claim this, but I have never seen this. The different garbage isn't even collected at the same time in my city. And I have seen the places were the recyclable waste is sorted in a documentary about the "worst jobs in Germany" (since there are actually humans sorting out a lot of the garbage which has to business to end up in a yellow bin, but still does because people are lazy idiots). Granted, the recycling rate isn't 100%, but it is still way higher than what most countries have.

  • @michaelcarmichael2800
    @michaelcarmichael2800 3 роки тому

    Hi Mrs Bee
    The American white bread is called "toast bread" some people.just shorten it to"toast"
    Mr Michael Carmichael
    Ps my dear Bavarian wife like it that you speak kindly of Germany

  • @markbailey286
    @markbailey286 4 роки тому +1

    Another interesting upbeat video covering some noteworthy topics, more of the same please 😀.

  • @potator9327
    @potator9327 4 роки тому

    Such videos are the reason why germans watch this kind of channel, to hear how great we are. What we never would claim for ourselves.

    • @farkoosh50
      @farkoosh50 4 роки тому

      Be proud of and cherish what you have made.

  • @dikkiedik53
    @dikkiedik53 4 роки тому +3

    Hi Neeva, I was able to follow your talking quite well. No problem at all. You are enthousiastic, but not overdone in my opinion. I'm from The Netherlands and a lot, so not all of the things you mentioned are valid for The Netherlands too. I visit Belgium, Luxemburg and France almost every year and yes 2 weeks ago I visited Germany too, in the neighborhood of Kleve. I'm able to communicate in Dutch, English, German and French. That's quite handy understanding people in the other Western Europe countries. I know all of the Western Europe countries have large similarities on your subjects and those are more or less part of the EU identity. In 2012 I got a heart infarct in the South of France, a week in hospital.. and yes France has a very good health care system too. I didn't have to pay anything extra. My normal Dutch healthcare insurance covered it. Dutch people sometimes go to Belgium for certain medical treatments so that must be good too. Recycling is everywhere in Europe. French bread is good too, but I agree German bread is special. I bought some special kinds of bread flower at Kaufland, so I'm able to bake good bread at home too now.
    Did you tour Europe already?

  • @ZoggFromBetelgeuse
    @ZoggFromBetelgeuse 3 роки тому

    Concerning the word "Toast": You can buy a *roast* at the butcher's, right? And it's called "roast" because it's made for being roasted - even if it's not roasted _yet_. anyway, nobody right in their mind would eat that without roasting it first. So the word "roast" might not be reflecting its state, but it does reflect its purpose (and future state, unless someone feeds it to their dog).
    Same for "Toast" in Germany.

  • @eisikater1584
    @eisikater1584 4 роки тому

    I'm German, and your talking speed is just fine for me, I understand you well. I watched American documentaries where they interviewed several people, and I think the worst was an elderly man from Georgia, I didn't understand a word. But that also often happens to me when I watch documentaries from Swiss TV. In the intro, they speak standard German, but then they interview a Swiss guy, and I find out there are no subtitles.

    • @MichaEl-rh1kv
      @MichaEl-rh1kv 4 роки тому

      Yeah, but in BR they have no subtitles interviewing Bavarians, too, and their language is way more difficult to understand than Swiss.

    • @eisikater1584
      @eisikater1584 4 роки тому

      @@MichaEl-rh1kv Depends on where you're from. I'm Bavarian, so I understand Austrian pretty well. If you live close to Switzerland, of course, you'll be good at understanding them.

  • @jimhayes1432
    @jimhayes1432 4 роки тому

    I live in the USA but lived in Germany some years ago. I also agree Germany is a much better country to live in. It is much more in tune with the proper way to run a society. Most of which has been mentioned in other replies I see listed. I agree with them all. I no longer feel safe in the USA. I think the USA is in serious difficulties, and I fear where its problems will lead. I can't imagine anyone thinking the USA is the world power it use to be. I hope you will enjoy a long and prosperous life in Germany with your husband. I think you are so much better off in Germany.

  • @markusschott7042
    @markusschott7042 4 роки тому

    It seems most foreigners who like Germany like it as you would like a car or some kind of machine. It works reliably, it looks great, it's comfortable.
    Very rarely have I heard that foreigners like the German people ...

  • @pucksberger
    @pucksberger 3 роки тому

    a co-worker of mine visited the US for work and there had been a McDonalds or BurgerKing right across the street from his hotel like 300 m away, he got there by foot and got arrested for going by foot. This was in Mason Ohio. No explaination given by the cops.

