Power Rangers Once and Always: Thoughts, Rants, & Opinions (MMPR Remastered Figures)

  • Опубліковано 20 гру 2024


  • @Mr.HootieHooRDK
    @Mr.HootieHooRDK Рік тому +8

    Thank you!!!!
    All of the haters were mostly Tommy fanboys. It was nice that they focused more on Billy, Zack and the new ranger. Power Rangers is about Team work, friendships, learning to adapt and overcoming The challenge.

    • @Tharus12
      @Tharus12 Рік тому

      It just seems like no one is happy with anything, most of the comments could be cut and paste, just change franchise/actor/director/producer/writer as required.
      They just seem to have to high and certain expectations of something when they need to go in with none.
      For this Tommy fan, I enjoyed seeing my first favourite ranger taking the lead and back again, with Billy.

  • @dstr001
    @dstr001 Рік тому +8

    I think you hit the nail on the head. Some criticisms I can agree with, like you can tell the actors were rusty from not, well, acting in years, but the folks saying it should have been gritty and dark seem to have forgotten what power rangers is lol. Its a cheesy kids show with awesome music and choreographed fight scenes! Tbh it felt like it was made for those of us who grew up with MMPR while still having the core of what PR always was, honestly it kinda felt like cobra kai does, a nice mix of the old child friendly with a bit more maturity.

  • @UltraPokeZ
    @UltraPokeZ Рік тому +34

    I enjoyed the special it was a great way to celebrate 30 years. Also to celebrate the passing of Thuy and JDF. I liked how the used original audio for Jason, Trini, Kim and Tommy. Made it feel like they was there. I liked how they the vibe went from fun, serious and emotional.

    • @howardlee2447
      @howardlee2447 Рік тому

      The old Rita died and she's defeated 17 years ago but they still have the new Rita six years ago. 💚😈1️⃣7️⃣🪦6️⃣

  • @Enterthedarkness23
    @Enterthedarkness23 Рік тому +5

    I'm sure everybody was crying when they flashed back to Kimberly's song with original gang together. The song means so much more now 😭

    • @jasonkoch3182
      @jasonkoch3182 Рік тому +2

      It was such a sweet, though heartbreaking, moment.

  • @XeroCool420
    @XeroCool420 Рік тому +5

    Let's just hope that the ratings are good enough to warrant Netflix to greenlight another one

  • @Mightymorphinninjaturtles
    @Mightymorphinninjaturtles Рік тому +4

    Bruno not enjoying a Power Rangers special was an impossibility

  • @XeroCool420
    @XeroCool420 Рік тому +2

    I'll be real, this is one of the only videos I've been waiting for about the special. Anyone else feel like they were kinda watching the movie from the 90's because the production value was so much better? I mean I legit at times thought it was a new power rangers movie

  • @Y2Jerms
    @Y2Jerms Рік тому +2

    I just binged the last 7 videos on this channel because I didn't want to possibly be spoiled by anything. I guess I don't have to worry about things like that in the future.
    As for the special, it was morphinominal!! It was really kool seeing all the easter eggs and updates. The story was great. It's even rewatchable to me! Did you tear up at the end? I kinda did. Anyways, great video!

  • @kainhighwind2
    @kainhighwind2 Рік тому +3

    I think it comes down to people remember Power Rangers being serious when they were kids, because it was all so easy to buy into. When you re-watch it as an adult, you see how goofy and cheesy it all really was.

  • @generaljester4387
    @generaljester4387 Рік тому +4

    As someone whos been more into sentai than power rangers since ninja steel i thought once and always was great it felt like a perfect balance of what makes power rangers great and new things that make it more appealing to a casual audience love your videos!

  • @PickleRick-iw2nf
    @PickleRick-iw2nf Рік тому +9

    Those complaining its too cheesy are obviously misremembering the original show.

    • @KidFlash-ye5ps
      @KidFlash-ye5ps Рік тому +2

      The cheesy parts was What made it good?

    • @JerseyJoe90
      @JerseyJoe90 Рік тому +2

      ​@@KidFlash-ye5ps oh it did!

