YES! The cinemas who cancelled the film should now be boycotted for giving in to a thuggish mob and kissing the feet of the islamists. I hope they go bankrupt.
So one group are calling a film made by another group of the same religion blasphemous, you honestly couldn't make this up. There are no blasphemy laws in this country so if they don't like it they don't have to watch,
Yeah. Protestants are against praising saints but they never protested against the dozens of catholic movies. And Catholic Church considerates Luther a heretic but didn't care about a movie about him. What is wrong with this people ?🤷♀️
They're saying its historically inaccurate amongst Shia and Sunni. Aside from inaccuracies It's also criticised for portraying all the antagonists as black people so is considered racist amongst Muslims too.
"The Streisand effect" in full flow here. No one would have known this movie even existed or even would have cared. Those who have forced it's cancellation have brought more publicity to it that it could even have dreamed of.
@@joycegibbs5267 It's not missing the point, it's making everyone aware of it. I'm completely against the rule of the mob but their actions will mean thousands will see it which otherwise wouldn't. Their idiocy is backfiring on them.
???? You don’t appear to understand the difference between blasphemy (directed against god) and antisemitism (directed against Jewish people). Btw I don’t accept that being critical of Israel makes you antisemitic either!
I don't live in islamic nation so should be able to see the movie why don't they move to islamic nation if they want islamic rules. But because their rules created a warzone they moved to the west, where they want to put in the same laws they needed to escape from. No logic
The movie is made by Shia’s Muslims and the ones protesting are sunna’s Muslims they’re two different sects of Islam Shia’a aren’t radical and doesn’t want to rule other society’s with their Islamic rules but sunna does
Who created the world war and then invaded the middle east? Was it muslims? Who has destroyed iraq was it usa or muslims? Who made syria a warzone was it USA turkey and Russia or was it muslims? And btw if you find a better opportunity in a muslim country you will just go it works like that, they found a good job in your country and moved there. If the case that you have to follow the rules of a country and do not take your rules with you there why is everyone attacking qatar for being against lgbtq? I really do not understand your double standards just like the Russian attack and the Israeli attack you treat both of them differently for some reason
Islam has to lines : Sunni and Shiites, and this has been the case for 14 centuries. No line should have the right repress the other just because they don't agree with their version. It's absolutely wrong for cinema to cancel the film just because few extremist thugs protested. You want to impose your rules then go back and live in your original Islamic country. This is free country.
Well put this is discrimination against us shia muslims they want to bring the oppression that we face in the muslim world into the west they have been making sunni movies and tv shows since forever that we shias find very insulting btw but we didn't stop them
Ken you should understand this. Iran a shia majority, banned this film. Its not sunni vs shia. It’s a corrupt fabrication of a shia subgroup leader who is ultra obsessively maligns Islamic heroes like the Sahabahs(companions of Prophet Muhammad pbuh), like Abu Bakr (ra), Omar (ra), Uthman (ra). They talk bad about some of prophets wives.
@hiOOxkr magkis the movie takes the view that the shia believe in, the shia only make up 10% of the Islamic faith. The Sunni make up the rest and they control most of the governments where majority of their faith resides.
Can you really blame them? If they'd shown the film, they would have been extremely fortunate to escape with their lives, and just a handful of cinemas burnt to the ground. It's an open secret that respect and tolerance in 21st century Britain is a one-way street
@@profaneangel0842 they all mouth and no action. They wouldn't do anything! Police should've started arrested them. Soon clear off after a few banged in the back of police vans
A film that talks about an important period in the history of Islam and shows facts that were obscured regarding the daughter of the Prophet Muhammad when she was subjected to injustice and persecution from a group of hypocrites at that time!
Trouble is my friend being far too tolerant is the reason why woke is controlling everyone's thoughts and actions its in our schools, hospitals, universities, police, armed forces, television, radio, work places. Its like the commonsense people have woken up wondering what the hell is happening. No sorry being tolerant is what got us here in the first place.
I would like to see a film made about the Pakistani Grooming gangs, naming the men who have been convicted and further released back in the same community that they did these crimes in. See what reaction that would bring. An explicit film showing how these young girls an d children suffered at the hands of these monsters.
I’d like a film about all the white noncs and how they’re the most caught and convicted predators not only in the uk but in the world any how prisons are over populated by them
@@ItsTonyMontanaMayn So would I, because ALL child rapists should be punished. The thing is that if there were gangs of white men gang raping, torturing and murdering little Pakistani girls, then new prisons would be built for them. If any white man says anything about these Pakistani perverts they are called Racist and likely arrested by the thought police for a hate crime. When did you ever see such crimes being committed on such a scale as these Pakistani perverts? Never! They get away with with it because the powers that control the population want it to be this way.
And you make it seem like you are one of these men who would rather we did not talk about it at all. Do you condemn what these men are doing, condone it or are you one of them? I condemn all men who do such disgusting things, all races and nationalities. So I layed out my table, now it is your tern, or will you just not reply.
I just cancalled cineworld from my places to go list. I'm sick of this pathetic behaviour. Who the heck are they to dictate what is show in BRITISH Cinemas!!! There are laws to prevent intimidation that more than cover this. Where were our police farce ???
@@jihadi-against-oppression So complain to the authorities and with enough support you can get the film banned. You don't go and threaten staff at a cinema. Also, if you don't like people taking the piss out of your religion England is probably the worst place to live. Making fun of everything and everyone, including ourselves, is part of our culture.
@@laurafenton6776 then go to your country and ask for a ban of the movie. Britain is a free democracy and these people are immigrants. Sometime they must understand that Britain owns them nothing and if they want the medieval ear to come up again, then they should go back to where they cane from and stop destroying an other country too
I thought the root of terror started with the stoning of Stephen! An example followed by the likes of Stalin, Hitler, Tony Blair, and George Bush. Right?
Can we have a petition to get the film shown regardless of anyone's feelings. Or will the more enlightened muslims have a protest demanding the freedom of that film to be shown !
@@cuckoospider111 Interesting. So what information is it that you have that questions/debunks the holocaust numbers. Can you provide a link to some fact checkable documentation. I would be very interested in reading that.
Welcome to the UK 🇬🇧 freedom of speck is banned eventhough the government says it isn’t. You can’t say anything without someone being offended. It’s pathetic it’s getting out of hand.
lol if someone says anything against Holocaust, gays, poppy then you don’t have problem with the reaction, it seems like freedom of speech works one way
OK, why are the Sunnis angry? Because they say that the Companions of the Prophet (and who are not the Companions of the Prophet, they are hypocrites) and the Sunnis do not want to believe this. The Sunnah has been exposed because of the conversations of the hypocrites with the Prophet who call for killing and kill the Shiites because they only follow the family of the Prophet. They want them to follow the hypocrites. They are Omar, Abu Bakr, Othman, and Muawiyah. Someone who follows these people will be affected by the ideas of these hypocrites and the majority will become an ISIS and terrorist... The Sunnis are not the real Islam. The real Islam is the Shiites because of the logic they have and the truth of the hadiths they have. Most importantly, they follow the family of the Messenger of God. They are pure and infallible people. 12 Imams who came after Fatima and Ali
@@sendmeyourlocation1145 I'm not on about honour or the lack of it, you got Muslims threatening what they going to to this country, and not honour words.
Why do you feel the need to use our religion for movies? And why are we backwards if we don't want our religion to be made a toy for views? Fatima is a very loved woman with a very high status in islam. You can't depict her and we know that movies like this represent women who suddenly want to take off their hijab and thinks islam is oppression towards women. She was a very devout woman who preached islam. We don't need a movie her, her life is told in written words
If you search on youtube for "life of brian react", you'll find several super funny videos of people who watch some scenes for the first time. I love reaction videos. lol. Also the Blackadder ones. :D
Good and the great replacement is coming Wales for blax England for Pakistani's and isle of men and North Ireland for Arabs Scottish people are cool we will let them
@@kasturipillay6626 Qur'an 124. But whoever works righteousness, whether male or female, and is a believer-those will enter Paradise, and will not be wronged a whit.
What you have here of course is a dispute between Sunni and Shia Islam - the film is written from the perspective of the latter and many who subscribe the former aren't happy about the historical interpretation it takes. The life - and death - of Fatimah and that of her husband is one of the factors that caused the two branches to diverge in the first place.
Ali doesn't have anything to do with shiates they only respect him because his son Hussein married the daughter of the last king of sassinad kingdom that is why read their history the don't give the same respect to Hassan his brother because he relinquished his rule to Muawiyah
@IIOO but how do the west treat women who wearing hijab. For the dhimi he has all right except he can't evolve political and military. They can't make business and have their court do the west accept that
Religion of peace until those nut-jobs joined it and made created their radical ideology ... thats why this movie is made to show how it became a religion of violence
@Hassan Malik It may be a religion of peace but unfortunately there are people out there who profess to being Muslims are intolerant of others that they are right and everyone else is wrong
@Hassan Malik Extremists in every religion? Flying planes into buildings? Cutting peoples heads off? Mass killings? Suicide bombings?? Your joking right? These "Extremists" in islam you speak of are infact the followers of the True Islam! Your prophet was a war mongering slave owning Pedophile! Not a peaceful man
If those who follow Islam make a decision (for reasons rarely if ever stated) to reside in an historically Christian, now largely secular and open-minded UK society, then they should be prepared to accept the laws and customs of that exist in their chosen destination and understand that any religion is a personal choice and not to be imposed on others, least of all the wider population of the "host" nation.
Agreed, else relocate to a geography that aligns with your world view. Britain is a hard-drinking, bacon scoffing, wager-placing, dog-loving nation. For some of us, that was part of the appeal.
