Black Ivory Don't Turn Around Live 1972

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024

КОМЕНТАРІ • 1,8 тис.

  • @wandamitchell1806
    @wandamitchell1806 5 місяців тому +130

    JULY 2024..... I'm almost 70 still listening !!!!!!

  • @walterjenkins4536
    @walterjenkins4536 2 роки тому +44

    Music is the one and only tTrue Time Machine !

  • @honeylove7678
    @honeylove7678 2 роки тому +57

    I was in high school when this was out and played it over and over, over, over,!!!!

  • @simshill295
    @simshill295 Рік тому +43

    Still loving this group and song in 2023. I still have my album and cassette. Sweet love music 🎶

  • @galewash11
    @galewash11 2 роки тому +93

    Loved this group they had voices and could sing. Miss the 70s.

    • @pamelabodley
      @pamelabodley Рік тому +4

      Me too. The music now doesn't compare.

    • @ujimajame4601
      @ujimajame4601 10 місяців тому +5

      They are still around with the same three members (- the afros). The only difference is Stuart Bascombe (the light skinned Brother in the middle) and lead singer Leroy Burgess have switched roles. The other member is Russell Patterson.

    • @Denise-qz5nz
      @Denise-qz5nz 8 місяців тому +2

      Get me a seat on that mothership. Don't forget your flashlight.

    • @holycow1697
      @holycow1697 3 місяці тому

      ​@@ujimajame4601 and boy can sing. 🥰

  • @karenstewart1265
    @karenstewart1265 Рік тому +53

    You will not see stepping like that anymore. Beautiful Song.❤

    • @65May2
      @65May2 4 місяці тому +1


  • @NaturalMonty
    @NaturalMonty 13 років тому +122

    Black Ivory and The Delfonics were the groups no one could touch. They sang such beautiful love songs, the words were clear and their voices were so pure--nothing but solid Black Gold music to our ears. Groups don't come like this anymore or ever will again.

  • @milovy9659
    @milovy9659 Рік тому +74

    Wishing they made love songs like this nowadays. I would love to see them perform live.

    • @pamelabodley
      @pamelabodley Рік тому +7

      They're actually still performing. They were in Atlantic City in Summer 2022, all the original members.

    • @jamescarter8699
      @jamescarter8699 11 місяців тому

      I did ,they were great. But just a one hit wonder . Yeah, how sad.

    • @jamescarter8699
      @jamescarter8699 11 місяців тому

      From my experience as a stage musician I could definitely write for them. And have them re-do old hits that fit their personna. Imagine a show with all the love songs by groups of their own gendre????? Money, money & MO money.

    • @internetuser7156
      @internetuser7156 5 місяців тому

      Love? 😂
      More like yeah I did it but don't leave.

    • @marcuss1526
      @marcuss1526 2 місяці тому

      This world would be a better place!!❤❤ with love songs like this!!!

  • @uriyahbonafide4194
    @uriyahbonafide4194 5 місяців тому +26

    I'll be 63 in August and this kind of music has been the soundtrack of my life.

  • @chris67oldie48
    @chris67oldie48 2 роки тому +47

    blue lights in the basement falling in love every week dancing your buff off in the discos just being young and blessed with great memories of the past.

    • @sandra-iy2ce
      @sandra-iy2ce 7 місяців тому +3

      Yes Yes Yes 💃💃💃❤❤❤

    • @missayawk
      @missayawk 5 місяців тому +2

      With the black velvet posters?

    • @holycow1697
      @holycow1697 3 місяці тому +1

      ​@@missayawk 🤣🤣🤣

  • @davidwhitehurst568
    @davidwhitehurst568 2 роки тому +47

    This brings back such wonderful memory's why can't they make real music like this anymore

  • @jessejohnson6799
    @jessejohnson6799 Рік тому +50

    I'm old school and I miss those days when black guys and females were walking around with big afros

  • @Nina513
    @Nina513 8 років тому +605

    Back when Black men sang to and for Black women....
    Just warms my heart.

  • @chrissy54ful
    @chrissy54ful 7 місяців тому +48

    It’s April 2024! They came to my high school back in 1973. So many years ago. They were a local band. We girls went nuts!

    • @christopherholbert1878
      @christopherholbert1878 Місяць тому +2

      Thanks for sharing! I’m just curious did they have a band backing them? I was born in 1970 so I was always wondering how would these great local groups perform back in the day.

    • @carmelitalancaster9317
      @carmelitalancaster9317 Місяць тому

      That's a good question 🤔💭❓

  • @tapemaster8252
    @tapemaster8252 7 років тому +516

    The 70s is the greatest era of music, period 🔈🔈🔈🔉🔉🔉🔊🔊🔊🔊🔊🔊🔊🔊🔊

    • @shirleybutler2623
      @shirleybutler2623 7 років тому +8

      OG Wavy Hell to the yeah! but don't 4GET the 80's 4SURE! !