  • @lancefraizer5137
    @lancefraizer5137 Рік тому +3

    The special was incredible!!!! I would absolutely love this to become an ongoing series, allowing former Rangers to show up for special missions, and can we talk about Mihn? She is an amazing addition to the team!!!! HASBRO NEEDS TO MAKE HER FIGURE ASAP!!!!

  • @KalEl7802
    @KalEl7802 Рік тому +2

    The other day I was talking about the Power Rangers special and explaining the lore to him. He recommended that I start a UA-cam channel as he say I have an unique perspective when it comes to things like this.

  • @matthewkoschade1269
    @matthewkoschade1269 Рік тому +2

    I completely agree, I cannot comprehend why people hated Once & Always, I felt like they gave us a great grown up MMPR story, showed the Rangers truly being a family team, it gave us very real personal conflicts to give us a real sense of reality, and I really felt like we kept the same charm we always had and many of us still love, this truly is the tribute that Thuy Trang deserved for too long, very happy to know I wasn't the only one, as usual I love your stuff and am always excited for the notifications for your channel, hope you guys stay safe & healthy, and have a VERY good night #MMPRtoys #teambrumia #Once&Always #RIPThuyTrang

  • @zw246
    @zw246 Рік тому +3

    I tell people "If you didn't watch it years ago, you probably wont like it. If you were there back in the 90's You're going to love it"

    • @--julian_
      @--julian_ Рік тому +3

      I would say even if you didn't watch it jn the 90s but still watch some seasons as a kid, you would appreciate it

    • @zw246
      @zw246 Рік тому +3

      @@--julian_ I loved the self referential humor. “They always sounded like Turkeys” 😆

    • @jeanbean7183
      @jeanbean7183 Рік тому +2

      @@zw246 my favorite lines were about Rocky teleporting after heating up his lunch and alpha stepping on the rangers feet when they were invisible

  • @adamknightly1143
    @adamknightly1143 Рік тому +2

    I’d like to see two series for power rangers. One where they just keep doing what they’ve done for the past 30 years and then another series where the base the stories on the Studio Boom comics. That way we can have a series that can be a bit more mature/updated without messing with the original series that people still love.

  • @dppatters
    @dppatters Рік тому +4

    I loved seeing Billy get his chance to take the lead. He’s criminally underrated as an all time great ranger. He’s right up there next to JDF and ASJ in my opinion.

    • @leocitywrestling7029
      @leocitywrestling7029 Рік тому

      he is the one who created the communicators which tapped into the morphin grid

  • @stephensager7479
    @stephensager7479 Рік тому +4

    I like the special my only problem was that Robo Rita captured so many Rangers but they didn't show any of them. Would have to cool to see all those Rangers have their own fight scenes when they got captured.

  • @johnnywebster4417
    @johnnywebster4417 Рік тому +4

    I agree with you completely..I swear with the people talking down on it..with this fan base there’s always a group that will never be happy.

  • @C_Aguirre84
    @C_Aguirre84 Рік тому +2

    They did a great job with what they could do as far as the 30th Anniversary episode/movie. Can't please everyone.

  • @bradjr10
    @bradjr10 Рік тому +3

    I find it interesting how critical the power ranger fanbase can be at times. Most fandoms would kill to get an anniversary special like this.

  • @gumbyx84
    @gumbyx84 Рік тому +2

    Agree with you 100%. Once and Always was great.

  • @KidFlash-ye5ps
    @KidFlash-ye5ps Рік тому +2

    I love how it was called the Bandora protocol since that's her sentai name

  • @third.act.countdown
    @third.act.countdown Рік тому +2

    Daniel Craig's run as James Bond also had an identity crisis. The series started grim but the old fans were wanting the lighthearted moments. Casino Royal and Specter.
    It's a tricky line.

  • @reesrodriguez4146
    @reesrodriguez4146 Рік тому +1

    I loved the special it has honored Trini and has given her peace knowing that her daughter carry’s on the legacy of the yellow ranger ONCE A RANGER ALWAYS A RANGER, RANGERS FOREVR DEFENDING TOGETHER

  • @asylum3673
    @asylum3673 Рік тому +2

    Been waiting for your comments on the special haha, well said! I loved the special, was very much power rangers and better than i expected!

