This is a great fishing ground. I have fished here growing up. There is a great salmon run through here in August and September. Buoy 10 separates the river from the Pacific. I have piloted a small vessel through there many times when the Columbia closes for fishing and the ocean is open. Ive been up close to those pilot boats. Really impressive vessels.
I, Have Been Across That Bar A Few Times On A Couple Different Ships. Always Exciting Especially When You Are In The Middle Deck With A Tray Full Of Food ( Stewards) .
Isn’t it funny how every country has “The most dangerous stretch of water in the world” The North Sea, The Barents Sea, The Bermuda Triangle, The North West Passage, Irminger Sea, Drake Passage, The Gulf Of Aden and much much more. I think it’s fair to say they are all dangerous waters.
Drake Passage imho has the best credentials, the currents there are just the strongest in the world so besides the cold there I am sure this current also produces the most dangerous waves.
My grandfather and his brother worked on barges crossing the Columbia River during the 40''s. Back then, safety measures were just ropes. One time, he had to "jump" from his tow boat to a barge to secure it for towing. One time he saw a silhouette of a large 18 foot shark at the entrance of the Colombia River. That was considered unbelievable at the time but now we know it's true: many great whites frequent these waters: usually the big ones to sustain against the cold water. Oregon is underrated for its disasters on the sea, especially when you have the confluence of a very large Colombia River (think Mississippi size) with the Pacific Ocean.
I spent many years on a Canadian Ocean Research Vessel Defense Research during the Cold War, the Cold War era was a blast when ships would run for cover in a storm we would head right in to it we would have to test stuff under the worst possible conditions
Hi Budo n' Tracy. It's really nice to see you two back, you've been missed. You're my favourite watch on UA-cam. I'm now looking forward to catching up with the kitchen and workshop build, especially the workshop. Being a workshop fiend myself it's build is very interesting to me, though I do enjoy all your videos.👍
The Real Heros are the Pilot Boat Captains and crew the Helo Pilot's and crew they would do anything to help a Harbour Piolet in destress. BUT REGAURDLESS THEY ARE ALL BRAVE MEN & WOMAN
At 20:21 and when the ship is precariously close to the fishing boat .. the pilot asks the captain what his draft is …… really! Seems contrived to me as o would think the pilot captain would know all that before he even boarded … is are they really that unaware of the specs of the ship they are piloting ? Sincere question
Yep being a first responder I agree when you start looking at what can go wrong above and beyond the risk that is inherent ,time 2 retire amazing people these captain pilots.also the chopper pilot.
A potentially great video spoilt by a commentator trying to inject tension into a normal situation. Dont waste your time unless watching with the mute on!!!!
If they are using a chopper Why wouldn't there be a designated safety post they could hold on or even latch to with a safety harness until they were connected to the helicopter harness?
Why wouldn't they have a catch net, like acrobats use for the pilot to jump in to? Hook up a safety harness before he comes down the ladder and swing him over the net with a outrigger?
Exactly what I was thinking. I'd much rather hop on to an angled net than the hard pilot boat platform. Maybe using a hang glider or parasail from the helicopter would be an exciting option for boarding the big ships in heavy weather 😂
To be honest, the piloting of these massive behemoths seems to me it would be far better if done by a computer, a system that has the seabed maps, the shoreline contours and it's associated rocks, the real time currents and tidal levels, the windspeeds and directions, the stats for the ship itself, it's gross weight, speed, heading, engine setting, everything, so that it could plot the optimal path right through there without a single issue, such a system wouldn't be that hard to write, maybe they already have it...
I had no idea!! Thanks for posting this. The question would be: why have a port, let alone three major ports, on this deathtrap?? And why would they chance the sinking of the giant ships and their crew, in order to avoid a tiny, reckless boat, playing funny in the hazardous shipping lanes? I would go straight, and if they wished to, get rammed and sailed over.
@@loganurquhart11 and all the way up to the dallas, OR and up the snake river also, and theres a ship yard in portland and even navy ships go up the river to portland
Watch your videos is like having coffee with a friend, as you would not necessary recognise us. I consider you a friend. The raw videos are part and parcel. Have some fun, you only get to do once
There would be a limit to the amount of hard liquor you could drink on the job, there. No more than a mickey or two. You'd have to keep your wits about you.
If I were to make an amazing documentary about this absolute giant of movie I'd have to say it's extremely over dramatic using it's full range of adjectives. Bringing this thing to the limits of man kind's ability to bear absolutely collossal repetitions and lengthening routine manouvers might turn deadly when your senses are flooded with words barely describing the situation realistically
Almost 7 minutes in and it's just way too over-dramatized for me. At "angry waves," that was all I could take. Wish this could have been a more sober (realistic) look at this very interesting topic, but you tried to make a "Deadly Catch" version.
