Jinns & Mawlana Shaykh Nazim

  • Опубліковано 28 вер 2024
  • Shaykh Nazim speaks in English & Turkish, describing an encounter with a Jinn at night, as he returned to his home. He then recounts several other episodes in Turkish.
    They attempt to come at him but out of fear of his Maqam, they run away, into the Forests of Lefke.
    The power of this Sultan ul Awliya can not be doubted, he faces real tests on a daily basis, spiritual attacks, he is a Shaykh of the inner and outer sciences.


  • @Hananofny
    @Hananofny 8 років тому +26

    how dare you people that your a muslim and backbite about this shakh, you will be punished for saying bad things about true blessings of people like him from allah. I Love you Shakh Nazim, I was so lost before I found you, I have learned so much from you and what you have taught I could feel Allahs( swt)closer to me and blessings poured down on me, may Allah bless you Shakh Nazim.

  • @blitzzzmode
    @blitzzzmode 14 років тому +8

    Subhanallah..he is the master of truth and purity, the saint of the 7 continents...most humblest man i have ever met.. may he live long and may we always be under the shade of such holy ones ...Ameen

  • @almuslim2346
    @almuslim2346 7 років тому +1

    All the ones that have made bad remarks on this noble sheikh, who are you..kimsen? Look at the credentials of this man, 100s of scholars of the islamic world have said that he is on the right way, kings and princes, presidents and generals celebreties to the common man have found peace and haqq with this man, he follows the sufi way and is the imam of the naqshbandi tariqah...that alone should make you think of his level...and you people read a few hadith and develop an image of islam and start attacking anyone who you can't understand...
    He is an ocean of Allah swt...if you can't understand him, atleast show respect...

  • @MunibAhmad92
    @MunibAhmad92 11 років тому +4

    Sorry, but what is the definition of Shirk? Shirk is when you make somebody equal or greater then Allah. Allah has no equal and there is no such thing greater then Allah. So how does one fall into shirk by touching his hands? I've seen Salafis going crazy trying to touch Sheikh Sudais, but there is nothing wrong with that is there? Typical hypocrasy of the Wahabi/Salafis. Salafis claming he is an innovator? You people love and support the biggest innovation in Islamic history, the Saudi state.

  • @Goldriver92
    @Goldriver92 13 років тому +5

    please upload subtitles for the turkish part

  • @jabirshaffie
    @jabirshaffie 13 років тому +1


  • @loveurlife6444
    @loveurlife6444 10 років тому +4

    plz can any one explain what grand shaykh is telling

  • @asheqerasool
    @asheqerasool 14 років тому

    mashallah ....my wish and biggest dream is to bayth on hands of shaykh adil nazim al haqqani.if knows please help.

  • @SDRsUnited
    @SDRsUnited 12 років тому +1

    So, you are Ulama, and you are invited to call any muslim kafir?
    If no one helps but Allah, why do you go to doctor?
    If no one helps but Allah, why do you eat?
    Why do you ask help from your friends, and family, and relatives about something, even to help you lift something? According to you, that would be kufr.
    You are all about "no one helps but Allah" and at the end, you mentiones intercession of Muhammed aleyhiselam. That is not help?
    Again, for you own sake dont call muslims kafirs.

  • @xEXilUx
    @xEXilUx 13 років тому

    @Maysoun2009 you should understand.. rasulullah can marry more than 4 wives.. but we only can maximum 4. Takrif bidah that I've learn by Al-Habib Munzir, from Imam An-Nawawi in Syarh Shahihul-Muslim, Imam Nawawi explain, bidah has 5 portion.. read before you say, sunnah also had sunnah haram, sunnah sunat, sunnah mubah, sunnah makhruh, sunnah wajib.. sunnah haram is what rasulullah does it, but we cannot.. like marrying more than 4 wives.. it sunnah that we cannot follow..

  • @BondurantSadiku
    @BondurantSadiku 6 місяців тому

    The great grandfather şeyh of the best tarıkat ❤️🌹

  • @xEXilUx
    @xEXilUx 13 років тому

    @Maysoun2009 rasulullah can.. but we cannot.. Allah forbids us...