  • @kevinmitchelljr.6734
    @kevinmitchelljr.6734 Рік тому +1

    You hit the nail on the head! It definitely seems like so many people want Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, or just Power Rangers in general, to be something that it isn’t. It especially seems that our fellow MMPR fans wish that the show would have grown up with us, but that’s not really possible for a children’s show. I truly enjoyed this special and I really hope that we get more content like this with the MMPR cast.

  • @gokaijoe62
    @gokaijoe62 Рік тому +2

    Yes I 100% agree if Jason or Tommy were in the show the focus would be on them. This gave other characters a time to shine. My only thing is I wish Adam and Zach fought together

    • @GothamKnight84661
      @GothamKnight84661 Рік тому

      Well, JDF never wanted to be in it in the first place. He was right at home in Legend of the White Dragon. I prefer Adam and Rocky fighting side by side, Adam is a better Martial Artist than Zack is and less annoying.

  • @LanceCorporal_Waffles
    @LanceCorporal_Waffles Рік тому +1

    I enjoyed it a lot. The arms on the Megazord, though, lol. The memorial at the end got me teary eyed.

  • @KHFMcAwesome
    @KHFMcAwesome Рік тому +2

    I absolutely loved the special! It was a fun callback adventure! I never went in expecting some big MCU-esc thing, just a fun nod to the origins a show that against all odds has survived for over 30 years!
    One thing that was unintentionally funny to me was that Robo Rita's machine was powered by what were clearly whatever Lightning Collection figures they had lying around! It made me laugh because, though maybe unintentional, you could see it as a subtle toy advertisement and the whole foundation of the franchise was to sell toys! So in a way it was an unintentional meta joke! 😜😜😜😜😜😜😜😜

  • @SolomonTheSoloOneDy
    @SolomonTheSoloOneDy Рік тому +2

    Billy is like a combo of Bruce Wayne/Batman and Tony Stark/Iron Man.
    The special was good. Like a Power Ranger stabbed a monster and a robot with their weapons. The only thing I wished they flimed was when the other rangers got captured, even like a short clip.

  • @hectictazmaniaprime
    @hectictazmaniaprime Рік тому +1

    MMPR was my power rangers growing up i had to return to watch this Special felt like a kid watching it again enjoyed all the easter eggs locations returning Rangers and the Megazord.

  • @kayealexv.g.
    @kayealexv.g. Рік тому +1

    Okay so the analogy I like to make is Batman 66. Before his passing Adam West was lending his voice to Batman cartoons that replicate that same camp. Or even Scooby Doo whether its Whats New, Mystery Inc, and the new Movies Scooby has retained several elements; barring Velma's overall cynicism.

  • @Fortunefaded420
    @Fortunefaded420 Рік тому +4

    i watched it for the 1st time last nite, and it was more than what i could ask for as a fan.

  • @SkillyBiba
    @SkillyBiba Рік тому +1

    I liked the special. I like how they implied that at least Billy has communicated with other teams and is like the de facto leader in a way. My pipe dream would be a Netflix show spinoff of this that incorporates Billy, the SPA, and other teams 8n a way.

  • @ShotoSuper-yu6su
    @ShotoSuper-yu6su Рік тому +2

    Those little figures are so perfect I agree

  • @VentA_7
    @VentA_7 Рік тому +1

    One thing I really liked was how it felt like an ep from the show, but like a big ep: like the ep where the Dino zords get trashed, kind of ep

  • @XeroCool420
    @XeroCool420 Рік тому +2

    Anyone else glad but not surprised that they also used Legacy Morphers as opposed to like upgraded lightning morphers or something? I mean they were clearly legacy morphers.

  • @frankbarrie6785
    @frankbarrie6785 Рік тому +1

    I was extremely pleasantly surprised by this special. And the way they handled the old OGs that couldn't make it, and the way they paid homage to the actors of Tommy and Trini (who are no longer with us) was done so well and very classy (in my opinion at least). And I absolutely loved how it seemed a fan wrote the script cuz we got so many answers to things that actually make sense in canon. I was just pleasantly surprised and happy all around honestly.