    • @TheAeverett
      @TheAeverett 6 років тому +9

      You are so right. I say that all the time...

    • @carlwalls9196
      @carlwalls9196 6 років тому +9

      Indeed all that wonderful music

    • @Achoti7
      @Achoti7 6 років тому +18

      We rocked in the 70s, our music was the BEST!! 😎

    • @jasoncamphor3027
      @jasoncamphor3027 6 років тому +10

      Tape Master82 Yes indeed!!! Music at it's highest peak of creativity!!

  • @trinaf.6313
    @trinaf.6313 6 років тому +80

    Lyrics & harmony tight. Music tight. Outfits tight. Afros tight. Dance steps tight. What's not to love about Black Ivory. These guys are true legends.

    • @shirleybutler2623
      @shirleybutler2623 6 років тому +9

      Trina F. OMG You just hit a home run with those comments TRUE DAT! ! Trina this beautiful classic just moves your soul in the right direction do you agree?

  • @williamcurtis1805
    @williamcurtis1805 2 місяці тому +13

    They were my friends. Many memories spending time with them making great music. The Bronx has spawn some awesome groups.

    • @assetsovaevone01
      @assetsovaevone01 2 місяці тому +1

      Didn't know that 😮 thanks for putting me/us up on it

  • @romienomie
    @romienomie 11 місяців тому +5

    Such a heart-warming tune. Brings back wonderful memories

  • @donnabush7551
    @donnabush7551 2 роки тому +49

    I was 13 years old, when I took my allowance and bought their 1st album and fell in love 🥰. Love Black Ivory ♥!!

    • @skinnyman1434
      @skinnyman1434 Рік тому +4

      Think l have a year on you. Freshman year, this one and You and l were the ones that we were waiting for at the "sets" aka parties that had pluggers. Slow dance eutopia.

    • @LeeOutlaw-sx2ok
      @LeeOutlaw-sx2ok Рік тому +3


  • @kjersey6781
    @kjersey6781 2 роки тому +48

    As a young girl this was one of my favorite songs damn I miss those days and I don't care what anyone says or thinks but the Afro was the baddest style ever.

  • @Thesupernova711
    @Thesupernova711 10 років тому +200

    this is real swag.. the' it!

  • @marshawilliams4454
    @marshawilliams4454 Рік тому +18

    Love Black Ivory. Was a teenager when they started. A senior now. Still love them. Bring back so many memories ❤❤❤

  • @prosperbydivinedesign5257
    @prosperbydivinedesign5257 Рік тому +4

    They don’t make music like this, ledgends ❤❤❤

  • @beemonroe4330
    @beemonroe4330 10 місяців тому +5

    Can we just discuss how precise the dance moves were. ❤

  • @marcussampson6336
    @marcussampson6336 7 років тому +195

    Much respect to Black Ivory for the wonderful performance we all witnessed here. Remember, this was live TV, no studio effects, voice enhancement, no do overs. They were and still are one of the great performing groups that proved that they can not only record beautiful love songs, but they can back it up live. MUCH LOVE BLACK IVORY

    • @donnaclinton991
      @donnaclinton991 7 років тому +8

      Marcus Sampson. So true!

    • @bongote4794
      @bongote4794 3 роки тому +11

      Yo!, You's know why???? Because They were "The Coldest" of Singers. Old School Talent.

    • @shahaadahabdul-jame8259
      @shahaadahabdul-jame8259 2 роки тому +4

      I second that Marcus

    • @billytaylor1006
      @billytaylor1006 2 роки тому +6

      Big FACTS king, a lot of groups came out of NewYork but these cats was one of the best 🗽🗽🗽

    • @darrickmalloy6909
      @darrickmalloy6909 2 роки тому +3

      And whatever reason leroy is not leading his song. Main man sings baritone. Leroy Burgess the guy in the middle sings most of their songs I know all of their hits. But not a bad job.

  • @Edward-rv2bu
    @Edward-rv2bu 2 місяці тому +14

    We have so much talent that other races can't even compete with, this is just one of them.

    • @loisnoble9139
      @loisnoble9139 2 місяці тому +1

      I couldn't have said it better. The greatest singers, sports icon inventors dancers the most beautiful people I could go on and on. We're a blessed people.

    •  2 місяці тому

      On the subject of music; were poets. The majority of our people can hold a tune, come up with at least 6 sentences improvising, and this is the closest youll be to hearing angels on earth

    • @Iknowyoumadnow
      @Iknowyoumadnow Місяць тому

      Of course..... WE'RE THE ORIGINAL RACE

  • @CrookedLawyer
    @CrookedLawyer 6 років тому +46

    The vocals are amazing, the choreography simple, expressive, and tight.

