Thank you to everyone for visiting my channel and watching some of my videos regarding Collision Regulation. These ROR videos I made are based on the basic concept, the interrelation between rules, understanding, and experience that I have in order to help all Seafarers friends’ to understanding more about Collision Regulations. I am looking forward to any other opinion, input, any other ROR cases, or any orals questions regarding ROR for my reference to create other videos. I believe, the more cases/issues/query we raise and discuss is the better way to understanding more about collision regulation. Please write a comment below if you have anything related to Collision Regulation. Cheers, L-MARINE SERVICES
QUESTION: Case location is at High-sea, and you have seen a RAM on you port bow, intent to cross your bow from Port to starboard. What action should you take in such situation and as per which rule? Can we alter course to Port? ANSWER: Case: Case location, both vessel is at high sea, I am in PDV and RAM on my port bow having intention to cross my bow from Port to stbd side. This case is not Rule 15, this is not a crossing situation. Because as per Rule 3.(g) RAM is just a vessel, she is not a PDV whereas Crossing situation is for both PDV in crossing situation and ROC involve. This case is a Responsibility Case (Rule 18.(a)) - It is my responsibility as a PDV underway to Keep out of the way a RAM vessel Condition in this case: After taking a compass bearing, will check how the RAM approaching me, there are 3 possibility condition: 1. Compass bearing significantly change and I can see the RAM can safely passing ahead of me (Close bearing), which means there is no ROC. 2. Compass bearing significantly change, however the RAM speed is slow and I can see the RAM my passing astern of me (Open Bearing), and I can safely passing ahead of RAM, which means there is no ROC. 3. Compass bearing not appreciably change, means there is ROC involve between me and RAM From any of the above condition, based on Rule No. 18.(a), I shall keep out of the way this RAM vessel, so I have to comply with Rule 16 (Give-way Vessel) My action: As per Rule 16, I will take early action too keep well clear of RAM The following rules you can take into my consideration when taking action to avoid collision with RAM. (Take note: the following action are taken before ROC Exist and it is my obligation to take early and substantial action to prevent ROC exist) 1. OPTION A - if RAM can safely pass my bow, and if the circumstances of the case admit, I could alter my course to port and passing astern of RAM. When take this action, I will make sure to comply the following action to avoid collision (Rule 8): - Rule 8.(a) - The action that I have taken shall be positive, ample time and due regards to the observance of good seamanship - Rule 8.(b) - The alteration of course that I made shall be large enough to be readily apparent by RAM on my intention to pass astern of her - Rule 8.(d) - While taking this action, I will maintain a proper look out (Rule 5) and ensure the action that I have taken to result in passing at a safe distance and the effectiveness of my action shall be carefully check until the RAM Vessel pass and clear 2. OPTION B - if while approaching with RAM, I found RAM Speed is slow and I can see RAM passing astern of me, when acting, I will make sure to comply the following Rules: - I may increase my speed and keep proceed with my course and passing ahead of RAM Vessel - Determine if ROC Exist (Rule No.7) take a compass bearing and monitor if the bearing keep opening. - Rule 8.(a) - The action that I have taken shall be positive, ample time and due regards to the observance of good seamanship - Rule 8.(d) - While taking this action, I will maintain a proper look out (Rule 5) and ensure the action that I have taken to result in passing at a safe distance and the effectiveness of my action shall be carefully check until the RAM Vessel pass and clear 3. OPTION C - if an approaching RAM Vessel, compass bearing not appreciably change, which means ROC Exist, if the circumstances of the case admit, i will take a large alteration course to port and passing astern of RAM. When taking this action, I will ensure to comply the following action to avoid collision (Rule 8): - Rule 8.(a) - The action that I have taken shall be positive, ample time and due regards to the observance of good seamanship - Rule 8.(b) - The alteration of course that I made shall be large enough to be readily apparent by RAM on my intention to pass astern of her - Rule 8.(d) - While taking this action, I will maintain a proper look out (Rule 5) and ensure the action that I have taken to result in passing at a safe distance and the effectiveness of my action shall be carefully check until the RAM Vessel pass and clear THINGS TO REMEMBER FOR ALTERATION OF COURSE TO PORT These all factors that NOT ALLOWED the Power Driven Vessel (PDV) to alter her course to Port while taking action in a crossing situation by maneuver alone to avoid collision due to the other PDV required to keep out of the way is not taking appropriate action to avoid a collision: 1. The case involving Risk of Collision 2. The case is a Crossing Situation 3. You are on Power Driven Vessel (PDV) 4. The other vessel involved in the case is also a Power-Driven Vessels (PDV) 5. You are a Stand-on Vessel in the case 6. Circumstances of the case admit If any one of the above factors is excluded in the case, The vessel can alter her course to port.