  • @ssjesf
    @ssjesf Рік тому +1

    I absolutely loved the Special it was very accurate to the series style and continuity. Those mini figures are really nice, I gave my niece a pink Ranger one and she loved it.

  • @Iruleyoufail
    @Iruleyoufail Рік тому +2

    It was such a touching tribute to Thuy Trang and they explained everything really well. I don't expect block buster performances and I don't mind the cheese because I love a lot of B movies. People are so ungrateful and whiny like we get it you don't like PR anymore.

  • @ABS6308
    @ABS6308 Рік тому +2

    I enjoyed the special and thought it was pretty good. Especially that they said in the credits Tribute to Tommy and Trini’s actors. That was nice.

  • @helrazr44
    @helrazr44 Рік тому +1

    Really all I want out of the more 'serious' side of the franchise is good story telling, the comics are perfect for that, I was excited to possibly see a properly fleshed out zeo plotline from the 2017 movie, but alas

  • @bradleyschoon7149
    @bradleyschoon7149 Рік тому +1

    Simon Benett has said online they just didn't have the time to shoot the Megazords scene's and make a Moon surface set and that is the main reason why we have a Cgi scene.

  • @alphamike87
    @alphamike87 Рік тому +2

    Great video Bruno and Mia, I liked the special, it was great seeing them on screen again

  • @tinmandw
    @tinmandw Рік тому +1

    The megazord fight gave me so many vibes of 1995 Power Rangers movie that I was ready for the rangers to "take care of business."

  • @marcomora434
    @marcomora434 Рік тому +1

    I loved it. Glad David Yost and Walter Jones got to shine. I don't want some grim dark power rangers this was perfect balance. Most people complaining about are casuals that dropped out after season 1 or 2. I would assume most people still watching the show would enjoy it.

  • @kevscollectibels
    @kevscollectibels Рік тому +2

    ever since this spical came out people are trying to claim this is a reboot and is click bating and others are saying actors like walter were fired and did not leave

  • @gargoylecastle842
    @gargoylecastle842 Рік тому +2

    I don't get why so many people are complaining about the special. I thought it was great and served as an excellent love letter to the fandom. Frankly the only real things I would argue would be that it would have been better if Jason, Kimberly, Tommy, Bulk, and Skull were actually it it too and it was longer. Could it have been better? Yes. But that does not change the fact it was super awesome anyway.

  • @80sKidfromthe90s
    @80sKidfromthe90s Рік тому +2

    Once and Always was Morphenominal. Great video Bruno.

  • @spangus10
    @spangus10 Рік тому +1

    I love how they brought Rita back for the 30th anniversary and Zed for Cosmic Fury

  • @designaftermath
    @designaftermath Рік тому +1

    I loved it. Some of the fan discourse is the same as it always is, its not perfect therefore it was not made with care. Perfection is the enemy of progress and this felt like progress to me.

  • @charscreamAA
    @charscreamAA Рік тому

    Honestly I feel like the megazord overshadows the physical props they made for the new props for the formation sequence that is genuinely awesome

  • @justanotherVic
    @justanotherVic Рік тому +1

    If I have ONE gripe it's the Megazord scene. The CGI works great for the transformation sequence, but the actual fight definitely would be better with the suit actors. That being said, I thought it was a fun special and the arc for Minh was done really well.

  • @jonc2914
    @jonc2914 Рік тому +1

    In space is my favorite season but this was the best power ranger production ever made.... this beats 2017 movie. They could put power rangers back oncthe map if they make more like this.

  • @Black_valor90
    @Black_valor90 Рік тому +3

    Anyone complaining that the special was “corny” clearly didn’t watch the original show lol.

  • @Thatguy0318
    @Thatguy0318 Рік тому +1

    That special was awesome I enjoyed it completely and it was everything I was hoping it would be. Those figures look awesome.

  • @WiGgYof09
    @WiGgYof09 Рік тому +1

    I genuinely think that many people misremeber what power rangers was. They remeber it through the eyes of a kid and to a kid it was amazing action and story telling. As an adult, power rangers is a goofy kids show.
    To me, I think people like th idea of power rangers more than power rangers itself. For those people, I would recommend they read the comics.

