I hoped, that in 2025 WTA/ATP/ITF, would stop this nonsense of mixing sport with politics. Every player should have right to play under her/his country's flag. One cannot choose the country of one's birth. Appointing "flag police" at tennis tournaments is not even childish... it is embarrassing and insane... Wars are run by politicians not sportsmen/sportswomen. Why during the invasion of Iraq, 20 year bombing of Afghanistan, Syria, Yemen and Pakistan not to mention the genocidal Vietnam war US, Australian, UK... athletes were allowed to compete under their national flag? USA invaded Iraq in 2003 and yet their flag was still allowed at the World Cup 2006 in Germany and 2010 in South Africa despite the fact they were still in Iraq. Either ban ALL flags of countries who go to war, or don't ban any of them. Interestingly enough Israeli tennis players Mika Buchnik and Guy Sasson are allowed to play under the national flag in AO 2024 despite the policy of their government towards Palestinians in Gaza. *** All wars are equal, but some wars are more equal than others.
Узнать про нас - bolshe-tennis.ru/
Новости баскетбола и тенниса в одном месте - rngnsports.ru
Больше! Фан - www.youtube.com/@bigfuntennis
Симона SisЬkalep пропустит АО чтобы лучше подготовиться к следующему турниру. Ну чтобы там проиграть в первом круге !
ахахах!Очень весёлый выпуск)С новым годом,Больше!
Ахахаха, видос в конце зачёт 👍
А не в Сіднеї часом United CUP проводиться!!!!?
Теж Green Set робить
Ахахаха, Арина Соболенко: " Я действительно верю в чистый спорт". 🤣😆😂
Халеп просто разочаровала. Так сыграла и выложилась на WTL и тут типо устала, ну такое себе.
Эбден просто предал своего партнёра по паре типо он уже пенсионер, это нечто похожее как у женщин между Крейчиковой и Синяковой.
I hoped, that in 2025 WTA/ATP/ITF, would stop this nonsense of mixing sport with politics.
Every player should have right to play under her/his country's flag. One cannot choose the country of one's birth.
Appointing "flag police" at tennis tournaments is not even childish... it is embarrassing and insane...
Wars are run by politicians not sportsmen/sportswomen.
Why during the invasion of Iraq, 20 year bombing of Afghanistan, Syria, Yemen and Pakistan not to mention the genocidal Vietnam war US, Australian, UK... athletes were allowed to compete under their national flag?
USA invaded Iraq in 2003 and yet their flag was still allowed at the World Cup 2006 in Germany and 2010 in South Africa despite the fact they were still in Iraq.
Either ban ALL flags of countries who go to war, or don't ban any of them.
Interestingly enough Israeli tennis players Mika Buchnik and Guy Sasson are allowed to play under the national flag in AO 2024 despite the policy of their government towards Palestinians in Gaza.
All wars are equal, but some wars are more equal than others.