Am I the only one seeing a set up for Carly being back at the MC? Jason’s conversation with Diane give me a vibe of Jason getting it back for her and the way Olivia is complaining I can see her being in support of it especially since Nina’s back at crimson and will be divorced once she brags to Carly about sleeping with Drew and it’ll obviously get back to Sonny cause Uk once the women in his life cheat on him it’s done for but once he does it it’s “you gotta understand…” as well as being on the aurora board she’ll be distracted to not seeing it coming.
So Carly should stay away from Jason and should think of her kids but not in a bad way but why couldn’t he not necessarily stay away from Carly but think of his daughter over Carly cause Carly could take care of herself. Sonny would’ve helped her out to her knowledge or not so she would have been fine.
“Stay out of whatever trouble Jason’s in” Does Drew not know Carly at all? She’s in all of Jason’s business. If it’s trouble or not.
Am I the only one seeing a set up for Carly being back at the MC? Jason’s conversation with Diane give me a vibe of Jason getting it back for her and the way Olivia is complaining I can see her being in support of it especially since Nina’s back at crimson and will be divorced once she brags to Carly about sleeping with Drew and it’ll obviously get back to Sonny cause Uk once the women in his life cheat on him it’s done for but once he does it it’s “you gotta understand…” as well as being on the aurora board she’ll be distracted to not seeing it coming.
So Carly should stay away from Jason and should think of her kids but not in a bad way but why couldn’t he not necessarily stay away from Carly but think of his daughter over Carly cause Carly could take care of herself. Sonny would’ve helped her out to her knowledge or not so she would have been fine.
This Nina slander writing is sssooo TIRED!!!