I can help you but I'm in China. Just a joke,I‘m a mobile phone mechanical designer in VIVO. you should buy new parts to restored a destroyed phone. it cost a lot.
Hey man, do you provide restoration for International subscriber as well? Because I had this HTC Desire with me since 2010 which I bought it with my own saving money for the first time.
Bro i have an mi 6pro It was my first gift of my dad Can you restore it Bro it was very precious for me I have no money to restore it bcoz i am a student of class 11
Bro tumar video dekhte beshi valo lage i am from bangladesh i think u live in india super bro give me a answer the question is ur iphone 11pro is it u got from dirty place
Sukabumi selalu hadir keren video nya padahal cuman benerin hp yg rusak tapi tetep aja pengen liat maju terus Jaiphone mudah2an nambah jdi 10 juta subscribe nya Aamiin.
Good day sir... Can I ask... Where did you buy the parts like LCD Ang touchscreen? I want to restore my old phone cu'z you inspire me .., I hope you will notice me....
Nice work on the restoration, I commend that you invest in your product; don't worry about the mistake, we're all human. However, you still haven't answered my question; have you ever restored a Motorola Phone?
Watching restoration of MI first time..... Legend is back with another one....🙏🙏
Mi key
Old music is goood plzz nxt vedio back the old music 🎶😘😘😘🥰
Your The Best In The World At Repairing Phones Bro...Keep It Up 🔥❤️
@@ygornadal1440 nooooo
JairPhone acompanho quase todos os seus vídeos e vejo um cara super inteligente vc , que Deus te abençoe sempre.
*Jaiphone Founds a dead phone*
Jaiphone b like
Bhai mujhe jaiphone ka address bta do
Egdhg Egdhg Oldue ryo zqCU eafhsj Oldue oeklyo eafhsj
I can give you asus zenfone 2
This fone is a destroyed in a 69%
You fix your phone well, I'm happy with your art, I live in Kazakhstan, I live in Kazakhstan and I watch your video.
hello jai phones if the battery bends are they good to reuse
It works but not for longer time.
Yea prime telecom is right
ok thank you
@@nobitanobi7295 np😏
Idk why you guy's are endorsing him to use a bent phone battery. Yall are some dicks. If it's bent do "Not" use it. Your just asking to get burned
Really Fantastic ..... Jai Phone ♥
Who watch this video with mi 6A 😂
This is first time i could see jai phone is restoring mi phones❤️
I m from Indonesia...so excited your video on UA-cam channel
8:17 😂ye kya....😂😂😂
I love your job very much, and I hope I am very good at your skill.🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰
Imagine I can getting a heart from jai phone 😅
You are really really best phone repair king
Fact : jai phone has unlimited sim card 😂😂😘
Bro he has a test sim for all his videos
Unlimited mobile unlimited sim card
Your Videos is Satisfying 😘😘
With these Old Ncs 😘
Lobe From INDIA
so great bro
Bro can you repair my mi note 4A plz plz bro help me
N sei se vcs sao brs mais esse cara e um mito
nice work man👍👍
Fun fact: HowToBasic sends these phones to Jai to repair it
@Kluna Tik Tri Well I know
Great man..👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻
Legends are watching in mi 6a .
Anyone other. 👍
8a here 😴😴😴
@@__Srujan legend 😅
6a bro
Me too
Your videos are awesome.... Love them good work bro
Aqui no Brasil poderia haver trabalhador honesto e de habilidades como o @Jai,showww.
এতোভাল ভিডিও দেয়ার জন্য ধন্যবাদ thanks bro
This guy won't even worry about stealing, he already has several good cell phones hahaha
Hii i saw ur videos it were very 👍, i am yur fan💕❤
He should start coaching and open branches in all citys 😎
Hi carnagex op
@@savinduedirisooriya6165 hello
Jaiphone i like your video nice from phillipines😊😊
How can i send phone to you?
I want my phone to be restored
Pls tell
He hearts your comment but doesn’t respond ;-;
I can help you but I'm in China. Just a joke,I‘m a mobile phone mechanical designer in VIVO. you should buy new parts to restored a destroyed phone. it cost a lot.
Mee too, i want to send my tablet...
you are the best mobile repairman in the world👌👌👌
Наконец то Редми 😁🤗😍
это типа восстановленный телефон который потом на али экспресс продаётся )))
One of the you tuber who restore all mobiles and other guy destroy it✌️
Hey man, do you provide restoration for International subscriber as well? Because I had this HTC Desire with me since 2010 which I bought it with my own saving money for the first time.
great work idol jaiphone
This is Botched TV show, but with electronics!!
