I like these because you are suprised at herald play but not superior. I love that you don't trash them for playing less optimally but genuinely enjoy their games.
I’m impressed by the ending. They actually pushed and ended it in one go. It took only 50 minutes. It’s equivalent to 20 minutes in divine/immortal rank.
Hey man, I'm the OD (Phenomnomnom). Thanks for watching this, I definitely didnt expect it to get reviewed. It had been a couple weeks since I played this one so the details are foggy. Watching it again, I definitely made a few mistakes in this game, but seeing the net worth by the end and seeing what my team was doing in lane makes me realize that at least this one L wasnt on me.
You did well, but not in early game. - You need to use astral more, as it increases your damage output for Ult. - You did not secure kills that were just there, several times. OD/CK/Axe are heroes that like to simply snowball out of control during mid-game. You missed out on that because you didn't secure kills. - You also didn't astral yourself when Muerta BKB Ulted many times. - You could have astral'd your teammates when they were engage in duel, or trapped in sky ult. + One positive in your build was that you got BKB + Aghs
you also died several times due to being 1/3rd HP and not going base, one of your last deaths you held on to force staff for no reason when you could have escaped with it most likely. But overall your team esp venge was so bad the game was 6v4 b/c of that venge
In your rank, winning or losing will 90-100% depend on your performance. Yes, you can solo carry your team to win in that rank. Just practice the basics & have the correct mindset (eg. Hitting your item timings, power spike, doing the things your hero is strong in)
At least in this particular game it seemed like you're noticeably better than your teamates, just not enough to get wins when your team plays really bad. If you improve your positioning and spell usage a bit (especially Astral for defense or kill securing), you will probably start winning such games and then climbing out of Herald will be pretty fast. If you don't improve, you'll probably get out of it eventually, it'll just take longer. I'd say you at least don't belong in the same bracket as this Venge, WD and Tusk.
@@ashwina.vardhan5831 thanks for the advice! If you watch the full stream it makes more sense why my early game was rough. It was a combination of skywrath buying clarities and spamming his abilities and my top lane feeding axe and legion. I managed to keep my farm up and started bringing back the kills around 20-30 mins. But even when I started getting big there were some super questionable plays. That's part of solo queue, I'm not trying to say I'm above it. Personal favorite was venge swapping on clockwerk... xD
I have venge on my ban list not because I don't like playing against her but because I absolutely hate having my pos 1 swapped into the middle of fights so our 1hp venge can run away and die to vessel
@экспертпокражебаклажанов I really don't know what you're getting at, like yeah you can oversimplify any ban "oh why did you ban meepo he just hits people, any hero can do that"
@@Umicron_ as someone who played with friends that would regularly grief me: pudge, kotl, io, chen, and tusk are pretty great ways to send your carry straight into the enemy
Honestly its pretty normal for new Players to click items. When I started dota I never played a game with a bunch of hotkeys before (just CS and CoD for example) - so I learned the heroes in demo / bot games and having my hand on qwer was already enough at the start. I started implementing the item keys later one at a time. Dota is actually so overwhelming at the start.
I have the opposite problem @@heyku I'm used to hotkey items, but I'm so bad at remembering I have them, that if I buy more than 1 then they just won't get used. So I just can't buy multiple actives outside of like tango
@@shirothefish9688 @heyku I've had both of those problems at the start (and a bunch more, of course) and one thing that helps with both of them is consistently playing heroes who build more or less the same active items and always placing them in the same slots, then focusing on that for a while. Eventually you'll get used to "Z is keep enemy close with Diffusal/Harpoon/Abyssal", "X is repositioning with Pike/Harpoon" or "C is the PANIC button with BKB/Ghost Scepter/sth" and can expand it to larger variety of heroes and items.
Venge was pure shit. That hero is not that great right now when played properly but playing it this way is idiotic. Playing Zeus and ulting only to steal kills is more impactful than his ulties. The funniest thing is that Veng was such a great pick here, counters Axe+Sky or Legion+Sky or Clock+Sky.
@@elijahclark2667 yup. But down in Herald the only way out is to play a hero like ember that can win the game by himself on midlane. Otherwise, you are at the mercy of your team like shown here.