@@adamyahya4734 Logic? Cite me any example that has seen "Englishmen" take protests to facilities in Islamic lands, not least any aimed at deterring/restricting a viewpoint that provides the wider opportunity for discourse and open discussion about "religion" per se. You may also care to add the number of non-Islamic places of worship that have been permitted in Islamic Lands and compare them to the total of mosques that have been allowed here in the UK. Cheers. Freedom of expression takes many forms but not always in many minds or places.
@@songsmith31a Western hypocrisy at its finest. If I come to your country, I’ll respect to your laws and “customs”, but if you go to any MENA, Balkan, Southeast Asian, or Central Asian country, you’re not going to respect the same? 😂 I guess the need of privilege is rooted in your colonial blood.
@@adamyahya4734 You failed to address the questions I raised in my response about protests aimed at restricting creative art expressing religious views here in the UK. Religion is a personal concept, each to their own chosen mindset. The bounds of protest are generous but governed by the laws of the land. The old English Common Law that requires the maintenance of the Queen's Peace should be obeyed by protesters whatever their reason for protest.
Is the contemporary of the Prophet Muhanad to say this? Or rely on what you hear from here and there? We invite you to watch the movie (Our Lady of Heaven) to get a full knowledge and understanding of many mysteries and mysteries in the event that he gets approvals to show it again because the Islamic extremists demanded that it be banned and you will get to know the true personality of the Prophet Muhammad
@@ginafromcologne9281 I think you got it the wrong way round km sunni and friend w shia muslims yeah they believe in different things other than the real Islam but we don't scrutinise them that's only the extremists! Also k ow the difference between sunni and Shia then you can act like you know anything
Not according to the US supreme court of justice, he was honoured as the greatest law giver of all time in 1935, seems like you need a couple history lessons...
Masroor's version of harmony is everyone bowing to his view on what should be suppressed. I'm an atheist and I passionately believe that everyone's belief in any god is bollocks but I'm not going to menace people that want to portray their delusions on film.
If A bigot do character assassination of your mom and your siblings, what you gonna do? Ignore! that what we muslims feel when a bigot mocks our religion in the name of freedom of speech and making multi million dollars movie despite they hate Islam and Muslims
It's amazing how the idea of religious freedom is never extended to those of us who want to live free from religion. And why does so called religious freedom look exactly the same as mob rule?
I’m also an atheist. It saddens me that religious belief always overrides morals, laws etc. People seem to be able to behave any way they like if it’s about their religion.
@@Bookworm452 I'm sure the central tenets of every religion describe solid principles for living a moral life, but religious societies never achieve that. Blasphemy laws are an abuse of civil liberties and incompatible with any kind of civilised life.
Well going by past events when certain muslims where offended like Manchester arena, Charlie hebdo, Fitna 2008 movie etc. people are right to be afraid for their lives. Armed security will be needed at cinemas that show it to protect the staff and customers.
They were killing anybody talking about that story for 1400 years. Now this movie is showing the reality of Islam the reality of these terrorists that came after the prophet Mohammed death killed his daughter, her husband and killed her both sons and her grandkids a whole . They killed anyone related to our holly lady of Heaven Fatema because she was the face of the real Islam the religion of peace and what you see now a day are the grandsons and the granddaughters of these terrorists. This is the best movie and should be nominated for an Oscar. Lady of Heaven is the real Islam her husband and her sons are the true holders of the peaceful messages of Islam the real Islam of prophet Mohammed. Islam is never a religion of terrorists. These ppl are the’s God will that this film get publicity. Please see the movie and tell ppl about it. By the way I am a Muslim but not the grandson of a terrorists like these ppl.
The protests i seen were all peaceful, a small word they’re saying on national tv makes people think that’s happening in that manner everywhere but it’s not the case. Mainstream Muslims will not take this movie as fact but certain heretics in the religion will agree with it or not criticise it
@@IbrahimAli-se3xz wow!! That's a very powerful message. I hope it is someday shown on national TV, netflix or Amazon prime. I had no idea about the story before this movie.
I find it hard to condemn Cineworld, when you have so many aggressive people from the religion of peace protesting and looking at past incidents. Is it worth risking the lives of normal working people who work for Cineworld? I know this is an appalling state of affairs and it should not be like this but I guess this must be the benefit of living in a multicultural society as we are constantly told is a good thing
@@NoLefTurnUnStoned. go do some research and you will find out. Find reputable stats showing who has committed more genocides, killed more innocent people and committed more acts of terrorism around the world in human history, even in recent history/years. You allow the mainstream media to dictate your thoughts and what you believe.
To be fair Julian Assange is a total prick who left the embassy who look after and fed him covered in his own shite who was hiding from raping someone..but defo deport all the vermin turning up at the cinema
@@bestryfulhd2102 The simp was Othman who let her wife get beaten and harassed and what you just said shows your ignorance and hundred percent you have not watched the movie because of your lies people will know sooner or later after they see the movie
This film is not like normal films or other, this film shows the truth of islamic world, shows how even that if some ppl call themselves (muslims), but they are not, shows the truth that sunni muslims can’t accept, this film is 100% true, as someone living in iraq, this things did actually happened to us, in 2014…, terr*rist used to force shia ppl to be sunni, or otherwise they will unlive you, and the story of lady fatimah is also 100%, it’s wrote in both sunni and shia books, there are a lot of those who try to hide the truth and they did sadly, they lie to ppl and change the story, this film shouldn’t be cancelled, this is the truth that everyone should see and know🤍
Islam is not just a religion it is an Ideology, social, psychological, total way of life to reach a non proved place called heaven on Jannah. There was a quote that islam is a religion of peace but in the majority of occasions unlike Christianity no chapter and verse is quoted so this may be of interest taken from the standard islamic narrative:- (5:33 is what I'm referring to contect is everything according to scholars of islam :- 5:30 And his soul permitted to him the murder of his brother, so he killed him and became among the losers, and his soul permitted to him the murder of his brother, so he killed him and became among the losers. 5:31 Then Allah sent a crow searching in the ground to show him how to hide the disgrace of his brother. He said, "O woe to me! Have I failed to be like this crow and hide the body of my brother?" And he became of the regretful. 5:32 Because of that, We decreed upon the Children of Israel that whoever kills a soul unless for a soul or for corruption [done] in the land - it is as if he had slain mankind entirely. And whoever saves one - it is as if he had saved mankind entirely. And our messengers had certainly come to them with clear proofs. Then indeed many of them, [even] after that, throughout the land, were transgressors. The All important verse:- 5:33 Indeed, the penalty for those who wage war against Allah and His Messenger and strive upon earth [to cause] corruption is none but that they be killed or crucified or that their hands and feet be cut off from opposite sides or that they be exiled from the land. That is for them a disgrace in this world; and for them in the Hereafter is a great punishment,
Islam is the only true religion ☪️ Prophet Jesus is Muslim! I invite you to study the biography of prophet Muhammad (pbuh) and read holy Quran and then speak instead of spreading misinformation about Islam
Care to discuss I'll prove Islam is a peaceful religion which you some people not naming names won't be able to follow due to the peacefulness that they can't do it correctly.
The claim at 1:45 that there are hadiths which say you cannot depict the prophet is incorrect. There are no hadiths which state that in both sunni and shia hadith corpus.
The journalist talking about how the film makers only had to pre-emptively engage with Muslims to avoid issues is really being naive - the sharia is very clear and no individual Muslim or Muslim organisation that went against the hadith would only have succeeded in anything other than being cast aside as deviants. I come from a Muslim background and there was simply no avoiding the backlash. The only way this dies down - like the cartoons - is through repetition until it becomes normalised and they are reluctantly forced to come terms with the reality that they can't control what anyone else does.
That's wrong...every one has a red line..why go actively trying to antagonise a group of people, there is such as thing as tolerance and respect. Muslims are saying it is full of lies and is a portrayal of history that does not ring true with the majority of Muslim opinion. Why go out of your way to try and offend somebody..
Mohammed is not 'the' prophet to the majority of people in the world, he is just 'a' prophet. Granted he is 'the' prophet for those who follow Islam, but that does not mean the rest of us have to refer to him as that. You don't ever hear non Christians refer to Jesus as 'our Lord and saviour Jesus Christ' and quite right, why should they?
In this film, many false events did not happen and there is an exaggeration.. Muslims refused only because liar that did not talk about them honestly and clearly. Do you want to watch a false story about Hitler and you know his true story , as an example!!
@@simonjon3634 Not a fictional character. There is a lot that I cannot explain to you. But everyone can search for the truth, and this is the purpose of your existence in this life. Muhammad is the Messenger of God like the rest of the previous messengers for humanity on this earth in order to live in a correct way in all aspects of life.
Because you know deep in your heart he is the Last Prophet. Don't reject truth. You have any doubt? The Quran is Free to read. I hope Truth Comes into your life
James Max makes me laugh, censorship is not the way he said, yet he wanted to censor Kelly J, alias Posie Parker. He cancelled her on his show. Hypocrit!
They were killing anybody talking about that story for 1400 years. Now this movie is showing the reality of Islam the reality of these terrorists that came after the prophet Mohammed death killed his daughter, her husband and killed her both sons and her grandkids a whole . They killed anyone related to our holly lady of Heaven Fatema because she was the face of the real Islam the religion of peace and what you see now a day are the grandsons and the granddaughters of these terrorists. This is the best movie and should be nominated for an Oscar. Lady of Heaven is the real Islam her husband and her sons are the true holders of the peaceful messages of Islam the real Islam of prophet Mohammed. Islam is never a religion of terrorists. These ppl are the terrorists.
So like we 10years ago these people will never embrace the English culture,now it's a culture in this country over run by this sought of thing England will never recover from this
@@sajdamalik8353 Fatima al-Zahra the daughter of prophet Muhammad is the Lady of Heaven, and I don't deny that Lady Mariam or Mary, Asia the wife of pharaoh, and Khadijah the wife of prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him and his family) are The Ladies of Heaven.
