I could be wrong but wasn't he literally the clone who said "I'm glad these bugs can't aim." Jinxing it and his gunship was shot down?. Been a while since i seen his story arc so i could be wrong but i vaguely remember there being somrthing about that incident where at least 1 clone survived that.
@@zombiekillerr9764 "Landing at Point Rain" and "The Deserter" were both in the second season. Funny enough, the Deserter was produced right before the other but was aired 5 weeks later. To conclude, Cut was referring to the first battle of Geonosis. He was in a troop transport that was shot down and his squad was wiped out which is why he deserted.
Honestly, out of all the clone divisions I feel the worst for Plo Koon and his squad. Cody probably eventually learned that Obi-Wan survived Rex was freed by Ahsoka Bly at least gets the peace that Aylaa had a quick and semi painless death No one even knows what the heck happened to Shocktee. But Plo showed even more care for his men, (I’d argue even more so than Obi-Wan) and he not only had a very brutal death but he was also framed for something his men knew very well he could never do. I believe you can actually see the effects of this on Commander Wolfee in rebels. (For those who don’t know Plo Koon was framed as a villain about to blow up a school)
Here is the trick.. ALL of Shaak-Ti's "deaths" ARE CANON! 🖖😎👌 Because she represented the only successful outcome from the jedi's top secret force sensitive cloning research. It is not impossible and is just super rare and super... Difficult... to get one that is not insane.
The one I’m happiest for is Wolff. That man served possibly the greatest Jedi and person to ever live. Plo-Koone was a damn father figure. He was an honorable guardian and steadfast leader to his clones. They didn’t just respect him, they loved that man. Every death and injury in the Wolfpack was met with fierce sadness and regret and a need to hold up the survivors. I think if Plo knew it was coming he would have faced it like a damn man and looked his clones in the eyes and told them it was ok. He would have told them he understands and knows that the force has something else for him now and that he is proud of each and every one of his men. He wouldn’t even fight back.
5:45 Commander Bacara didn't put his men's safety above all else, he was much more brutal and cynical than Ki Adi Mundi. He disliked Mundi for being a poor commander, not for being too bold and being willing to sacrifice clone lives. I mean, Bacara literally ordered his men to fight super battle droids in hand to hand combat when their weapons malfunctioned.
You content always makes me feel like I'm a part of the StarWars universe. You help make it even more relatable in your explanations. You always feel like a history teacher or a newscast for StarWars lore.
So, I never realised that people misunderstand, even hate the idea of the 'Inhibitor chip'. This I would say is a definite indication of your exposure and immersion in fantasy, science and futurism as a whole. I could even go so far to say it's a generational difference that, is also adjacently related to the lack of sentiment towards CGI and animated characters as a whole. But, I digress; the inhibitor chip is literally a microprocessor with programming, just translated from a technological PCB to biological cells. These programmed scripts are non-negotiable and are just waiting for their requirements to be fulfilled. Once activated, the functions or directives associated will be performed. I don't think I've ever seen anyone dive into this topic, but the inhibitor chips would have to commandeer areas of the brain to essentially direct active function. When CT Tup executes JD Tiplar, he seemingly cannot remember the action, though is aware of it after the fact. This is actually a very interesting dive, if we could get a medical expert to chime in on what is going on here.
7:28 The mentor/father/mother figure can also be a clone. I'm currently reading No Prisoners in which Rex kind of sees his troopers as his sons and feels that he has an obligation to protect them and care for them as best as he can. And he also sees Ahsoka as someone that he looks after for especially when Anakin is absent
With this context, although brief, Anakins' reaction to the fate of his Clone pilot escorts during the rescue mission in the opening battle of RotS makes it more impactful. { "They're all over me. Get them off my..[radio static] - Clone Pilot } 🚀 💥 { "I'm gonna go help them out." - Anakin } ✋️ { "No, they are doing their job so we can do ours." - Obi-Wan } 👉 Tmw the fun is over 💀
Some Jedis could not understand human nature. Like humans, clones are social creatures. Without any parents or mentor figures that they can trust, that trust can be real damaging to their relationship, and Palpatine knew that very well, which was why when the Jedi turned out to be reckless and inexperienced, it gave Palpatine the justification to declare Order 66.