I haven't watched dota stuff in at least 5 years. Just stopping in to say jenkins looking like a healthy boy now. I'm so happy to see it. He's a great personality in the community and always has been.
Seeing the title I was thinking "no your team is not keeping you in herald" but honnestly except the Aeon, I have nothing to criticize on that OD. But this venge is fully herald. And the defense is just awfull, but it also happens at higher levels when they panick and chainfeed, so this is not really herald thing, just human mistakes. At least on this match.
@@backstabba Hm, not sure. Maybe. Seemed pretty bad to me. Ofc not as bad as Venge who refuses to use ult or Witch Doc who apparently plays without a keyboard, but still.
@@Jonathanizer I think it is an achievement on its own to be stuck in Guardian and Herald. Good command of the basic mechanics should give you upper Archon on its own. Try harding gave me briefly Divine II, after not playing seriously for many months, I still got Legend IV.
@@backstabba im not stuck in archon cuz i rarely play ranked. the games are always 50+min and its so boring if you are hella farmed and the enemy not, you could end but all 4 of your teammates are farming. thats the problem imo. not mechanics
Apart from OD not using half his kit in fights, being out of position in every possible situation I have found (out of 1k+ games I qeued with my Archon friend, that if you have newbies, drunks or just straight brainless roadkill like here in your team: Let them go in first, stand behind them, clean up. Worst thing is to let them solo chainfeed all game, get something out of their deaths.
watching that venge playing brought me flashbacks of rage omg. Then the wd and tusk feeding made things worse. I kinda understand od, however, if you are good enough, leaving herald is quite easy, so no, most of the time you are the problem
Unless of course you are just around the boundary between Herald and Guardian. Escaping Herald with that skill level I believe would require teammates with actual brain cells. And yeah, obviously it hinges on having cooperative teammates. Like the last bit, if they actually regrouped they could've pushed it back. But they just panicked and went in.
The OD was definitely herald but high herald not herald 2. He doesn't fully understand his abilities and how to utilize them. But that venge belongs in a tier below herald and somebody needs to buy Witch Doctor a keyboard😭
The thing is big percentage of players got into herald because of playing with higher ranked friends .Herald is crater filled at the bottom with cesspool and getting out of it is nearly impossible .My theory is proven especially in cases of eastern europian servers ,often types happens that you end up in team with 4 brainless mainiacs and against you is russian invoker player who script casts or meepo with scripted poof combo .
I got 1 friend that most of the time in herald.he always frustrated and asking me how to escape that cesspool. Basically like everyday playing rank. The furthest he manage to climb is guardian 2 then a week later bounced back to herald 😂. I think he is the actual problem... im not interested climbing or playing rank yet my hidden rank hovers around archon. Idk what he is doing in game nor i know what advice i should give to up his rank lol.
So where is the conclusion if he deserves to be a herald? I have multiple accounts, one legend where I play mainly offlane, and the other one crusader where I play mid. I recently created another account and I have to tell you that playing unranked games in this horrible herald bracket (I am assuming I am in herald rank now as games are always 60+ mins long and it is impossible to convince your team to group up). My team just always throw. Last game I was 9/0/5 mid in 28 mins with OD. In 10 mins I had 1k more networth than my midlane counterpart. But my offlane doom decided to just farm jungle never joinging fights. In the end he ended his master piece game play with soloing roshan (took him like 2 mins to kill it, meantime his team died of course) and then when he got the aegis he just run alone agianst 4 heroes and dies twice, game over... aghanim blessing in his backpack of course. I really love dota, but these pardon my french, absolute braindeads are ruining everything. They just troll you on purpose. I ended the game 18/5/15. Losing the game while all the oponents except one had a negative score.
Your team can hold you back in Herald if you are destroying their mental fortitude and being an ass. Either don't communicate using vc/chat OR be as positive as possible if you're at this situation, you don't benefit at ALL from causing your team to be any more mad.