  • @penb1326
    @penb1326 Рік тому

    This was a love letter to fans and the franchise and it made my heart feel whole. Beautifully done, especially the tribute toward the end! Made me feel young again and helped me remember the magic

  • @Kneecaptain
    @Kneecaptain Рік тому

    I remember being so obsessed with power rangers, as i grew up, i forgot about it, its so great to see it doing well

  • @WonderBeaver007
    @WonderBeaver007 Рік тому +2

    The special was everything I wanted it to be

  • @istevens78
    @istevens78 Рік тому +1

    I loved the special. I admit i cried. It is impossible to please absolutely everyone but I think it pleased enough of us. As for the CGI megaaord ‐ Simon Bennett posted the other day it was due to budgeting. CGI is less expensive than renting studio space, building sets, crew, etc... I'd rather have a CGI megazord than no megazord.

  • @Kirokishin913
    @Kirokishin913 Рік тому +1

    I figured CG Megazord was because of budget. The ranger suits, monster costumes, Robo Rita costume, the sets, and all the props. Not to mention the pay for cast and crew.

  • @ragemalachi
    @ragemalachi Рік тому +1

    Honestly I think David and Walter did an amazing job. The scenes with them arguing over what to tell Trini's daughter shows they can act. The rest of the show they slipped back into their original characters. But David again, even though he was back into monotone way of talking like the old show, the facial expressions he gives show genuine pain. The rest of the cast was typical power rangers, which is fine. Steve though seemed to give no craps about what he was doing. The cgi for the zords was cool, not to much for the megazord battle... But have you seen the cgi super Sentai battles? On par really l.

    • @Tharus12
      @Tharus12 Рік тому

      I thought it was better than the Sentai footage, in general. The Megazord had presence. Where as the Sentai footage, it's animie style over the top finisher moves.

  • @TransKoyu
    @TransKoyu Рік тому +1

    Was thinking it was machine empire related or beast morphers scrozzle under lords zeds command. But definitely an interesting plot device that help deepen the story. Was shocked how it happened. poor alpah 8

  • @maybetoby
    @maybetoby Рік тому +1

    I loved the special, I was pleasantly surprised. I just wish the Megazord and Snizzard were still guys in suits. I also would've liked a quick montage of the other Rangers being captured. Nothing major, just stunt actors in Ranger suits.
    I still love the 2017 movie.
    I hope they do more specials with Billy and Zack teaming up with Rangers from other teams.
    Hasbro would give us a shield-less Green Ranger lol

  • @Blakehoose
    @Blakehoose Рік тому +1

    I wonder if there'll be another Yellow Ranger Lightning Collection with a Charlie Kersh/Minh head sculpt. Perhaps as a 2-pack with Robo Rita?

  • @kevinmitchelljr.6734
    @kevinmitchelljr.6734 Рік тому

    I really hope we get more celebrations of the beginning of the franchise like this. I really enjoyed the special and it is so great to see our childhood heroes back in action again!

  • @litterboxstudios
    @litterboxstudios Рік тому +3

    Cheesy and corny have been baked into the series’ DNA from day one and I mean that as a good thing. That’s such a weird complaint to me.

    • @MMPRtoys
      @MMPRtoys  Рік тому +2

      I'm still trying to figure out when so many Power Ranger fans decided they needed the show to be the most serious thing on TV.

  • @aprilblackregentart6647
    @aprilblackregentart6647 Рік тому +5

    Agreed on all points in this video

  • @Zeak6464
    @Zeak6464 Рік тому +2

    CGI was my only complaint, i would have just loved seeing Toys fight or people in costumes...

    • @michaelmulligan8527
      @michaelmulligan8527 Рік тому +2

      Hasbro, hire Bruno to do stop motion megazord fights! Pay him his asking price and a bonus!