  • @steveatenciosapperstein1740
    @steveatenciosapperstein1740 7 років тому +116

    To live during this era was a blessing from GOD!! This was music from the SOUL

  • @sunshineluv2025
    @sunshineluv2025 2 роки тому +19

    I loved Black Ivory, I was 16 when this song came out. Would love to see them now.

    • @shirleybutler2623
      @shirleybutler2623 2 роки тому +1

      OMG SUNSHINE I was 16 also🥰 This beautiful classic just moves one's soul in the right direction 4SURE!!!! We were so grateful to have lived through this era of beautiful music this kind of music will never go out of style 🥰🥰 The lyrics and that beat just janked ur heartstrings for decades ❤️❤️ Do U Agree?? What a MASTERPIECE 💯💯 Still listening how about October 26 2022

  • @onaleeny3753
    @onaleeny3753 4 роки тому +106

    I loved this song growing up. The lead singer looks so shy and nervous lol. Look how young and innocent they look. Seeing this video makes me feel butterflies 🥰🥰🥰🥰

    • @TorrenceBrannon1960
      @TorrenceBrannon1960 4 роки тому +15

      You are right, the group taled about this moment years later, that young brother was super nervous, but his voice was so on point, he got through it!

    • @douglasdumas3061
      @douglasdumas3061 4 роки тому +8

      This era was da 💣 bomb

    • @williampscott3539
      @williampscott3539 3 роки тому +11

      The lead singer is Leroy Burgess
      Google his name and look up his disgraphy 👍

    • @poeticpoems1234
      @poeticpoems1234 3 роки тому +13

      My family knew them.Leroy WAS very shy and sooo nice. They used to rehearse at our apartment in Harlem when I was a kid. I was so crushin on Russell 😍

    • @stanleyrobinson6092
      @stanleyrobinson6092 2 роки тому +6

      When music was good

  • @beemonroe4330
    @beemonroe4330 Рік тому +5

    ❤ I’ve watched this an unhealthy number of times consecutively… 😂😂😂

  • @helengrigsby4838
    @helengrigsby4838 6 років тому +75

    Yesssss! Black Ivory was everything. Love the fros. No autotune. Just smooth singing.

    @DSCOBLUE 10 років тому +242

    Blue lights in the basement... belly grinding and getting those digits at the end of the party... The seventies there will never be another decade like it. The music was it and the times were special...

    • @onellvanstory7648
      @onellvanstory7648 5 років тому +10

      Oh times..loved this mentally at its finest..

    • @Kyohan137
      @Kyohan137 5 років тому +14

      DCBLUE MINOT yeah when grinding on the wall at a basement party was as close as you could get to “gettin some” and your knees were strong enough to dip.

    • @cjsansoo7
      @cjsansoo7 5 років тому +16

      Damn I miss those days. We were in such a hurry to grow up not realizing how everything would change.

    • @bollie4431
      @bollie4431 4 роки тому +3

      @@onellvanstory7648 Big Facts 💯 %. Black and Proud

    • @angela6694
      @angela6694 4 роки тому +1

      DCBLUE MINOT YES!!!!!!!!!

  • @taxdude24
    @taxdude24 6 років тому +72

    I'm fascinated by how they could just "step" sing and be in time. They were great young performers...

    • @pamelabodley
      @pamelabodley Рік тому +3

      LOL that was definitely the thing back in the 70s.

    • @duanegeorge5754
      @duanegeorge5754 7 місяців тому +1


  • @lesbrown331
    @lesbrown331 4 роки тому +8

    I was digging this on WOL radio Washington.DC.. In the summer of 1972.

  • @noeltrace2853
    @noeltrace2853 10 років тому +297

    This genearation knows nothing about real music Im so thankful I was born when I was I was blessed to enjoy all the music jesus gave us

    • @Capdirtbag
      @Capdirtbag 10 років тому +11

      I was thinking the exact same thing, this new generation of music has no soul or substance!

    • @BoogieMashina
      @BoogieMashina 10 років тому +4

      not true..with this site here we can find out even more than our parents

    • @montell82
      @montell82 10 років тому +12

      I'd have to disagree with you noel Trace . It was up to our parents to put us on to music like this. My parents sure as heck did! But that's just my parents.

    • @magovenor
      @magovenor 7 років тому +7

      My older sisters were the ones that always bought most of the music after my parents last interest.

    • @mistermaada
      @mistermaada 7 років тому +9

      27 and love this music and sound

  • @bgblkb
    @bgblkb 4 роки тому +76

    He's hitting those notes so effortlessly 😄😄

  • @nomaah9
    @nomaah9 Рік тому +9

    What an amazing group, song, talent, the 70's was an amazing era, heartfelt songs, the men would sing to the women and we would just melt inside,,im so glad i was born in 64 to have witnessed it!