The threats of violence and self preservation are more likely the reason the Cinema pulled the plug. One problem with mono theistic religions is that the followers divide into different sects and groups, each claiming only they are the 'true' one. What can possibly go wrong?
80% of Muslims are mainstream Sunnis. The other sects are all minorities that focus on few extreme situations in history past the life of the prophet. Shia is the largest of those minorities and within it are many different subsects such as the twelvers. Some of which are more extreme than others. Please understand that these minorities do not represent us mainstream Muslims of the world and do not share their beliefs about historical events that took place and we are deeply against them showing the face of the prophet. Your freedom ends when it infringes on others. Call it what you will but we have the right to speak up against what we see as wronging us.
PoC was beautifully done, made to glorify Jesus. Mel, as the panels said, brought everyone together to give justice to both religious & historical contexts & facts & he did well. He made the characters spoke Aramaic, from which many Christian learned the first time that Jesus referred to his God as Alaaha. Churches including Vatican commended all these little factual details. Still Jewish people were mad since they were shown as the villains. Some believe Mel & Jim 'punished' because of this. But LoH seems like made by Shiite producer to spite the Sunnis. As we knew there was political split between groups (later called Sunni & Shia) after Mohammed died. This film, according to Sunni was far removed from historical facts. And also found out to be seen as racist since all the 'bad guys & girls' all played by black actors while the rest of the good charcters, e.g. Ali one the main protagonist whom recorded in history as an Arab with very dark skin, played by white/light skinned actors. And there many other stuffs. This is what I get from a Sunni (Sadat That Canadian Brother).
I think it’s not about the film itself but rather the current political climate, Shia and Sunni are at literal war and this makes the matters worst.. it’s not a smart move
Is this not a sectarian matter between Sunnis and Shias, with the film representing a perspective from the latter? Unfortunately, the religious group represented has such a worldwide reputation for violence against "blasphemy" that those they protest toward feel their lives and/or property are under threat.
Sorry Sharon, but I don't remember angry mobs wanting to burn down cinemas that showed Bertolucci's 'Little Buddha' with Keanu Reeves in 1994, so I don't go along with the statement that any religiously themed movie is going to cause controversy and incite violence.
@@adamyahya4734 There are 500 million Buddhists worldwide and Myanmar is a small proportion of that, therefore there are a substantial number of them in countries that do have movie theatres. But seriously, unlike those that threatened violence for the showing of 'The Lady of Heaven', the followers of the Buddhist Dharma are not prone to inflicting the threatening levels of violence for representations of the founder of their religion that certain followers of another religion undoubtedly would.
@@denecroxford2475 You need to understand that your lovely-dovey Buddhist community only lives in these European and North American countries (also Japan, but nobody really cares about religion). They don’t protest because they were taught that making a mockery out of your religion is okay.
any portrayal of the prophets or their family members is against Islam, so naturally a film like this would stir up opposition. I don't think the film makers are naive , they knew this would cause controversy. How about having some compassion and sensitivity to other people religious feelings . Why cause controversy just to make some money. And they say its freedom of speech. It's just that we are living in a world that that doesn't value religion and as a result religious figures are ridiculed and made fun of. I understand freedom of speech however I'm not going to insult some ones mother or father and say it's ok i'm exercising my freedom of speech. We should have respect fellow human beings period.
Islam makes reat claims for itself. Depending on whicehvef medievel supersticiuos, in medivel times, outside the UK , this may be true. no so called Blasphemy in UK., See the film then you can commnet. Now everyone wants to see the digital Mr M to see what all the kerfuffe is about. Well done.
@@mohammedtahir8895 Outstanding. enjoy the freedom you get in western civilisation to criticise, offend and say what you really think of Mr Mo and his antics, especially if is to condemn them publicly. Just imagine doing this in a theocratic, backward and primitive society where you would be persecuted for saying so by the islamocrazies. And don't forget, once you choose to leave islam (like my numerous, liberated and happy ex-muslim friends) you can celebrate freedom of conscience AND freedom of speech, in a society where doubt is not illegal. Thanks so much for you comment.
I have no intention to leave islam. Obviously your backwards in your thinking. Travel throughout the land visit muslim countries and you will find people have rights . Did you know Pakistan a Muslim country gave rights to transvestites well before some western countries. They have their own political parties. Go to dubai and see how people live and the openess and acceptance of everyone. Most likely you haven't travelled world and met people of different cultures and understand their values and what's important to them. Islamocrazies just a ignorant word Research Islam's contribution to makind through medicine science and technology. If it wasn't for the Arabic mathematician who invented Algebra you wouldn't able to send a email use a computer or text me your nonsense via you tube. Travel world mate meet people and understand hunan beings are one big family live and respect each other
The playing field isn't leveled. No such thing as free speech. Had a movie, comedian, or show be made about the LGBTQ community and expose some if not all of the harmful psychological effects that the movement brings along with it, clearly it too would be cancelled, protested, sanctioned, or better yet the producers sentenced to life and stopped of their jobs. So let's not use the word "freedom" of speech. Plus can't compare Christianity to Islam. Just because the Christians have not problem with movies being made about Jesus, doesn't mean all religions must follow suit. Peace
If free speech is so expressed when it’s against violation of Muslims then why is it restricted in certain cases. I.e current affairs in Ukraine and Russia or other things I.e racism
It’s ironic that these Sunni Muslims have given this movie a lot of attention. A film that’s got mixed reviews (and probably would’ve been a flop) now has had all this free advertising. Perhaps Allah isn’t Akbar
Freedom of speech says Sajid javid so I can say what I want about the Holocaust or support Russia without me being imprisoned for antisemitism or put in jail. Double standards
It's the greatest Islamic movie that has ever been created and believe me it's the truth that always hurts that's why they're protesting, your perspective about Islam will change and surely it'll lead you to the right path,inshallah
LoH seems like made by Shiite producer to spite the Sunnis. As we knew there was political split between groups (later called Sunni & Shia) after Mohammed died. This film, according to Sunni was far removed from historical facts. And also found out to be seen as racist since all the 'bad guys & girls' all played by black actors while the rest of the good charcters from the same tribe played by white/light skinned actors. And there many other stuffs. This is what I get from a Sunni (Sadat That Canadian Brother).
@@cooking1st can you pls explain? I’m just a Christian in America. What is the upset about? Pls dumb it down for me since I know nothing about your religion. Thank you
If Muslims want to create unity, why do they live in divided areas ? Area's strictly for Muslim only and where Sharia Law is the only law, and why do they need their own financial institutions too ? It doesnt sound very integration orientated and united to me.
@@vinamrasinghai2339 you must have a medal for your genuious comment 😬 Already when you say “they” you have showed your true face and done yourself what you want to blame the Muslim for.
i hope now britishers realise who is the bully... kashmir files is another film that everyone should watch!! what a shame, britishers get their daughters groomed and still bow down.
Cancel culture is toxic when Muslims are initiating it and Its freedom of speech when it comes to insulting Muslims but homophobia, antisemetisim and racism are all red lines no one can cross. All Muslims want is the same respect you show and care for with other “marginalised” groups
@IIOO indeed! We're tired of the Islamic 'we're the victims - role'. They'd better clean up the mess they made over the past 1500 years..instead of blaming others.
You can't be a Muslim without accepting the Quran and Sunnah (which are the hadiths- the saying, teachings and actions of the Prophet SAW). So even if something is not mentioned in the Quran but mentioned in an authentic hadith we accept it as muslims. So if the hadith says we cannot show images of the prophet Muhammed SAW, it is forbidden for all Muslims to do so, both Sunni and Shias. That is what they have done in this film, that why muslims are outrage. In addition to that, story they are telling is false, the film negatively depicted the prophet's wife and companions; they even used stereotypes by having black or dark skin people play the villans in the film. Islamic history is the most well documented history on earth, because of how muslims documented the hadiths and authenticated by having many people who lived in the life time of the prophet Muhammed SAW confirm the narrations and saying of the prophet Muhammed SAW that had to be confirmed by multiple witnesses. If the writers of the film were genuine they would have used the authentic hadiths to base their story telling.
Muslims are not forced to watch this movie. This is a movie, not Islamic history. Quranist Muslims do not believe in Sunnah. Only Sunni Muslims are outage. The movie was created and written by Shia for Shia and they have every right to practise their religion. Why Muslims did protest against him then?
Guys!! There are some Muslims people who are trying destroy our image infront other. This movie is based on true history that's why they are against the movie. It was about first terrorism attack and the victim was daughter of prophet Muhammad (pbuh). Must watch the movie and support the movie. They are not defending prophet Muhammad (pbuh) they are defending terrorist.
How is it so many Muslims can suddenly pitch up at the venues. Do any of thhem work or are they all living off my taxes. Looking around my home town, during working hours, I know the answer. This country has made a very big error of judgement.
Religion has caused more problems than peaceful solutions to the world, especially Islam. I can't think of any other religion that harm people more . YOUR THOUGHTS
The ‘Passion of Christ’ showed Jesus in ‘favourable’ image where ‘Lady of Heaven’ will 💯 % shows a negative image. That is the whole point! Why 1 rule of One & different rule of other.
Glad to see it stopped. So,should,lie of Brian. But that film brought the denominations of the church who hate each other together. So blasphemous films only bring unity to godly people Muslim or otherwise. Stop offending religion for money
The narrative you put forward here around freedom of speech is incorrect. This isn’t an issue about freedom of speech at all. It’s around labelling 2 billion people in the world as terrorists based on their beliefs and holy figures. That’s Islamophobic and this film promotes further islamophobia. The correct narrative/question is, should people be allowed to be Islamophobic in the UK? I know there will be many trolls here, so if you feel the answer is yes then by default you also think it’s okay to be homophobic, racist, anti semitic, etc. If that’s the case and you still think yes, then go to a country where all of the above can be practised, i.e. you can openly be homophobic, racist, anti semitic, etc without consequence or challenge.