No, they dont have 15 days off because the job is so exhausting, its called regulation. So for every day work you have 1 day off. Its standard in the industry 🤣 and yeah its too dramatic for what it is. Try sailing in Norway 🤣
Thanks for the continues update😊 I'd rather trade the Crypto market as its more profitable. I make an average of $15,000 per week even though I barely trade myself
Awesome! These captains are real-life heroes. They should be more famous.
This is a great fishing ground. I have fished here growing up. There is a great salmon run through here in August and September. Buoy 10 separates the river from the Pacific. I have piloted a small vessel through there many times when the Columbia closes for fishing and the ocean is open. Ive been up close to those pilot boats. Really impressive vessels.
Logan, I would very much appreciate hearing more about your experience on the Columbia bar…willing to share more?
It is our Time....
Thankyou for making sense of all the Non-sense.
We will WIN!!!
I, Have Been Across That Bar A Few Times On A Couple Different Ships. Always Exciting Especially When You Are In The Middle Deck With A Tray Full Of Food ( Stewards) .
Isn’t it funny how every country has “The most dangerous stretch of water in the world” The North Sea, The Barents Sea, The Bermuda Triangle, The North West Passage, Irminger Sea, Drake Passage, The Gulf Of Aden and much much more. I think it’s fair to say they are all dangerous waters.
@@ManMountainMetals yes the Barents Sea. Use google earth you’ll find it.
I think it's safe to take the Bermuda Triangle off the list.
There is more boats sank there than any where else in the world
you forgot the Bass straight running between mainland Australia and Tasmania
Drake Passage imho has the best credentials, the currents there are just the strongest in the world so besides the cold there I am sure this current also produces the most dangerous waves.
“you dont have to be crazy to do this but it helps”❤ it
My grandfather and his brother worked on barges crossing the Columbia River during the 40''s. Back then, safety measures were just ropes. One time, he had to "jump" from his tow boat to a barge to secure it for towing. One time he saw a silhouette of a large 18 foot shark at the entrance of the Colombia River. That was considered unbelievable at the time but now we know it's true: many great whites frequent these waters: usually the big ones to sustain against the cold water. Oregon is underrated for its disasters on the sea, especially when you have the confluence of a very large Colombia River (think Mississippi size) with the Pacific Ocean.
David, we are researching stories on crossing the bar, are you local to the Columbia? Would love to hear more of your Grandfathers tales.
I live in Sydney Australia 🇦🇺, I had no idea the Pacific ocean is this large
@@CreativeAssemblers I have him on recording on this: my aunt taped this, let me see if I can find it
I spent many years on a Canadian Ocean Research Vessel Defense Research during the Cold War, the Cold War era was a blast when ships would run for cover in a storm we would head right in to it we would have to test stuff under the worst possible conditions
Sounds very interesting
It's not just Oregon's river, it's Washington's river too
24:14 takes off from lake without landing gear; retracts landing gear🤔😂😂
Hi Budo n' Tracy. It's really nice to see you two back, you've been missed. You're my favourite watch on UA-cam. I'm now looking forward to catching up with the kitchen and workshop build, especially the workshop. Being a workshop fiend myself it's build is very interesting to me, though I do enjoy all your videos.👍
Loving this episode 🎉
The Real Heros are the Pilot Boat Captains and crew the Helo Pilot's and crew they would do anything to help
Awesome vid - very interesting!
This has given me great respect for the river pilots.
At 20:21 and when the ship is precariously close to the fishing boat .. the pilot asks the captain what his draft is …… really! Seems contrived to me as o would think the pilot captain would know all that before he even boarded … is are they really that unaware of the specs of the ship they are piloting ? Sincere question
I love Astoria. Our parents took us on amazing vacations and we visited there many time. ❤
Yep being a first responder I agree when you start looking at what can go wrong above and beyond the risk that is inherent ,time 2 retire amazing people these captain pilots.also the chopper pilot.
Majestic VIDEO!!!! BRAVOOOO...
You guys are just amazing and you 😮😮 biggest Texas
Great video!
A potentially great video spoilt by a commentator trying to inject tension into a normal situation.
Dont waste your time unless watching with the mute on!!!!
I get it but I live here and the bar is pretty safe in August and September.
The 📷 man is amazing!!!
I didn't knew Kenny Rogers was a bar pilot until this😮
Only drama, no information. 😮
I wonder how much a piloting job costs the ship - those choppers aren't cheap !
Few $10000??
Been across the bar in the fog and was almost taken out by a coast guard boat. Never going back!
These chopper pilots who retrieve maritime pilots from vessels in stormy seas are the true pick-up artists.