  • @tailor-maid1976
    @tailor-maid1976 4 роки тому +14

    That's what you called Smoooooth soul music!! Like no other. No cussing or disrespecting women ........... Priceless

  • @RubyDiamonds45
    @RubyDiamonds45 7 років тому +44

    That was music and those were the days when people had damn good jobs. People were raising their families and us little kids stay in our places. We didn't get in grown folks business. That kind of music take me back when I was in elementary school. We used to hear it on the radio in my dads car or at home when we used to get in front of my mother's and father's company and dance for a dollar or more. That was some music y'all that you can't get back. It is a treasure. I love it. It don't matter what age you are it is good to listen to. Look it here now. I love me some soul music.

    • @Mauronog1
      @Mauronog1 3 роки тому +3

      Completely agree with you. You´ve said it right "those were the days" Real people singing, real people playing real instruments.

    • @aarongipson4503
      @aarongipson4503 2 роки тому +1

      Fair wages, my father was paying $3.00 an hour. 😬

  • @susiedean7432
    @susiedean7432 7 років тому +9

    I played unification, black ivory, delphonics whilst my children were growing up. Now at get together as they know what's what!!

  • @royspicer3007
    @royspicer3007 8 років тому +255

    black ivory and the delfonics

    • @opensecret629
      @opensecret629 8 років тому +6

      I agree!

    • @royspicer3007
      @royspicer3007 8 років тому +2

      Thank you babe

    • @michaelbrown2393
      @michaelbrown2393 8 років тому +1

      Roy Spicer

    • @michaelbrown2393
      @michaelbrown2393 8 років тому +1

      Roy Spicer

    • @dme1016
      @dme1016 8 років тому +15

      Roy Spicer ... Black Ivory was ok, but not on the Delfonics level in any way. Their lead singer tended to wander off key, the music wasn't lush like the Philly sound backing The Delfonics, etc....with all due respect.

  • @wesgriffin6081
    @wesgriffin6081 Рік тому +6

    Me !!!! The era of beautiful ballads and soul music 🎶

  • @greendesertgoddess
    @greendesertgoddess Рік тому +4

    My pen-pal from 1972 loved, loved, loved Black Ivory! 💕

  • @heyyallfromflorida5535
    @heyyallfromflorida5535 9 років тому +44

    I can watch this video forever, their all handsome, and I love the choreography, if time travel were possible

  • @lisae9958
    @lisae9958 9 років тому +74

    Yes, another hit from the Summer of '72. Music to make you cry and love!! Still so beautiful . . .

    • @ljm25799
      @ljm25799 9 років тому +4

      +Lisa E, I aree!! This kind of music will make you cry. Its sounds so real & genuine. Music back then had a meaning & the words were real. Unlike todays music.

    • @greendesertgoddess
      @greendesertgoddess Рік тому

      They made you feel a certain way and the feeling was real! Music from the 70's conveys such a wide range emotions. It's why 70's music is often used in movie soundtracks!

  • @denisemitchell2416
    @denisemitchell2416 4 роки тому +22

    Back when Black men respected and loved their women those days are GONE

    • @berrybarfield5056
      @berrybarfield5056 4 роки тому +6

      No they are not,its really depends on the type. Of man you pick??

    • @denisemitchell2416
      @denisemitchell2416 4 роки тому

      @@berrybarfield5056 first of all of all ages with pants hung low, second men calling women bitchrs and breeding
      Single women with babies are the norm with no wedding bands
      I don't pick any thank you

    • @percyvaljenkins
      @percyvaljenkins 3 місяці тому

      women need to be respectful and have self respect........

  • @rasungod7257
    @rasungod7257 5 років тому +11

    I keep coming back to watch this video because this song keeps getting stuck in my head.

  • @tefnutbellsouthnet
    @tefnutbellsouthnet 11 років тому +108

    Well I had a big Afro too and being from the big apple as well I was so proud of the Black Ivory. Still sound great today

    • @vernbutler7036
      @vernbutler7036 6 років тому +2

      here we go again just get me back to Black Ivory that the Black Ivory please

    • @denisemitchell9876
      @denisemitchell9876 4 роки тому +3

      Harlem's own

  • @maxx0707
    @maxx0707 8 років тому +89


    • @millensisters3278
      @millensisters3278 8 років тому +3

      were trying to bring it back! let's do it!

    • @shirleybutler2623
      @shirleybutler2623 8 років тому +4


    • @deborahpatterson7692
      @deborahpatterson7692 6 років тому

      Let me know when you bring it back cause I don' listen to nothing but OLD SCHOOL- Thank God for SOUL TOWN!