Islamophobic must be the wrong term. It would have to be Sunniphobic if anything. I don't know to what extent the film tars all Sunnis with the same brush, but it's an undoubted fact that Sunni terrorism exists in the middle East. The most aggravating aspect of it all for me is that the West very often actively support it whilst pretending to oppose it.
@@Eman_Puedama This film was made in bad faith by a proven Shia hate preacher, who incites violence and separation between Sunnis and Shia. That does not mean all Shia Muslims share the same view, because the vast majority of Shia Muslims are against this movie. It’s been banned by most Shia Imams, banned in Iraq and Iran, where the latter has actual punishable laws for those that watch this movie. Clear evidence of Shias not being fans of this movie. So Islamophobic is definitely the correct term here. On a wider non Muslim perspective, generally there is a lack of knowledge on the differences between Shia and Sunni. As a result people who watch this film will naturally view Islam as a violent religion - one that is not of peace (in peacetime), as this is the ‘story’ of the film (a historical false one at that). Therefore giving them an impression that ALL Muslims are terrorists, so clearly promoting ‘Islamophobic’ views.
Yes how dare people be sceptical towards a religion that wherever it is the majority major human rights violations and oppression happens I as a woman cannot fathom why.. Christian athletes went to compete it Dubai and were not allowed to wear a cross or have pictures of saints.. hmm…
@@sproutkraft6690 The movie is banned in those places being they know how crazy Sunni’s can get. They don’t want to sow divisions between the people. They didn’t ban it because of historical accuracy. The historical narrative put forth by the movie is actually very dependant on even Sunni source material. At the very least its worth debating.
The people protesting are Muslims so they believe that Mo flew to heaven on a winged donkey and spoke to Moses and god so there’s absolutely no point trying to reason with them.
Not only that they believe the moon got split in half by Mo.....and don't get me started on Mo's pedo marriage to a 10 year old girl. They believe this stuff to the core.. crazy
I do not protest against the movie. I am a practicing Muslim. I believe the incident was a dream that Mohammed had not a factual happening. Please refrain from putting all Muslims in one box and portray them as a homogeneous group who are irrational 🙄
@@alexbowman7582 So? Almost all religions speaks of such miraculous events, therefore one shouldn't reason with the vast majority of mankind because they believe miracles happens?
Thing is, I couldn't give a 💩 about this movie, however, what you should not forget... IT WAS MADE BY MUSLIMS FFS 🤦🏾♂️ Let's not even get started on Blasphemy Laws by stealth...
Were cinemas wrong to cancel this film after protests?
Absolutely, playing to the mob, if you don’t like it - don’t watch it, period
We Shia Muslims all stand with The Lady Of Heaven film. Get ISIS out of UK they are dangerous on free speech and religion.
We are a Christian country
YES! The cinemas who cancelled the film should now be boycotted for giving in to a thuggish mob and kissing the feet of the islamists. I hope they go bankrupt.
So one group are calling a film made by another group of the same religion blasphemous, you honestly couldn't make this up. There are no blasphemy laws in this country so if they don't like it they don't have to watch,
Yeah. Protestants are against praising saints but they never protested against the dozens of catholic movies. And Catholic Church considerates Luther a heretic but didn't care about a movie about him. What is wrong with this people ?🤷♀️
They're saying its historically inaccurate amongst Shia and Sunni. Aside from inaccuracies It's also criticised for portraying all the antagonists as black people so is considered racist amongst Muslims too.
If you don't know what you're taking about, then atleast don't act like you do.
@K A man please dont talk about these matters because wallahi u sound ignorant asf.
@@tilalmanzoor578 no, Shia support the movie. Sunni are full of hate
"The Streisand effect" in full flow here. No one would have known this movie even existed or even would have cared. Those who have forced it's cancellation have brought more publicity to it that it could even have dreamed of.
missing the point, the film has still been "banned". Threats of violence has won again.
@@joycegibbs5267 It's not missing the point, it's making everyone aware of it.
I'm completely against the rule of the mob but their actions will mean thousands will see it which otherwise wouldn't. Their idiocy is backfiring on them.
No one cares about this film.
I will make a point of watching it now , just to see why they want it banned ,
Agreed I want to see it now, I always get sucked in want to see what the drama is all about.
❤FATIMA ❤the lady of heaven
Poco di buono
Wstretna baba
you are the dirty one@@dorotaladniak5889
This is the UK, we don’t live in the Stone Age. Our society and culture is built on free speech and freedom of expression.
Oh no it isn't
Yes so let's stay with the lady of heaven
What if it was offensive to the lgbtq? Would your society treat it the same way?
@@mohanad_00 Yes it would be the same.
@@UA-camchannel-po8cz no it wouldn’t, but you will never know because the movie will be banned even before it would go to the cinemas
Sajid Javid says we don’t have blasphemy laws, yet a number of his peers are out of job for being anti-Semitic.
The UK has tons of in effect blasphemy laws.
You don’t appear to understand the difference between blasphemy (directed against god) and antisemitism (directed against Jewish people).
Btw I don’t accept that being critical of Israel makes you antisemitic either!
Blasphemy and discrimination are not the same thing. I wish that was obvious to everybody, but obviously it's not
is this a deliberate distortion because of your politics or do you genuinely not understand the difference?
@Chris Viking anti Israel does metastesise into anti Semitism quite quickly
The thing about the Passion of the christ is that I don't think anyone was threatening to chop people's heads off if it was shown.
No 1 threatening to chop any heads off ?? There was protests so stop making up extr a rubbish
Exactly. And we let these flood our country every single day.
What are you talking about? The protest was peaceful and it was only to remove the movie. Where did chopping heads come from tf?
@@RastjackA its not ur country
@@Certified_DonniE it’s “our” country. Learn to read. While you’re at it, learn to spell.
I don't live in islamic nation so should be able to see the movie why don't they move to islamic nation if they want islamic rules. But because their rules created a warzone they moved to the west, where they want to put in the same laws they needed to escape from. No logic
You mean western imperialism created war zones
Well said, totally agree.
Who initiated War on terror, Arab springs, invading random countries to impose democracy and destroy those countries internally
The movie is made by Shia’s Muslims and the ones protesting are sunna’s Muslims they’re two different sects of Islam Shia’a aren’t radical and doesn’t want to rule other society’s with their Islamic rules but sunna does
Who created the world war and then invaded the middle east? Was it muslims? Who has destroyed iraq was it usa or muslims? Who made syria a warzone was it USA turkey and Russia or was it muslims? And btw if you find a better opportunity in a muslim country you will just go it works like that, they found a good job in your country and moved there. If the case that you have to follow the rules of a country and do not take your rules with you there why is everyone attacking qatar for being against lgbtq? I really do not understand your double standards just like the Russian attack and the Israeli attack you treat both of them differently for some reason
Islam has to lines : Sunni and Shiites, and this has been the case for 14 centuries. No line should have the right repress the other just because they don't agree with their version. It's absolutely wrong for cinema to cancel the film just because few extremist thugs protested. You want to impose your rules then go back and live in your original Islamic country. This is free country.
Don’t be naive and stupid. The vast majority of Shias despise this film and it’s producers and call them distorted. Go research please.
Well put this is discrimination against us shia muslims they want to bring the oppression that we face in the muslim world into the west they have been making sunni movies and tv shows since forever that we shias find very insulting btw but we didn't stop them
Well done
@@Aurora-lm5ns Where did you learn that the majority of Shiites are against this movie???? you are lying brother
Ken you should understand this. Iran a shia majority, banned this film. Its not sunni vs shia. It’s a corrupt fabrication of a shia subgroup leader who is ultra obsessively maligns Islamic heroes like the Sahabahs(companions of Prophet Muhammad pbuh), like Abu Bakr (ra), Omar (ra), Uthman (ra). They talk bad about some of prophets wives.
As they say the element of society you cannot criticise is the element in control
and Labour, (our next government), supports them.
@hiOOxkr magkis the movie takes the view that the shia believe in, the shia only make up 10% of the Islamic faith. The Sunni make up the rest and they control most of the governments where majority of their faith resides.
Now Cineworld rebranded to SunniWorld 😥
Can you really blame them? If they'd shown the film, they would have been extremely fortunate to escape with their lives, and just a handful of cinemas burnt to the ground. It's an open secret that respect and tolerance in 21st century Britain is a one-way street
@@profaneangel0842 they all mouth and no action. They wouldn't do anything! Police should've started arrested them. Soon clear off after a few banged in the back of police vans
Such a clever pun 😎😎
Cineworld is now Islamophobic against shias
The amount of press on this movie I'd be surprised if Netflix or Amazon don't buy it...
That’s last option .. I am sure Netflix will buy and more people will watch it
They should buy it.
They will make trillions of money
And get killed?
Netflix and Amazon
is Coming Soon . Next
A film that talks about an important period in the history of Islam and shows facts that were obscured regarding the daughter of the Prophet Muhammad when she was subjected to injustice and persecution from a group of hypocrites at that time!
Again, wrong information
@@qasmuhammed9022 very true information read Just deep and Well
Absolutely true information of real facts
The film exposed the terrorism of a gang of hypocrites against the daughter of the daughter of the Messenger of Islam, Muhammad!
Shia Muslims are actually peaceful I've only seen them in the midleeast unlike the fake peaceful people
And that’s what The lady of heaven film directly speaks about, its these mobs who stood outside cineworld !
We protest, We ban the film, Rafidi die😂
Yeah, the movie is about those who stood outside the cinema 🤣😂😅
@@yasso008 They carry the same mindset and ideology of head chopping.
