Watching/Listening to Christopher is like watching Messi playing football, and M.J. playing basketball. He's a master of the English language, very clever, and never gets rattled.
Christopher Hitchens is so missed. I would give anything to hear his opinions on what's going on in America today. He has always been spot on. Such a huge loss to the world of journalism and literature.
Take A Moment I have always admired Christopher's way with words. He never fails to make his point. I try to use language as he does. No gods required Stay Safe Stay Free 🌐
It's so shocking to me to hear this level of intelligence and thoughtfulness on US politics not only from Hitchens but also many of his callers from average America, at the height of a scandalous period of US politics. Today, the discourse is truly trash. No question. We have lost intelligence so utterly that there is no coming back. I'm glad these shows have been preserved to show what we have lost.
David Philip Schippers Jr. (November 4, 1929 - September 28, 2018) was chief investigative counsel for the House Judiciary Committee during the Clinton Impeachment trial. The committee was holding an inquiry on whether President Bill Clinton had committed impeachable offenses in his handling of the Paula Jones sexual harassment suit, during which he committed perjury regarding his affair with then-White House intern Monica Lewinsky. Schippers was a lifelong Democrat. On December 10, 1998, Schippers said to the committee: "The President, then, has lied under oath in a civil deposition, lied under oath in a criminal grand jury. He lied to the people, he lied to his Cabinet, he lied to his top aides, and now he's lied under oath to the Congress of the United States. There's no one left to lie to."
I was too young to know if Christopher Hitchens' work, but after learning of his debates on Atheism and etc, I very strongly wonder how I can miss a person who has been gone for a while now. In the same breath, I wonder what he would say of the madness we see today. Rest in peace, Christopher. Your works shall be remembered and missed.
35:45 - Does this violate Hitchens Razor? 😅 Amazing as always. I could listen to this guy for hours (and have). Thanks for the upload and RIP to one of the great thinkers and orators of our time.
Well lets see - Clinton is the main reason why Trump got in the white house. in the first place. Trump also pushed for a Mideast peace initiative. I am thinking Hitch would have been a Trump supporter to some degree.
Hey, Hitch, I'll do the flatterers one better and say that not only do you stand side by side with Vidal and Buckley, but in many areas you blow the "titans" away. We miss you.
Simply put, we will never see another individual quite like him. Independently-educated, and an alumnus of Balliol College, he worked for several news organisations and travelled the world as a war correspondent, giving him the breadth and experience of various cultures. He was also a voracious reader and writer. I just cannot imagine any Millenial or Gen-Zer emerging as the next Hitchens. Alex O'Conner comes close but does not have the travels nor real world experience to match (yet?).
Hitchens said that he hoped Turker Carlson was the finest writer of his generation and hoped he'd avoid television. AND, the took him out. If Hitch had lived, they might have made him an offer he couldn't refuse😮
The irony is Alex has posted videos entitled the sophistry of Christopher Hitchens whereby he attempts to discredit him... The reality is Alex couldn't carry The Hitches jockstrap....
Are you referring to Biden shutting down the Trump Mideast peace initiative? I am guessing it would have been something like his expose on Kissinger being a war criminal.
@@jeffmilroy9345no I'm sure he means the way the FBI and other intelligence agencies violated the constitutional right of 45, illegally spying on American citizens
@@DistantEarlyWarning ; He gave it to the Clinton's, with both barrels I might add, so, I don't see why he wouldn't. Unless you are trying to "both sides" it?
I know I am not going to live forever and neither are you. But until my furlough here on earth is revoked, I’d like to raise my tumbler of JWB 🥃 high above my head in honor of the brilliant intellect, beautiful mind of Christopher Hitchens, I truly miss the gorgeous bastard.
2023 came here to get info for a paper I'm writing for my grandfather who claimed Clinton was the best president and I strongly disagree. Greatful this video exists and that his opinion was televised.