  • @abdulhafizabdulrahman5753
    @abdulhafizabdulrahman5753 11 років тому

    Harun Yahya says that Prophet Muhammad s.a.s. said that Sheikh Nazim is the one who speaking from Imam Mahdi because he wears turban in right way and hadis says "There will be a man who will speak on behalf of Mahdi from inside the Turban"

  • @MrYanter
    @MrYanter 13 років тому

    shaykh... do you know that so many young people like me wants to meet and be bayth by you???????? allah.....

  • @blitzzzmode
    @blitzzzmode 13 років тому

    @ku8890 i hope Allah forgives you and gives you the highest place in Jannah Inshallah.... (u see the difference between a sufi and a hater ?) following the ways of the Prophet peace and blessings be upon him opens a fountain of love in your heart and makes it impossible to wish bad for anyone...these are the teachings our masters teach us.. whereas in the other hand you are full of hatred.. im sure the Prophet of mercy never wished bad for anyone..

  • @ku8890
    @ku8890 13 років тому

    @Adje1431 ameen brother these ppl played with islam

  • @Maysoun2009
    @Maysoun2009 13 років тому

    @xEXilUx a Muslim man is only allowed to marry 4 wives at a time...get your facts right then speak

  • @onezt88
    @onezt88 13 років тому

    Get bayth with online ways

  • @dadir17
    @dadir17 11 років тому

    I respect your opinion sister. I did not in any way insult this man. What evidence do you have in the Quran and the sunnah, for you to claim that by touching this mans hand or head etc will give you guidance? SubhannalAllah. Guidance only comes from Allah alone not even the prophet SAW can guide you. No one takes away hardship from a person but Allah.

    • @YR-rh7qo
      @YR-rh7qo 3 роки тому

      So why is the prophet a messenger if he’s not meant to guide you, of course he’s there to guide you and spread the word of Islam, sheikh Nazim has brought hundreds of thousands of people to Islam but people still call it “bidah” shirk, have you actually sat in a room with him or listened to his speeches? Cos I have and trust me he is kind, humble and loving, all the qualities a true Muslim should have, he doesn’t discriminate anyone, he accepts people from all walks of life as the prophet did, get real man

  • @Eliazer011
    @Eliazer011 11 років тому

    he is an innovator. The most Sufi sects are totaly wrong. Not all Sufi, but most of them. you should take knowledge from Quran and Sunnah, and not from people who lie against our Prophet Muhammad(sallalahu aleihi wa sallam).
    RasulAllah said, that you who brings something new into Islam, it will be rejected.
    Learn from evidence by Quran and Sunnah.
    ma salama

  • @deenalfitra
    @deenalfitra 12 років тому

    this is so funny....

  • @blitzzzmode
    @blitzzzmode 13 років тому +2

    Allah revealed to Musa (Alaihis Salaam), “What actions have you done for
    my pleasure?” He said, “O Allah, I have prayed to you, kept fast, and paid
    charity.” Allah said, “Prayer is a clear proof for you, fast is a shield for you,
    and charity is your shade. But what have you done for me?” Hadrat Musa
    (Alaihis Salaam) then asked, “O Allah, show me as action which is only for
    you.” Allah said, “O Musa, have you loved someone for My sake, and hated
    anyone for My sake?”

  • @kelmendi71
    @kelmendi71 13 років тому +1

    What a pleasant wonderfull man you are Shaikh Nazim and may Allah grant you long life and good health inshAllah and high darajat(grades)in the sight of almighty Allah s.w.t.

