KW6USA yells at KN6iOi and turns the repeater off and WP3BL with a woman visiting him. June 2024

  • Опубліковано 18 чер 2024
  • The audio was taken over a 2 day period.


  • @emt56399
    @emt56399 13 днів тому +5

    This is EPIC! A crazy ride if you listen all the way through

  • @K5JHP-John
    @K5JHP-John 8 днів тому +4

    Repeater operators own the repeater - but not the frequencies.

  • @chowderbreadbowl666
    @chowderbreadbowl666 12 днів тому +2

    This will be a classic forever. I love how Chris takes such a deep ducking breath every 5 words too. It was funny hearing 435 rip on USA around 3ish today

  • @VA3JPX
    @VA3JPX 14 днів тому +6

    ahh... 450 and 435 ... epic

  • @VA3JPX
    @VA3JPX 14 днів тому +5

    miss the old kitchenette. long live GK

    • @ItsRael108
      @ItsRael108 12 днів тому

      I bet "what a Fatman is to a box of doughnuts* ubp misses the kitchenette the most L😁L

    • @gsw5032
      @gsw5032 9 днів тому

      ...miss the Giant Kahuna.

  • @wa6roy
    @wa6roy  6 днів тому

    USA is entertaining to listen to when he's angry.

  • @BossyGuyMike
    @BossyGuyMike 13 днів тому +5

    04:33 🤣D U D E

  • @Buckskinner38
    @Buckskinner38 13 днів тому +2

    Question; is the repeater off. Damn, reminds me of the ol CB days.

  • @youtubeaccount931
    @youtubeaccount931 9 днів тому +3

    just a bunch of drama like women

    • @KlodFather
      @KlodFather 8 днів тому

      Just imagine all of them in grandmas wig, pearls lipstick, makeup and some old lady dress fighting like this LOL How Sexy 😜😜👍👍

  • @cetate93
    @cetate93 10 днів тому

    Holy cow

  • @Darkstar2023A
    @Darkstar2023A 6 днів тому

    Another reason Ham radio is dying.

    • @wa6roy
      @wa6roy  6 днів тому +1

      I think old guys talking about their 6th hip replacement, gallbladders, hearing aids, weather, etc. is killing ham radio :)

  • @miket7184
    @miket7184 8 днів тому +4

    Another reason to avoid California. As if I needed another reason.

  • @wa6roy
    @wa6roy  13 днів тому +1

    Irv wp3bl and that girl is wacky and funny

  • @randymclain4195
    @randymclain4195 12 днів тому +4

    Is this typical repeater stuff in "6" land?

    • @gsw5032
      @gsw5032 9 днів тому +1

      Ummm, no.

    • @waterhead1027
      @waterhead1027 8 днів тому

      Not where I'm at. Mostly old dudes talking about radios. No hookers asking to have their box eaten, or guys with "chihuahua dicks".

    • @KlodFather
      @KlodFather 8 днів тому

      Yep... All the Forked up repeaters in the states are in LA SF and in 6 land in general. It is a function of the low grade people who live there. Just watch the news about the theft and BS going on out there. This is higher priced CB.

    • @youtubeaccount931
      @youtubeaccount931 8 днів тому

      usually no ones on

    • @KlodFather
      @KlodFather 8 днів тому

      Yes... I have listened to many crazy repeaters in CA through the years. The craziest of the crazies. The land of nutjobs just like in the news with the looting and BS in SF and LA. This crap on this machine has been going on for years.

  • @select_input
    @select_input 9 днів тому +1


  • @wa6roy
    @wa6roy  13 днів тому +3


    • @KlodFather
      @KlodFather 7 днів тому

      You haven't been drinking have you? HA HA HA

    • @wa6roy
      @wa6roy  7 днів тому +1

      ​@@KlodFatherI mentioned to James that I thought it was funny he said that.

    • @KlodFather
      @KlodFather 6 днів тому +1

      @@wa6roy - HA HA HA KW6USA Was in rare form that day. Quite cantankerous.
      Loved you posting this audio clip. I have something equally as terrible from where I grew up.
      Do you want me to email you the audio files over from the repeater nonsense? Trust me it was lively. And probably prosecutable.
      Almost all the people in those audio clips are dead now.

    • @wa6roy
      @wa6roy  6 днів тому

      ​@@KlodFathersure go ahead and email me the files. Because of the size you might have to email me one audio file at a time. ojairoy at

    • @KlodFather
      @KlodFather 6 днів тому

      @@wa6roy = Will do... They are quite funny and completely unhinged. Gettysburg is not far from where this all happened, so the FCC was aware of it... But due to the volatile nature on and off the air, they only did the bare minimum to squelch this because some of these characters would call and pester the FCC as well as show up at the office and field locations... This was back in the day when people bing a PITA was not really a thing as far as the police were concerned. If no one was hurt, no one cared. Crazy times.

  • @randymclain4195
    @randymclain4195 12 днів тому

    Roy, we need a "program" to tell the players apart. Who owns the repeater? is it KW6USA?

    • @KlodFather
      @KlodFather 8 днів тому

      Yes he owns it and he is the one cursing like a sailor who was harpooned. What a deplorable POS

    • @KlodFather
      @KlodFather 7 днів тому

      Yes KW6USA was the repeater op and owner. Obviously he loves radio, but he is a hothead ahole.