QUESTION: What f the CBD is crossing in the TSS from Port side over to the stbd side, Own vessel is PDV, sees her on the port bow, what action should we take in such a situation and as per which rule? ANSWER Case: You are in PDV and CBD Crossing from the TSS from Port to stbd side of the lane. This case is not Rule 15 But this Case is Rule 18.d(i) - You in PDV Shall avoid impeding the safe passage of CBD). Define the situation: CBD on your port bow having intention to cross your bow from port side to stbd side. In this situation there is no ROC, so there is no stand on vessel (Rule 17) and/or give way vessel (Rule 16). It is only YOUR obligation to give sufficient sea room to CBD to pass and clear. Your action: As per Rule 8.(f).(i) take early action to allow sufficient sea room for the safe passage of CBD The following rules you can take as reference when take the above action. (Take note: the following action are taken before ROC Exist and it is your obligation to take early action to prevent ROC exist) 1. While taking action, Keep proceed at safe speed (Rule. 6) 2. OPTION A - if CBD can pass safely your bow, you can alter course to port and passing astern of CBD by enter the separation Zone (Rule 10.(i) - DO NOT enter the other lane. When you take this action make sure comply: - Rule 8.(a) - positive, ample time and due regards to the observance of good seamanship - Rule 8.(b) - make sure your action be large enough to be readily apparent by CBD - Rule 8.(d) - Make sure your action to result in passing at a safe distance and the effectiveness of your action shall be carefully check until CBD pass and clear 3. OPTION B - if you find that you don't have sufficient sea room in TSS to passing astern of CBD, when taking action to avoid collision, you can comply with the following rules: - Rule 8.(e) - Reduce / slacken your speed and let the CBD pass crossing ahead and clear - Rule 8.(a) - make sure your action is positive, ample time and due regards to the observance of good seamanship - Rule 8.(d) - Make sure your action to result in passing at a safe distance and the effectiveness of your action shall be carefully check until CBD pass and clear - Once CBD clear, your can increase back your speed but keep comply with Rule 6 - Safe Speed
QUESTION: We are on power driven vessel following the lane in TSS, on port bow, fishing vessel underway is crossing from port to stbd side. What action should the PDV take in a such situation and as per which rule? ANSWER: Case: You are in PDV following the traffic lane in TSS and you have FV (Fishing Vessel) on your port bow crossing from Port to stbd side of the lane. (Case Rule No. 10.(i)) Define the situation: Condition of the case: - As per Rule No 10.(i) - You are expecting the FV shall not impede your passage (PDV following a traffic lane). - There is no ROC at this moment then there is no stand on vessel (Rule 17) and/or give way vessel (Rule 16). - The approaching FV obligation to take early action give sufficient sea room to you (PDV following traffic lance TSS) Your Action: FIRST ACTION AND RULES TO COMPLY 1. Keep proceed with Safe Speed (Rule No.6) and Maintain a proper lookout (Rule No.5) 2. Monitor the action of the FV if she take any action to give sufficient sea-room for you. (Rule 8.(f).(i)) 3. Determine if ROC Exist (Rule No.7) take a compass bearing and monitor if the bearing of this approaching vessel change or maintaining. 4. If the FV take early action and give your sufficient sea-room, keep proceed and follow the general direction of traffic lane and maintain safe speed FOLLOW UP RULES TO APPLY WHEN ROC EXIST: However, When you notice that the FV did not take early action and ROC involve in this case, then you must act and comply the following rules: 1. As per Rule 8.(f).