  • @beatrixpastoors1104
    @beatrixpastoors1104 4 роки тому +1

    Liebe Neeva, du hast eine wunderbar klare Aussprache und ein angenehmes Sprachtempo. Alles gut. 😊
    Es gibt diverse thematisch sehr ähnliche Videos wie deine, und es freut mich, wie einig sich die hier lebenden Ausländer über die Vorzüge unseres Landes sind. Ich selber bin ich sehr dankbar, hier leben zu dürfen. Natürlich fallen mir auch seeehr viele Missstände ein, aber im globalen Vergleich ist das wohl Jammern auf hohem Niveau. 😀
    Warum ungetoastetes Toastbrot oft einfach nur Toast genannt wird, verstehe ich auch nicht. Zum Glück gibt es Vollkorntoastbrot oder welches mit Körnern oder aus Dinkel- statt Weizenmehl. Trotzdem gilt es nicht gerade als gesund und wird sicher hauptsächlich für gebackene Sandwiches im spez. Sandwichtoaster gebraucht. Das weiche, labberige Zeug, das in den USA unter dem Begriff bread verkauft wird, möchte ich nicht essen müssen. Ich würde mir dann mein Brot selber backen.

  • @prozaque
    @prozaque 4 роки тому

    Real bread doesn't need to be toasted to be eaten. Crap bread does or it will just fall apart. So there is bread, and then there is toast. Not the same thing, not even close.
    The only time you'd eat toast untoasted is when you spread soft butter on it so your dutch chocolate sprinkles don't all fall off.

  • @vbvideo1669
    @vbvideo1669 4 роки тому +2

    Klasse Video! :)

  • @autojazz
    @autojazz 4 роки тому

    Danke dafür, das du dich entschieden hast in Deutschland zu leben.

  • @martinbruhn5274
    @martinbruhn5274 4 роки тому +2

    Me , personally, I don't have any problem understanding you, with your normal fast talking. But maybe others struggle more with english?

  • @seizegott
    @seizegott 3 роки тому

    Since you wanted to know what it is like coming to Germany as someone who is very obviously foreign to Germany (by name or color of their skin): I personally think that Germany is an insanely racist country. Now, this does not mean that Germans are insanely racist or that foreigners cannot live here safely or happily, however, it does mean that if you have a non-German name or if you are not white, you will definitely experience it very often that you are not given the same treatment as someone who is not recognised as a foreigner or who is German. This can range from things like you being asked where you're REALLY from because people do not think you can be a black German person, to comments about how things are probably in the alleged or actual culture you are coming from or just outright offensive and ignorant insults and comments by people.
    I personally do have a name that is very foreign and people recognise me as a foreigner and in 30 years I've lived in this country, I've experienced so much treatment that I've never witnessed any of my German friends receiving. I think this is something Germany has improved on in some areas but can definitely improve more on in the future. However, it starts with recognising that there is indeed a problem and that this is not about shaming Germans for having a certain custom or habit in regards to foreigners, but that it is about giving impulse for change.

  • @chrispp8642
    @chrispp8642 9 місяців тому

    You are very wellcome to be part of Germany ❤

  • @ChrisS-cj6xh
    @ChrisS-cj6xh 4 роки тому +3

    Manchmal frage ich mich bei solchen Videos, über welches Land es gerade geht. Ganz so rosarot sehe ich Deutschland als gebürtiger Deutscher nicht. Aber vieleicht braucht man auch mal den Blick von außen, um zu sehen, was man eigentlich hat

    • @swanpride
      @swanpride 4 роки тому +4

      Wir jammern halt auf hohem Niveau...und das ist auch gut so, denn nichts ist so gut, dass es nicht noch verbessert werden kann. Aber wir sollten uns trotzdem darüber im klaren sein, dass viele Dinge, die wir als Selbstverständlich hinnehmen, für die meisten Menschen eben das nicht ist. Wenn wir von Armut sprechen, dann reden wir von einem Lebensstandard der über dem ist, was in manchen Ländern der Durschnitt besitzt.

  • @tsenturio6488
    @tsenturio6488 4 роки тому +1

    Am i grazy i just love germany no reason i just dream abaut germany aaah i want to hug germany

  • @udoodu8023
    @udoodu8023 4 роки тому

    tolles video. du redest genau richtig. alles gut.

  • @n.i.naturlicheintelligenz9661
    @n.i.naturlicheintelligenz9661 3 роки тому

    You had me at mentioning bread.

  • @cadeeja.
    @cadeeja. 4 роки тому +1

    For me it's not too fast, I understand you just fine. :)

  • @tanjak72
    @tanjak72 3 роки тому

    I think you should mention that our sweets and snacks contain less sugar than in the US and taste great anyway.😁

  • @maesc2001
    @maesc2001 4 роки тому

    Sufficient enough? Okay 😉 Love you little bee ☺️

  • @olafweidemann6126
    @olafweidemann6126 4 роки тому +1

    I think you're speaking faster then Seth Meyers but I'm able to understand you and I need subtitles watching Seth.