  • @BrassCatcher365
    @BrassCatcher365 13 днів тому

    To the repeater operator, there are ways to deal with this. Not sure if you're apart of a club or what not but if you are let me know.

    • @KlodFather
      @KlodFather 8 днів тому

      Yes... Have someone like me own it who does not care about this BS. I would not be on there cursing and people are allowed to believe their own lies. The repeater owner was WAY OUT OF LINE.

    • @BrassCatcher365
      @BrassCatcher365 7 днів тому

      @KlodFather yeah we are missing alot of context from this one clip for sure, but either way I agree. Nothing here required a screaming match. They could've just gone to an alternate frequency, and notified club members about it and left the troll out to dry or probably avoided this all together by just having some common sense. Like I said though we don't know what this guy does on that repeater to annoy the owner to this level. Could've been jamming the repeater, or other nefarious things, or he's just a massive troll.

    • @KlodFather
      @KlodFather 7 днів тому +1

      @@BrassCatcher365 - Either way, the repeater owner and that guy Pat as well as some of the other hecklers on there were WAY worse than the guy they were cursing. It made them all look like lunatics. This repeater and the 435 out there in 6 land are crazy and have bullshit on them all the time. This is the twilight zone of ham radio. As the repeater owner I would have laughed at them and went on with my day. They would have gone away because I do not pay attention to them, therefore there is no gratification in trying to turn my screws. Also there are state laws in place to punish people for this kind of behavior on a radio service. THe FCC does little but there are laws in some states to deal with this shit and I would have used them.

    • @BrassCatcher365
      @BrassCatcher365 7 днів тому

      @KlodFather you are a class act. Reminds me of something my dad used to tell me about bullies. He said, "Son, bullies just want the attention. They thrive on it. If you choose not to play, all they'll do is get bored and go bother someone else." , if you do have a repeater then those members are probably glad you're there.

    • @KlodFather
      @KlodFather 7 днів тому

      @@BrassCatcher365 - And the Trolls are afraid I will find them at the hamfest and hug them. I did that to one Ahole who talked some shit on the machine in my city about a friend of mine near his city. As soon as I asked him if he knew my friend he got pissy and rude. The dude was in the hospital and I had offered to bring him anything he needed. We are all good hams and brothers in a way. When he got rude I played it off and was kind. Kept talking to him and over the next days till he went home. I made some phone calls to find out what this guys beef was with my buddy and why he was rude to me. This guy was a self appointed radio god of some kind... so I forged a plan. The argument was over an SWR meter... and a noisebridge of all things. So I went to his hamfest and snooped around till I found him. I told him on the air I would hug him for his bad attitude. I found him and loudly addressed him as Mr Noisebridge... And I hugged him right theere in front of the table with the ticket barrels... And told the other hams why I looked him up. He about shit his pants. I told him loud enough for everyone to hear that when you are in someone elses city, as a ham it is your responsibility to behave yourself and if he was having a bad day, I wanted to give him that hug to cheer him up. They all laughed at him and called him Mr Noisebridge. No more problems from him. He even greeted me at other hamfests because I was very clear with him that his problem with my buddy Tom was not my problem and he needed to deal with his issues and not stir up shit. Makes us all look bad. Those guys in that club ribbed him about getting hugged for the next 15 years till he passed away. Sometimes convention is not the way to deal with Aholes. I was younger and crazier in those days, and probably would not do that again, but it solved the problem permanently. He called Tom and asked him to call off his buddy who hugged him ha ha ha. Love those guys up around Lake Erie. There are some good hams up there all around that lake. Hope you guys got a chuckle from that one. Make Love not war.

  • @cam_o_style91
    @cam_o_style91 6 днів тому +2

    Sounds like a sad hams

  • @sleeve8651
    @sleeve8651 8 днів тому +1

    Say's the Guy swearing !

  • @ItsRael108
    @ItsRael108 12 днів тому +1

    Thanks Roy this is excellent content, I feel sorry for USA the man who gave everything to his repeater ..

  • @KlodFather
    @KlodFather 8 днів тому

    This repeater owner is barely a CB operator much less an amateur. We had a few of these self appointed important aholes around here. I should put up the audio files from the past for others to listen to... Scary stuff. I have another channel that would work for posting that stuff. If I put it up I will share the link... Unless the guy who posted this audio wants to post my audio clips from the repeater... They are spicy like this and really unhinged. Almost all of the operators who were involved in that BS are dead now. And those that are alive don't care and laugh about it. This abhorrent behavior is a blight on Amateur Radio and our reputation. No one takes us seriously because of this shit.

  • @devineproductions8359
    @devineproductions8359 8 днів тому +3

    So Professional, Wow!! Every other word f...,f...,f... close it and make it privet but what ever you do shut up with all the f bombs! really so unprofessional. I'm sure that FCC would love to here this KW6USA

    • @ScuffedRadio
      @ScuffedRadio 7 днів тому +2

      The FCC listens to this frequency in their main office sometimes for entertainment. If there was anything they could do about it they would have. 1st amendment trumps all the FCC'S rules. And that was proven in court.