(iii) - You remain fully obliged to comply with PART B Rules when ROC exist during approaching with FV 2. Rules Part B - Based on the type of vessel involve in this case. You have to company with Rule No. 18.(a) - PDV underway shall keep out of the way of FV 3. Based on Rule 18.(a) - Now you are become Give-way vessel (To comply with Rule 16) - Take early and substantial action to keep well clear, and FV become Stand-on Vessel (To comply Rule 17) YOUR ACTION TO AVOID COLLISION: when taking action to avoid collision, you can comply with the following rules: 1. OPTION A - if the FV is passing your bow, and you have sufficient sea-room to pass her astern, you can alter course to port and passing astern of FV by enter the separation Zone (Rule 10.(i) to avoid immediate danger. - But take note: DO NOT enter the other traffic lane. Once you are clear of the FV, you can alter back and follow the traffic lane. When you take this action make sure comply: - Rule 8.(a) - positive, ample time and due regards to the observance of good seamanship - Rule 8.(b) - make sure your action be large enough to be readily apparent by FV - Rule 8.(d) - Make sure your action to result in passing at a safe distance and the effectiveness of your action shall be carefully check until the FV pass and clear 2. OPTION B - when taking action to avoid collision and you find that you don't have sufficient sea room in TSS to passing astern of FV, you can reduce your speed and comply with the following rules: - Rule 8.(e) - Reduce / slacken your speed and let the FV pass crossing ahead and clear - Rule 8.(a) - make sure your action is positive, ample time and due regards to the observance of good seamanship - Rule 8.(d) - Make sure your action to result in passing at a safe distance and the effectiveness of your action shall be carefully check until FV pass and clear - Once the FV clear, your can increase back your speed but keep comply with Rule 6 - Safe Speed and continue to follow the traffic lane.
Thank you to everyone for visiting my channel and watching some of my videos regarding Collision Regulation. These ROR videos I made are based on the basic concept, the interrelation between rules, understanding, and experience that I have in order to help all Seafarers friends’ to understanding more about Collision Regulations.
I am looking forward to any other opinion, input, any other ROR cases, or any orals questions regarding ROR for my reference to create other videos. I believe, the more cases/issues/query we raise and discuss is the better way to understanding more about collision regulation.
Please write a comment below if you have anything related to Collision Regulation.
Case location is at High-sea, and you have seen a RAM on you port bow, intent to cross your bow from Port to starboard. What action should you take in such situation and as per which rule? Can we alter course to Port?
Case: Case location, both vessel is at high sea, I am in PDV and RAM on my port bow having intention to cross my bow from Port to stbd side.
This case is not Rule 15, this is not a crossing situation. Because as per Rule 3.(g) RAM is just a vessel, she is not a PDV whereas Crossing situation is for both PDV in crossing situation and ROC involve.
This case is a Responsibility Case (Rule 18.(a)) - It is my responsibility as a PDV underway to Keep out of the way a RAM vessel
Condition in this case:
After taking a compass bearing, will check how the RAM approaching me, there are 3 possibility condition:
1. Compass bearing significantly change and I can see the RAM can safely passing ahead of me (Close bearing), which means there is no ROC.
2. Compass bearing significantly change, however the RAM speed is slow and I can see the RAM my passing astern of me (Open Bearing), and I can safely passing ahead of RAM, which means there is no ROC.