    • @tobinbh3940
      @tobinbh3940 5 років тому

      check out The Lakesiders....bobby oroza.theres a new wave of artists bringing it back

  • @jackiechandler1481
    @jackiechandler1481 Місяць тому +5

    November 2024 is still loving this song

  • @Raikail
    @Raikail 5 років тому +471

    I'm jumping on the Mothership and I'm going back who's with me

    • @mantistoboggan5171
      @mantistoboggan5171 4 роки тому +15

      If you seeing dr funkenstein

    • @estherwhite3119
      @estherwhite3119 4 роки тому +15

      Me!! I would sure do things different,old tooo soon& smart to late 🤣🤗

    • @estherwhite3119
      @estherwhite3119 4 роки тому +6

      @Kai Cee funny K,I need lipstick & earrings, a must!never know who your gonna run into 🤣🤣🤣🤗

    • @estherwhite3119
      @estherwhite3119 4 роки тому +7

      @Kathy Vaughn hurry Ms. K,the Mother ship won't wait🤣🤣🤗

    • @denisemitchell2416
      @denisemitchell2416 4 роки тому +7


  • @tastylove53
    @tastylove53 11 років тому +50

    I Agree I'm 54 Men Had A Lot Of respect For Women! Love songs All The Way!

    • @marvinstovall3661
      @marvinstovall3661 4 роки тому +1

      I'm 64 . We were smooth. We talked them out of their clothes with our music. We were taught to be gentlemen and ladies. I have worked hard to instill this in my nephews. The sad part is most women in this era don't want this.

    • @dowanelawrence4871
      @dowanelawrence4871 3 роки тому

      Perhaps , the females in that era allowed them to have it because of the personalities they displayed.Respect is earned.

  • @RC-pt5wd
    @RC-pt5wd 3 роки тому +10

    WOW.we need to turn back the hands of time and bring back songs like this.we need our oldies today, tomorrow and forever.please bring back this music.
    PLEASE. Beautiful song.

  • @virginiagrandy6198
    @virginiagrandy6198 9 років тому +36


    • @nycgurl2u
      @nycgurl2u 9 років тому +5

      +Virginia Grandy Yes, An unsung episode sounds great!

    • @virginiagrandy6198
      @virginiagrandy6198 9 років тому +3

      Doriann I know & it's long overdue

    • @curtain1100
      @curtain1100 8 років тому +2

      totally agree

  • @vanessa4u4evr
    @vanessa4u4evr 5 років тому +10

    These guys were in high school when they recorded this. Straight out of Harlem. They had us rockin'.

    • @holycow1697
      @holycow1697 3 місяці тому

      Where are they from Brandeis high School?

  • @sandrabasket2187
    @sandrabasket2187 7 років тому +42

    Yes lawd, these men were the truth! Fine as wine.

  • @chakafan2
    @chakafan2 8 років тому +50

    Black men with afros! YES!!! I was in high school when this came out. Great memories.

  • @andregreene5885
    @andregreene5885 4 роки тому +56

    Back in the days when a women see a man with work clothes on walking down the street and her only thought was, he's working and that is good enough!

    • @TheUmmahFightCamp
      @TheUmmahFightCamp 3 роки тому +1

      Andre Greene: I am 60 and an alpha. Love me some women! Yet, your comment brought me to tears. We have slipped so far. I have a channel called MINDSCRUB. I will be doing a video on feminism and I want to mention your comment.

    • @loribozeman6656
      @loribozeman6656 3 роки тому +1


    • @cynthiadickerson5403
      @cynthiadickerson5403 2 місяці тому

      A working man was good enough for my daughter, and she didn't let her education cloud her judgement! She married him August 19, 2023. They have my blessing!❤️

  • @virginiagrandy5596
    @virginiagrandy5596 7 років тому +41

    This is real music that they just don't make anymore. I look at it as gone, but NEVER FORGOTTEN

  • @waldemardesouzafilho8363
    @waldemardesouzafilho8363 4 місяці тому +5

    I'm Brazilian but I've always liked American romantic music

  • @princessgrace66
    @princessgrace66 10 років тому +38

    Love Black Ivory, Slow dance/grind music all day

  • @ladijae1
    @ladijae1 9 років тому +94

    My friend went to HS with them when they made this album!!!! Brandeis HS NYC we played this to death

    • @yansatoussaint2266
      @yansatoussaint2266 7 років тому +6

      Lady Jae I know I wore this song out in the 1970's!

    • @Kali4Action
      @Kali4Action 6 років тому +8

      They appeared at Montclair High School in New Jersey with the Moments and the 5 Stair Steps I think I was in the 9th grade....Later in life we opened the Sterlington House in Montclair and became promotors....did a lot of stage shows with the groups in the 70's nothig like that music and the singers were the best of all times

    • @GalaxieFord-oz8jk
      @GalaxieFord-oz8jk 6 років тому +6

      Ladi Jae wow! I went to Brandies H.S.also.1981-82.

    • @marcellashabazz2542
      @marcellashabazz2542 5 років тому +6

      @@Kali4Action Wow!!! The Sterington House, Zanzibar In Newark, The Fabion In Paterson, The Plaza, Club 88. Those Were The Days....