If OD actually wants to get better, just watch your game, look at your positioning and what you could do better. Two lategame fights were lost cause of huge axe calls. If you stand at the side or back and not get called you can just pur axe away and you win both Fights. The reason pros pick OD is not his dmg, but the astral. You can either put an enemy out of the fight or, even more important, save your teammte. If you focus on that at the start of the fight and improve your positioning you will easily win games.
there only so much thing you could do but you still cant stop your teammate doing dumb shit and at some point enemies can just walk over all your hard work then gg
sure he could do better but for a herald he is definitely good, i m 6.5k and even divine dogs sometimes just play for dmg who are like 5k. And my friend is crussader od spammer he would almost never use astral to save, herald shouldnt even be compared to pros lol. Not to mention (good) od never gets astral more than lvl 1 when playing against rubick still plays the game, so no the hero isnt only about astral.
@@peacefulmind1771 I never compared him to a pro, omg. I just explained what the special thing about OD is. If you just wanna do dmg, pick Lina. I'm just giving advice how to get better, because complaining about teammates won't gain you MMR. And if you are 6k you should notice that he easily wins this game if he doesn't get axe called and puts him away after jump. That lost 2 lategame fights and turned the game. So I don't care how much dmg and kills he did before, he did his job as a mid good, ok, but he choked when it mattered - because he doesn't think about standing back and using astral. Just turn your head on, especially when you push vs aoe heroes and stand a bit back - easy win here.
From personal experience as someone who was actually being held back in rank because of his teammates, I can say this is not the case here xD. I had stopped playing for 3 years and I came back like 2 months ago. Back when I was playing 3 years ago I was rank Legend 4, but now when I calibrated, it decided to put me in Herald 5, and I was like "I don't agree with that rank, but I guess I've become weaker". Then it turned out that Herald 5 was so far off my rank that I could solo games, thus I had like 10-12 game winning streaks completely flying though Guardian and at about Crusader 2 I started losing a lot, but it was a very weird feeling, like I play mid, and I win like 90%+ of my lanes, but I end up losing the games somehow, was stuck at 2000MMR for like 3 weeks, then I decided to stop playing heroes that can't solo win games and started just playing OD, Storm and Necro, and a week ago I noticed this crownfall event and the double down tokens it gives, which made me play seriously 1 day last Saturday, which was over 90% winrate over 2 days resulting in +800mmr and I went from Guardian 4 to Archon 4. And even at that rank, I still feel like people play worse than me, however it's a lot closer now, thus me playing a bit better then the other mid wins my team the game as the 2 side lanes don't fail too much anymore. I went to my wife hometown for new years and I won't be playing for 2 weeks, and I wonder when I come back and start reaching the rank I used to be, if I am just going to continue climbing or will be stuck at Legend ;). Maybe I'll have to watch some more guides and start playing some new heroes, as of now 95% of my games are either Storm, OD, Shaker and Necro xD
There is so many comments noone will notice I have huge gay crush on Jenkins
We already knew that without having to see a comment about it
Who doesn't brother
Me to,
Get in line pal
Vengeful Spirit lore accurately playing as a demon that keeps people stuck in Herald.
axe and legion were played by ogre magi
"They're playing like Heralds!"
"This is a Herald review."
"... Oh."
I like these because you are suprised at herald play but not superior. I love that you don't trash them for playing less optimally but genuinely enjoy their games.
it's honestly quite amusing to watch
Yeah he is enjoying it while other dota ytuber getting triggered whenever they review a herald game, Jenkins just casually says "Yep thats normal"
Wtf are u saying?
Actually a match with no smurfs and everyone belongs in herald. Except venge, they need to make a rank below for this guy. :D
Venge is griefing
@giovanna8048 you sure? No idea honestly, cause they are all doing pretty stupid stuff. You can't really tell in these games..
od is smurfing, i think he’s guardian
@@gammalerlangga309 is guardian a lot better than herald? Sounds pretty low as well and he also didn't play good..
@@heyku its not a lot better but he’s definitely not herald.
I’m impressed by the ending. They actually pushed and ended it in one go. It took only 50 minutes. It’s equivalent to 20 minutes in divine/immortal rank.
Genuinely a quick herald game.