I know many people do not like the chips, but it does seem more plausible for Palpatine to ensure such a safeguard in the off-chance Jedi would survive if clones either hesitate or disobeyed. It also adds to the tragedy that all the clones were given a false illusion of independence and will of their own. However, majority of the clones never needed the chips either. Clones that were independent as Rex became were likely less that 4% of the entirety of the GAR. For most, they never interacted with the various Jedi they served alongside.
The chip also held numerous other orders. Such as Order 65. Which was, apparently, that *The Supreme Chancellor* was no longer fit to give commands and was to be arrested. And use of LETHAL FORCE was allowed if they tried to escape. As in, Palpatine really built in an order that would send THE ENTIRE CLONE ARMY on HIS ass. Of course, to give Order 65 would require Senate approval, and it's clear from Episode 1 that the Senate literally CANNOT come to a decision within 1-3 business MONTHS. on anything.
I love how we talk how utterly arsine the first battle Geonossis was and take the Jedi to task for lore reasons because of it when the reason why the battle was so poorly done was because of how the animators and producers decided to make those scenes (they didn’t know any better at the time and they brought in military advisors for episode 3 after feedback from military fans and others in the industry) in real life. God the Jedi had a massive brain fart when handling this battle as they should have know better then to fight like they did.
7:54 Allen would you be able to do a video on how things like tattoos were part of different cultures and how the clones, Skeen from Andor and more had tattoos in the galaxy
That high five in fallen order felt so great but so extremely sad at the same time cuz you already knew what was comming next that moment wen i had to fight the clones really broke my heart
Well done as usual. It is a great fear of people to loose control of yourself. It always annoyed me that the clones were not viewed as beings with rights.
The clone army was a masterful creation by George L. ... He took the conscript armies of his youth and abstracted all of the individual circumstances into a single narrative of involuntary service and sacrifice. The complete loss of agency would be more difficult to communicate if the army was comprised of 100's of recruits with poor or deprived backgrounds. To create an army the size of the GAR would require an enormous amount of exposition, which would still be necessary as empathy was so often central to their arcs.
I have a head canon theory that Cody changed his armor color to gray purposely in honor of Kenobi similarly to how Wolffe changed his paint job to gray for the fallen 104tg fleet. While even with the inhibitor chips forced the clones to execute the Jedi for treason, I feel the clones deep inside still respected the Jedi even when they were brainwashed to believe the Jedi betrayed them as why clones like Bly made the executions of the Jedi either mercy kills.
The clones were, in the end, the biggest victims of the Jedi/Sith conflict during this era. They were never given a choice, never given the right to select their own paths until it was too late. Sure, the people tricked by the Separatist leadership and the people tricked by Palpatine's lies were also victims, as were the Jedi raised in an environment that equated serving the Force with serving the Republic. However, it was the clones that never had a chance to make their own choices. Even a padawan could, theoretically at least, leave the Order if they wanted, but a clone was a clone, until they died or became unable to fight.
If i were a Jedi Warrior, i would have treated the clones like being, like men, and not as cannon fodder. Ues, i would have been curious about their cloning project and all, but at the same time, i also wouldn't have been emotionally bonded with them like I love you like i love my brother. That sort of thing.
Remember the Jedi brainwashed the kids early. Galactic wide kidnapped children at a age that they couldn't really think for them selves. The clones were a sad chapter of a very corrupt government. The Republic has never been honest or right. Which is why the Sith was so strong for a ridiculous amount of time. And then you have the Mando group which loved war but were great leaders and rewarded excellence plus a clan bond that made the jedi look like fools with egos.
I don't think Obi-Wan would have elevated to the Jedi Council during peace time, he's a war time Master. He was a top tier battlemaster with near impenetrable defense and an excellent spy. He also got very attached to those close to him, barely kept his emotions in check, regularly goes rogue and struggled with delicate force techniques like healing.