8:40 ... I'm a graduate of the United States Merchant Marine Academy, Selden The Merchant Marine in the 1980s. This man lied about his War record. I served with no particular distinction, but this man practiced Stolen Valor. ******( Questions were raised in 1997 about the life of Lawrence, and President Clinton ordered an investigation into whether Lawrence had lied about his military service in World War II.[citation needed] Congressional investigators searched military records and could not corroborate Lawrence's claims of wartime service in the Merchant Marine with the alleged rank of Seaman First Class, or presence during the torpedoing of the ship SS Horace Bushnell. It was later learned that he was in fact enrolled in college during the time periods that he claimed to have served in the Merchant Marine. On December 12, 1997, at the request of Lawrence's widow, his body was disinterred and taken to California. He was then buried in the El Camino Memorial Park, Sorrento Valley, San Diego. Metzler and West stated that Lawrence would have qualified for a waiver for burial at Arlington because he had served as an ambassador.
You have to ask yourself if when those Hitchens antagonists hang up they really believe they have successfully admonished him. They are either inarticulately verbose or just inarticulately struggle for words in their criticisms. I'm fairly confident that none of them listened to his replies or if they did they can add masochism to the lists of their defects.
The vapid housewives of America voted Clinton in!...I remember talking to several of my neighborhood married ladies about Clinton--their first comment was--"He is so cute!"...such was, and still is, the state of American voter intelligence!!
The man was extremely intelligent, literally genius level intellect, and a brilliant politician. Your comment paints him out to be just a ‘nice looking guy’.
Yes...he admitted to being a rather impulsive, non-worrier, when it came to his personal health...Lots of booze and smoking, and likely other things too!
Dan Lewis Lol, the only person spouting hate & immaturity here is you. I commented 8 months ago so your comment about the current president is irrelevant within the context of my comment. All corruption should be investigated and those responsible held account. That's fairly obvious. You pretend to know strangers on the internet & are abusive towards them to take out your anger & frustration of your own life. Not my problem.
An inspiring and humbling lecture cum dialogue which clarifies why today's global politicians are to please take morality to heart, beyond respect for religion, a a vow to rise up for a reasonably agreebale code of timetested ethics we all share, beyond the seemingly limitless privileges of their unsatiable power🙏
When Clinton was running, a local talk-show host in Seattle--Mike Siegal--had been on the radio back in Arkansas, and he railed against Clinton during his radio show in Seattle...He mentioned how slippery, and lying, Clinton was, by nature...a few months later, he lost his job at the Seattle radio station--the owner was a democrat!
The two parties toed the party lines to maintain power and money. I say that both sides are embarrassing and morally corrupt to the US and a detriment for today and future generations abilities to progress into a the modern world.
During this election I heard many people lament on what wonderful POTUS Bill was and how they believed Hillary would do a good job because he would be at her side... I don't understand the short memory of the public. I'm not sure what year this interview was - but I noticed many of the things you said have been regurgitated by the left this election as well. I absolutely cannot understand how those on the left can follow these people so blindly. I did notice one thing during the debates, Hillary was so polished in her speaking that I could understand why no one 'heard' what she said. She did a lot of double speak without saying anything. I am more than thrilled that she lost this election and truly hope the 'going in' Administration looks deeply into their past and is able to find solid proof to bring charges. I believe the corruption within DC goes so deep that prosecution of the Clinton's would cause such an upset - in that so many would be called into account, that we might be hard pressed to recover from.
Trump is likely slightly more corrupt than the Clintons, considering the corruption in regard to Trump University and the now-obvious collusion with Russia to steal the election. Corruption on the right-wing is nothing new of course- Ronald Reagan was/is the most corrupt president in US history, specially murder, financial corruption and violating the US constitution.
Well....I feel it's for the best he has passed on. I reckon he would be devastated by the state of humanity, the dysfunctional state of American politics, and the serious lack of morality of the current Supreme Court
Why is it so hard for people in UA-cam comments just to say, in the first person, that they miss a dead person? Why this fad of "So-and-So is missed" instead of "I miss So-and-So"? Especially in comments on videos of Christopher Hitchens, it seems like the kind of thing that would annoy him. Imagine the silliness if he had said not "I dislike Mr. Clinton" but the vague, indirect, and transparently coy "Mr. Clinton is disliked."
We miss his intelligence, his humor, his wit, his utter fearlessness, his command of the English language.... You, sadly are a victim of your shallow mind. Hopefully you will evolve eventually
I love Hitchens; however, he constantly misses an implicit meaning in "well that is your opinion". The full thought reads: 'Well that is your opinion and not fact." I believe it may be intentional that he ignores the natural implicit end. It may be that he uses his standard counter to dismiss his detractors. I think him far too intelligent to simply miss this. Of course, the statement is polysemic and it is possible Hitchens is not flawless.