Hey man, I'm the OD (Phenomnomnom). Thanks for watching this, I definitely didnt expect it to get reviewed. It had been a couple weeks since I played this one so the details are foggy. Watching it again, I definitely made a few mistakes in this game, but seeing the net worth by the end and seeing what my team was doing in lane makes me realize that at least this one L wasnt on me.
You did well, but not in early game.
- You need to use astral more, as it increases your damage output for Ult.
- You did not secure kills that were just there, several times. OD/CK/Axe are heroes that like to simply snowball out of control during mid-game. You missed out on that because you didn't secure kills.
- You also didn't astral yourself when Muerta BKB Ulted many times.
- You could have astral'd your teammates when they were engage in duel, or trapped in sky ult.
+ One positive in your build was that you got BKB + Aghs
you also died several times due to being 1/3rd HP and not going base, one of your last deaths you held on to force staff for no reason when you could have escaped with it most likely.
But overall your team esp venge was so bad the game was 6v4 b/c of that venge
In your rank, winning or losing will 90-100% depend on your performance. Yes, you can solo carry your team to win in that rank. Just practice the basics & have the correct mindset (eg. Hitting your item timings, power spike, doing the things your hero is strong in)
At least in this particular game it seemed like you're noticeably better than your teamates, just not enough to get wins when your team plays really bad. If you improve your positioning and spell usage a bit (especially Astral for defense or kill securing), you will probably start winning such games and then climbing out of Herald will be pretty fast. If you don't improve, you'll probably get out of it eventually, it'll just take longer. I'd say you at least don't belong in the same bracket as this Venge, WD and Tusk.
@@ashwina.vardhan5831 thanks for the advice! If you watch the full stream it makes more sense why my early game was rough. It was a combination of skywrath buying clarities and spamming his abilities and my top lane feeding axe and legion. I managed to keep my farm up and started bringing back the kills around 20-30 mins. But even when I started getting big there were some super questionable plays. That's part of solo queue, I'm not trying to say I'm above it.
Personal favorite was venge swapping on clockwerk... xD
😂 3:36 “you should… be better at maths”
The way Jenkins stated it as a fact under breath haha
I have venge on my ban list not because I don't like playing against her but because I absolutely hate having my pos 1 swapped into the middle of fights so our 1hp venge can run away and die to vessel
it's called griefing and can be done with any hero
@экспертпокражебаклажанов please name me one other hero who can instantly teleport a core or enemy into the middle of the opposing team
@экспертпокражебаклажанов I really don't know what you're getting at, like yeah you can oversimplify any ban "oh why did you ban meepo he just hits people, any hero can do that"
@@Umicron_ as someone who played with friends that would regularly grief me: pudge, kotl, io, chen, and tusk are pretty great ways to send your carry straight into the enemy
@9871ish you're forgetting the secret other option, cold embrace when they initiate and just leave them there as you run awah
imagine if that wd had a keyboard. Wild
Honestly its pretty normal for new Players to click items. When I started dota I never played a game with a bunch of hotkeys before (just CS and CoD for example) - so I learned the heroes in demo / bot games and having my hand on qwer was already enough at the start. I started implementing the item keys later one at a time. Dota is actually so overwhelming at the start.
I have the opposite problem @@heyku
I'm used to hotkey items, but I'm so bad at remembering I have them, that if I buy more than 1 then they just won't get used. So I just can't buy multiple actives outside of like tango
@@shirothefish9688 @heyku I've had both of those problems at the start (and a bunch more, of course) and one thing that helps with both of them is consistently playing heroes who build more or less the same active items and always placing them in the same slots, then focusing on that for a while. Eventually you'll get used to "Z is keep enemy close with Diffusal/Harpoon/Abyssal", "X is repositioning with Pike/Harpoon" or "C is the PANIC button with BKB/Ghost Scepter/sth" and can expand it to larger variety of heroes and items.
@@randomguy6822 my issue is mostly that I just don't play the game enough.
i think I last played dota in 2019 lol
So i see the clips channel was Denied
Why was there even a clips channel for content that surpasses his main channel content in the first place?
not a whole lot we can do about that
@@leroysmith4616 Best whatever the fuck this world has ever fking seen
"Why am I stuck in this rank!?"