3. Compass bearing not appreciably change, means there is ROC involve between me and RAM
From any of the above condition, based on Rule No. 18.(a), I shall keep out of the way this RAM vessel, so I have to comply with Rule 16 (Give-way Vessel)
My action:
As per Rule 16, I will take early action too keep well clear of RAM
The following rules you can take into my consideration when taking action to avoid collision with RAM. (Take note: the following action are taken before ROC Exist and it is my obligation to take early and substantial action to prevent ROC exist)
1. OPTION A - if RAM can safely pass my bow, and if the circumstances of the case admit, I could alter my course to port and passing astern of RAM.
When take this action, I will make sure to comply the following action to avoid collision (Rule 8):
- Rule 8.(a) - The action that I have taken shall be positive, ample time and due regards to the observance of good seamanship
- Rule 8.(b) - The alteration of course that I made shall be large enough to be readily apparent by RAM on my intention to pass astern of her
- Rule 8.(d) - While taking this action, I will maintain a proper look out (Rule 5) and ensure the action that I have taken to result in passing at a safe distance and the effectiveness of my action shall be carefully check until the RAM Vessel pass and clear
2. OPTION B - if while approaching with RAM, I found RAM Speed is slow and I can see RAM passing astern of me, when acting, I will make sure to comply the following Rules:
- I may increase my speed and keep proceed with my course and passing ahead of RAM Vessel
- Determine if ROC Exist (Rule No.7) take a compass bearing and monitor if the bearing keep opening.
- Rule 8.(a) - The action that I have taken shall be positive, ample time and due regards to the observance of good seamanship
- Rule 8.(d) - While taking this action, I will maintain a proper look out (Rule 5) and ensure the action that I have taken to result in passing at a safe distance and the effectiveness of my action shall be carefully check until the RAM Vessel pass and clear
3. OPTION C - if an approaching RAM Vessel, compass bearing not appreciably change, which means ROC Exist, if the circumstances of the case admit, i will take a large alteration course to port and passing astern of RAM.
When taking this action, I will ensure to comply the following action to avoid collision (Rule 8):
- Rule 8.(a) - The action that I have taken shall be positive, ample time and due regards to the observance of good seamanship
- Rule 8.(b) - The alteration of course that I made shall be large enough to be readily apparent by RAM on my intention to pass astern of her
- Rule 8.(d) - While taking this action, I will maintain a proper look out (Rule 5) and ensure the action that I have taken to result in passing at a safe distance and the effectiveness of my action shall be carefully check until the RAM Vessel pass and clear
These all factors that NOT ALLOWED the Power Driven Vessel (PDV) to alter her course to Port while taking action in a crossing situation by maneuver alone to avoid collision due to the other PDV required to keep out of the way is not taking appropriate action to avoid a collision:
1. The case involving Risk of Collision
2. The case is a Crossing Situation
3. You are on Power Driven Vessel (PDV)
4. The other vessel involved in the case is also a Power-Driven Vessels (PDV)
5. You are a Stand-on Vessel in the case
6. Circumstances of the case admit
If any one of the above factors is excluded in the case, The vessel can alter her course to port.
What f the CBD is crossing in the TSS from Port side over to the stbd side, Own vessel is PDV, sees her on the port bow, what action should we take in such a situation and as per which rule?
Case: You are in PDV and CBD Crossing from the TSS from Port to stbd side of the lane. This case is not Rule 15 But this Case is Rule 18.d(i) - You in PDV Shall avoid impeding the safe passage of CBD).
Define the situation:
CBD on your port bow having intention to cross your bow from port side to stbd side. In this situation there is no ROC, so there is no stand on vessel (Rule 17) and/or give way vessel (Rule 16). It is only YOUR obligation to give sufficient sea room to CBD to pass and clear.
Your action:
As per Rule 8.(f).(i) take early action to allow sufficient sea room for the safe passage of CBD
The following rules you can take as reference when take the above action. (Take note: the following action are taken before ROC Exist and it is your obligation to take early action to prevent ROC exist)
1. While taking action, Keep proceed at safe speed (Rule. 6)
2. OPTION A - if CBD can pass safely your bow, you can alter course to port and passing astern of CBD by enter the separation Zone (Rule 10.(i) - DO NOT enter the other lane.
