I myself am starting with a crew in The Ghosts of Salt Marsh that my players will get to know and become friends with before meeting the crew again for the Spelljammer campaign. I also love that this setting also feels like Treasure Planet. = )
Same!! Im actually reading the old 30's Flash Gordon comic strip which is brilliant in capturing the episodic adventure format (prologue + cliffhanger with each episode)!!! Im so inspired!
Unless he actually wrote something for this book specifically it most likely wont since Wizards owns the IP and has no obligation to credit him for anything to do with this version and edition considering he has not worked on a wizards product since 2000. He has already been credited numerous times as the creator of the original spelljamer setting under TSR.
Man the art looks so inspiring! And when Chris started talking about the reason they made it three books. I'm stoked for this release. I've been home-brewing up a campaign for my players, this will be a great resource and inspiration!
The return of the Spelljammer campaign setting is welcome news indeed! As we all know, after TSR, Inc. discontinued the Spelljammer RPG, online fansites kept the campaign alive and thriving (the Clusterspace campaign setting comes to mind). Per this recently published video, the settings of the 2022 version of Spelljammer can run the gamut from straight-on Star Trekian space opera to space horror. For the record, one of my favorite campaign settings from the 1990's version of Spelljammer was "The Rock of Bral." Perhaps WOTC will revisit it someday.
As much as I want to like this, I'm still concerned that we've got less content than other campaign settings, split between three books, of which only 64 pages is dedicated to actually fleshing out the setting and player options within it. We're being asked to pay more for less. Take Eberron for comparison - it had 86 pages for character creation, 180 pages of worldbuilding material for the DM to use, including a 15-page adventure, and 38 pages of monsters and NPCs for the setting. Yes, we're getting more monsters and a longer adventure here, but that seems like it's come at the cost of so much lore and worldbuilding material for DMs to work with to come up with their own stuff. I've wanted Spelljammer for so long and I really want it to be good, but this feels like it's about half of what we should be getting for a campaign setting.
But on one hand, when you have a dedicated area or a planet it's easier to define things. For something like *the entirety of space* - there's only so much you can write before you're just adding more noise and not really adding value. Like the adventure book is going to introduce basically an entire hub and campaign setting in and of itself - which is great because we will be able to adapt that stuff to how we want, instead of something like Eberron or Greyhawk (if we had a book) where there's an entire world that's already been decided. So to me as a DM, it feels like I'm getting 64 pages of worldbuilding and lore and an additional 64 pages of worldbuilding and lore *if I want to use it*. I like having the options; running campaigns on the Sword Coast have been really tricky because there's so much pre-established lore, characters, events, places etc etc that for me it was really hard to NOT muck with canon stuff or just having to pretend certain important events just didn't happen because I can't remember all that. Plus I feel like I can pull worldbuilding charts and tools from ALL the books since we technically now can access all the worlds; which to me just means I now have over 400 pages of lore and worldbuilding tools to use. Haven't always liked the 5e sourcebooks, but this one I'm actually excited about. Hopefully it's more than you think and it works out! WILDSPACE SOUNDS SO COOL lol
I ran spelljammer back when it first came out in 2e and I need to say that if you look at it as a rules expantion rather than a campaign setting I think it would take care of your conserns.
I'm gonna take an educated guess to say that you probably know the spelljammer lore pretty well. That's kind of the thing about older settings - they're out there already. Part of the reason Eberron's wordlbuilding was bigger was because Kieth Baker wanted to change the setting a bit from what it was in 4e.
Spelljammer is my favorite! It will be my great personal joy to bring you all my own spelljammer vessels for 3d print / purchase but also 5e stats to go along :)
I ran spelljammer back when it first came out in 2e and I need to say that if you look at it as a rules expantion rather than a campaign setting I think it would take care of your conserns.
... couldn't be happier than to see this setting restored. It is the ultimate for exploring any subject... in any modality. It is where the most important ideas regarding humanity's place in the Multiverse as well as where their intellectual and divine inheritance lie. Here... advanced gamers can live-out the remainder of their lifetimes... exploring the most meaningful story's in the most meaningful ways. Much appreciated...
So what IS SpellJammer? All I got was campaign in space, lots of cool artwork, and 3 books. How do we get there? Do we live in the whales? How do we survive in space when the house is strapped to something?