Proceeds to play exactly as his rank displays:
He did better than most of them, he’s probably either guardian or crusader at least
Venge was pure shit. That hero is not that great right now when played properly but playing it this way is idiotic. Playing Zeus and ulting only to steal kills is more impactful than his ulties. The funniest thing is that Veng was such a great pick here, counters Axe+Sky or Legion+Sky or Clock+Sky.
@@elijahclark2667 naw. He is herald. Crusader will kick his ass..
@@elijahclark2667 yup. But down in Herald the only way out is to play a hero like ember that can win the game by himself on midlane. Otherwise, you are at the mercy of your team like shown here.
bro everyone of them can save from lc duel and taunt but they keep on doing shit fight and group up like trash, I feel the od
cant believe jenkins clips channel was doomed by 90 minute doom
what happened
@@olgagaming5544 it was doomed by 90 minute doom
6:52 bro really flared 4 guys and ulted a creep
His own too
I haven't watched dota stuff in at least 5 years. Just stopping in to say jenkins looking like a healthy boy now. I'm so happy to see it. He's a great personality in the community and always has been.
I think the only Venge ult I saw was to KS someone at 80 HP, gives the ability a whole new meaning
Herald games are magical, to think that actual human beings play like this, despite often playing the game for years, is so hilarious to me.
Jenkins i need you to know how much i look forward to these reviews. I need them like you need diet soda
Herald replays look a 100% more fun in comparison with higher level plays. They realize games are for fun
If this was about me the title would be “am I keeping my team in herald?”
(yes 😢)
I had that same thing happen to me as that WD when he got swapped by VS.
It's painful to think about.
This sky is that teammate who everybody takes stress by seeing him doing nothing entire game
im currently like half way through the video, the witch doctor build up is insane, i hope it pays off with him finally proving himself and rampaging
Came here to say
Clips channel has been denied
But someone beat me to it
Hey Jenkins !!! ❤ love your videos . 😊😊
Jenkins!! Jenkins!! Jenkins!!
Seeing the title I was thinking "no your team is not keeping you in herald" but honnestly except the Aeon, I have nothing to criticize on that OD. But this venge is fully herald. And the defense is just awfull, but it also happens at higher levels when they panick and chainfeed, so this is not really herald thing, just human mistakes. At least on this match.
we are here again, reviewing all types of ppl playing the game we fell in loved. welcome 2025.
-ur doing good. keep playing.
enjoy> stress
Wasn't this uploaded already
In this game, the OD was really held back by the team. And perma stacks are probably more useful in Herald than anywhere else.
OD played awful. This was a very nice OD game, and he made so many bad moves.
@@Jonathanizer Good enough for Guardian. Even legends made similar mistakes quite frequently when I played.
@@backstabba Hm, not sure. Maybe. Seemed pretty bad to me. Ofc not as bad as Venge who refuses to use ult or Witch Doc who apparently plays without a keyboard, but still.
@@Jonathanizer I think it is an achievement on its own to be stuck in Guardian and Herald.
Good command of the basic mechanics should give you upper Archon on its own. Try harding gave me briefly Divine II, after not playing seriously for many months, I still got Legend IV.
@@backstabba im not stuck in archon cuz i rarely play ranked. the games are always 50+min and its so boring if you are hella farmed and the enemy not, you could end but all 4 of your teammates are farming. thats the problem imo. not mechanics
What an amazing New Year’s present 🎁
no but seriously how do the heralds build lotuses or abyssals at 15 minutes HOW
axe and legion are two heads of jakiro
why is this in the main channel
3:30 good auditing 🤓
sucks that i managed to climb out of herald, i cant send clips anymore
Havent watched one of your videos in about 2 years, its good to see your ftm transition and testosterone therapy are going well
Apart from OD not using half his kit in fights, being out of position in every possible situation I have found (out of 1k+ games I qeued with my Archon friend, that if you have newbies, drunks or just straight brainless roadkill like here in your team: Let them go in first, stand behind them, clean up. Worst thing is to let them solo chainfeed all game, get something out of their deaths.
you know the rules: once you press r on witch doctor, there is no going back, gotta go all the way
I am a low ancient, jenkins pls do ancient review. Might be interesting too.
not a single astral prison was cast that day
As a Venge main this hurt to watch
Jenkinds without nail polish is top tier 🫣🫣
Love the shirt, Beet is epic
That Vengeful is not an oblivious player, he's just a griefer. Like, you can see he's deliberately sabotaging the team fights by pretending to be bad.