  • @sufidervish786
    @sufidervish786 12 років тому +1

    I do not understand your comment of no more Shaykh Nazim Lordly Universe (regarding bayah) what are you stating here? Sultan Awilua Mawlana Shaykh Nazim is the head of all, do not say such words, yes this comment is 2months old but it needs to be said! If you wish for Bayah when you are at Lefke, if unable to be with Shaykh Nazim, goto his Son Shaykh Mehmet whilst you are there, as he has been appointed Khalifa and into the Golden Chain MaShaAllah.
    May Allah Grant Shaykh Nazim Long life always

  • @blitzzzmode
    @blitzzzmode 13 років тому

    @rahatkhan you need to learn the concept of true love..love for his sake and hate for his sake then you will get somewhere Inshallah... go and look up what the Prophet of mercy peace and blessings be upon him has said about Allahs chosen servants...go and read the story of Hazrat Owais Qarani ra and see how the Prophet of mercy praised him...Subhanallah...go and read how high Syedina Abu Bakr as Sideeq praised Hazrat Ali ra.. leave your mind and seek to lift the veils from your heart ...

  • @KARIM0087
    @KARIM0087 13 років тому

    @xEXilUx , Mashallah,,so true my brother,these people that are the real true infidels make me sick!,calling a true master words they can't even spell! If you truely do have a problem with the Sufi Saint,then go to Cyprus and find out for your self what they are all about?, no point 'pumpin' ur chests out on youtube!!

  • @Nezuko_chan122
    @Nezuko_chan122 13 років тому

    @asheqerasool Do you pray five times a day and repeat the ayat, "You ALONE do we worship, and to you ALONE do we ask for help."??? You think the hands of a human being can heal you? You're better off reciting Qur'an over yourself, and maybe see a massage therapist, depending on your problem.

  • @shareenas78
    @shareenas78 13 років тому

    @ku8890 786, in one of the excerpt next to the right. Shayk says the Mahdi is a Turk and he's the 4th to last of the excerpt then which the hadith says sheikh nazim will point to and the pious men of Iraq (Jilani) and Najuba of Egypt will come and pledge allegiance to . Its true it is the folllower of S.Nazim who will come to him after the warring family of Arab installs him

  • @SDRsUnited
    @SDRsUnited 12 років тому

    Again, If someone is kafir, it is not on you to say it. On the day of judgement is "Shefa't" not intercession. Intercession is something what happened during and after life of Prophet aleyhiselam, the hadith about blind man, and hadith about rain. So, what Shaykh Nazim wrote, is maybe just too much to comprehend for you, and those you dont have enough intelligence, faith, and spiritual power to reach what he is saying, so in sheere jealousy call him kafir.

  • @xEXilUx
    @xEXilUx 13 років тому

    @KARIM0087 they say that Allah forbid tawassul.. but Allah command us to tawassul, "O you who have believed, fear Allah and seek the means/wasiilah [of nearness] to Him and strive in His cause that you may succeed." Surah Al-Maidah verse 35.. what's wrong.. when they say mawlid is bid'ah, but our Imam Muhaditsin approved it.. ta'rif bid'ah by Imam An-Nawawi in Syarh Shahihul-Muslim page 164-165 about bid'ah is 5 portion.. bid'ah haram is calling yourself Rasulullah and marry more than 4 wives..

  • @xEXilUx
    @xEXilUx 13 років тому

    @Maysoun2009 yes.. and that also show that you don't read what I mentioned before.. or might be you don't understand english or don't study... do you understand what I am saying?

  • @abdulhafizabdulrahman5753
    @abdulhafizabdulrahman5753 11 років тому

    Harun Yahya says that Prophet Muhammad s.a.s. said that Sheikh Nazim is the one who speaking from Imam Mahdi because he wears turban in right way and hadis says "There will be a man who will speak on behalf of Mahdi from inside the Turban"

  • @dadir17
    @dadir17 11 років тому

    What will you gain by touching his hands. It can neither benefit nor harm you. He is just a human being like all of us. Do not fall into shirk brother.

  • @xEXilUx
    @xEXilUx 13 років тому

    @Adje1431 stop that.. you're accusing Allah's saint.

  • @sousou781
    @sousou781 13 років тому

    فداك أبي و أمي شيخ ناظم : الامضاء تونسي حر

  • @Joseph70671
    @Joseph70671 12 років тому

    Poor old man? Allah forgive you ?