Bottled water in nyc is $4-$5 at places for 16 ounces. Very pricey. I just carry around my reusable stainless steel bottle and refill as needed. $0 cost.
We have Trader Joe’s grocery stores in the US and they sell bananas by the piece. Only 19 cents per conventional banana & 29 cents per organic banana. Really cheap.
Bottled water in nyc is $4-$5 at places for 16 ounces. Very pricey. I just carry around my reusable stainless steel bottle and refill as needed. $0 cost.
Knew for a fact that the convenient stores cost more .. 可以選擇唔去買、小朋友亦可以選擇唔生
We have Trader Joe’s grocery stores in the US and they sell bananas by the piece. Only 19 cents per conventional banana & 29 cents per organic banana. Really cheap.
無乜錢 咪學^首富 豪-利益公眾
你們好:以前便利店、初初香蕉最平都要$ 4 元 1 隻!
當然有平嘅罐装饮品啦,如数字洲嘅3蚊罐橙汁、咖啡,另外,乜兴超市和一些小型的家庭式超市都有4蚊樽钦品等等 ......
唔信 耶穌,患症等死(有藥無$食)異教徒 有排申請=申請老人院😅
無$咪飲食 今6宗教 無意 濟貧Hk無貧民/肥民大把
窮底出身 愛坐 茶餐廳😅富2吼酒店😅思浩.無腦-4萬尺價樓,未減價/做飲食業(你)點會 無知 零售價