Hi guys, here you have all we have. Enjoy it and don't forget to support us buying our music and merch, so we keep creating music! smarturl.it/ankor TRACKLIST: 01. The Monster I Am 0:00 02. Love Is Not Forever 3:59 03. Lost Soul 8:12 04. Nana 12:10 05. Shhh... (I’m Not Gonna Lose It) 16:31 06. Kiss Me Goodnight 20:11 07. From Marbles to Cocaine 25:01 08. The Legend of Charles the Giant 29:32 09. Endless Road 32:26 10. Unique & Equal 35:38 11. Interstellar 40:15
Gracias chicos por subir el disco completo...soy peruana y radico en capital federal Bs.As,Argentina, espero verlos un día en Latinoamérica. Gracias por crear música y cantar tan genial....saludos = )
That's an glorious pice of art that you've created there. You devolped your sound and production so much since "Last Song for Venus" and created an almost perfect record! This pice is already one of my favourite albums, ever made. And I am very proud to own a copy myself. Thank you for the hours you already entertained me with your music and thank you for the hours of entertainment that will follow. Good luck for the next projects that will hopefully follow. (Greetings from Germany ^^)
La verdad este album me encanta, y sin exagerar creo que no hubo tema que no me halla gustado y lo sé porque lo vengo escuchando y mucho!! Excelente trabajo les deseo lo mejor!! ojala vengan a Argentina!
Todas las canciones son buenas. Nana es mi preferida y Shhh (I'm not gonna lose it) es para remarcar los distintos géneros musicales. Cada disco mejor que el anterior, ansioso de escuchar el siguiente 👌
I came across you guys by chance one late night browsing UA-cam. The first song I listened to was Lost Soul and I was blown away. I managed to listen to the entire album and I'm left genuinely confused at how you guys are not more popular. Your music is so catchy and unique. As soon as I thought I listened to the best song on your album, there was another song I liked even more. The Monser I Am, Lost Soul, Nana, Shhh and From Marbles to Cocaine are inspiring, creative and original. Awesome album! Hopefully one day you guys can make it to America so I can see you live!
Guys, another poem! It's called "fun" and seems to be relative to this song (Unique and equal, I confused the videos) I hope it will be a good comment here for everyone. FUN Let laughter be! Their fun Is not as much As yours; When at yourself you laugh alone, When nothing left But scorn.
Joder, llevo esucchando el disco en bucle una semana, la canción de Shhhhh me flipa. Las partes de piano me recuerdan a un tema de Kingdom Hearts (uno de los juegos de mi vida). Buah, discazo del año xD venid a Salamanca cabrones
Hi guys, here you have all we have. Enjoy it and don't forget to support us buying our music and merch, so we keep creating music! smarturl.it/ankor
01. The Monster I Am 0:00
02. Love Is Not Forever 3:59
03. Lost Soul 8:12
04. Nana 12:10
05. Shhh... (I’m Not Gonna Lose It) 16:31
06. Kiss Me Goodnight 20:11
07. From Marbles to Cocaine 25:01
08. The Legend of Charles the Giant 29:32
09. Endless Road 32:26
10. Unique & Equal 35:38
11. Interstellar 40:15
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Excelente trabajo
Incredible band,i'm so happy to meet Ankor,now i'm addicted in this album.it's really good.Hugs from Brazil and come here 🇧🇷
Banda increíble. Tienen todo lo que me gusta😍!!! Vengan a Argentina 😋
Gracias chicos por subir el disco completo...soy peruana y radico en capital federal Bs.As,Argentina, espero verlos un día en Latinoamérica. Gracias por crear música y cantar tan genial....saludos = )
Chicos me encanto el album todas son mis favoritas y no dejo de escucharlas me encanto siguan haci y espero que vengan a mexico adar un concierto
those vocals from Jessie in the song Nana are just unbelievable. She has my full attention ❤️
That's an glorious pice of art that you've created there. You devolped your sound and production so much since "Last Song for Venus" and created an almost perfect record! This pice is already one of my favourite albums, ever made. And I am very proud to own a copy myself. Thank you for the hours you already entertained me with your music and thank you for the hours of entertainment that will follow.
Good luck for the next projects that will hopefully follow.