    • @coreypowell5090
      @coreypowell5090 5 років тому +6

      @@marcellashabazz2542 you didn't just say Zanzibar and Club 88 No you di int!!! Russell and I were real good friends in the 70's. He came to my high school PCS for a year or 2 with Stuart. Leroy didn't attend. We were teenage musicians from NYC played All those clubs you mentioned. I miss my friend Russell and those were THE days. We used to go to girls schools in Russels white Cordoba or Billy's red Chevy Laguna and get mobbed!!! WooHoo!!! Our afros were SICK!!!!!!!!!

  • @lisabaxter7786
    @lisabaxter7786 Місяць тому +1

    This has always been a beautiful song

  • @charlesbutler5097
    @charlesbutler5097 4 роки тому +23

    Who's listening 🎧 in 2021? This Guy 👦 👈👈👈👈.

  • @moanman1776
    @moanman1776 3 роки тому +7

    In the 60s-70s, True Music had Artistry... & ROMANCE! Songs like this only prove it!

  • @greendesertgoddess
    @greendesertgoddess Рік тому +6

    Man oh Man those Male groups from the 70's . . . They were superb! nicely dressed, harmonizing and those cool steps . . . much love to these guys . . . 🖤

  • @vincentcomijs4467
    @vincentcomijs4467 2 місяці тому +3

    This is classic soul, the real deal 👊🏽

  • @shirleybutler2623
    @shirleybutler2623 8 років тому +55


    • @annabelleandrus5642
      @annabelleandrus5642 6 років тому +1

      Men's back in the day had the sweetest, sexiest voice ever sounds like a built in harp I Can listen to these guys over and over and never get tired. The late 60'sand 70's and. 80's was the best music ever $ love songs) from, Annabelle...

  • @smiley2sweet1
    @smiley2sweet1 2 роки тому +14

    The best music ever I grew up on all the oldies still listen to them this is when people were real folks come together cook outs and in the basement party’s of course house party’s throwing down ❤

    • @shirleybutler2623
      @shirleybutler2623 2 роки тому +2

      OMG You just hit the ball out the ballpark with those comments 🎯🥰This beautiful classic just moves one's soul in the right direction 🥰🤩I'm so happy I grew up on this magical sound so grateful to have lived through this era of beautiful music this kind of music will never go out of style. The lyrics that yanked ur heartstrings for decades 💖💖 Do U Agree?? Real music with meaningful lyrics u can understand 💯❤️ A blast from the past good ode days carefree INDEED ‼️ I will always have ode skool music in my blood 4EVER Can't ‼️ Can't have it no other way AMEN ‼️Still listening how about October 28 2022

    • @ivycarrano8207
      @ivycarrano8207 Рік тому

      When people of all cultures had good music in common and songs weren't calling women bitches and We need amazing music back in our lives .

  • @a.c.6475
    @a.c.6475 8 років тому +538

    Yes, back in the days when a brother did'nt need a fancy car, a fancy house, a fancy job or a lot of cash! If your mouthpiece game was tight and your fro was tight! that's all you needed! lol!

    • @helengrigsby5073
      @helengrigsby5073 6 років тому +4

      The Six One Niner! Haha

    • @andreabarnes5879
      @andreabarnes5879 6 років тому +19

      True. Nowadays everything is materialistic. High maintenance etc..

    • @annabanana6406
      @annabanana6406 6 років тому +13

      Yes miss that were good men !

    • @skyone4950
      @skyone4950 6 років тому +12

      True. Love my old school brothers.

    • @bgvan37
      @bgvan37 6 років тому +13

      My generation

  • @krisandrabaughan220
    @krisandrabaughan220 Рік тому +4

    Who knew that these 3 young men would come into my life and take up residency? WE are united. :)

  • @fhickson
    @fhickson 2 роки тому +178


  • @honeylove7678
    @honeylove7678 9 місяців тому +2

    I had the album kept it on repeat. Oh do I miss the 70's 🎉

  • @Leo55BabyBoomer
    @Leo55BabyBoomer 10 років тому +37

    1972... Black Ivory, where did you go? You all where the shit back in my HS days. Tower of Power; Mandrill; New Birth and on and on...

    • @virginiagrandy6198
      @virginiagrandy6198 9 років тому +1

      Leo55BabyBoomer you are right, because they were & still are the shit. I recently found out that they are still performing, & maybe one day we will be blessed with a new CD. Oh by the way Tower of Power, Mandrill & New Birth were also amazing 😉😉

    • @Leo55BabyBoomer
      @Leo55BabyBoomer 9 років тому

      +Virginia Grandy I hear you! Thanks for the update.

    • @virginiagrandy6198
      @virginiagrandy6198 9 років тому +1

      Leo55BabyBoomer I forgot to mention that I recently found a Black Ivory website, & if you register Black Ivory will personally send you invites to record signings, & upcoming shows, plus much more. If you're interested I will give the info.😊

    • @magovenor
      @magovenor 9 років тому +1

      +Leo55BabyBoomer you called that right, slow dance or slow grinding..., just sayin!

