温哥华无家可归者的帳篷 Vancouver Homeless Tents

  • Опубліковано 8 сер 2023
  • 加拿大广场Canada Place 是一个世界闻名的港口码头,每一天都有很多艘游轮进出,来自世界各地的游客都在这个码头上游轮去阿拉斯加Alaska 游玩,很难想象,在这一个繁忙的码头旁边居然会有无家可归者的帳蓬住在隔壁的公园,实在很讽刺,贫富差距居然这么大,的确令人看得心酸。


  • @shiulee9760
    @shiulee9760 11 місяців тому +4

    City of Van 雖然冇屋住,但有自由空氣吸噃,BNOers們快來吸啦😂😂😂😂

  • @mcdicky
    @mcdicky 11 місяців тому +3

    雖然你叫佢哋做無家可歸者,但係佢哋個景最少都要幾百萬加幣,所以佢哋先至係lucky people,好多本地人都買唔起樓. 多謝分享.

  • @Divanks
    @Divanks 2 місяці тому +2

    At least these homeless people moved from Hastings around Main Street, where is the major street to commute to City Center.

  • @laoshiyang5022
    @laoshiyang5022 11 місяців тому +2


    • @newyorkmalaywei1605
      @newyorkmalaywei1605  11 місяців тому +1


    • @user-dg3ee3eo4z
      @user-dg3ee3eo4z 11 місяців тому +2

      @@newyorkmalaywei1605我不知道你們傳播這些畫面的意義是什麼? 上次有人也是一樣傳播這些畫面,結果引來不少中國民眾,在那邊譏笑咒罵美國,看了真好笑,連溫哥華都會以為是屬於美國的,可見大部份中國人仇視,敵對美國有多嚴重,老實説真正有讀過歷史的人都知道,美國對中國有很多恩惠,也在中國建立了不少學校幫助落後的中國,在這世界上難免有衝突,但別人家給我們的恩惠幫助也要記住,不要以怨報德,這對自己絕對沒有好處!

    • @mcdicky
      @mcdicky 11 місяців тому

      @@user-dg3ee3eo4z 有乜嘢問題,城市富裕情況嘅影片周圍都可以見到,一個城市貧窮黑,暗嘅地方冇人願意會闖入,我自己住溫哥華都唔會去嗰啲地方,所以樓主好勇敢.

  • @yangliutravel8068
    @yangliutravel8068 11 місяців тому +3

    I'm feeling sad now coz many BNOers are return back to Hk after they already spend all of their parents money gave to them for start a new life in west country.

  • @oimeilai5962
    @oimeilai5962 11 місяців тому +1

    請問你是不是馬來西亞移民? 有馬來音。謝謝你的視頻

  • @cbcjack-gv5sh
    @cbcjack-gv5sh Місяць тому


  • @berndgaal7689
    @berndgaal7689 11 місяців тому +1

    The city of Van. allows that??????

    • @mcdicky
      @mcdicky 11 місяців тому

      What can the City do??

    • @berndgaal7689
      @berndgaal7689 11 місяців тому +2

      @@mcdicky Thats why they had been elected for. Its their job!!! We don t have something like that in Germany. And Canada has lots of room. Build homeless shelters, but I am not a professional politician. I used to live in Van. 25 yrs ago and today East Hastings looks even worse than back then. Walking Dead street I would call it.

    • @mcdicky
      @mcdicky 11 місяців тому +2

      @@berndgaal7689 The new Mayor of Vancouver Ken Sim is trying to rebuild Chinatown and clean up East Hastings but you know Canada is a " Freedom" country. The police can't do much. You can see some drug dealing while the police parked their car across the street watch.The City has shelters for the people but they rather live on the street due to safety. Yes the street is safer than in shelters. You can easily see a homeless person sleeping on the street beside a $3million apartment. It pretty sad.

    • @berndgaal7689
      @berndgaal7689 11 місяців тому +1

      @@mcdicky Well, what is Mr. Sim planning to clean up the streets? Why is the police just watching and instead fining people for false parking? Because its easier. There are ways to start with. In Frankfurt/Germany there is an area around the main train station where they have a similar problem. At least they installed consumer rooms, street workers. Plus the infrastructure on E.H. is inviting those people to hang around there. In 2023 there must be at least some ideas to at least minimize this poverty. Its a Freedom country doesnt count!!! Shelters are not as safe and those people rather stay on the streets is just resignation. There are politicians and other professional people who get paid alot of money for answers!!!!

    • @newyorkmalaywei1605
      @newyorkmalaywei1605  9 місяців тому +1

      it's their choice