I really liked the Vikings area at Drayton. The layout is so good but I also have a soft spot for Mythica at Legoland. Another brilliant video, keep up the good work.
You have most certainly have got good grounds to think that and to be fair, having a differing opinion to people about theme parks is something that is great to discuss and I'm sure you won't offend anyone by being honest as theme parks are things which people gather opinions on from their own experiences.
I really liked the Vikings area at Drayton. The layout is so good but I also have a soft spot for Mythica at Legoland. Another brilliant video, keep up the good work.
They certainly are some great theme park lands. Glad to hear you are enjoying the videos.
I think there are better lands coming, everyone is going to want to keep up with Universal
I think you might be right. Let's certainly hope so.
In my opinion, Alton Towers is the best
I don’t mean to offend anyone if you don’t agree
You have most certainly have got good grounds to think that and to be fair, having a differing opinion to people about theme parks is something that is great to discuss and I'm sure you won't offend anyone by being honest as theme parks are things which people gather opinions on from their own experiences.