I've been playing since 1988 and the method in which they are selling Spelljammers 5e is the same as back then. I don't buy the setting books due to the layout in the books. I perfer... 1. Campaign setting in one book or box set separate. 2. Monsters for said campaign in another book. 3. Adventures in a type of print being a book or pamphlet. I understand companies need to "maximize" profits but this is the reason I just buy certain books and not them all. This is the first time I am truly excited to purchase a dnd product. I still have the original box set. I can't wait! Thank you for your time and efforts!
bloody red herring of a video! can't wait to get my hands on the book(s) and try to DM a small game based around a movie that is really underrated. Yeah I just happened to watch Treasure Planet when i head of spelljammer coming. Also I can wait to make a Ebberon Lighting Rails into a spelljammer.
I feel like the lack of lore for Spelljammer can benefit people like me, who plan to make our own details by using our inspiration from other space-based fantasy universes. For those who, reasonably, prefer to have that information already prewritten, I can only recommend that you start looking at official Spelljammer lore online or even looking at third-party supplements (such as in the DM's guild) for those details.
YES! I’m designing a campaign based on the song Dawson’s Christian! If you’re not familiar it’s a folk song set in space about a legendary Captain named Jayme Dawson and his ship the Christian and its crew. In the song, when the Christian is facing overwhelming odds in battle Dawson “made a bargain with some power of the night, and he sold his sole to win his final fight”. After the first chorus, the narrator tells the story of when their ship was assaulted by pirates and while they waited to be boarded a mysterious ship appeared and defeated the pirates. When said ship came within view they saw the heavily damaged Christian, as well as the bones of Jayme Dawson and his crew. Yes!
So I’ve been looking at videos and other stuff regarding spell jammers and something I could never understand is how come you (spell jammer) doesn’t look at something like Starfleet Battles with regards to stats on the ships and how to handle damage. I think you should look at the Starfleet Battles game for this to add to the ship combat. Using that type of system would add massively to the game as well as give players more strategy options for ship space battles.
Fits very well as in between world settings. Like it. Now an Oberron magic ship can crash into GreyHawk or a Dark Sun Land or brong Exotic trades to the Forgetten Realms.
@@Jbcblack Why? Because magic fails there? That could make for a fun adventure, crashing the ship in the desert.and finding ruins to hide from the locals that are angry about their oasis ...
As one of the people who feels a bit cheated on the smallest supplement released to date: I wish WotC spent more on developing a playable spacefaring game(a page and a half for ship to ship combat rules) and less on art.
I'm realy excited for this , but I'd still like some kind of explanation on why the digital version is so much more expensive then other digital books, despite being overall less pages. I get material cost on the physical version, but the digital version is basically just a 190 page book, while I think most books are over 200 pages in their physical form.
Never tried streaming before, but I think I'm going to stream this Saturday to see if I can make more comprehensive Spelljammer rules in a Saturday than you guys did with your whole staff.
I feel like there might some other advance in technology that might solve their book swapping problem. Like may they could allow DMs digitize and print only the parts they need for the moment, but maybe, like all modern gaming, money plays a factor.
I really like the explanation of the 3 book form factor - it makes a lot of sense now. I hope that when release comes you'll make another "What is spelljammer" video that I can show to players to get them excited about the campaign, relate it to similar things they know like Guardians of The Galaxy, and inspire them to create characters and get adventuring.
2 роки тому+2
A pity the new books didn't live up to the promise of an old and fantastic idea.
I've been planning a Spelljammer campaign off-and-on for about a year now (time constraints). Premise is basically a Star Trek away team, with a Spelljamming city as the home base, and away missions to various homebrew planets as part of the players' adventure. And now here we are, Spelljammer is on it's way back. My one hiccup is airship (away team shuttle) combat. Can't seem to find the time/drive to write/borrow/steal my own rules; anyone know if there's a planned gameplay pillar for vehicle combat?
@@captainraccoon3406 TL;DR Darklords are individuals through history that had become downright *problematic* for the gods, but also too strong to be killed. So the gods made time-looping punishment realms to contain them that are known as the *Domains of Dread.* For reference, Ravenloft is just one particular Domain of Dread.