    • @virginiagrandy6198
      @virginiagrandy6198 9 років тому +3

      I agree with you 100%. They were & still are AWESOME, because they are still performing. I found a Black Ivory website, & if you sign up, they will send you notifications about upcoming shows, as well as other goodies. Enjoy babe, because they just don't make beautiful music like this anymore😊😉

  • @hazelmckelvin3845
    @hazelmckelvin3845 9 місяців тому +2

    I just saw them in my hometown Baltimore on 2-16-24… & baaabbbbaaay, they still got it love❤

  • @billytaylor1006
    @billytaylor1006 2 роки тому +4

    One of NewYorks finest groups, live shit son , Boyz stepping on that break 🗽🗽🗽

  • @renzojohnson6270
    @renzojohnson6270 3 роки тому +2

    I’m 27 my pops played music like this when I was coming up and I was in the back seat of the old school just vibing 🎶🎶💪🏾 now I play it in my old school man my son be singing it and it make me feel good becuz thats sumn we all have is a good ear for music 3 generations of soul

  • @louis_wendruck
    @louis_wendruck 10 років тому +114

    I listened to this song over and over in 1972 when it was played on KGFJ radio station in Los Angeles, and I bought the single and album eventually .

    • @thunderbolts2438
      @thunderbolts2438 6 років тому +9

      Louis Wendruck you are one of a kind. 🤙

    • @djtheshooter6748
      @djtheshooter6748 5 років тому

    • @donaldross1851
      @donaldross1851 5 років тому +3

      KGFJ oh man you went back on that one 👍

    • @lmsubman243
      @lmsubman243 4 роки тому +1

      It's amazing that I could name that year when the first few notes was played... Proof that songs were integrally rooted into our memories and development 👍

  • @mrgregc14
    @mrgregc14 2 місяці тому +4

    First time hearing this song.

  • @seanwright8786
    @seanwright8786 2 роки тому +11

    I was only 2 years old when this came out but the music continued to be played throughout my childhood. Especially being born and raised in NYC this played constantly. Much love and respect.

    • @iriswood3744
      @iriswood3744 Рік тому +2

      In 1972 I was 7 years old I was livin in Harlem my mother took me to Lenox Gifts and I bought the 45 for a $1
      I always 🤎🔥Black Ivory those my Niggas Harlems Own Black Ivory.
      We come from the same Place I Born there I went to school there the Best years of my life was in Harlem Back in the 60' early 70's

    • @seanwright8786
      @seanwright8786 Рік тому +1

      @@iriswood3744 Harlem in the building!

    • @iriswood3744
      @iriswood3744 Рік тому

      @@seanwright8786 yaaas

  • @cleopatrasgroove9319
    @cleopatrasgroove9319 Місяць тому +1

    This song does something to me! Teddy P vocals are so controlled and powerful! ❤❤❤❤❤

  • @jonathangary5118
    @jonathangary5118 2 роки тому +6

    Song represents the 70s to the fullest.

  • @edwardthorpe2943
    @edwardthorpe2943 10 місяців тому +1

    Still, have the album and great memories.

  • @legionqdawizard4620
    @legionqdawizard4620 5 років тому +3

    Born in 69, So this that shit I grew up to, nothing will ever be more realer than this era 70's and 80's. When the music was black and real.

  • @jeromerandall5767
    @jeromerandall5767 9 років тому +18

    I remember when this song came out in 72. I was just 8 my brother played it more times than i can remember. Me and my buddie's in the hood would try to pretend we were those guys

  • @marieb3897
    @marieb3897 11 років тому +6

    This song brings back so many memories for me I was 16 years when i first saw Black Ivory sing this live. I was in love with Stuart he was fine then and is still fine as wine...would love to see them in concert now...the whole album was off the chain...this is what singing is about....

  • @malikjenkins9693
    @malikjenkins9693 7 років тому +17

    I love 70's soul music to death! tight sweet harmonies. beautiful lyrics. what more could anyone ask for

    • @yansatoussaint2266
      @yansatoussaint2266 7 років тому +2

      Malik Jenkins Artists today don't sing those love songs like they did in the 70's!

    • @shirleybutler2623
      @shirleybutler2623 7 років тому +1


  • @jdub8157
    @jdub8157 5 років тому +6

    If you lived in the tri-state area (NY, CT & NJ) when BI was hot, you couldn’t go anywhere house parties or clubs without these brothers getting their due on the box. What golden times those were.

    • @gaildelucia8818
      @gaildelucia8818 3 роки тому +1

      CT! Summer of '72...NEVER better than that!!

  • @yvettekemp9841
    @yvettekemp9841 2 місяці тому +1

    Freshman year in high school! What a time!