    @COMBOY Рік тому +1

    I liked the special, and I don't get why people complain about the acting, MMPR had that level of acting during the entire 3 seasons! so I find the acting in the special very accurate to how it was in the original show, and I loved it!
    My only complain was the CGI Megazord, which reminded me of the Ninja Megazord from the 1995 movie. I was complaining about why didn't they make a suit like in Zyuranger if they made the monsters with no problem, or at least requested Toei the Daizyujin suit from the last Sentai specials... And well, after watching this video, I noticed that Hasbro already ordered the suit long time ago, but it had to be brought back to Japan after the Toy Fair, so I understand now why they couldn't use it in Once And Always.

  • @gekisou
    @gekisou Рік тому

    I had to wait til I finished the special before watching this ep.
    I agree that for a 55 minute Netflix tribute special, they did an awesome job with it.
    I loved the explanation of the proxy coins, how Robo Rita came to being, the Zord summoning sequence being an awesome tribute. And like you Bruno, I was not expecting the Zords to turn up. I mean, there are certain Super Sentai VS movies where the mecha don't turn up.
    I understand why people want more but also there are people that don't understand the logistics on how shows are made so...
    Anyway, great video as usual~~~

  • @AdHocF1
    @AdHocF1 Рік тому +2

    I loved the special, made me cry a lot!

  • @leoparent7779
    @leoparent7779 Рік тому +2

    I loved the power rangers once a ranger always the part I liked was when Minotaur and slizzard came back and RIP Tommy and trini

    • @GothamKnight84661
      @GothamKnight84661 Рік тому +1

      Tommy isn't dead! JDF the actor has passed away. We get it, got it? good! as a JDF fan /Tommy fan you annoyed me with that comment. Think before you type!

    • @--julian_
      @--julian_ Рік тому

      ​@TheBatman2025 i mean they will have to kill him too eventually

  • @anionhero
    @anionhero Рік тому +1

    I really enjoyed the 30th anniversary special. I honestly have no complaints about it.

  • @TheKennyEstes
    @TheKennyEstes Рік тому +1

    I really enjoy the special & hoping for more like it. Great video.

  • @RandomHero_85
    @RandomHero_85 Рік тому +1

    I read a conspiracy theory that the reason the lightning collection red ranger is missing a Jason head sculpt is due to ASJ's current legal problems. So, to make sure it sells, Hasbro decided to give him the removable dragon shield instead

  • @mattcameron2762
    @mattcameron2762 Рік тому +1

    Cat and nakia both said they’d be open to a zeo reunion

  • @AlphaProto
    @AlphaProto Рік тому +1

    I liked the special. It was just an hour-long Power Rangers episode. If they changed it too much, it wouldn't be Power Rangers.
    Trini's passing was the most mature element of the show. Some people act like they were swearing, but other than saying kill it had the dialogue you would expect from Power Rangers.

  • @movieguy546
    @movieguy546 Рік тому +2

    Barbara goodson killed it lol littleraly

  • @tallietorchersproductions2740

    One thing I like about this special was the fact that they said kill and even killed Trini (most of the time, they’ll say like “I’ll destroy you” or what have you)

  • @henry_crossley
    @henry_crossley Рік тому +2

    I like the special. My only complaint is that it was not 2 hours.

  • @NicholsonStudios
    @NicholsonStudios Рік тому +3

    I enjoyed the special mostly and tried to just take it for what it is. The reboot will come eventually and that will be a different thing that we can hold to more modern standards. I do feel like the emotional stuff didn't really 'work' in the special. It just opens with a death of a ranger in a pretty normal situation they have been in so many times, with an actor who isn't there even really there, and it just felt off and forced to me for it to be the whole story. Feels like the setup for a dark timeline? Like Really, Billy is trying to get Zordon back and gets Trini killed? Thats messed up and he wouldn't be able to forgive himself??? I would rather if Trini had died in the past. Like Cobra Kai honouring Mr. Miagi. Like all the rangers are remembering her at the start of the episode and the story can go from there. That's just me tho! Overall I give it a thumbs up but I'm more excited about the reboot vs more specials in this continuity.

  • @BMassey1987
    @BMassey1987 Рік тому +1

    I liked the special. Definitely had some critiques, but overall I liked it!