It was much easier for clones that hated their Jedi commanders. I can’t imagine it was easy for Cody either. If anything considering how he had them shoot at Obi-Wan, Cody was betting on Obi-Wan surviving.
The Jedi were definitely complacent and/or blinded by the dark side to not see the the growing Separatist movement or the creation of the Clone Army. They basically failed at keeping the Republic at peace. Sidious really worked hard to eventually take over the Republic. The clone army was the only thing powerful enough to wipe out the Jedi. Millions of clones to destroy only thousands of Jedi. Incredible when you really think about it.
Is Aniken was so worried about pregnancy complications why have Luke &Lea delivered early and put in test tubes.. . How did they not know twins don't they have ultrasound
In a Republic Commando book we have the insight how a jedi could see a clone through the force and it is as a child (because they are twice as age because they were age faster half the time of a human) but this is just one padawan so i am not sure how many do because this was before the clone wars (animated series) was made.
Commander Bacara was quite brutal, but he actually respected many of the Jedi still. However, Commander Neyo and Commanyder Faie were the opposite and had no respect for the Jedi and even actually almost enjoyed Order 66. Meanwhile, Captain Rex, Commander Cody, and Commander Bly were some who did not take any joy in the order.
Tge Original storm Troopers acted more pro programed military machines then the clones they were ordered to get shot but not shoot to kill to find tze rebel base as in getting turns killed
If we go with legends, some clones disobeyed but a majority were fine with it as many didn't like their jedi generals and tbf they've seen countless of their brothers slain on the battlefield. Killing Jedi might not be so traumatising.
Imo this is were the non-chip story line falls flat. The chips give a proper reason as to why the clones who developed diverse and individual personalities all mindlessly followed the same order. In the end the ultimate betrayal of the clones was stripping them of their personality and free will theyd developed along side the Jedi, who they were forced to murder.
Ooooohhh...I'm just at the start, but the tension of whether the Karen Travis series about Clone Commandos and this exact issue has been made 'officially' verboten, or whether that whole (pre-cancel culture) drama has de-escalated into norhing but a storm in a tea cup is figuratively killing me! (Actually now that I think about it, Allen never really takes sides in any irl drama, so if I had to guess, if it is relevant then he will mention it. Unless time restrictions keep him focussed on canon stuff only.) I so love this channel & how it can always relate to real world events but simultaneously stay away from irl politics & culture war drama. It's such a fine line that should theoretically be impossible, but Allen does it with such finesse, he makes it look easy!
i do not like filoni inhibitor chip retcon, it destroys the tragedy of the clone betrayal (they never really liked the jedi in the first place or that the clones WERE torn up following orders) all so that filoni can have an out for his clone OCs "oh just blame the chips, my clones would never do something evil"
That was both filoni and George idea, and the chip make total sense, palpatine of all people would not risk his grand plan be ruined bc some clones disobey and formed a attachment
the idea of the clones killing the jedi for "Loyalty to palpatine" is just stupid in cases like rex, cody and bly, they rarely even saw palpatine if they ever saw palpatine and you are telling me that they wouldn't even question the accusation of treason or give the jedi a chance to defend themselves?
@ a yes because the clones would 100% shoot someone who was like a mentor and sometimes to them without question because they are incapable of thinking for themselves...you know the thing that differentiates them from the droids
The retcon gives an actual reason why the clones all mindlessly followed the same order in the exact same way. Theyre sleeper agents. The inhibitor chip is the antithesis to many of the clone story lines, which is developing individual personalities and decision making skills. Georges “they just did that” explanation sucks and makes the clones the 2d cut outs they originally were in the shitty 3rd movie. The sequels are only good in retrospect because of the clone wars.
Go to porkbun.com/GenTech25 to get $1 off your next desired domain name at Porkbun!
Your points on the battle of Geonosis make it easy to see why Cut Lawquane deserted the army for a quiet farm life with a family.
