Decisional Regeneration: Paul Washer Interview

  • Опубліковано 10 січ 2010
  • MP3:
    Paul Washer's interview with Doug Harris of Genesis/Revelation TV - Surbition, Surrey, England: 19th November 2009.
    Used by permission from Genesis/Revelation TV and uploaded by HeartCry Missionary Society. All rights reserved copyright HeartCry Missionary Society 2009. []


  • @nolongerlukewarm4423
    @nolongerlukewarm4423 Рік тому +33

    For 41 years, I thought I was saved. I believed in God and prayed the prayer of salvation at 12 and again through the years because I never felt "changed." One day at 41, God came for me. He woke me up to the time we are living in and told me straight out, "You're lukewarm. Get hot, or I will spit you out." Then, "Behold, I stand at the door and knock..." (Revelation 3:20). I made a decision to go "all in" and hold nothing back.
    Shortly after, my whole way of thinking changed. I was all but obsessed with God. I wanted more and more as I learned about Him and prayed, begging Him to make me pleasing to Him.
    Then the enemy started his torment. "Sure, you're saved now, but there is NO WAY you are going to keep it." God gave me Jude 24, and that helped for a while. Then the enemy would return when well-meaning Christians practically CROWING that salvation can be lost would blast their posts and videos on social media. Then one day, the Lord settled it for me once and for all.
    He gave me the phrase, "My hope is in Jesus, not myself."
    I won't be with Jesus in eternity because I make good decisions until I die. I will be with Him because He took my punishment and gave me His righteousness. He will keep me from stumbling and present me faultless, and any crown I receive will go at His feet.

    • @determined919
      @determined919 10 місяців тому +2

      Thank you brother for sharing this. I have this massive thorn in my side in regard to my salvation. I cry out every day for assurance. I have a similar story but by the grace of God he came for me at 28. I have a sense of meaning now I never felt before but am trying to remain strong in light of all the torment. Whispers of just giving up, you'll never be assured. I do realize a big change but it's just the constant whisper. May God have mercy on me. I trust in Jesus Christ deep in my spirit but my mind won't let me go

    • @nolongerlukewarm4423
      @nolongerlukewarm4423 9 місяців тому

      @@determined919 The devil is a liar! The Bible says that those who seek Him will find Him. THAT is an assurance.💕

  • @Viper81766
    @Viper81766 14 років тому +4

    Paul Washer is always so clear, Biblical and thorough. Blessed video

  • @travishouston9677
    @travishouston9677 3 місяці тому

    This Video Is Still Relevant Till This Day.. It Ages So Well With Sound Doctrine And The Gospel

  • @ryanbrubacker2957
    @ryanbrubacker2957 Рік тому +4

    Praise God !!! That’s all I can say!!!

  • @waynicawilmott8961
    @waynicawilmott8961 Рік тому +4

    Paul washer is such a blessing and always biblical

  • @ErikaRodriguez-db5kg
    @ErikaRodriguez-db5kg Рік тому +3

    When I was with my ex-abuser ex-husband back in 2019.
    I was in the bedroom with the door locked then my ex-abuser ex-husband started banging on the door.
    He started pushing onto the door demanding that I open the door but I became afraid.
    Then, I went inside the closet and this is when I heard a voice telling me that it was time for me to call the police.
    Then, I called the police and I separated from my ex-abuser ex-husband. Because he had verbally, physically ,and emotionally abused me for 33 years.
    I know that the Lord God Almighty Jesus spoke to me that day and I know that he loves me. He is always with me and protecting me because he loves me and I love him for having mercy on me.
    I heard his voice and I now follow him. I adore him, and praise him because his love is all I want for my life.

  • @dovybar
    @dovybar Рік тому +1

    The man starting that jingle at 1:27:41 has committed the unforgivable sin

  • @ErikaRodriguez-db5kg
    @ErikaRodriguez-db5kg Рік тому

    I walk in God's word and I hate when a person tells lies about me or about others. Or falsely accuses another person to steal their money. I rebuke and correct my sister, brother, and parents but they do not listen and hate me because I speak with the worlds of the Lord God Almighty Jesus.
    They are also Christians but I believe that they are religious and not honor the words of God.
    I feel sad that they are all blind as the Lord says.

  • @genetobin7403
    @genetobin7403 Рік тому

    So right on doctrine in biblical teachings and yet he believes a parent cannot know where children go when they die! The proverb says “Hope deferred makes the heart sick” With love I would strongly suggest that he revisit the scriptures and reconsider what many other pastors in his circle of friends believe to the contrary! I will say this in love and respect, l cannot even imagine having him as my Pastor when it comes to the death of a child in my family! No hope!!! Sad!!! Very Very sad!!! His God is not the God of the scriptures on this point!!! Very disappointed!!! And no, l am not slamming him, but he got this teaching dead wrong!!!

    • @perryuppercut1
      @perryuppercut1 11 місяців тому

      You misinterpret what he said.

    • @CBALLEN
      @CBALLEN 8 місяців тому

      God has freedom to save whomever He chooses and since we are all born sinners, we are all born guilty. The wages of sin is death and this is exactly why babies die , however, the God of the Universe always will do right.