  • @jeanbean7183
    @jeanbean7183 Рік тому +1

    I really enjoyed the special Bruno, ( despite not being around 30 years ago and the tribute making me cry at the end ) I’m not sure what fans mean by wanting a dark and serious version of power rangers ether and considering I wasn’t the biggest fan of the 2017 movie ether, I think the boom studio comics have that dark and serious version covered. I didn’t even think about using those micro scale rangers for a once and always display ( that’s a pretty cool idea)

  • @meganstrickland3427
    @meganstrickland3427 Рік тому +2

    I love Once and Always.

  • @DigiBrad
    @DigiBrad Рік тому +1

    This was a good 30th anniversary for MMPR, I really enjoyed it

  • @philipcanelo6519
    @philipcanelo6519 Рік тому +1

    And I can't wait for a season 2 to Power Rangers one last time

  • @PlatinumHaro
    @PlatinumHaro Рік тому +1

    The special was a near perfect for me. I loved the writing, the acting, the action. The only part that didn't work in my opinion was the cgi for the megazord in the fight. While it could have been way worse, it could have been better too.

  • @jandanielching1434
    @jandanielching1434 Рік тому

    Despite the criticisms by other reviewers (others just went overboard with their expectations) but I love the special.... I was just so into it the whole entire time and that tribute to Thuy and JDF sealed everything for me... yes it was love letter to us fans of the OG rangers (western iteration of the Super Sentai Zyurangers). I absolutely love it... wish we'd get more hopefully with Jason and Kimberly this time... :) and Billy seeing him again was just bringing me back to that time that I decided Im the blue ranger :).

  • @cfighter95
    @cfighter95 Рік тому +1

    As someone who grew up watching MMPR through roughly SPD (and never actually finished a complete series of any of those shows, just catching reruns and random VHS drops) this special was great. Way darker than I was even expecting while still having the charm that I remembered. There were plenty of things that were completely alien to me since I was completely out of the loop with the continuity, but I never felt like it drastically hindered my enjoyment. The only thing that I wasn't a fan of was the CGI zord battle at the end. The CGI itself was pretty bad on its own but what made it stand out more than usual was how exceptional the sets, practical effect work, and cinematography before it was. I wouldn't have minded the CGI if the rest of the special looked like a cheap episode of television but it didn't; the special looked like a proper Netflix production paired with some of the worst CGI I've seen on the platform.

  • @pepsimax9481
    @pepsimax9481 Рік тому +2

    I thought the special was great. Acting was just as good as the old MMPR. I would of preferred to have seen the Megazord as a practical effect but I’ve seen a lot worse CGI. I would actually watch more if it turned into a series.

  • @stephenshishido5480
    @stephenshishido5480 Рік тому +1

    I liked the movie it brought me back when I first watched the show

  • @jacobgross7950
    @jacobgross7950 Рік тому +1

    I enjoyed the special, i was happy with what we got. And for a special it worked. And i say a post on insta that they used cgi for the megazord fight cuz the didnt have the time or Budget to make a moon scap and rent the Suit.

  • @WolfFistProductions
    @WolfFistProductions Рік тому +1

    I had one issue with the Megazord fight. One issue. The sword finisher wasn't done right. The Megazord slashes not back stabs lol. But I can live lol. Great special.

  • @TheLuckestloser
    @TheLuckestloser Рік тому +1

    I had a hole different plot in my head for the special but still a great story and the acting was so much better than any of the shows, the Zords where not bad I can forgive the special effects if the story is good and it was.

  • @user-vl9bw1lw1u
    @user-vl9bw1lw1u Рік тому +4

    Complaining about Power Rangers being corny and cheesy is like complaining about water being wet

  • @100PercentEarl
    @100PercentEarl Рік тому +1

    I think it's pretty good honestly. my only criticism of the show is the sound design. It's probably because I really like the sfx they used in the og show. I really wish Bulk and Skull could've been there. My only thing with the Megazord fight is I wish there were more shots to show scale. But i understand that it's hard to show scale on the moon when there's not much in terms of landmarks lol. And a general "I wish that Hasbro would put more money and time behind the production". But still a great special!

  • @kevscollectibels
    @kevscollectibels Рік тому +1

    for the micro rangers are there other teams made