You can't have harmony and intolerance at the same time. Britain is the most tolerant country. We're the tolerant tolerating the intolerant.
If u tolerate anything and everything, u stand for nothing!
Trouble is my friend being far too tolerant is the reason why woke is controlling everyone's thoughts and actions its in our schools, hospitals, universities, police, armed forces, television, radio, work places. Its like the commonsense people have woken up wondering what the hell is happening. No sorry being tolerant is what got us here in the first place.
Woke is the word,we now have generations of snowflakes who think they can cancel something they don't like..
@@outlaw6421 they also cancel things they have not taken time to understand.
These people move here but won't integrate
I would like to see a film made about the Pakistani Grooming gangs, naming the men who have been convicted and further released back in the same community that they did these crimes in. See what reaction that would bring. An explicit film showing how these young girls an d children suffered at the hands of these monsters.
Check the statistic u racist, the majority of nonces by far are middle aged white men
I’d like a film about all the white noncs and how they’re the most caught and convicted predators not only in the uk but in the world any how prisons are over populated by them
@@ItsTonyMontanaMayn So would I, because ALL child rapists should be punished. The thing is that if there were gangs of white men gang raping, torturing and murdering little Pakistani girls, then new prisons would be built for them. If any white man says anything about these Pakistani perverts they are called Racist and likely arrested by the thought police for a hate crime. When did you ever see such crimes being committed on such a scale as these Pakistani perverts? Never! They get away with with it because the powers that control the population want it to be this way.
You make it sound as if no other races or people from other countries have ever committed the same or similar crime.
And you make it seem like you are one of these men who would rather we did not talk about it at all. Do you condemn what these men are doing, condone it or are you one of them? I condemn all men who do such disgusting things, all races and nationalities. So I layed out my table, now it is your tern, or will you just not reply.
I just cancalled cineworld from my places to go list. I'm sick of this pathetic behaviour. Who the heck are they to dictate what is show in BRITISH Cinemas!!! There are laws to prevent intimidation that more than cover this. Where were our police farce ???
Busy painting rainbows on their cars.
We muslims won't tolerate blasphemy about Islam
@@jihadi-against-oppression Nearly every movie is not historically accurate, and if you don't like free speech go live somewhere were there is none.
@@Wolfways freedom of speech don't allow hurting or mocking religions rather to represent opinions and discussions
@@jihadi-against-oppression So complain to the authorities and with enough support you can get the film banned. You don't go and threaten staff at a cinema.
Also, if you don't like people taking the piss out of your religion England is probably the worst place to live. Making fun of everything and everyone, including ourselves, is part of our culture.
If you don't wanna see it, just don't
No has the right not to be offended
@@laurafenton6776 then go to your country and ask for a ban of the movie. Britain is a free democracy and these people are immigrants. Sometime they must understand that Britain owns them nothing and if they want the medieval ear to come up again, then they should go back to where they cane from and stop destroying an other country too
When you can have a documentary that questions the numbers of the holocaust then we can discuss your proposal.
@@cuckoospider111 there is plenty 😂
The latest one called "the round number". Get the lady of heaven back in the cinemas now 😂
let's make a movie bashing uk people and let's tell u just don't watch it 🤡
As a Christian I now want to see this movie.
Interesting to have two Jews on the panel but no Muslims
& one 🥥 😆
Lady of Heaven, one of the best film I ever seen , its highlights the root of terror.
Its shame cineworld to cancel the film .
Anywhere on Internet I can see? Thanks. Tried some sites but just non stop spam
I thought the root of terror started with the stoning of Stephen! An example followed by the likes of Stalin, Hitler, Tony Blair, and George Bush. Right?
Lol we cancelled you Allahakbar cry me a river 😂
Can we have a petition to get the film shown regardless of anyone's feelings. Or will the more enlightened muslims have a protest demanding the freedom of that film to be shown !
When you can have a documentary that questions the numbers of the holocaust then we can discuss your proposal.
@@cuckoospider111 W
@@cuckoospider111 you make the film and you put it out there. Nothing should be banned.
@@leonlwon L kid. A big fat L.
@@cuckoospider111 Interesting. So what information is it that you have that questions/debunks the holocaust numbers.
Can you provide a link to some fact checkable documentation. I would be very interested in reading that.
Welcome to the UK 🇬🇧 freedom of speck is banned eventhough the government says it isn’t. You can’t say anything without someone being offended. It’s pathetic it’s getting out of hand.
lol if someone says anything against Holocaust, gays, poppy then you don’t have problem with the reaction, it seems like freedom of speech works one way
Loool good job keep crying shiaa and Catholics ALLAH IS THE GREATEST 💪🏼💪🏼💪🏼
@@Trthseek munafeq and Christian people they use taqqyah these days acting innocent 😂
Yes, It is going out of hand . There was the same story that some UK based pseudo humanist seek freedom of speech in Kashmir India. UK is hijacked.
OK, why are the Sunnis angry? Because they say that the Companions of the Prophet (and who are not the Companions of the Prophet, they are hypocrites) and the Sunnis do not want to believe this. The Sunnah has been exposed because of the conversations of the hypocrites with the Prophet who call for killing and kill the Shiites because they only follow the family of the Prophet. They want them to follow the hypocrites. They are Omar, Abu Bakr, Othman, and Muawiyah. Someone who follows these people will be affected by the ideas of these hypocrites and the majority will become an ISIS and terrorist... The Sunnis are not the real Islam. The real Islam is the Shiites because of the logic they have and the truth of the hadiths they have. Most importantly, they follow the family of the Messenger of God. They are pure and infallible people. 12 Imams who came after Fatima and Ali
We are going to end up like Afghanistan in 20 to 30 years think about it 🤔
Having an honour like them ? Oh noo not even in a 500 decades from now
@@sendmeyourlocation1145 I'm not on about honour or the lack of it, you got Muslims threatening what they going to to this country, and not honour words.
share your om or sister if you feel better...
Why do you feel the need to use our religion for movies? And why are we backwards if we don't want our religion to be made a toy for views? Fatima is a very loved woman with a very high status in islam. You can't depict her and we know that movies like this represent women who suddenly want to take off their hijab and thinks islam is oppression towards women. She was a very devout woman who preached islam. We don't need a movie her, her life is told in written words
They tried to ban Life of Brian! But many Christians found the humourous side of it. It was hilarious!
How many cinema chains banned the life of Brian?
@@arthurbraincell1198 He said they tried. wake up.
@@ChrisBrown_1959 she! Just asking if any were successful! If not, why not? Think I know the answer
@@arthurbraincell1198 it was banned by the councils because it worked differently in 1979.
If you search on youtube for "life of brian react", you'll find several super funny videos of people who watch some scenes for the first time. I love reaction videos. lol. Also the Blackadder ones. :D
England is finished!… period.
MODI is doing great here in India !!
Good and the great replacement is coming Wales for blax England for Pakistani's and isle of men and North Ireland for Arabs Scottish people are cool we will let them
Fatima is the lady of heaven 😍❤️.
Peace be upon her but the movie is cancelled
Who's heaven.?? I thought that heaven was only for muslim men. 🤭🤭
@@kasturipillay6626 🐷🐷
Fatima is not in heaven. Maybe i. Jahannam together with Muhammad and Allah. 🐷🕋
124. But whoever works righteousness, whether male or female, and is a believer-those will enter Paradise, and will not be wronged a whit.
What you have here of course is a dispute between Sunni and Shia Islam - the film is written from the perspective of the latter and many who subscribe the former aren't happy about the historical interpretation it takes. The life - and death - of Fatimah and that of her husband is one of the factors that caused the two branches to diverge in the first place.
I stand by The Lady of Heaven!🫡❤️
Ali doesn't have anything to do with shiates they only respect him because his son Hussein married the daughter of the last king of sassinad kingdom that is why read their history the don't give the same respect to Hassan his brother because he relinquished his rule to Muawiyah
@@abdullahiabdulkadirmohamed7511 here's comes the son of Yazid Ibn Muwaviya and Ubeidullah Ibn Ziyad
@@siyang105 hhhh isn't that the fact why you lying
@@abdullahiabdulkadirmohamed7511 please read ur own book son of Yazid
When they are minority they speak about fundamental of freedom once they turn into majority?????
İslam doesn't use hypocrite law like LGBTQ+ law when come to Muslims freedom of speech
@IIOO but how do the west treat women who wearing hijab. For the dhimi he has all right except he can't evolve political and military. They can't make business and have their court do the west accept that
not YOUR country
I mean they got the British passport lol
Religion of peace until those nut-jobs joined it and made created their radical ideology ... thats why this movie is made to show how it became a religion of violence
It is.
@@HiHi-ek1dd bollocks
@Hassan Malik It may be a religion of peace but unfortunately there are people out there who profess to being Muslims are intolerant of others that they are right and everyone else is wrong
@Hassan Malik
Extremists in every religion? Flying planes into buildings? Cutting peoples heads off? Mass killings? Suicide bombings??
Your joking right? These "Extremists" in islam you speak of are infact the followers of the True Islam! Your prophet was a war mongering slave owning Pedophile! Not a peaceful man
If those who follow Islam make a decision (for reasons rarely if ever stated) to reside in an historically
Christian, now largely secular and open-minded UK society, then they should be prepared to accept
the laws and customs of that exist in their chosen destination and understand that any religion is a
personal choice and not to be imposed on others, least of all the wider population of the "host" nation.
Agreed, else relocate to a geography that aligns with your world view. Britain is a hard-drinking, bacon scoffing, wager-placing, dog-loving nation. For some of us, that was part of the appeal.
Okay. Then don’t complain about anything happening to Englishmen in Middle Eastern countries then, by your logic.