I doubt he misses that. I'd say it's more likely that he expects the listener to know when he is stating facts and when he is stating his opinion. Normally it's easy to distinguish between the two, so to point out that somebody is stating their opinion is redundant. The intention is usually to make the person's opinion appear to be no more valid than anybody else's (ie- that's YOUR opinion, but this guy here has another one, and this girl another, etc). I think that's what gets Hitchens' goat.
Emmet I might agree with that if the conversation was not already calling into question his facts. A few callers asked him to cite sources for his assertions. After he did not satisfy their requests, the "your opinion" came up.
Then what they should say is "you're facts are wrong." To attack someone who is giving his opinion on grounds that it is merely his opinion is a tautology, or a restatement of the thing itself. It also ignores the fact that Hitchens in many of the things he expresses his opinion on is a leading expert. My opinion might weigh no more than your opinion, but Hitch's opinion falls in a different category.
God damn he hated the clintons. I'm here for it. Although I'm sure he wouldnt have supported Trump, I'm POSTIVE he would've been giddy watching HillDog have the presidency basically yanked from her lol
Love Hitchens, but amazed he spent so much energy trying to get to the bottom of an affair. He would have had an aneurysm with Trump and his administration.
If you delve a little deeper you'll discover that Hitchens believed that the affairs (plural) and Clinton's handling of them revealed his deeply flawed and crooked nature, which is clearly relevant to his suitability to be president.
@@waitaminute2015pursuing your political enemies with the legal system is treason maybe someday Democrats will understand how they are ending our democracy
One thing Hitchens notices: the lack of criticism of Clinton's presidency... the increasing apathy and detachment about politics... What this hides is the ongoing corruption of all the people in the world not just America. The fact is: the worsening of corruption in politics is only a SYMPTOM of the general worsening of the moral and ethical decay throughout the entire world of humans... And that condition: This universal worsening condition is not noticed by anyone inside civilization because all of you are inside it: not outside it. I am outside civilization.... I have been developing my perspective on civilization, outside of civilization all of my life. Because of this: I am the only human being on Earth to notice the other side of the rot and corruption. When you are born inside a sewer full of stinking polluted filth,,, you don't notice it: you take it for granted. I have nearly always noticed it and now after 67 years of learning and questioning and drawing conclusions: I have come to the conclusion that it is civilization itself that is a foul evil horrible abomination, not just the Clintons, and that it has been so ever since civilization was first invented. You, or Hitchens, or anyone else noticing one turd in your stinking sewer that stinks more than others... in the stinking sewer called civilization... fail to notice that everyone else in this sewer including you is also corrupt and stinks to high heaven of stupidity, brainwashing and other sins. Take a look how the Clinton's: these evil, foul thing have avoided every attempt to nail them to the wall... WHY? Because they are only a tiny tip of corruption of the huge pyramidal pile of the entire hierarchical shit pile called civilization. Because if their stinking corruption is exposed, then all the rest of the corruption of civilization would also have to be exposed. If they are brought to justice and punished, then all the rest of you would also have to be brought to justice and exposed for your crimes of commission AND your crimes of omission, Look at the the retired navy guy who voted for Clinton twice> Does he hold himself accountable for voting this slime into power twice? Does he look at his own crimes? NO NO NO NO> All of you imbeciles love to look at the crimes and sins of others but NEVER at your own faults and failings Well I've got news for you... 7,00,000 insane naked apes all blaming each other but never blaming themselves... 7,000,000 insane humans expecting their leaders to be honest and moral and ethical but never themselves... 7,000,000 bigots judging others but never themselves; 7,000,000 insane apes all pointing the finger of blame at each other but never at themselves is utter madness: it is a level of insane lunacy beyond words. It is indescribable, it is a mass psychosis that is so insane: so stupid, so one-sided, so evil, so sick, that words fail.
your arrogance is needlessly showing . While many things you have said happen to be true, truth poorly worded is just another lie . u certainly are in no way outside of civiliztion otherwise you would not be writing in the comment box on a youtube video . sharing your convoluted opinions while insulting something u are apart of how dare you use words like "imbeciles" and you call "ape" while calling out others on their lack of introversion? strang how you do not seem to reflect inwards yourself before sharing your convoluted logic .... you should assume that your somehow outside of the rest of us apes?Well i got news for you! your arent! and i hope that sinks in genius .