I could be wrong but wasn't he literally the clone who said "I'm glad these bugs can't aim." Jinxing it and his gunship was shot down?.
Been a while since i seen his story arc so i could be wrong but i vaguely remember there being somrthing about that incident where at least 1 clone survived that.
It makes me curious if he was one of the first batch of troops that arrived on Geonosis or survived the second battle?
Cut was the most well adjusted Clone because of it.
@@zombiekillerr9764 "Landing at Point Rain" and "The Deserter" were both in the second season. Funny enough, the Deserter was produced right before the other but was aired 5 weeks later.
To conclude, Cut was referring to the first battle of Geonosis. He was in a troop transport that was shot down and his squad was wiped out which is why he deserted.
Captain Rex: I’m sorry kid it was the inhibitor chip
Commander Bacara: I’ve been looking forward to this
I’ve been waiting for this moment, the perfect time to strike
Honestly, out of all the clone divisions I feel the worst for Plo Koon and his squad.
Cody probably eventually learned that Obi-Wan survived
Rex was freed by Ahsoka
Bly at least gets the peace that Aylaa had a quick and semi painless death
No one even knows what the heck happened to Shocktee.
But Plo showed even more care for his men, (I’d argue even more so than Obi-Wan) and he not only had a very brutal death but he was also framed for something his men knew very well he could never do. I believe you can actually see the effects of this on Commander Wolfee in rebels.
(For those who don’t know Plo Koon was framed as a villain about to blow up a school)
Here is the trick.. ALL of Shaak-Ti's "deaths" ARE CANON! 🖖😎👌
Because she represented the only successful outcome from the jedi's top secret force sensitive cloning research.
It is not impossible and is just super rare and super... Difficult... to get one that is not insane.
The one I’m happiest for is Wolff. That man served possibly the greatest Jedi and person to ever live. Plo-Koone was a damn father figure. He was an honorable guardian and steadfast leader to his clones. They didn’t just respect him, they loved that man. Every death and injury in the Wolfpack was met with fierce sadness and regret and a need to hold up the survivors. I think if Plo knew it was coming he would have faced it like a damn man and looked his clones in the eyes and told them it was ok. He would have told them he understands and knows that the force has something else for him now and that he is proud of each and every one of his men. He wouldn’t even fight back.
Dave Filoni, is that you?
Wollf betrayed the Jedi years later after order 66 and called the empire on ezra.
5:45 Commander Bacara didn't put his men's safety above all else, he was much more brutal and cynical than Ki Adi Mundi. He disliked Mundi for being a poor commander, not for being too bold and being willing to sacrifice clone lives. I mean, Bacara literally ordered his men to fight super battle droids in hand to hand combat when their weapons malfunctioned.
Baccara did hesitate due to his respect but after thinking about all the clones life’s that died that respect went away
I know many hate the Inhibitor Chips but it make Palpatine more cruel as you explain it.
You content always makes me feel like I'm a part of the StarWars universe. You help make it even more relatable in your explanations. You always feel like a history teacher or a newscast for StarWars lore.
Hunter did have a hand in helping Caleb get away. Also, Crosshair's chip partially activated, probably more like 80-85% activated.
So, I never realised that people misunderstand, even hate the idea of the 'Inhibitor chip'. This I would say is a definite indication of your exposure and immersion in fantasy, science and futurism as a whole. I could even go so far to say it's a generational difference that, is also adjacently related to the lack of sentiment towards CGI and animated characters as a whole. But, I digress; the inhibitor chip is literally a microprocessor with programming, just translated from a technological PCB to biological cells. These programmed scripts are non-negotiable and are just waiting for their requirements to be fulfilled. Once activated, the functions or directives associated will be performed.
I don't think I've ever seen anyone dive into this topic, but the inhibitor chips would have to commandeer areas of the brain to essentially direct active function. When CT Tup executes JD Tiplar, he seemingly cannot remember the action, though is aware of it after the fact. This is actually a very interesting dive, if we could get a medical expert to chime in on what is going on here.