@@adamyahya4734 Logic? Cite me any example that has seen "Englishmen" take protests to facilities
in Islamic lands, not least any aimed at deterring/restricting a viewpoint that provides the wider
opportunity for discourse and open discussion about "religion" per se. You may also care to
add the number of non-Islamic places of worship that have been permitted in Islamic Lands
and compare them to the total of mosques that have been allowed here in the UK. Cheers.
Freedom of expression takes many forms but not always in many minds or places.
@@songsmith31a Western hypocrisy at its finest. If I come to your country, I’ll respect to your laws and “customs”, but if you go to any MENA, Balkan, Southeast Asian, or Central Asian country, you’re not going to respect the same? 😂
I guess the need of privilege is rooted in your colonial blood.
@@adamyahya4734 You failed to address the questions I raised in my response about protests
aimed at restricting creative art expressing religious views here in the UK. Religion is a
personal concept, each to their own chosen mindset. The bounds of protest are generous
but governed by the laws of the land. The old English Common Law that requires the
maintenance of the Queen's Peace should be obeyed by protesters whatever their reason
for protest.
Sooner or later one of these "protesters" would have blown himself up in the popcorn queue.
Or coming with rifle to grocery store and targeting some kind of people 🌚
For goodness sake, stop calling Mohammed "the prophet" or even "a prophet". For non-muslims, he was just a naughty boy.
just because your mother was a naughty girl dont be angry
Is the contemporary of the Prophet Muhanad to say this? Or rely on what you hear from here and there? We invite you to watch the movie (Our Lady of Heaven) to get a full knowledge and understanding of many mysteries and mysteries in the event that he gets approvals to show it again because the Islamic extremists demanded that it be banned and you will get to know the true personality of the Prophet Muhammad
@@themaster-qn6nm You sound very nice, but I think you were misled. But it's really horrible how sunni muslims treat you shias.
@@ginafromcologne9281 I think you got it the wrong way round km sunni and friend w shia muslims yeah they believe in different things other than the real Islam but we don't scrutinise them that's only the extremists! Also k ow the difference between sunni and Shia then you can act like you know anything
Not according to the US supreme court of justice, he was honoured as the greatest law giver of all time in 1935, seems like you need a couple history lessons...
Masroor's version of harmony is everyone bowing to his view on what should be suppressed. I'm an atheist and I passionately believe that everyone's belief in any god is bollocks but I'm not going to menace people that want to portray their delusions on film.
If A bigot do character assassination of your mom and your siblings, what you gonna do? Ignore! that what we muslims feel when a bigot mocks our religion in the name of freedom of speech and making multi million dollars movie despite they hate Islam and Muslims
It's amazing how the idea of religious freedom is never extended to those of us who want to live free from religion. And why does so called religious freedom look exactly the same as mob rule?
I’m also an atheist. It saddens me that religious belief always overrides morals, laws etc. People seem to be able to behave any way they like if it’s about their religion.
@@Bookworm452 I'm sure the central tenets of every religion describe solid principles for living a moral life, but religious societies never achieve that. Blasphemy laws are an abuse of civil liberties and incompatible with any kind of civilised life.
White British people are door mats. They get bullied in their own country 😂
I stand by The Lady of Heaven!✊❤
Lol did u got cancelled bro ?
This movie is based on authentic hadith.
The man said Muslims are not like this, untrue! This is typical of the culture
We’re the Irish all the same or Christians ?? Fool .
@@trutherasitis2109 yes Christians and Irish are similar. Very peaceful loving people
Well going by past events when certain muslims where offended like Manchester arena, Charlie hebdo, Fitna 2008 movie etc. people are right to be afraid for their lives. Armed security will be needed at cinemas that show it to protect the staff and customers.
They were killing anybody talking about that story for 1400 years. Now this movie is showing the reality of Islam the reality of these terrorists that came after the prophet Mohammed death killed his daughter, her husband and killed her both sons and her grandkids a whole . They killed anyone related to our holly lady of Heaven Fatema because she was the face of the real Islam the religion of peace and what you see now a day are the grandsons and the granddaughters of these terrorists. This is the best movie and should be nominated for an Oscar. Lady of Heaven is the real Islam her husband and her sons are the true holders of the peaceful messages of Islam the real Islam of prophet Mohammed. Islam is never a religion of terrorists. These ppl are the’s God will that this film get publicity. Please see the movie and tell ppl about it. By the way I am a Muslim but not the grandson of a terrorists like these ppl.
Shia narrative as usual is full of lies
The protests i seen were all peaceful, a small word they’re saying on national tv makes people think that’s happening in that manner everywhere but it’s not the case. Mainstream Muslims will not take this movie as fact but certain heretics in the religion will agree with it or not criticise it
@@IbrahimAli-se3xz wow!! That's a very powerful message. I hope it is someday shown on national TV, netflix or Amazon prime. I had no idea about the story before this movie.
Sharon this is a Christian country we shouldn’t be dictated by anyone.if they don’t like our way of life..the door swings both ways
I find it hard to condemn Cineworld, when you have so many aggressive people from the religion of peace protesting and looking at past incidents. Is it worth risking the lives of normal working people who work for Cineworld? I know this is an appalling state of affairs and it should not be like this but I guess this must be the benefit of living in a multicultural society as we are constantly told is a good thing
What problems do you get from Hindus, Sikh, Buddhist, Jewish, Sufi, Taoist, Zen etc?
@@NoLefTurnUnStoned. go do some research and you will find out. Find reputable stats showing who has committed more genocides, killed more innocent people and committed more acts of terrorism around the world in human history, even in recent history/years. You allow the mainstream media to dictate your thoughts and what you believe.
Britain has freedom of speech and expression says Sajid Javid.
Also Britain: imprisons Julian Assange for exposing Americas war crimes.
boom boom
To be fair Julian Assange is a total prick who left the embassy who look after and fed him covered in his own shite who was hiding from raping someone..but defo deport all the vermin turning up at the cinema
If someone made a film glorifying Hitler and justifying Holocaust, will it be allowed?
Being forced to bow down to Religious Leaders can only be classed as Extremism and as we’ve seen is extremely Dangerous 👎👎
😂😂😂😂😂😂 you are a 🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡
Hopefully it will be streamed soon😎
in your dreams
@@rehanalam7021 it will be
@@demian2658 hope so
@@rehanalam7021 this muslim protest just made it so popular, and a lot of people will watch it then haha
@@notapenguin9354 first let it release on theatre let me see how many will watch this movie
Just a reminder... there are zero laws on blasphemy in this country. So if you want laws on blasphemy, go elsewhere.
That means if a movie that want to depict your religious figure as a pedophile just because for example would be allowed in your country?
@@imran8880 Correct... people who would be offended simply would not pay to see it.
So what is antisemitism ?
@@monews8001 Hostility to or prejudice against Jewish people. Nothing to do with blasphemy.
@@JoeBlowUK not just jews. also muslims.
The Lady of Heaven is based on the facts of history .If people can not bear to hear the truth, it is better to see a psychologist
No facts. It’s more like fabrication. You kutaah
So ur Ali was a simp to see his wife fatima bieng beaten infront of him ?
He is not that strong man you always said .
@@bestryfulhd2102 Did you see the movie? Or do you get this out of your head?
@@AliHameed8 go away , and ur movie , i dont have time for nonsense
The simp was Othman who let her wife get beaten and harassed and what you just said shows your ignorance and hundred percent you have not watched the movie because of your lies people will know sooner or later after they see the movie
This film is not like normal films or other, this film shows the truth of islamic world, shows how even that if some ppl call themselves (muslims), but they are not, shows the truth that sunni muslims can’t accept, this film is 100% true, as someone living in iraq, this things did actually happened to us, in 2014…, terr*rist used to force shia ppl to be sunni, or otherwise they will unlive you, and the story of lady fatimah is also 100%, it’s wrote in both sunni and shia books, there are a lot of those who try to hide the truth and they did sadly, they lie to ppl and change the story, this film shouldn’t be cancelled, this is the truth that everyone should see and know🤍
Islam is not just a religion it is an Ideology, social, psychological, total way of life to reach a non proved place called heaven on Jannah.
There was a quote that islam is a religion of peace but in the majority of occasions unlike Christianity no chapter and verse is quoted so this may be of interest taken from the standard islamic narrative:- (5:33 is what I'm referring to contect is everything according to scholars of islam :-
5:30 And his soul permitted to him the murder of his brother, so he killed him and became among the losers, and his soul permitted to him the murder of his brother, so he killed him and became among the losers.
5:31 Then Allah sent a crow searching in the ground to show him how to hide the disgrace of his brother. He said, "O woe to me! Have I failed to be like this crow and hide the body of my brother?" And he became of the regretful.
5:32 Because of that, We decreed upon the Children of Israel that whoever kills a soul unless for a soul or for corruption [done] in the land - it is as if he had slain mankind entirely. And whoever saves one - it is as if he had saved mankind entirely. And our messengers had certainly come to them with clear proofs. Then indeed many of them, [even] after that, throughout the land, were transgressors.
The All important verse:-
5:33 Indeed, the penalty for those who wage war against Allah and His Messenger and strive upon earth [to cause] corruption is none but that they be killed or crucified or that their hands and feet be cut off from opposite sides or that they be exiled from the land. That is for them a disgrace in this world; and for them in the Hereafter is a great punishment,
Islam is the only true religion ☪️
Prophet Jesus is Muslim! I invite you to study the biography of prophet Muhammad (pbuh) and read holy Quran and then speak instead of spreading misinformation about Islam
You copied and pasted that from a un reliable source Wikipedia get your facts right you dog 🤣🤣
Care to discuss I'll prove Islam is a peaceful religion which you some people not naming names won't be able to follow due to the peacefulness that they can't do it correctly.
@@jihadi-against-oppression there isn’t a thing called true religion. Wake up you thicko.
@@HiHi-ek1dd disgust with you?