  • @nicktankard1244
    @nicktankard1244 4 роки тому +2

    I watch way to much youtube so I'm used to people speaking fast :)

  • @xjhonshmitx
    @xjhonshmitx 3 роки тому

    This simple thing show the quality of life between USA and Europe , just bread 🍞

  • @sandrogattorno4962
    @sandrogattorno4962 3 роки тому

    The video is 8 months old but I want to comment on the same. I envy your husband so much that I almost hate him without knowing him;) Besides being beautiful you are also extremely intelligent and clear in expressing to you that I, who know English very badly, understood every single word. You are also an opportunity for me to demonstrate to your fellow Americans that it is not true that I have anti-American prejudices because when I hear Americans like you speak I am completely in agreement, vice versa in the comments if I try to discuss myself with your compatriots at second comment their watchwords are: socialist, brainwashed, lazy, and other such epithets. I'm sure they're obviously not a majority but on the internet they seem to be. Congratulations again for the video and keep it up :)

  • @AlphaLabsPro
    @AlphaLabsPro 4 роки тому +1

    The reason why we Germans call it "Toast" is actually, because it is meant to be toasted, to give it any kind of taste at all... 8)

  • @aleksandravanberg4332
    @aleksandravanberg4332 2 роки тому

    If I find a job and my sweetheart I am going to stay in Germany. Frankfurt is COOL !!!

  • @metallbaustamm3838
    @metallbaustamm3838 4 роки тому

    Der Süden Deutschlands ist aber weniger für sein gutes Brot bekannt. Sicher gibt es überall gute Bäckereien, aber gutes Brot bekommst Du eher hier in Rheinland Pfalz, im Schwarzwald oder anderso. Gutes Bier gibts im Süden öfter ;-)

  • @klauskleber5154
    @klauskleber5154 4 роки тому +2

    You speak loud and clear, so the speed is ok. :)

  • @susanneS371
    @susanneS371 3 роки тому

    We call it "Toastbrot" because we never eat it untoasted. Why would I eate an un-toasted slice of what tastes like a sponge to me when I can eat a slice of good, normal German bread???
    BTW I like your speaking pace and your videos.

  • @rebeccabarnes3330
    @rebeccabarnes3330 Рік тому

    I am an American who has a German daughter-in-law and will be visiting Germany this summer. I do not understand why America cannot provide health care to all; for some reason some portions of our government think "every man for himself" is the best way to live. No one I know goes to the doctor here unless they absolutely have to. The costs are ridiculous. Unfortunately, we have allowed the rich to buy our government representatives thru unlimited campaign contributions and so they are getting everything they want, which is to not pay their fair share of taxes so they can get even richer. The percentage of our GDP that goes to the upper 1 to 5% is ridiculous but it seems it is never enough for the wealthy. They continually demonize the working poor and refuse to raise wages to a living wage. I could go on and on but it appears you know all this; I am happy for you that you do not have to live in America.

  • @easyhobo
    @easyhobo 4 роки тому

    Überall in Deutschland wir recycelt und überall gibt es gute, regionale (Bio-) Produkte, nicht nur im "Süden".

  • @georgdrache7858
    @georgdrache7858 2 роки тому

    Public Transportation... yes. For us in germany it is pretty normal. Because, hey... there are 80 Million people living here. In a country the size of Montana or half of Texas. Of course we live much more closer. But you are right, a public tranaportion syszem will be netter in cities in the us.

  • @klausrtmr
    @klausrtmr 4 роки тому

    I'm listening the video at 1.25 speed, so definitely not too fast

  • @Mamaki1987
    @Mamaki1987 4 роки тому +2

    No, you don't speak to fast. At least for me you speak just right. BTW: you pronounce all the words so clearly that it is easy to understand you. Oh, yes the bread is the best here, especially he dark bread rolls.

  • @theonebucketlist
    @theonebucketlist 4 роки тому

    You don't speak too fast. I watched it on 2x speed. Nice video.

  • @Gerhard-Martin
    @Gerhard-Martin 4 роки тому

    Hey ^__^ "Danke für die Blumen", Neeva ! =D And: Yes, You speak slow enough, that I can understand all of it ! No Worry. But I don´t think your Assumption, that only the SOUTH of the Country here is eco-friendly & environmentally aware, or would be BETTER at this, is really true. 8-/ It´s a common Aspect of ALL of Germany. ^__^ The Differences may rather exist varying from Individual to Individual, not Region to Region. Well 8-/ I haven´t been to so many different Places in Germany yet :"> but I noticed, that for Example in Baden-Württemberg, there are NO public Containers provided, to collect Paper for Recycling. 8-/ Strange.

  • @Alejojojo6
    @Alejojojo6 3 роки тому

    Im from Europe, but not from Germany (although I know that country pretty well) and almost everything you said is true for most of Europe and not just Germany haha

  • @wilguali
    @wilguali 3 роки тому

    Dear Neeva Bee: I recommend you become an english teacher in Germany. They will love it!

  • @elmsfeuer
    @elmsfeuer 4 роки тому

    In the beginning you say something about a word sounds like "privilege".
    The subtile writes privilege as well. Am I mistaking? What so you mean specificly?

  • @JohnVanRaak-yx6cb
    @JohnVanRaak-yx6cb 4 роки тому

    You basically described Europe.