7:28 The mentor/father/mother figure can also be a clone. I'm currently reading No Prisoners in which Rex kind of sees his troopers as his sons and feels that he has an obligation to protect them and care for them as best as he can. And he also sees Ahsoka as someone that he looks after for especially when Anakin is absent
With this context, although brief, Anakins' reaction to the fate of his Clone pilot escorts during the rescue mission in the opening battle of RotS makes it more impactful.
{ "They're all over me. Get them off my..[radio static]
- Clone Pilot }
🚀 💥
{ "I'm gonna go help them out." - Anakin }
{ "No, they are doing their job so we can do ours."
- Obi-Wan }
Tmw the fun is over 💀
Initiate order 22
Palpatine orders a pizza😂
With Corellian pineapple.
@@appo9357melu melons
@@appo9357 no wonder why Darth Vader despised him.
The Empire did not want clone troopers not because they are not good soldiers but because they are NOT yes-men.
Also, the clones were EXPENSIVE AS HELL.
The Republic went into heavy debt trying to finance the army.
Some Jedis could not understand human nature. Like humans, clones are social creatures. Without any parents or mentor figures that they can trust, that trust can be real damaging to their relationship, and Palpatine knew that very well, which was why when the Jedi turned out to be reckless and inexperienced, it gave Palpatine the justification to declare Order 66.
Pong Krell was mentioned... HATE.
I know many people do not like the chips, but it does seem more plausible for Palpatine to ensure such a safeguard in the off-chance Jedi would survive if clones either hesitate or disobeyed. It also adds to the tragedy that all the clones were given a false illusion of independence and will of their own. However, majority of the clones never needed the chips either. Clones that were independent as Rex became were likely less that 4% of the entirety of the GAR. For most, they never interacted with the various Jedi they served alongside.
The chip also held numerous other orders. Such as Order 65. Which was, apparently, that *The Supreme Chancellor* was no longer fit to give commands and was to be arrested. And use of LETHAL FORCE was allowed if they tried to escape.
As in, Palpatine really built in an order that would send THE ENTIRE CLONE ARMY on HIS ass. Of course, to give Order 65 would require Senate approval, and it's clear from Episode 1 that the Senate literally CANNOT come to a decision within 1-3 business MONTHS. on anything.
5:30 ki adi mundi is the reason why the geneva convention exists here on earth.
I love how we talk how utterly arsine the first battle Geonossis was and take the Jedi to task for lore reasons because of it when the reason why the battle was so poorly done was because of how the animators and producers decided to make those scenes (they didn’t know any better at the time and they brought in military advisors for episode 3 after feedback from military fans and others in the industry) in real life.
God the Jedi had a massive brain fart when handling this battle as they should have know better then to fight like they did.
7:54 Allen would you be able to do a video on how things like tattoos were part of different cultures and how the clones, Skeen from Andor and more had tattoos in the galaxy
Fantastic video as always. Thank you Alan.
That high five in fallen order felt so great but so extremely sad at the same time cuz you already knew what was comming next that moment wen i had to fight the clones really broke my heart
At least Etain and Darman found each other... for too short a while...
Well done as usual. It is a great fear of people to loose control of yourself. It always annoyed me that the clones were not viewed as beings with rights.
Great video thank you for continuing the story, I really like the star wars universe and all the nuances.
Battlefront 2 had its story with narration before each clone mission which parallels what you said the clone were feeling
The clone army was a masterful creation by George L. ... He took the conscript armies of his youth and abstracted all of the individual circumstances into a single narrative of involuntary service and sacrifice. The complete loss of agency would be more difficult to communicate if the army was comprised of 100's of recruits with poor or deprived backgrounds. To create an army the size of the GAR would require an enormous amount of exposition, which would still be necessary as empathy was so often central to their arcs.