Last time I checked I think these pilots make over 350k a year.
And some make more
Actually they make 180k per year and that's anything but bad
Never rush the A and P technicians. When he says we are safe to fly we will fly.
Heads up -Aussie navie has bad experience now with the sea hawk.
Great captain!
If they are using a chopper Why wouldn't there be a designated safety post they could hold on or even latch to with a safety harness until they were connected to the helicopter harness?
Why wouldn't they have a catch net, like acrobats use for the pilot to jump in to? Hook up a safety harness before he comes down the ladder and swing him over the net with a outrigger?
Exactly what I was thinking. I'd much rather hop on to an angled net than the hard pilot boat platform. Maybe using a hang glider or parasail from the helicopter would be an exciting option for boarding the big ships in heavy weather 😂
Perfect idea
brave pilots !!!
Why don't they deepening the bar so that the route becomes more easily to steer a ship
How would they do that? The sand bars are always changing out there from the tides
Imagine there were canneries all around both sides of the Columbia. 😊
To be honest, the piloting of these massive behemoths seems to me it would be far better if done by a computer, a system that has the seabed maps, the shoreline contours and it's associated rocks, the real time currents and tidal levels, the windspeeds and directions, the stats for the ship itself, it's gross weight, speed, heading, engine setting, everything, so that it could plot the optimal path right through there without a single issue, such a system wouldn't be that hard to write, maybe they already have it...
U go girl cool
Welcome to our world
The Colombia River in America is DANGEROUS but the people are so wise CANE they nothing do there on ... we do many things BUT IS THIS NOT ONE ????😢
It’s not luck it’s Gods Grace Amen
This is humor 😀
Helicopter all the way
I had no idea!! Thanks for posting this. The question would be: why have a port, let alone three major ports, on this deathtrap??
And why would they chance the sinking of the giant ships and their crew, in order to avoid a tiny, reckless boat, playing funny in the hazardous shipping lanes? I would go straight, and if they wished to, get rammed and sailed over.
A lot of these ships come up river to Portland.
@@loganurquhart11 and all the way up to the dallas, OR and up the snake river also, and theres a ship yard in portland and even navy ships go up the river to portland
Idiot, can't be reckless on purpose like running over a Rabbit on purpose
If he doesn't like being dangled on a line over a ship, then he should definitely get a different job.
Interesting but way too many ads.
Haven't sailed there yet, but as far as I am concerned..."Tonnage has right of way!"
Sail boats do.
12:13 willhelm
I went out in a 19' seaswirl
Watch your videos is like having coffee with a friend, as you would not necessary recognise us. I consider you a friend. The raw videos are part and parcel. Have some fun, you only get to do once
There would be a limit to the amount of hard liquor you could drink on the job, there. No more than a mickey or two. You'd have to keep your wits about you.
That’s not what they meant when they said Bar Pilot. 😂
If I were to make an amazing documentary about this absolute giant of movie I'd have to say it's extremely over dramatic using it's full range of adjectives. Bringing this thing to the limits of man kind's ability to bear absolutely collossal repetitions and lengthening routine manouvers might turn deadly when your senses are flooded with words barely describing the situation realistically
H&S UK never would a pilot walk over wet logs
Unfortunately bar pilots are going to be a thing of the past with the amount of new technology coming to industry
Sad, another job lost to technology, but if uts safer it's better
Surely these are called pilots ?
Almost 7 minutes in and it's just way too over-dramatized for me. At "angry waves," that was all I could take. Wish this could have been a more sober (realistic) look at this very interesting topic, but you tried to make a "Deadly Catch" version.
Sure on edge of no return when go at mother nature
No, they dont have 15 days off because the job is so exhausting, its called regulation. So for every day work you have 1 day off. Its standard in the industry 🤣 and yeah its too dramatic for what it is. Try sailing in Norway 🤣
Calm down guys. Most of the time these guys wait and drink coffee. Stop pretending they're fighting a war.
Way too dramatic
I know I can’t even keep watching it haha
Been there done that and it's not dramatic.
Same template for just about every show. Danger, equipment failure, out of time. Wash rinse repeat.
Reckon they’d could’ve squeezed in a bit more shaky camera and a few more performance enhancing adjectives. Somewhere.
Pakeha don't care we do
All these unscripted show all interesting bit they insult our intelligence with the made up tension.
Feminists have left the Group Chat😂😂😂
It’s chi-nook like the salmon not chin-ook lol
Thanks for the continues update😊 I'd rather trade the Crypto market as its more profitable. I make an average of $15,000 per week even though I barely trade myself
Please how do you do that?
After I came across investment platform of Mrs Amelia Benson my financial life has totally changed. I'm not bothered about the market fluctuations.
Scammer be gone!