15th December 2011 - the day the world became a much dumber place. A man whose ferocious intellect was matched by his courage. So sorely missed.
It's times like these i really appreciate ytube.
Indeed. we hate it 6 days . 23 hours a week. But, like you said.
Watching/Listening to Christopher is like watching Messi playing football, and M.J. playing basketball. He's a master of the English language, very clever, and never gets rattled.
He was rattled on abortion, nervously moving his fingers.
Actually spat out my drink with laughter when he said "shop around, or buy in bulk" love this man
Me too, I’ve been watching the yt vids of him and also listening the his memoir, the audiobook which he reads. It’s free on UA-cam.
The Hitch is so awesome. Was and still is.
A brilliant stand-up guy who is sorely missed and desperately needed in such deceitful times as these.
A real reporter for humanity.
Stand up? He was a truth seeker. A real and true investigator.
@@dhadad9885 the man had balls. More than we can say for 99.9999999999999999999999 percent of men nowadays.
@@roman2011 irrelevant least in the public eye smart-ass, thanks for ur comment anonymously. Brave of u.
He'll be remembered long after ur gone slick typer.
I miss this man like you wouldn't believe.
He's garbage in hell.
Christopher Hitchens is so missed. I would give anything to hear his opinions on what's going on in America today. He has always been spot on. Such a huge loss to the world of journalism and literature.
He is probably spinning in his grave over the historical amnesia going on for everything pre-2016!
Journalism is dead today. hitch wouldn't change that if alive.
Miss him so much
@@stephenellis2497 Well put. It's almost like history ended in 2016 for the majority of partisans arguing over politics at the moment.
Hitchens was definitely an empiricist, and he would be having a ball of a time with the tribalism in the USA... He was also a skeptic...
"I know someone named Paula" lol
I can’t stop replaying that call!!! Lmfaoooo
lol that was funny. She was a real Clinton fan hehe. Love to see people watch these videos still as well 👍
I love the vet who called in. 100%.
Again...Hitch Archive Thanks for sharing these!
Love this. Thanks for uploading. Nice to hear about the Clintons from Hitchens. Makes me get a sense of the presidency.
19:30 he’s enjoying this caller more than most.
His facial expressions say it all, lol.
He loves intellectual confrontation
@@1984isnotamanualshe came at him hard too, respect
Take A Moment
I have always admired Christopher's way with words.
He never fails to make his point.
I try to use language as he does.
No gods required
Stay Safe
Stay Free 🌐
Who needs a God when you have Biden and his supporters?
I miss him so much. I always wonder what he would say about current events.
Love this dude. Timeless
It's so shocking to me to hear this level of intelligence and thoughtfulness on US politics not only from Hitchens but also many of his callers from average America, at the height of a scandalous period of US politics. Today, the discourse is truly trash. No question. We have lost intelligence so utterly that there is no coming back. I'm glad these shows have been preserved to show what we have lost.
David Philip Schippers Jr. (November 4, 1929 - September 28, 2018) was chief investigative counsel for the House Judiciary Committee during the Clinton Impeachment trial. The committee was holding an inquiry on whether President Bill Clinton had committed impeachable offenses in his handling of the Paula Jones sexual harassment suit, during which he committed perjury regarding his affair with then-White House intern Monica Lewinsky. Schippers was a lifelong Democrat.
On December 10, 1998, Schippers said to the committee: "The President, then, has lied under oath in a civil deposition, lied under oath in a criminal grand jury. He lied to the people, he lied to his Cabinet, he lied to his top aides, and now he's lied under oath to the Congress of the United States. There's no one left to lie to."
We need another Chris in these perilous times. He left us too soon.
Hi hello
Hello back.@@samueljamesos
He hated to be called Chris...
He's dead. I don't think he'll mind.@@Franciscasieri
Thanks for uploading
Watching Hitch today. Today is better for this.
I was too young to know if Christopher Hitchens' work, but after learning of his debates on Atheism and etc, I very strongly wonder how I can miss a person who has been gone for a while now. In the same breath, I wonder what he would say of the madness we see today. Rest in peace, Christopher. Your works shall be remembered and missed.