When you take this action make sure comply:
- Rule 8.(a) - positive, ample time and due regards to the observance of good seamanship
- Rule 8.(b) - make sure your action be large enough to be readily apparent by CBD
- Rule 8.(d) - Make sure your action to result in passing at a safe distance and the effectiveness of your action shall be carefully check until CBD pass and clear
3. OPTION B - if you find that you don't have sufficient sea room in TSS to passing astern of CBD, when taking action to avoid collision, you can comply with the following rules:
- Rule 8.(e) - Reduce / slacken your speed and let the CBD pass crossing ahead and clear
- Rule 8.(a) - make sure your action is positive, ample time and due regards to the observance of good seamanship
- Rule 8.(d) - Make sure your action to result in passing at a safe distance and the effectiveness of your action shall be carefully check until CBD pass and clear
- Once CBD clear, your can increase back your speed but keep comply with Rule 6 - Safe Speed
We are on power driven vessel following the lane in TSS, on port bow, fishing vessel underway is crossing from port to stbd side. What action should the PDV take in a such situation and as per which rule?
Case: You are in PDV following the traffic lane in TSS and you have FV (Fishing Vessel) on your port bow crossing from Port to stbd side of the lane. (Case Rule No. 10.(i))
Define the situation:
Condition of the case:
- As per Rule No 10.(i) - You are expecting the FV shall not impede your passage (PDV following a traffic lane).
- There is no ROC at this moment then there is no stand on vessel (Rule 17) and/or give way vessel (Rule 16).
- The approaching FV obligation to take early action give sufficient sea room to you (PDV following traffic lance TSS)
Your Action:
1. Keep proceed with Safe Speed (Rule No.6) and Maintain a proper lookout (Rule No.5)
2. Monitor the action of the FV if she take any action to give sufficient sea-room for you. (Rule 8.(f).(i))
3. Determine if ROC Exist (Rule No.7) take a compass bearing and monitor if the bearing of this approaching vessel change or maintaining.
4. If the FV take early action and give your sufficient sea-room, keep proceed and follow the general direction of traffic lane and maintain safe speed
However, When you notice that the FV did not take early action and ROC involve in this case, then you must act and comply the following rules:
1. As per Rule 8.(f).(iii) - You remain fully obliged to comply with PART B Rules when ROC exist during approaching with FV
2. Rules Part B - Based on the type of vessel involve in this case. You have to company with Rule No. 18.(a) - PDV underway shall keep out of the way of FV
3. Based on Rule 18.(a) - Now you are become Give-way vessel (To comply with Rule 16) - Take early and substantial action to keep well clear, and FV become Stand-on Vessel (To comply Rule 17)
when taking action to avoid collision, you can comply with the following rules:
1. OPTION A - if the FV is passing your bow, and you have sufficient sea-room to pass her astern, you can alter course to port and passing astern of FV by enter the separation Zone (Rule 10.(i) to avoid immediate danger. - But take note: DO NOT enter the other traffic lane. Once you are clear of the FV, you can alter back and follow the traffic lane.
When you take this action make sure comply:
- Rule 8.(a) - positive, ample time and due regards to the observance of good seamanship
- Rule 8.(b) - make sure your action be large enough to be readily apparent by FV
- Rule 8.(d) - Make sure your action to result in passing at a safe distance and the effectiveness of your action shall be carefully check until the FV pass and clear
2. OPTION B - when taking action to avoid collision and you find that you don't have sufficient sea room in TSS to passing astern of FV, you can reduce your speed and comply with the following rules:
- Rule 8.(e) - Reduce / slacken your speed and let the FV pass crossing ahead and clear
- Rule 8.(a) - make sure your action is positive, ample time and due regards to the observance of good seamanship
- Rule 8.(d) - Make sure your action to result in passing at a safe distance and the effectiveness of your action shall be carefully check until FV pass and clear
- Once the FV clear, your can increase back your speed but keep comply with Rule 6 - Safe Speed and continue to follow the traffic lane.