    • @genetobin7403
      @genetobin7403 8 місяців тому

      @@CBALLEN I’m referencing children 👧 👦who have not reached the age of accountability, like the beautiful child with you that is posted ❤️❤️God’s word does contain with bible verses referencing the death of child and the special love of our Savior for children !!! If you are not aware these references, I would most happily share them with you!!! There are also two well respected pastors who have written on this topic. One of which who lost a child and the other who lost a grand baby. Be Blessed Sir!!!

    • @CBALLEN
      @CBALLEN 8 місяців тому

      @@genetobin7403 Where can the age of accountability be found in scripture?

    • @genetobin7403
      @genetobin7403 8 місяців тому +1

      @@CBALLEN Good morning Tim. Thank you for your response and your sincere interest! Pastor Erin Lutzer from Moody Church in Chicago has an excellent sermon regarding the death of children! You can go on line and find it. May God bless you Sir!!! 👍❤️🙏

  • @ezekiel814
    @ezekiel814 14 років тому +2

    what a joyful interview. thanks for the post.

  • @psycofloyd
    @psycofloyd 13 років тому +3


  • @richardabanono
    @richardabanono 14 років тому +4


  • @musakposowa
    @musakposowa 14 років тому +4

    Great interview!!! 36:39 - 39:44 Beautiful!

  • @eileenmaryeileen7
    @eileenmaryeileen7 14 років тому +1

    Amen! Praise the Lord! Thank you for posting this edifying video.
    Thus saith the Lord GOD; In the day that I shall have cleansed you from all your iniquities I will also cause you to dwell in the cities, and the wastes shall be builded. Ezekiel:36:33 ~Amen and Amen~

  • @rofyle
    @rofyle 14 років тому +8

    Wow! I wish he would put everything he said here into book form so I can carry it around and use it to remind myself. He just cleared up so many issues I had been struggling with. You will know them by their fruit is not talking about Christian perfection? I had thought it was! No wonder I felt no assurance.

  • @psycofloyd
    @psycofloyd 13 років тому

    @lajfek Yes I am and God is working in my life. Little by little I'm growing and I do struggle sometimes but every day it gets easier to let go of the world. Thank you for asking. Any prayer would be appreciated :)

  • @Viper81766
    @Viper81766 14 років тому

    @cbi1moilola Need more like him and John MacArthur. God bless

  • @psycofloyd
    @psycofloyd 13 років тому +1

    @lajfek Your right but it was his sermons that woke me up!

  • @LukeAir2008
    @LukeAir2008 14 років тому +1

    There hath no temptation taken you but such as is common to man: but God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able; but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that ye may be able to bear it. 1 Cor 10:13 So if you claim to know Christ and still insist on wilfull sin you CHOOSE to rebel. You CHOOSE to sin inspite of your better knowledge.

  • @andresbric02
    @andresbric02 14 років тому +1

    pueden traducir esta entrevista al español por favor

  • @u2spooky
    @u2spooky 14 років тому +1

    One needs to know WHAT they are making a decision about. Do they understand what they believe and believe what they understand.

  • @bradmorris67
    @bradmorris67 14 років тому +3

    its pretty rare you hear any proper preaching of the gospel in the UK. Lots of lectures about God, lots of talks about the bible, and even some explanation about who Jesus is and what He did, but true preaching of the gospel and (gasp) appeals for people in the pews to repent of sin and delight in Jesus... that's rare. And probably why it came as a shock to most who watch Christian TV in this country

  • @LukeAir2008
    @LukeAir2008 14 років тому

    If we say that we have fellowship with him, and walk in darkness, WE LIE AND DO NOT THE TRUTH. 1 John 1:6

  • @TaylorKern
    @TaylorKern 14 років тому +2

    He displayed a lot of patience with some of those phone call questions.... I don't think I would have kept my cool. Shame on me, my pride is great but not as great as the power of Christ's resurrection over my life. May God continue to grant his beloved elect repentance

  • @MarcosBetancort
    @MarcosBetancort 14 років тому

    thanks for what you have said, it means even Adam didnt have free will! is it true?

  • @MusicViddeos
    @MusicViddeos 14 років тому +1

    great interview with a lot of biblical insight... Was the lady inquiring on the salvation of children crying at the end? I hope this wasn't a reality in her life.

  • @LukeAir2008
    @LukeAir2008 14 років тому +1

    moniato89 If you believe Adam had no free will then you make God a liar.
    'And the Lord God took the man, and put him into the garden of Eden to dress it and to keep it. And the Lord God commanded the man, saying, Of every tree of the garden thou mayest freely eat:
    But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die. (Genesis 2:15-17)
    Free to Choose.

  • @LukeAir2008
    @LukeAir2008 14 років тому

    moniato89, Of course there is free will. How would we choose to believe or choose to repent or choose to obey if we had no free will. If God had preset us to rebel against him He would be responsible for our sins!

  • @thepandalore
    @thepandalore 14 років тому

    @InSlaveryToChrist stop yelling

  • @LukeAir2008
    @LukeAir2008 14 років тому

    @all4Hisgloryalone You foolish person. You have set up a straw man argument. Juts because humans have a natural tendancy to sin doesn't mean they have no free will. Paul said there is no temptation but that which is common to all men and women - and there is no temptation which we cant overcome through the power of God and Gift of the Holy Ghost..