Thankful Christopher was here although briefly he is truly missed.
Hate or love Hitch, he listened with focus.
Nothing changes, does it? 20 years later and its the same old same old.
thanks for these
35:45 - Does this violate Hitchens Razor? 😅
Amazing as always. I could listen to this guy for hours (and have). Thanks for the upload and RIP to one of the great thinkers and orators of our time.
The so-called lady who called earlier sounds like the character Betty White killed with a cast iron frying pan on Boston Legal😊
Call me crazy but I think having a martini 🍸 with this guy and listening to him tell stories would be an amazing experience. Shame he’s gone.
i'd love to know what Hitchens would have thought/written about Trump while he was in the White House...
Well lets see - Clinton is the main reason why Trump got in the white house. in the first place. Trump also pushed for a Mideast peace initiative. I am thinking Hitch would have been a Trump supporter to some degree.
Remove Trump insert the current corpse in "charge"
Heeeeeeeeeee’s baaaaaaaack!
@@Franciscasieriwhataboutism won’t work here bud
Thank you for this.
Been watching Hitchens now for a good 7 years . Wish he was still here, I’m running out of content.
I recommend his books he also wrote many articles and in Vanity fair
Just rewatch...there is so much
20:33 "You are sick."
Thanks caller
Hey, Hitch, I'll do the flatterers one better and say that not only do you stand side by side with Vidal and Buckley, but in many areas you blow the "titans" away. We miss you.
Simply put, we will never see another individual quite like him. Independently-educated, and an alumnus of Balliol College, he worked for several news organisations and travelled the world as a war correspondent, giving him the breadth and experience of various cultures. He was also a voracious reader and writer.
I just cannot imagine any Millenial or Gen-Zer emerging as the next Hitchens. Alex O'Conner comes close but does not have the travels nor real world experience to match (yet?).
Hitchens said that he hoped Turker Carlson was the finest writer of his generation and hoped he'd avoid television. AND, the took him out. If Hitch had lived, they might have made him an offer he couldn't refuse😮
We will. Believe in people.
Alex is a little boring since he became a vegan.
The irony is Alex has posted videos entitled the sophistry of Christopher Hitchens whereby he attempts to discredit him...
The reality is Alex couldn't carry The Hitches jockstrap....
Can you imagine the book that Hitch would have written about the last administration?
Are you referring to Biden shutting down the Trump Mideast peace initiative? I am guessing it would have been something like his expose on Kissinger being a war criminal.
@@jeffmilroy9345no I'm sure he means the way the FBI and other intelligence agencies violated the constitutional right of 45, illegally spying on American citizens
I think he would've written more about the pathetic political climate in America more so than just focusing solely on the Trump administration
@@DistantEarlyWarning ; He gave it to the Clinton's, with both barrels I might add, so, I don't see why he wouldn't. Unless you are trying to "both sides" it?
After the woman from Texas hurls her incoherent vituperation at him, Hitch maintains his cool and even addresses one of her 'points'. Admirable.
I know I am not going to live forever and neither are you. But until my furlough here on earth is revoked, I’d like to raise my tumbler of JWB 🥃 high above my head in honor of the brilliant intellect, beautiful mind of Christopher Hitchens, I truly miss the gorgeous bastard.
I've heard this vid before. It's like watching a grand slam.
I know that ain’t coffee in Hitchens’ mug
that cheeky look on Christopher’s face. ❤
remember when television was good ?
Why do good men die and evil men live on and on?
As Hitch did...I blame the manufacturer--if there is one! After all, we are "primates", and the strongest, nastiest monkeys are usually the survivors.
If you had the power to get rid of people like him… who would stop you? 🤔
2023 came here to get info for a paper I'm writing for my grandfather who claimed Clinton was the best president and I strongly disagree. Greatful this video exists and that his opinion was televised.
Read his book...we had a serial rapist in the white house for 8 years...
49:00 All wars are instigated for economic reasons.
8:40 ... I'm a graduate of the United States Merchant Marine Academy, Selden The Merchant Marine in the 1980s. This man lied about his War record. I served with no particular distinction, but this man practiced Stolen Valor.