(Greetings from Germany ^^)
Don Gresh All the hours, days, weeks, and YEARS worth it when we read comments like yours. THANK YOU ❤
Ankor Official ❤️
Thanks for the great music and the friends I have out there
Espero no llegar tarde y que Ankor ya no regale corazones :(
Excelente banda lml y ahora no paro de escucharlos 💜💜💜
Increible trabajo! Son una banda única! Felicitaciones y los esperamos en Buenos Aires!
I Love this album it's so Great, Beyond the Silence of These Years. and White Dragon.
A very very good album ! love them !!!
This is great! I realize this is easier said than done but come to the US!
Acabo escucharlo. Un disco impresionante!!!
Brutal, lo ultimo que escuche fue de una maqueta hace ya tiempo...
me encanta vuestra musica y la portada del disco!
La verdad este album me encanta, y sin exagerar creo que no hubo tema que no me halla gustado y lo sé porque lo vengo escuchando y mucho!! Excelente trabajo les deseo lo mejor!! ojala vengan a Argentina!
Bravo !!!
WoW me encantó!!!! estoy esperando con ansias la fecha en México ( ojalá sea en CDMX )- los Amo.
Todas las canciones son buenas. Nana es mi preferida y Shhh (I'm not gonna lose it) es para remarcar los distintos géneros musicales. Cada disco mejor que el anterior, ansioso de escuchar el siguiente 👌
I came across you guys by chance one late night browsing UA-cam. The first song I listened to was Lost Soul and I was blown away. I managed to listen to the entire album and I'm left genuinely confused at how you guys are not more popular. Your music is so catchy and unique. As soon as I thought I listened to the best song on your album, there was another song I liked even more. The Monser I Am, Lost Soul, Nana, Shhh and From Marbles to Cocaine are inspiring, creative and original. Awesome album! Hopefully one day you guys can make it to America so I can see you live!
Nick DeMarco Thank you dude!! we hope you can help us to grow up in your country sharing our music with yours. Love from Spain! :)
Ooo, a try-before-you-buy? Think I will do, yes.
Brutal!! De lo mejorcito del género rock/metal en España.
Discazo!! \m/ \m/
Géniale l’album 👍💕
Excelente trabajo, se ve que le han puesto muchas ganas y el alma entera, ustedes persistan para legar a mas y mas personas. Buenísima música chicos
Buen disco! me ha flipado! a compartirlo voy! ;)
Really good album. I'm listening all of the tracks, but yet I can't say about best track. Album BtSoTY is great and amazing job! :)
Album genialísimo! Teneis que ir al Resurrection fest o Rock fest, es merecido!
When I got my holyday pay I will definitely buy all your albums. Sound so fricking amazing and I really want to support u guys
Amazing thanks for those amazing songs
A big fan from kurdistan 💕💞💕💝💕💞💕
I´ll share this to my friends. 😀😀
Me lo recomendaron y a merecido la ena escucharlo
I Am Groot !!! 😍😍😍
love it
Great! I won't give a thumb up only because you have a nice number 666 and I don't want to change it :D
Love you guys,such great album o_o,i love all the songs,cheers from Algeria ! =)
How about this,,,jump aboard All Time Low's 2021 tour. You want to,,admit it. It will kick ass!!!!
Guys, another poem!
It's called "fun" and seems to be relative to this song (Unique and equal, I confused the videos)
I hope it will be a good comment here for everyone.
Let laughter be!
Their fun
Is not as much
As yours;
When at yourself you laugh alone,
When nothing left
But scorn.
Fuck, Yeah!!!!! Kinda broke right now but will support this band in the future!!!!!
Мне нравится :)
Muy buen álbum♡
Feels like Spiritbox, In This Moment, Seven Spires in a blender. I like this
Edit: Blood Stain Child from Japan too
🤩🤩🤩 🤘🤘🤘🤘
Amo su música
Pero sí......
Joder, llevo esucchando el disco en bucle una semana, la canción de Shhhhh me flipa. Las partes de piano me recuerdan a un tema de Kingdom Hearts (uno de los juegos de mi vida). Buah, discazo del año xD venid a Salamanca cabrones
That is,TOUR US when this Covid-19 shit is over
Quien viene por tarrako 🙌