Can't spell team without me.
Good old Jenkins Newsham combo
I dont if its herald potioning or this axe is under ranked
anyone explain why OD has 2.4k shield? thats op
Happy new year everyone!
happy new year kanna!
watching that venge playing brought me flashbacks of rage omg. Then the wd and tusk feeding made things worse. I kinda understand od, however, if you are good enough, leaving herald is quite easy, so no, most of the time you are the problem
Unless of course you are just around the boundary between Herald and Guardian. Escaping Herald with that skill level I believe would require teammates with actual brain cells.
And yeah, obviously it hinges on having cooperative teammates. Like the last bit, if they actually regrouped they could've pushed it back. But they just panicked and went in.
@@Pulstar232 nah the situation is the same
That WD play with no key pressing 😂😂😂 insane
od bro is safe and sound in herald. he is exactly like my herald 2 friend , delulu
Like, goddamn, I only play unranked, but even I don't play terribly like this... most of the time
The OD was definitely herald but high herald not herald 2. He doesn't fully understand his abilities and how to utilize them. But that venge belongs in a tier below herald and somebody needs to buy Witch Doctor a keyboard😭
Bro uploaded to wrong channel
That Venge Player deserves to be in Herald for couple more years.
Can someone please tell me how i can submit some replays of mine?
neither Venge nor OD are aware that their abilities can be used on allies instead of enemies lmfao
Yeeaaah, this is a herald review..
i wonder if the OD is watching this video
I do think the OD has a lot of improvements to make...
But his team definitely does not help.
The thing is big percentage of players got into herald because of playing with higher ranked friends .Herald is crater filled at the bottom with cesspool and getting out of it is nearly impossible .My theory is proven especially in cases of eastern europian servers ,often types happens that you end up in team with 4 brainless mainiacs and against you is russian invoker player who script casts or meepo with scripted poof combo .
Love the beet shirt
I got 1 friend that most of the time in herald.he always frustrated and asking me how to escape that cesspool. Basically like everyday playing rank. The furthest he manage to climb is guardian 2 then a week later bounced back to herald 😂. I think he is the actual problem... im not interested climbing or playing rank yet my hidden rank hovers around archon. Idk what he is doing in game nor i know what advice i should give to up his rank lol.
U always gotta let the wd ult ride…
OD's audacity lmfao
6:51 couldve been a Ceb moment
So where is the conclusion if he deserves to be a herald? I have multiple accounts, one legend where I play mainly offlane, and the other one crusader where I play mid. I recently created another account and I have to tell you that playing unranked games in this horrible herald bracket (I am assuming I am in herald rank now as games are always 60+ mins long and it is impossible to convince your team to group up). My team just always throw. Last game I was 9/0/5 mid in 28 mins with OD. In 10 mins I had 1k more networth than my midlane counterpart. But my offlane doom decided to just farm jungle never joinging fights. In the end he ended his master piece game play with soloing roshan (took him like 2 mins to kill it, meantime his team died of course) and then when he got the aegis he just run alone agianst 4 heroes and dies twice, game over... aghanim blessing in his backpack of course. I really love dota, but these pardon my french, absolute braindeads are ruining everything. They just troll you on purpose. I ended the game 18/5/15. Losing the game while all the oponents except one had a negative score.
even bots play better than that venge. that's sad.
heralds have finally found the counter to blademail!
buying blademail themselves
Muerta is a league of legends character not gonna lie
Realising you're the problem in your matches is the gaming equivalent of reaching enlightment.
I solved the problem by answering "yes" to your question before i watched the video. beat that ,nerd.
Why does jenkins look like a glazed donut?