Questions were raised in 1997 about the life of Lawrence, and President Clinton ordered an investigation into whether Lawrence had lied about his military service in World War II.[citation needed] Congressional investigators searched military records and could not corroborate Lawrence's claims of wartime service in the Merchant Marine with the alleged rank of Seaman First Class, or presence during the torpedoing of the ship SS Horace Bushnell. It was later learned that he was in fact enrolled in college during the time periods that he claimed to have served in the Merchant Marine. On December 12, 1997, at the request of Lawrence's widow, his body was disinterred and taken to California. He was then buried in the El Camino Memorial Park, Sorrento Valley, San Diego. Metzler and West stated that Lawrence would have qualified for a waiver for burial at Arlington because he had served as an ambassador.
You have to ask yourself if when those Hitchens antagonists hang up they really believe they have successfully admonished him. They are either inarticulately verbose or just inarticulately struggle for words in their criticisms. I'm fairly confident that none of them listened to his replies or if they did they can add masochism to the lists of their defects.
I wonder if they are “plants”
"Who are all these nervous people? It's the Nervous Line"
'The donor community, which always makes me laugh."
The vapid housewives of America voted Clinton in!...I remember talking to several of my neighborhood married ladies about Clinton--their first comment was--"He is so cute!"...such was, and still is, the state of American voter intelligence!!
my mother voted for hillary in 2016 because she was a woman, and trump in 2020 because he was the only one she knew
He played the saxophone too you know, such a lovely man
The man was extremely intelligent, literally genius level intellect, and a brilliant politician. Your comment paints him out to be just a ‘nice looking guy’.
Joe Biden featured as Clinton crony:
Christopher looks a bit wrecked, here. Truly missed, to say the least.
Yes...he admitted to being a rather impulsive, non-worrier, when it came to his personal health...Lots of booze and smoking, and likely other things too!
shame we don't have Christopher's commentary on the island Boys
Just a brilliant author and speaker and historian....the far
Yeah,buddy !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dearly missed for sure
14:50 fucking hilarious
We need him now to shine light on Hillary.
Dan Lewis Lol, the only person spouting hate & immaturity here is you. I commented 8 months ago so your comment about the current president is irrelevant within the context of my comment. All corruption should be investigated and those responsible held account. That's fairly obvious. You pretend to know strangers on the internet & are abusive towards them to take out your anger & frustration of your own life. Not my problem.
And trump
@@jasonwiley7984 more years begins in less than one year...
An inspiring and humbling lecture cum dialogue which clarifies why today's global politicians are to please take morality to heart, beyond respect for religion, a a vow to rise up for a reasonably agreebale code of timetested ethics we all share, beyond the seemingly limitless privileges of their unsatiable power🙏
Would Hitchens have been up at Oxford at same time as Clinton? I wonder if there were any conflicts?
I never liked Bill Clinton. Too smooth .
When Clinton was running, a local talk-show host in Seattle--Mike Siegal--had been on the radio back in Arkansas, and he railed against Clinton during his radio show in Seattle...He mentioned how slippery, and lying, Clinton was, by nature...a few months later, he lost his job at the Seattle radio station--the owner was a democrat!
I miss Hitch
What shame this brilliant man has passed - so needed now especially given Epstein/Clinton and the woke left.
And Trump
Wasnt Trump a good buddy with Epstein. You seem to have left that out
i see eerily similarities betwwen clinton and trump
The two parties toed the party lines to maintain power and money. I say that both sides are embarrassing and morally corrupt to the US and a detriment for today and future generations abilities to progress into a the modern world.
During this election I heard many people lament on what wonderful POTUS Bill was and how they believed Hillary would do a good job because he would be at her side... I don't understand the short memory of the public. I'm not sure what year this interview was - but I noticed many of the things you said have been regurgitated by the left this election as well. I absolutely cannot understand how those on the left can follow these people so blindly. I did notice one thing during the debates, Hillary was so polished in her speaking that I could understand why no one 'heard' what she said. She did a lot of double speak without saying anything. I am more than thrilled that she lost this election and truly hope the 'going in' Administration looks deeply into their past and is able to find solid proof to bring charges. I believe the corruption within DC goes so deep that prosecution of the Clinton's would cause such an upset - in that so many would be called into account, that we might be hard pressed to recover from.