  • @DCL1216
    @DCL1216 5 років тому +29

    As of this date 9/23/19 the original group is still alive and still performing. I believe Leroy was the initial lead singer - Don't Turn Around. You should check them out on the old "Don't Turn Around" video, they were dressed in black and white. Leroy is singing lead, but you can see he was struggling (voice change?). He still pushed through and I loved his effort. Stuart is holding down most of all the leads now. They are still awesome, just like they were 40+ years ago.

    • @robinbost6445
      @robinbost6445 3 роки тому +2

      I watch that video you are talking about time and time again and it never gets old..Leroy facial expressions along with his falsetto is so so amazing.,.it is a must see...takes me back when me and my buddies call ourselves making up a group steps and all even counting in our heads to the best so we can stay in step...all this took place in my living room or in the others homes as well.God I am so thankful and so blessed to be born and live through an era that had the best of music, talent, neighborhoods and neighbors, fun, crushes good times sad times best Christmas's any holiday was great and the people was/we're the best...I wish I had a time machine and I don't have to tell you where I would end up... there is "NO SCHOOL LIKE THE OLD SCHOOL" 💕💯✌🏾😍

    • @darrickmalloy6909
      @darrickmalloy6909 2 роки тому +4

      I call it the golden era. 👍

    • @annetteburke3964
      @annetteburke3964 2 роки тому

      Yo, only those of us whom were around when this music was new can remember how we copied their steps and learned the lyrics to sing along. A bonus was if u bought the album u could pore over the cover, some album offered more than others and we went to parties and slow danced (we called it "grinding") to slow songs and also to fast dance songs. The house parties would be jam packed and it wasn't long before my afro would shrink from sweating. Oh yeah, we called the parties "sweat boxes" so, this music takes u back to some good times.

  • @jalilahnazimah723
    @jalilahnazimah723 7 місяців тому +2

    Yep me and my best friend went to NY with them they were all perfect gentlemen we went with their manager to his girlfriends house didnt see them til it was time to come back to DC we were famous coming back a bit in trouble but they were all perfect gentlemen dropped them off at Bowie State dropped us off HOME end of story THANk GOD for MEN LIKE THIS BACk N DA DAY still love and APPRECIATE THEM being so GODLY AND PROTECTIVE of me and PEACHES dorry we had our Loved ones upset we were just fans i will always tell the truth they were like ANGELS i laud beside Russell the whole ride him smelling like a fragrange musk i will never forget i pray their wives children know what great douls they have been blessed with especially with the foolishness going on today They were TRUE MEN🥰💕May always be PROTECTED💛💕😇😇😇🙏🏽

    • @jalilahnazimah723
      @jalilahnazimah723 7 місяців тому

      Sorry for typos i was just so excited to tell the truth of such great MEN😇😇😇

  • @harrisnina6448
    @harrisnina6448 11 років тому +41


  • @charleswalker864
    @charleswalker864 2 роки тому +3

    Early 70s their debut album went 3x gold. My old head Fats from Nicholas st use to blast this on his mom's stereo ( when a stereo was a peice furniture.

    • @yansatoussaint2266
      @yansatoussaint2266 Рік тому

      Remember how people in the 70's used to wear this song out with their rusty vocals?

  • @MsPoppee1
    @MsPoppee1 11 років тому +11

    Where are all the true singers that can harmonize music like these guy that use to be on the street corners. Bring them back please! Black Ivory is an awesome group that will always be remembered.

    • @ramiathomas1145
      @ramiathomas1145 10 років тому +3

      The music industry doesn't want "Love" music to dominate the airwaves anymore. That's why we have the crappy music today. I only listen to old school now and I have gotten my 18 & 19 yr old daughters "hooked" on it to!!

    • @princessgrace66
      @princessgrace66 10 років тому

      Ramia Thomas Greatest Post RT, keep on teaching from one generation to the next OUR MUSIC

  • @davidwillis9037
    @davidwillis9037 Місяць тому +1

    The talent of that time was amazing

  • @lisae9958
    @lisae9958 10 років тому +12

    A teen in love (LOL)!! That's what I was when Black Ivory came out with their music!! Slow-dragging at the rec center dances or if we were lucky, someone's house party (blue/black/red lights in the basement). So many memories of first slow-drag, kiss, love . . .

    • @MsRelaytionships
      @MsRelaytionships 3 роки тому

      @Lisa E, you are absolutely right. This song takes me back to the night I met my first love. Years later we had a child and my world changed when he was killed.

  • @KevinChisholm-o9m
    @KevinChisholm-o9m Місяць тому +1

    High school in New York growing up what❤ felt memories y'all 😅😅

  • @opensecret629
    @opensecret629 8 років тому +152

    Their Fros were tight!

  • @toiaharris1
    @toiaharris1 Рік тому +2

    my first time every hearing about these cats....but i love they music!!!!! i maybe late, but i'm a fan 100% BLACK IVORY got their roses from me!!!!