FU no mustage. Its an outrage sir
Your team can hold you back in Herald if you are destroying their mental fortitude and being an ass.
Either don't communicate using vc/chat OR be as positive as possible if you're at this situation, you don't benefit at ALL from causing your team to be any more mad.
video starts at 0:12
Close, but no, it's starts at 0:00
Yeah that Venge is griefing on purpose ....
Why do str hero players in low rank always role play as their character
7:28 😂😂😂😂
This venge is actively griefing the game with his passive swap.
If OD actually wants to get better, just watch your game, look at your positioning and what you could do better. Two lategame fights were lost cause of huge axe calls. If you stand at the side or back and not get called you can just pur axe away and you win both Fights. The reason pros pick OD is not his dmg, but the astral. You can either put an enemy out of the fight or, even more important, save your teammte. If you focus on that at the start of the fight and improve your positioning you will easily win games.
there only so much thing you could do but you still cant stop your teammate doing dumb shit and at some point enemies can just walk over all your hard work then gg
sure he could do better but for a herald he is definitely good, i m 6.5k and even divine dogs sometimes just play for dmg who are like 5k. And my friend is crussader od spammer he would almost never use astral to save, herald shouldnt even be compared to pros lol. Not to mention (good) od never gets astral more than lvl 1 when playing against rubick still plays the game, so no the hero isnt only about astral.
@@peacefulmind1771 I never compared him to a pro, omg. I just explained what the special thing about OD is. If you just wanna do dmg, pick Lina.
I'm just giving advice how to get better, because complaining about teammates won't gain you MMR. And if you are 6k you should notice that he easily wins this game if he doesn't get axe called and puts him away after jump. That lost 2 lategame fights and turned the game. So I don't care how much dmg and kills he did before, he did his job as a mid good, ok, but he choked when it mattered - because he doesn't think about standing back and using astral. Just turn your head on, especially when you push vs aoe heroes and stand a bit back - easy win here.
i wont say im any good at dota, hell im not even past 100 hours for ranked, but THIS is ludicrous even for me.
I feel this guy's pain.
Knowing you're about 3k MMR but your teammates literally have brain damage.
AFK-ing ~1 second for a chat wheel isn't 3k MMR behavior
how can OD lose to axe he hard counters him
I feel he could improve, unlike most of his teammates
thank god iam guardian
this is SEA dota 100000%
From personal experience as someone who was actually being held back in rank because of his teammates, I can say this is not the case here xD.
I had stopped playing for 3 years and I came back like 2 months ago. Back when I was playing 3 years ago I was rank Legend 4, but now when I calibrated, it decided to put me in Herald 5, and I was like "I don't agree with that rank, but I guess I've become weaker". Then it turned out that Herald 5 was so far off my rank that I could solo games, thus I had like 10-12 game winning streaks completely flying though Guardian and at about Crusader 2 I started losing a lot, but it was a very weird feeling, like I play mid, and I win like 90%+ of my lanes, but I end up losing the games somehow, was stuck at 2000MMR for like 3 weeks, then I decided to stop playing heroes that can't solo win games and started just playing OD, Storm and Necro, and a week ago I noticed this crownfall event and the double down tokens it gives, which made me play seriously 1 day last Saturday, which was over 90% winrate over 2 days resulting in +800mmr and I went from Guardian 4 to Archon 4. And even at that rank, I still feel like people play worse than me, however it's a lot closer now, thus me playing a bit better then the other mid wins my team the game as the 2 side lanes don't fail too much anymore. I went to my wife hometown for new years and I won't be playing for 2 weeks, and I wonder when I come back and start reaching the rank I used to be, if I am just going to continue climbing or will be stuck at Legend ;). Maybe I'll have to watch some more guides and start playing some new heroes, as of now 95% of my games are either Storm, OD, Shaker and Necro xD
😂 herald? i swear my team keeps me in any rank im at, if i was playing their hero with me as a support, we would definitely have won
No one says first today.
Wrong channel, g
10:45 hHAHAHA
Heralds are bests
hey OD, youre playing good. but just remember, no matter how trash your team is, they still have skills and health that can turn the game.