潮聖萬聖派對 玩轉日夜 Revel in wicked fun throughout the day and into the night | 香港迪士尼樂園 Hong Kong Disneyland

  • Опубліковано 8 вер 2024
  • 聽唔聽到庫伊拉嘅笑聲喺到呼喚緊你😈?即刻整裝出發,加入全城最潮最惡嘅時尚派對🪩,反轉樂園日夜。加入大街萬聖派對,同一身趣怪裝扮嘅迪士尼朋友一齊扮鬼扮馬,大玩Trick-or-treat兼欣賞惡人表演。入夜後成為怪誕城阿Jack嘅座上客,再潮聖庫伊拉舉辦嘅惡爆時尚派對💃🏻,睇下一班惡人點樣獨領「瘋」Show,搶盡全場焦點🌟!
    Can you hear her wicked laugh😈? The Halloween fashion queen, Cruella De Vil, calls you to get wicked in fashion at the most happening Halloween party spot in town🪩. Let’s revel in wicked fun throughout the day and into the night. Don your most fiendish attire💃🏻 and don’t be fashionably late to this unforgettable Halloween experience🎃!
    #DisneyHalloweenTime #LetsGetWickedInFashion #HKDisneyland #反轉迪士尼 #全城潮聖惡人焦點 #香港迪士尼樂園