I hate Barry here, and if he was really packing all of pats stuff he would pack all the furniture as well. I can’t believe that Barry said that pat was using Roy. She didn’t get anything out of the relationship, Infact Barry and Roy gained from that relationship, they got a house, a car lot, a place for a baby to stay...the list goes on
He was a pathetic overgrown child of a man. Even though he’s lost everything it’s hard to feel sorry for him here. Pat should have pointed those things out to him.
Episode Soundtrack: The Boo Radleys : Wake Up Boo! Liberty X : Got To Have Your Love Kosheen : Hungry Texas : Say What You Want Jamiroquai : Love Foolosophy Samantha Mumba : Lately Lenny Kravitz : Fly Away
Love these older episodes there was decent characters and storyline's
I hate Barry here, and if he was really packing all of pats stuff he would pack all the furniture as well. I can’t believe that Barry said that pat was using Roy. She didn’t get anything out of the relationship, Infact Barry and Roy gained from that relationship, they got a house, a car lot, a place for a baby to stay...the list goes on
It's a good thing he went the way he did cause if he went on living he would carrying on fucking up as usual.
He was a pathetic overgrown child of a man. Even though he’s lost everything it’s hard to feel sorry for him here. Pat should have pointed those things out to him.
Pat is not responsible of Roy's death .Barry never liked her .
They are just acting
how has Phil been hurt in the past he’s the one who makes other people’s lives a misery
Episode Soundtrack:
The Boo Radleys : Wake Up Boo!
Liberty X : Got To Have Your Love
Kosheen : Hungry
Texas : Say What You Want
Jamiroquai : Love Foolosophy
Samantha Mumba : Lately
Lenny Kravitz : Fly Away
OMG that baby is adorable! 18:50
Thursday 20th March 2003
Brilliant upload Angie
Hated Barry so much how could he of chucked all of her stuff out after she was there for him and left her out in the snow disgusting
I’m sure this was intentional but D’you think Shaun Williamson played Barry like a little boy?
Phil really is a mother’s boy
Have you got may 9th 2003? Pls
25:59 jack torrence #theshining 😅😅😅😅😅
Janine I love you you know I do
Barry roaring at pat haha
Lmfao at 5:42
Ricky 22:55: I'd hate to see what you'd do if you hated someone. He'd soon find out!
I hate Barry. Such a big baby
Barry was greifving he was angry