Trump is likely slightly more corrupt than the Clintons, considering the corruption in regard to Trump University and the now-obvious collusion with Russia to steal the election. Corruption on the right-wing is nothing new of course- Ronald Reagan was/is the most corrupt president in US history, specially murder, financial corruption and violating the US constitution.
Well, in my case it the lesser of two evils ( clinton or trump). I held my nose and voted. Sad we do not have better presidential material.
Not to mention the long list of powerful men, who gladly visited that infamous island.
Dear Lord - can you imagine what he would say about the Trump family/administration!?!?!?! O.o
Well....I feel it's for the best he has passed on. I reckon he would be devastated by the state of humanity, the dysfunctional state of American politics, and the serious lack of morality of the current Supreme Court
One of the most doltish comments I've read in a long while
Anyone know the date of the original broadcast? TY.
This happened so long ago, i dont have any idea about any of this.
What's the deal with the approx. 5 second black screen at 2:12?
What did you remove?
go to the original c-span source and find out for yourself. maybe c-span removed something, or maybe it was just a true error.
At this moment, this upload has 666 likes. Hail Hitchens.
Does anybody know what date this was recorded?
Someone else in the comments said 1999. But yeah, I’ve been trying to find out myself.
C-span were so great.
Why is it so hard for people in UA-cam comments just to say, in the first person, that they miss a dead person? Why this fad of "So-and-So is missed" instead of "I miss So-and-So"? Especially in comments on videos of Christopher Hitchens, it seems like the kind of thing that would annoy him. Imagine the silliness if he had said not "I dislike Mr. Clinton" but the vague, indirect, and transparently coy "Mr. Clinton is disliked."
We miss his intelligence, his humor, his wit, his utter fearlessness, his command of the English language....
You, sadly are a victim of your shallow mind.
Hopefully you will evolve eventually
What does it matter. Really?
26:33 “…what about ‘extremist’?” 🤣🤣🤣
I love Hitchens; however, he constantly misses an implicit meaning in "well that is your opinion". The full thought reads: 'Well that is your opinion and not fact." I believe it may be intentional that he ignores the natural implicit end. It may be that he uses his standard counter to dismiss his detractors. I think him far too intelligent to simply miss this. Of course, the statement is polysemic and it is possible Hitchens is not flawless.
I doubt he misses that. I'd say it's more likely that he expects the listener to know when he is stating facts and when he is stating his opinion. Normally it's easy to distinguish between the two, so to point out that somebody is stating their opinion is redundant.
The intention is usually to make the person's opinion appear to be no more valid than anybody else's (ie- that's YOUR opinion, but this guy here has another one, and this girl another, etc). I think that's what gets Hitchens' goat.
Emmet I might agree with that if the conversation was not already calling into question his facts. A few callers asked him to cite sources for his assertions. After he did not satisfy their requests, the "your opinion" came up.
Then what they should say is "you're facts are wrong." To attack someone who is giving his opinion on grounds that it is merely his opinion is a tautology, or a restatement of the thing itself. It also ignores the fact that Hitchens in many of the things he expresses his opinion on is a leading expert. My opinion might weigh no more than your opinion, but Hitch's opinion falls in a different category.
in this specific incident I think your right and I had the same feeling right when he said it, but in other situations I think he makes a good point.
Anyone out there know original air date of this broadcast??? Thx in advance
They mention Koresh and Milosovic and the impeachment, so about 1998 or 99.
The headers on the emails sent by listeners say 1999.
God damn he hated the clintons. I'm here for it. Although I'm sure he wouldnt have supported Trump, I'm POSTIVE he would've been giddy watching HillDog have the presidency basically yanked from her lol
As much as he would of hated it,,,,he would of supported Hillary reluctantly. She was still the lesser of two evils
@@woodytheduke Was she? Was she really? God
Take A Moment
Words Paint pictures
Close your eyes
Just listen
Stay Safe
Stay Free 🌐
19:01 - "You people like you..."
Love Hitchens, but amazed he spent so much energy trying to get to the bottom of an affair. He would have had an aneurysm with Trump and his administration.
If you delve a little deeper you'll discover that Hitchens believed that the affairs (plural) and Clinton's handling of them revealed his deeply flawed and crooked nature, which is clearly relevant to his suitability to be president.
