thank you so so much!!! I've been looking for this tutorial for so long.I couldn't manage to sew the strap like this way with inner stitches.thank you thank you you are the best!!!
Really interesting construction method - I've never seen that before. It's a little confusing to see exactly what you're doing when sewing the zipper panel and gussets together, but still a very useful video. 👍
넘 귀엽네요~ 금손분들 부럽습니다^^
thank you so so much!!! I've been looking for this tutorial for so long.I couldn't manage to sew the strap like this way with inner stitches.thank you thank you you are the best!!!
I'm glad that it helped you
Really interesting construction method - I've never seen that before. It's a little confusing to see exactly what you're doing when sewing the zipper panel and gussets together, but still a very useful video. 👍
Just what Ive been looking for! Please English subtitles for measurements.❤❤❤
요패턴구매했는데요 검은색 제니가방에 사용된 지퍼로 똑같은거 구매하고 싶은데 어디서 구매하신건지 알수잇을까요??? 지퍼 싼티나는게 너무 많아서 같은걸로 꼭 만들고싶어요
아네 답이 늦어졌네요;;;^^네이버에 '부속마트'검색-플라스틱지퍼 5호 사용했습니다. 전체적으로 부자재가격이 저렴한 사이트라 애용하고 있습니다~
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아네네 1센티 주셔야 합니다~
넘 예뻐요~
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구름원단이 ㅜ 잘 늘어나던데 재단은 어떻게 하셨어요? ㅎㅎ
아네 패턴을 그대로 두고 원단을 늘리지 않고 재단을 하셔야해요. 재단방법을 따로 제작해서 올려드리겠습니다 여기에 재단 방법 업로드 해 놓았습니다^^
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여기서 구매 가능하세요~감사합니다
What's the metallic outer fabric called?
It's artificial leather. It is a thinly coated fabric made of gold foil.
Nice, but no measurements...
그럼 쉬운 방법을 알려줘 보세요^^다른 분들에게도 도움이 될수 있게요. 미리 감사요