You can’t even type out a sentence you reject let alone have a debate.
The claim at 1:45 that there are hadiths which say you cannot depict the prophet is incorrect. There are no hadiths which state that in both sunni and shia hadith corpus.
It is well known in sunni Islam at least that you can't depict the Prophet or other religious figures. You should know this if you're muslim.
@@ZM-et7zt show this belief from hadith
And Labour want Islamaphobic laws in the UK.Let that sink in?
Islamophobia is a fake word. A phobia is a unfounded fear. Who in their right mind, wouldn't fear the violence that islam propagates everywhere.
What laws?
The journalist talking about how the film makers only had to pre-emptively engage with Muslims to avoid issues is really being naive - the sharia is very clear and no individual Muslim or Muslim organisation that went against the hadith would only have succeeded in anything other than being cast aside as deviants. I come from a Muslim background and there was simply no avoiding the backlash. The only way this dies down - like the cartoons - is through repetition until it becomes normalised and they are reluctantly forced to come terms with the reality that they can't control what anyone else does.
That's wrong...every one has a red line..why go actively trying to antagonise a group of people, there is such as thing as tolerance and respect. Muslims are saying it is full of lies and is a portrayal of history that does not ring true with the majority of Muslim opinion. Why go out of your way to try and offend somebody..
Echoes of a religious minority's reaction to Monty Python's Life of Brian - the best film ever made about religion
What a idiot comment. This is why Britain dying.
I remember demonstrations but never angry violent threatening mobs.
@@MAX-tw3qz That’s the religion of peace for you
Mohammed is not 'the' prophet to the majority of people in the world, he is just 'a' prophet. Granted he is 'the' prophet for those who follow Islam, but that does not mean the rest of us have to refer to him as that. You don't ever hear non Christians refer to Jesus as 'our Lord and saviour Jesus Christ' and quite right, why should they?
He is the prophet to the majority. He is a messenger not just for muslims.
In this film, many false events did not happen and there is an exaggeration.. Muslims refused only because liar that did not talk about them honestly and clearly. Do you want to watch a false story about Hitler and you know his true story , as an example!!
@@simonjon3634 Not a fictional character. There is a lot that I cannot explain to you. But everyone can search for the truth, and this is the purpose of your existence in this life. Muhammad is the Messenger of God like the rest of the previous messengers for humanity on this earth in order to live in a correct way in all aspects of life.
@@simonjon3634 yet there’s evidence that say other wise
Because you know deep in your heart he is the Last Prophet. Don't reject truth. You have any doubt? The Quran is Free to read. I hope Truth Comes into your life
James Max makes me laugh, censorship is not the way he said, yet he wanted to censor Kelly J, alias Posie Parker. He cancelled her on his show. Hypocrit!
They were killing anybody talking about that story for 1400 years. Now this movie is showing the reality of Islam the reality of these terrorists that came after the prophet Mohammed death killed his daughter, her husband and killed her both sons and her grandkids a whole . They killed anyone related to our holly lady of Heaven Fatema because she was the face of the real Islam the religion of peace and what you see now a day are the grandsons and the granddaughters of these terrorists. This is the best movie and should be nominated for an Oscar. Lady of Heaven is the real Islam her husband and her sons are the true holders of the peaceful messages of Islam the real Islam of prophet Mohammed. Islam is never a religion of terrorists. These ppl are the terrorists.
typical shia comment🤣😂
So like we 10years ago these people will never embrace the English culture,now it's a culture in this country over run by this sought of thing England will never recover from this
Yes , England is the victim of these Jehadi elements.
I am with The Lady of Heaven!✊❤
No. Mary, mother of Jesus is the lady of heaven.
@@sajdamalik8353 it's all a matter of opinion. The Queen of Heaven? Carole Lombard, of course ❤️
Fatima al-Zahra the daughter of prophet Muhammad is the Lady of Heaven, and I don't deny that Lady Mariam or Mary, Asia the wife of pharaoh, and Khadijah the wife of prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him and his family) are The Ladies of Heaven.
Mrs God?
@@jamesrogers5277 they're all missing the point. Surely God is gender-fluid? 😉
The threats of violence and self preservation are more likely the reason the Cinema pulled the plug. One problem with mono theistic religions is that the followers divide into different sects and groups, each claiming only they are the 'true' one.
What can possibly go wrong?
80% of Muslims are mainstream Sunnis. The other sects are all minorities that focus on few extreme situations in history past the life of the prophet. Shia is the largest of those minorities and within it are many different subsects such as the twelvers. Some of which are more extreme than others. Please understand that these minorities do not represent us mainstream Muslims of the world and do not share their beliefs about historical events that took place and we are deeply against them showing the face of the prophet. Your freedom ends when it infringes on others.
Call it what you will but we have the right to speak up against what we see as wronging us.
@حوراء even the shia nayion banned it iran
Evidence ???
I never heard of the movie, now im gonna search for it to watch 😊
I wish Jesus Christ was defended this way 😔
So I do I and I'm not Christian
I value your statement
Well said
West only care about their lgbtq agenda.. Dont know, western now is way behind asian right now.. East asian especially..
No cancellations because of Islam, Judaism, Christianity, feminism, homosexualism, so-called 'transgenderism' or any other ism.
made me want to go and see it
Me too.
This is only being canceled because it’s a Shia film and the Sunnis are mad that we are spreading the truth
Seen the trailer, looks very interesting. I'd watch. It back fired. Passion of Christ was so beautiful.
PoC was beautifully done, made to glorify Jesus. Mel, as the panels said, brought everyone together to give justice to both religious & historical contexts & facts & he did well. He made the characters spoke Aramaic, from which many Christian learned the first time that Jesus referred to his God as Alaaha. Churches including Vatican commended all these little factual details. Still Jewish people were mad since they were shown as the villains. Some believe Mel & Jim 'punished' because of this.
But LoH seems like made by Shiite producer to spite the Sunnis. As we knew there was political split between groups (later called Sunni & Shia) after Mohammed died. This film, according to Sunni was far removed from historical facts. And also found out to be seen as racist since all the 'bad guys & girls' all played by black actors while the rest of the good charcters, e.g. Ali one the main protagonist whom recorded in history as an Arab with very dark skin, played by white/light skinned actors. And there many other stuffs. This is what I get from a Sunni (Sadat That Canadian Brother).
I think it’s not about the film itself but rather the current political climate, Shia and Sunni are at literal war and this makes the matters worst.. it’s not a smart move
Is this not a sectarian matter between Sunnis and Shias, with the film representing a perspective from the latter? Unfortunately, the religious group represented has such a worldwide reputation for violence against "blasphemy" that those they protest toward feel their lives and/or property are under threat.
Islamafascism at its best . Using terrorism for their gain is their number 1 strategy .
We don't need a religion like that!
Sorry Sharon, but I don't remember angry mobs wanting to burn down cinemas that showed Bertolucci's 'Little Buddha' with Keanu Reeves in 1994, so I don't go along with the statement that any religiously themed movie is going to cause controversy and incite violence.
That’s because no one in Myanmar goes to the cinemas.
@@adamyahya4734 There are 500 million Buddhists worldwide and Myanmar is a small proportion of that, therefore there are a substantial number of them in countries that do have movie theatres. But seriously, unlike those that threatened violence for the showing of 'The Lady of Heaven', the followers of the Buddhist Dharma are not prone to inflicting the threatening levels of violence for representations of the founder of their religion that certain followers of another religion undoubtedly would.
@@denecroxford2475 Myanmar is one of the only Buddhist states that didn’t get liberalized.
@@adamyahya4734 ???
@@denecroxford2475 You need to understand that your lovely-dovey Buddhist community only lives in these European and North American countries (also Japan, but nobody really cares about religion). They don’t protest because they were taught that making a mockery out of your religion is okay.
any portrayal of the prophets or their family members is against Islam, so naturally a film like this would stir up opposition. I don't think the film makers are naive , they knew this would cause controversy. How about having some compassion and sensitivity to other people religious feelings . Why cause controversy just to make some money. And they say its freedom of speech. It's just that we are living in a world that that doesn't value religion and as a result religious figures are ridiculed and made fun of. I understand freedom of speech however I'm not going to insult some ones mother or father and say it's ok i'm exercising my freedom of speech. We should have respect fellow human beings period.
Islam makes reat claims for itself. Depending on whicehvef medievel supersticiuos, in medivel times, outside the UK , this may be true. no so called Blasphemy in UK., See the film then you can commnet. Now everyone wants to see the digital Mr M to see what all the kerfuffe is about. Well done.
@@MrDrbld I'm just exercising my freedom of speech.
@@mohammedtahir8895 Outstanding. enjoy the freedom you get in western civilisation to criticise, offend and say what you really think of Mr Mo and his antics, especially if is to condemn them publicly. Just imagine doing this in a theocratic, backward and primitive society where you would be persecuted for saying so by the islamocrazies. And don't forget, once you choose to leave islam (like my numerous, liberated and happy ex-muslim friends) you can celebrate freedom of conscience AND freedom of speech, in a society where doubt is not illegal. Thanks so much for you comment.
I have no intention to leave islam. Obviously your backwards in your thinking. Travel throughout the land visit muslim countries and you will find people have rights . Did you know Pakistan a Muslim country gave rights to transvestites well before some western countries. They have their own political parties. Go to dubai and see how people live and the openess and acceptance of everyone. Most likely you haven't travelled world and met people of different cultures and understand their values and what's important to them. Islamocrazies just a ignorant word Research Islam's contribution to makind through medicine science and technology. If it wasn't for the Arabic mathematician who invented Algebra you wouldn't able to send a email use a computer or text me your nonsense via you tube. Travel world mate meet people and understand hunan beings are one big family live and respect each other
It's not a Muslim problem It's a sunni Muslim problem what want this movie ban
The playing field isn't leveled. No such thing as free speech. Had a movie, comedian, or show be made about the LGBTQ community and expose some if not all of the harmful psychological effects that the movement brings along with it, clearly it too would be cancelled, protested, sanctioned, or better yet the producers sentenced to life and stopped of their jobs. So let's not use the word "freedom" of speech. Plus can't compare Christianity to Islam. Just because the Christians have not problem with movies being made about Jesus, doesn't mean all religions must follow suit. Peace
When is the bluray or 4k discs coming out? love to see it high def
Referendum on Immigration. We didn't vote for Mass Immigration.