I believed Paula Jones in 92. I voted for Jerry Brown.
brilliant the cult point,he wos so ahaed-it pains that heis i gonn...sry for mx xrnglidh-)
Don't be, don't be. My mother was xrnglidh.
31:00 dope caller
Once, my son asked if I was going to vote for Bill Clinton and I answered, “I don’t vote for liars”.
How did Trump work out for you? ;-)
Much, much better for America.
@@stephenwalsh2634 Because he went golfing all the time? ;-)
@@stephenwalsh263491 indictments later. It's time trumpets realize idolizing a man over country is anti American.
@@waitaminute2015pursuing your political enemies with the legal system is treason maybe someday Democrats will understand how they are ending our democracy
Hitch at 17:17,,,, Perfect.
I hope Hillary has watched this video,,
“Christopher Hitchens is sooooo missed 😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢” fuck its annoying see that on everyone of his videos
Really gotta wonder what's actually in that mug...
51:34 Lol, not much has changed...
All this seems like such small fries today.
14:58 perfect response to a shit caller
“Almost certainly a rapist” 😂😂
Thank you. I was wondering when this originally aired.
33:51 The caller says
the quiet part out loud
and c-span censored him.
*You're a right-wing crackpot.*
One thing Hitchens notices: the lack of criticism of Clinton's presidency... the increasing apathy and detachment about politics... What this hides is the ongoing corruption of all the people in the world not just America. The fact is: the worsening of corruption in politics is only a SYMPTOM of the general worsening of the moral and ethical decay throughout the entire world of humans... And that condition: This universal worsening condition is not noticed by anyone inside civilization because all of you are inside it: not outside it. I am outside civilization.... I have been developing my perspective on civilization, outside of civilization all of my life. Because of this: I am the only human being on Earth to notice the other side of the rot and corruption.
When you are born inside a sewer full of stinking polluted filth,,, you don't notice it: you take it for granted. I have nearly always noticed it and now after 67 years of learning and questioning and drawing conclusions: I have come to the conclusion that it is civilization itself that is a foul evil horrible abomination, not just the Clintons, and that it has been so ever since civilization was first invented.
You, or Hitchens, or anyone else noticing one turd in your stinking sewer that stinks more than others... in the stinking sewer called civilization... fail to notice that everyone else in this sewer including you is also corrupt and stinks to high heaven of stupidity, brainwashing and other sins.
Take a look how the Clinton's: these evil, foul thing have avoided every attempt to nail them to the wall... WHY? Because they are only a tiny tip of corruption of the huge pyramidal pile of the entire hierarchical shit pile called civilization. Because if their stinking corruption is exposed, then all the rest of the corruption of civilization would also have to be exposed. If they are brought to justice and punished, then all the rest of you would also have to be brought to justice and exposed for your crimes of commission AND your crimes of omission,
Look at the the retired navy guy who voted for Clinton twice> Does he hold himself accountable for voting this slime into power twice? Does he look at his own crimes? NO NO NO NO> All of you imbeciles love to look at the crimes and sins of others but NEVER at your own faults and failings Well I've got news for you... 7,00,000 insane naked apes all blaming each other but never blaming themselves... 7,000,000 insane humans expecting their leaders to be honest and moral and ethical but never themselves... 7,000,000 bigots judging others but never themselves; 7,000,000 insane apes all pointing the finger of blame at each other but never at themselves is utter madness: it is a level of insane lunacy beyond words. It is indescribable, it is a mass psychosis that is so insane: so stupid, so one-sided, so evil, so sick, that words fail.
your arrogance is needlessly showing . While many things you have said happen to be true, truth poorly worded is just another lie . u certainly are in no way outside of civiliztion otherwise you would not be writing in the comment box on a youtube video . sharing your convoluted opinions while insulting something u are apart of how dare you use words like "imbeciles" and you call "ape" while calling out others on their lack of introversion? strang how you do not seem to reflect inwards yourself before sharing your convoluted logic .... you should assume that your somehow outside of the rest of us apes?Well i got news for you! your arent! and i hope that sinks in genius .
wow .... you really are a dim wit
blah-blah-blah FUCK OFF AND STAY OFF
Imagine if Hitchens lived to witness Trump... 😱