This was a great video and amazing information. For the Republic 💯
I have a head canon theory that Cody changed his armor color to gray purposely in honor of Kenobi similarly to how Wolffe changed his paint job to gray for the fallen 104tg fleet. While even with the inhibitor chips forced the clones to execute the Jedi for treason, I feel the clones deep inside still respected the Jedi even when they were brainwashed to believe the Jedi betrayed them as why clones like Bly made the executions of the Jedi either mercy kills.
And then there's the other clones that just don't care.
The clones were, in the end, the biggest victims of the Jedi/Sith conflict during this era. They were never given a choice, never given the right to select their own paths until it was too late. Sure, the people tricked by the Separatist leadership and the people tricked by Palpatine's lies were also victims, as were the Jedi raised in an environment that equated serving the Force with serving the Republic. However, it was the clones that never had a chance to make their own choices. Even a padawan could, theoretically at least, leave the Order if they wanted, but a clone was a clone, until they died or became unable to fight.
@GenerationTech would you do "What if the Empire blockaded Hoth (With Ties, Interdictors and ISDs) instead of invading."?
What about the emotional toll it had on us?
What if the trauma of Order 66 led to a clone mutiny against the newly formed empire?
That's why want a Tales of the Clones!
And Master Plo Koon! don't forget him!
I love your channel. Your content is Awesome!!
If i were a Jedi Warrior, i would have treated the clones like being, like men, and not as cannon fodder. Ues, i would have been curious about their cloning project and all, but at the same time, i also wouldn't have been emotionally bonded with them like I love you like i love my brother. That sort of thing.
But the majority of Jedi did treat the clones as human beings and not cannon fodder. Many even formed friendships and whatnot.
@Black-White-BW1 I always did respect that aspect of the conflict
@@BeyondtheRailz Ah Okidokie then.
@@Black-White-BW1 it was a crazy 4 years though.
@@BeyondtheRailz Yes indeed! Across the galaxy on numerous planets were numerous bloody battles were fought!
PTSD without treatment.
Remember the Jedi brainwashed the kids early. Galactic wide kidnapped children at a age that they couldn't really think for them selves. The clones were a sad chapter of a very corrupt government. The Republic has never been honest or right. Which is why the Sith was so strong for a ridiculous amount of time. And then you have the Mando group which loved war but were great leaders and rewarded excellence plus a clan bond that made the jedi look like fools with egos.
sweet glad you did this topic, Task Force 99 are pretty cool Kill Team units
Didn't Doon escape because the Bad Batch were broken and couldn't fully comply with the orders and let him escape?
I don't think Obi-Wan would have elevated to the Jedi Council during peace time, he's a war time Master.
He was a top tier battlemaster with near impenetrable defense and an excellent spy. He also got very attached to those close to him, barely kept his emotions in check, regularly goes rogue and struggled with delicate force techniques like healing.
Love the video man ❤💪💪💪
Emotional toll Order 66 had on the Clones?
Edit: Yeah yeah, inb4 "what about the Droid attack on the Wookiees?"
It was much easier for clones that hated their Jedi commanders. I can’t imagine it was easy for Cody either. If anything considering how he had them shoot at Obi-Wan, Cody was betting on Obi-Wan surviving.
The Jedi were definitely complacent and/or blinded by the dark side to not see the the growing Separatist movement or the creation of the Clone Army. They basically failed at keeping the Republic at peace.
Sidious really worked hard to eventually take over the Republic.
The clone army was the only thing powerful enough to wipe out the Jedi. Millions of clones to destroy only thousands of Jedi. Incredible when you really think about it.
Very Nice
1:42 ksi moment
*everybody knows* 🤣🤣🤣
I don't. What is it?
Why can't minichorians be injected
Uh uhhhhh The Force or something
2:22 JJK REFERENCE!?!?!?
I'm pretty sure Fives would resist the chip longer than Rex if Fives wasn't killed
Is Aniken was so worried about pregnancy complications why have Luke &Lea delivered early and put in test tubes.. . How did they not know twins don't they have ultrasound
Probrably had a bigger toll on the friends and families of the ones they killed.-
Hey Alan 👋
In a Republic Commando book we have the insight how a jedi could see a clone through the force and it is as a child (because they are twice as age because they were age faster half the time of a human) but this is just one padawan so i am not sure how many do because this was before the clone wars (animated series) was made.
