Another great video! We were fortunate to get our home rriiiggghhttt before rates shot up, we honestly couldn't afford our home now at current rates so we are thankful for that. Houses are constant projects but the peace of mind of having that asset and that HOME are so great...just unfortunate that it seems it's becoming further and further out of reach for people because of rising prices + rates.
Great video! I already own a home, but this is great information for new home owners or people looking to purchase one soon!
Awesome, good for you with owning a home already!
That's on my bucket list, owning a home....I just need the rates to come down a LOT! Great video man!
You can do it!
Another great video! We were fortunate to get our home rriiiggghhttt before rates shot up, we honestly couldn't afford our home now at current rates so we are thankful for that. Houses are constant projects but the peace of mind of having that asset and that HOME are so great...just unfortunate that it seems it's becoming further and further out of reach for people because of rising prices + rates.
I 100% agree, it’s the rates that are holding people back from purchasing their first homes currently.