If free speech is so expressed when it’s against violation of Muslims then why is it restricted in certain cases. I.e current affairs in Ukraine and Russia or other things I.e racism
It’s ironic that these Sunni Muslims have given this movie a lot of attention.
A film that’s got mixed reviews (and probably would’ve been a flop) now has had all this free advertising.
Perhaps Allah isn’t Akbar
@@lucastaylor2321 Al'uzza is greater than allah 😉
@@lucastaylor2321 and it’s died down nobody cares about the movie now 🤷🏻♂️ perhaps Lucas is loco 🤪
@@YA1912GAMING okay Muhammad 🤣
@@lucastaylor2321 look whose begging attention🥱
Freedom of speech says Sajid javid so I can say what I want about the Holocaust or support Russia without me being imprisoned for antisemitism or put in jail. Double standards
I want to watch the film now more than before
It's the greatest Islamic movie that has ever been created and believe me it's the truth that always hurts that's why they're protesting, your perspective about Islam will change and surely it'll lead you to the right path,inshallah
The movie is not racist, this is the truth
I love this movie and the events in it are real and everyone can verify the events
satan loves you.
You will probably watch the movie , and then think what was all the fuss about....
LoH seems like made by Shiite producer to spite the Sunnis. As we knew there was political split between groups (later called Sunni & Shia) after Mohammed died. This film, according to Sunni was far removed from historical facts. And also found out to be seen as racist since all the 'bad guys & girls' all played by black actors while the rest of the good charcters from the same tribe played by white/light skinned actors. And there many other stuffs. This is what I get from a Sunni (Sadat That Canadian Brother).
The fuss is falsehood portrayed to taint Islam, the prophet Muhammed pbuh , his family and companions!
@@cooking1st liar
@@cooking1st can you pls explain? I’m just a Christian in America. What is the upset about? Pls dumb it down for me since I know nothing about your religion. Thank you
If Muslims want to create unity, why do they live in divided areas ? Area's strictly for Muslim only and where Sharia Law is the only law, and why do they need their own financial institutions too ? It doesnt sound very integration orientated and united to me.
They don't want to integrate but want to divide.
@@vinamrasinghai2339 you must have a medal for your genuious comment 😬
Already when you say “they” you have showed your true face and done yourself what you want to blame the Muslim for.
It's not possible to disrespect the prophet since the 'prophet' disrespected himself - all it takes is to look at his life to know that.
Send them all for a long swim without life jackets.
Why would you send you and your family on a long swim without life jackets?
i hope now britishers realise who is the bully... kashmir files is another film that everyone should watch!! what a shame, britishers get their daughters groomed and still bow down.
Cancel culture is toxic when Muslims are initiating it and Its freedom of speech when it comes to insulting Muslims but homophobia, antisemetisim and racism are all red lines no one can cross. All Muslims want is the same respect you show and care for with other “marginalised” groups
Islam is just a comedy show that follows a sex cult
@IIOO indeed! We're tired of the Islamic 'we're the victims - role'.
They'd better clean up the mess they made over the past 1500 years..instead of blaming others.
If you don't like it too bad.i want to see it and it's got nothing to do with crazy religious nut cases
So what does homophobic mean and antisemitism? I thought we have freedom of speech???
You can't be a Muslim without accepting the Quran and Sunnah (which are the hadiths- the saying, teachings and actions of the Prophet SAW). So even if something is not mentioned in the Quran but mentioned in an authentic hadith we accept it as muslims. So if the hadith says we cannot show images of the prophet Muhammed SAW, it is forbidden for all Muslims to do so, both Sunni and Shias. That is what they have done in this film, that why muslims are outrage. In addition to that, story they are telling is false, the film negatively depicted the prophet's wife and companions; they even used stereotypes by having black or dark skin people play the villans in the film. Islamic history is the most well documented history on earth, because of how muslims documented the hadiths and authenticated by having many people who lived in the life time of the prophet Muhammed SAW confirm the narrations and saying of the prophet Muhammed SAW that had to be confirmed by multiple witnesses. If the writers of the film were genuine they would have used the authentic hadiths to base their story telling.
ههههههه تجعل من نفسك جاهل وتوهم الناس بأن الأحداث في الفيلم غير موجوده في كتبكم
Muslims are not forced to watch this movie. This is a movie, not Islamic history. Quranist Muslims do not believe in Sunnah. Only Sunni Muslims are outage. The movie was created and written by Shia for Shia and they have every right to practise their religion. Why Muslims did protest against him then?
Guys!! There are some Muslims people who are trying destroy our image infront other. This movie is based on true history that's why they are against the movie. It was about first terrorism attack and the victim was daughter of prophet Muhammad (pbuh). Must watch the movie and support the movie. They are not defending prophet Muhammad (pbuh) they are defending terrorist.
How is it so many Muslims can suddenly pitch up at the venues. Do any of thhem work or are they all living off my taxes. Looking around my home town, during working hours, I know the answer. This country has made a very big error of judgement.
And it all started when we joined the eu
💪🏻 islam for British 2030
@@sendmeyourlocation1145 mhm good luck on that. Your people are poor and defeated for a reason 🥰
Religion has caused more problems than peaceful solutions to the world, especially Islam. I can't think of any other religion that harm people more . YOUR THOUGHTS
The ‘Passion of Christ’ showed Jesus in ‘favourable’ image where ‘Lady of Heaven’ will 💯 % shows a negative image. That is the whole point! Why 1 rule of One & different rule of other.
Glad to see it stopped. So,should,lie of Brian. But that film brought the denominations of the church who hate each other together. So blasphemous films only bring unity to godly people Muslim or otherwise. Stop offending religion for money
The narrative you put forward here around freedom of speech is incorrect. This isn’t an issue about freedom of speech at all. It’s around labelling 2 billion people in the world as terrorists based on their beliefs and holy figures. That’s Islamophobic and this film promotes further islamophobia. The correct narrative/question is, should people be allowed to be Islamophobic in the UK? I know there will be many trolls here, so if you feel the answer is yes then by default you also think it’s okay to be homophobic, racist, anti semitic, etc. If that’s the case and you still think yes, then go to a country where all of the above can be practised, i.e. you can openly be homophobic, racist, anti semitic, etc without consequence or challenge.
Islamophobic must be the wrong term. It would have to be Sunniphobic if anything. I don't know to what extent the film tars all Sunnis with the same brush, but it's an undoubted fact that Sunni terrorism exists in the middle East.
The most aggravating aspect of it all for me is that the West very often actively support it whilst pretending to oppose it.
@@Eman_Puedama This film was made in bad faith by a proven Shia hate preacher, who incites violence and separation between Sunnis and Shia. That does not mean all Shia Muslims share the same view, because the vast majority of Shia Muslims are against this movie. It’s been banned by most Shia Imams, banned in Iraq and Iran, where the latter has actual punishable laws for those that watch this movie. Clear evidence of Shias not being fans of this movie. So Islamophobic is definitely the correct term here.
On a wider non Muslim perspective, generally there is a lack of knowledge on the differences between Shia and Sunni. As a result people who watch this film will naturally view Islam as a violent religion - one that is not of peace (in peacetime), as this is the ‘story’ of the film (a historical false one at that). Therefore giving them an impression that ALL Muslims are terrorists, so clearly promoting ‘Islamophobic’ views.
Yes how dare people be sceptical towards a religion that wherever it is the majority major human rights violations and oppression happens I as a woman cannot fathom why.. Christian athletes went to compete it Dubai and were not allowed to wear a cross or have pictures of saints.. hmm…
@@sproutkraft6690 The movie is banned in those places being they know how crazy Sunni’s can get. They don’t want to sow divisions between the people. They didn’t ban it because of historical accuracy. The historical narrative put forth by the movie is actually very dependant on even Sunni source material. At the very least its worth debating.
Since when did the movie become accusing Sunnis of terrorism??
Shouldn't ban it in the UK. Ban this and its a downward spiral.
The people protesting are Muslims so they believe that Mo flew to heaven on a winged donkey and spoke to Moses and god so there’s absolutely no point trying to reason with them.
Not only that they believe the moon got split in half by Mo.....and don't get me started on Mo's pedo marriage to a 10 year old girl. They believe this stuff to the core.. crazy
@Detective Conan and….?
I do not protest against the movie. I am a practicing Muslim. I believe the incident was a dream that Mohammed had not a factual happening. Please refrain from putting all Muslims in one box and portray them as a homogeneous group who are irrational 🙄
@@aha1775-m6g he never said it was a dream he said it happened, do you believe?
@@alexbowman7582 So? Almost all religions speaks of such miraculous events, therefore one shouldn't reason with the vast majority of mankind because they believe miracles happens?
Make more films about Islam, Christianity, Hinduism etc. Maybe religious people will be innoculated against offence
شكرا شكرا شيخ ياسر الحبيب على إظهار هذه الحقائق التاريخيه التي لم يجراء احد على إظهارها للعالم خوفا من اتباع القتله ابو بكر وعمر وعائشه شكرا شيخ ياسر
Thing is, I couldn't give a 💩 about this movie, however, what you should not forget... IT WAS MADE BY MUSLIMS FFS 🤦🏾♂️ Let's not even get started on Blasphemy Laws by stealth...