Commander Bacara was quite brutal, but he actually respected many of the Jedi still. However, Commander Neyo and Commanyder Faie were the opposite and had no respect for the Jedi and even actually almost enjoyed Order 66. Meanwhile, Captain Rex, Commander Cody, and Commander Bly were some who did not take any joy in the order.
How does watching red Letter Media sound now afer all lure and Character
Alan is in the thick of it
hey allen how’s it going
Tge Original storm Troopers acted more pro programed military machines then the clones they were ordered to get shot but not shoot to kill to find tze rebel base as in getting turns killed
12:01 were the chips simply in control for hours or day or years?
If you watch Bad batch (at least season one) it’s pretty stated that the chips have a permanent effect once activated unless removed
I like to think as the clones age the effects ware off and some of those clones formed the beginnings of what would become the rebellion
New video or title change?
always like ur vids about clones
I reckon some did
And remember: Good soldiers follow orders
Hello there Democracy, My name is friend, and I want to talk about Allen.
Nice to see you're not spouting the pro fascist rhetoric that you were using the last time we elected the orange.
If we go with legends, some clones disobeyed but a majority were fine with it as many didn't like their jedi generals and tbf they've seen countless of their brothers slain on the battlefield. Killing Jedi might not be so traumatising.
Imo this is were the non-chip story line falls flat.
The chips give a proper reason as to why the clones who developed diverse and individual personalities all mindlessly followed the same order.
In the end the ultimate betrayal of the clones was stripping them of their personality and free will theyd developed along side the Jedi, who they were forced to murder.
Ooooohhh...I'm just at the start, but the tension of whether the Karen Travis series about Clone Commandos and this exact issue has been made 'officially' verboten, or whether that whole (pre-cancel culture) drama has de-escalated into norhing but a storm in a tea cup is figuratively killing me!
(Actually now that I think about it, Allen never really takes sides in any irl drama, so if I had to guess, if it is relevant then he will mention it. Unless time restrictions keep him focussed on canon stuff only.)
I so love this channel & how it can always relate to real world events but simultaneously stay away from irl politics & culture war drama. It's such a fine line that should theoretically be impossible, but Allen does it with such finesse, he makes it look easy!
Good soldiers follow orders.
Good soldiers follow orders.
Order 66 is missing a 6.
First comment! Love your content bro!
All in favour of saying plo koon survives order sixty six say I.
i do not like filoni inhibitor chip retcon, it destroys the tragedy of the clone betrayal (they never really liked the jedi in the first place or that the clones WERE torn up following orders)
all so that filoni can have an out for his clone OCs "oh just blame the chips, my clones would never do something evil"
That was both filoni and George idea, and the chip make total sense, palpatine of all people would not risk his grand plan be ruined bc some clones disobey and formed a attachment
the idea of the clones killing the jedi for "Loyalty to palpatine" is just stupid in cases like rex, cody and bly, they rarely even saw palpatine if they ever saw palpatine and you are telling me that they wouldn't even question the accusation of treason or give the jedi a chance to defend themselves?
@@mobgabriel1767 "oh just blame the chips, my clones OCs would never do something evil"
@ a yes because the clones would 100% shoot someone who was like a mentor and sometimes to them without question because they are incapable of thinking for themselves...you know the thing that differentiates them from the droids
The retcon gives an actual reason why the clones all mindlessly followed the same order in the exact same way.
Theyre sleeper agents.
The inhibitor chip is the antithesis to many of the clone story lines, which is developing individual personalities and decision making skills.
Georges “they just did that” explanation sucks and makes the clones the 2d cut outs they originally were in the shitty 3rd movie.
The sequels are only good in retrospect because of the clone wars.
Oof 😅
Dang for once I’m early
Awful clones.