I'm pretty sure this is what happened to me. I had brusing on the bottom of my foot. All x-rays have been done non weight-bearing.I also have a jones fracture. I've been in a boot, but it's been 6 months now, and the bone hasn't healed. And I get a lot of pain and swelling along top of my foot. Lately, I have lost all mobility in my big toe. I have an appointment to go back soon. I am going to demand an MRI and weight bearing x-rays because this is ridiculous. I feel like I have complained and complained, but all they want to focus on is the fracture. But the pain and swelling aren't anywhere near the fracture. Plus, why am I not able to move my toe anymore?
Doctors are very stubborn sometimes and ignore our feelings and rely on imaging tests too much but who can feel pain location better than the patient? Nobody. I hope things are moving in the right direction for you already and you are healing.
This was very informative for me to understand my lisfranc fracture and what tests are needed to view it adequately.
Whats the recommend thing for patient to do to help the recovery?
Thanks for the info bro I actually know why I need surgery
I had surgery lisfranc last week do u know how long it will be take normally I can walk little bit
@rumafahmida7595 well depends on how bad it was i still limp sometimes
@rumafahmida7595 but yea i had 2 plates and 8 screws and then they got removed 4 ish months later
I'm pretty sure this is what happened to me. I had brusing on the bottom of my foot. All x-rays have been done non weight-bearing.I also have a jones fracture. I've been in a boot, but it's been 6 months now, and the bone hasn't healed. And I get a lot of pain and swelling along top of my foot. Lately, I have lost all mobility in my big toe. I have an appointment to go back soon. I am going to demand an MRI and weight bearing x-rays because this is ridiculous. I feel like I have complained and complained, but all they want to focus on is the fracture. But the pain and swelling aren't anywhere near the fracture. Plus, why am I not able to move my toe anymore?
Doctors are very stubborn sometimes and ignore our feelings and rely on imaging tests too much but who can feel pain location better than the patient? Nobody. I hope things are moving in the right direction for you already and you are healing.