Agqlquegwlq. Y wgqlq. Egwpqw. W pkk wfqlqwtıq qıay bilgisayar mühürce eve
Nice👍👍here before it views turn into 100,000
6a users one like 👍
Folder chahiye
@@0786TauhidRAZA1 bro abhi need nhi hai
Hui bro folder chahiye
I'm big fan of you 🙂❤️🔥🎉
I spend my most of time in “recording”,“making crafts”,“editing” and “uploading” . I need all my brothers and sisters to support me 🙏🙏🙏🙏
So much hard work is done by you
He is lit af🔥🔥🔥🔥
Friend you never fail you are the truth a teacher,all your achivements are wonderful. ;):);-) 💯✅🌟
Bro i wanna get my phone repaired how can i contact him
me too i have a xiaomi mi 8 lite :c
Ya bro place
Sir you are really best repair master
Bro i have an mi 6pro
It was my first gift of my dad
Can you restore it
Bro it was very precious for me
I have no money to restore it bcoz i am a student of class 11
Do it for all your subscribers
Bro can you do it
Nice video sir 👍👌👍👌👌👍👍👍👍👍👍
The international version will support 2 sims and 1 memory card. The local version only has 1 sim slot and a shared memory card! 🥺
Very great bro jai phone channel like here
11:32 you forgot to press the sub botton
Wow so nice work 😍
Bro tumar video dekhte beshi valo lage i am from bangladesh i think u live in india super bro give me a answer the question is ur iphone 11pro is it u got from dirty place
Bro u give rebirth to phones what the great talent bro
I watch this channel because it is satisfying
Sukabumi selalu hadir keren video nya padahal cuman benerin hp yg rusak tapi tetep aja pengen liat maju terus Jaiphone mudah2an nambah jdi 10 juta subscribe nya Aamiin.
JaiPhone ты реально очень крут bro! 👍👍👍
Bro Nice do
But , where do you purchase that every small parts ?
Please answer me bro....
Good day sir... Can I ask... Where did you buy the parts like LCD Ang touchscreen? I want to restore my old phone cu'z you inspire me .., I hope you will notice me....
I liked this restoration the most I have ever seen
How many days after you make an video 😘😘
Your big fan in India😎😎😎😎😎😎
I dont know why there are huge companies for assembling phones
This guy can do that all day
That was great n cool👍👍👍👌👌
6:07 sir Jo aap screen laye ho WO kitna ka aata h whi redmi note 5pro ke liye whi purA screen .... Please btaaa dijiyeee
Rs 2500 Bro
@@sokuyo okay thnxs broo
I am also a machenical but you are great Sir ji☺
nice restoration
well done!!!
I watch your video in MI 6A 😅😄
Hi bro ibig fan of your jai phone
Very nice video bro excellent job like share comment i love Your videos ❤️❤️❤️🇧🇩🇧🇩🇧🇩🇧🇩🇧🇩🇧🇩🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴
You make very osm video and also mobile phn 😊
Up coming videos on MI itself put bro👍🔥🔥
Un fre o miedo pvp
Greetings from Russia 👋👋👍
I like your all video 👌
❣️❣️ Jai phone ❣️❣️
You give a phone for playing game
🙏🙏 Please answer me 🙏🙏
Jai can you tell me where are you buying parts of all kind of phone device
My Favourite channel
Nice work on the restoration, I commend that you invest in your product; don't worry about the mistake, we're all human. However, you still haven't answered my question; have you ever restored a Motorola Phone?
Wow how beautiful your work is !!!!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Use of Bellan to फ्लैट थे battry so nice Jai
Do one of One plus 7 pro please.
Keep up the great content👍👍.
Greate job new subscriber
The legend... 😎😎😎👍👍👍
8:20 great indian jogad!😂
Wow lot of broken phone in basket🤔
Handset repairing legend is back 🔥❤️
I love your videos
Love you bro big fan
All: fun fact : I am watching in mi 6a
Me I am watching in motorala 😂😂
Good job sir 😘
So diligent ideas
Great bro
Sir i want to restore my kingwear kw18 smartwatch wil you repait plz sir how can i send it to u for repairing plz tell me .🙏🙏
hi! i'm a new subscriber.🙂
You are making the world a better place, no cap 😉
Early waiting for this another upload of your video sir
love your all video ❤️️
amazing video her bar ki tarah
good video bro
Finally a Xiaomi smartphone gettin' some love here! 😁