He isn't, it's a prince that is shown in the cover of the adventure book. Though vecna may be an important villain for this switch or ''evolution'' in 2024 (youtube ''Black Obelisks D&D'' and you will see what I mean).
So... No ship to ship combat rules, ships that take a year to repair, 30 rounds to close for conventional battle, and a month to leave an Earth-sized planet... and no real guidance on the hard stuff other than "The DM decides." Of course I decide; it's my table. If I wanted to resolve all the rolls through interpretive dance if I wanted. I did not pay for this book to be told "it's up to the DM." It's heartbreaking that somehow the developers managed to ignore so much of what made Spelljammer great... and it's frustrating that they chose to rely on "the DMs will fix it" when their mechanics ( _limited as they are_ ) produce absurd results like monkeys flying at the speed of light. Come on WotC, you're better than this.
So more art than usual? Not from MTG cards? That sounds great, but with an already limited page count of 128 pages for setting lore and player options (excluding the adventure book) I am both disappointed and skeptical. It would have been nice to have a larger campaign setting dedicated to Spelljammer, and to know that the original creators where asked to contribute for 5e. This does not seem to be the case. I think those of us who have been holding our breath for Spelljammer are going to be really let down by the August release.
spelljammer was never a "setting" in the sence of the relms, or eberon, or dragonlance. it is a mecanics tool set. that is what it was originaly in 2e as well. and the original box set only had 2 98pg books. I ran spelljammer back when it first came out in 2e and I need to say that if you look at it as a rules expantion rather than a campaign setting I think it would take care of your conserns.
@@sylvnfox Spelljammer is very much a well developed setting, complete with dozens of adventure paths, and novels set specifically in its framework. It might be nontraditional I'll give you that much. 2e Spelljammer had so much material beyond what came in the boxed set, supplements for each area of Wildspace, and then some. That is easily more than enough to put into a properly sized campaign book for 5e. Not to mention at 98 pages for two books- that is still far more content than what we will get in 5e when you exclude the 64 page adventure path.
Since Boo's Astral Menagerie is a monster book, I'd reckon it's less than that. Maximum 24 pages player options, maximum 20 pages setting lore, minimum 20 pages party options. Even with PHB/Tasha's levels of art, that's . . . functional. Not Eberron/Wildemount level of detail, but functional. DMs will be able to juice more, of course. Maybe there will be an official PoD pdf.
@@sylvnfox I own the original box set and many of the supplements. I've ran 2e Spelljammer and am currently running Spelljammer for 5e. It is far more than a rules expansion, and seeing it that way does not address my concerns. It worries me that WoTC might feel just like you do.
@@josephedwards1738 this release only equates to the origina;l box set though, throwing in all the 2e expantions and just comparing that to the core rules is not a fair comparisen. I too have the core box set and most of the suplements. I even broke it all out when wotc made the anouncement of the 64 page books and compared. throwing out all the fluff and stuff 5e isnt useing 64 pages JUST for core rules is plenty. and solong as people don't shit all over it wotc can very easly start puting out suplemental material just like tsr did back in the day. but is people shit on it wotc will just shelf it
They're just trying to justify paying for 3 books for one book (or less) of content. I was pretty excited until I saw that. Will be skipping it now most likely.
I am really glad we are finally getting official spelljammer for 5e.Do you want to do space adventure like Star Trek or Cosmic Horror or wacky Killer Clowns in Outer Space? Yes,yes and yes please.
Love the three-book model. It’s a defining feature of the core books because it is useful!! Honestly it’s something I WISH the did for the tome that is RotF
@@egrettacaerulea Yeah but its just the monster book and the adventure book. Curious to see how fleshed out the ship mechanics are, I have a feeling its just gonna be how to use the ship in combat
Excitement aside, 64 page front to back (128 total) or 32 pages front to back equaling 64 pages? I’ve got my physical box set preordered, but by what we see in this video I’m leaning towards 128 per book!
Soo happy I picked up Spelljammer! Even thought I currently am not running a campaign in the setting, the book is so jam packed with content and its so great to read and go through
Does the set cost as much as the 3 book sets they've put out? If it does then that's the rub because as he said it's 1 book worth of material broken up.
"We split up into three books what would have been a fairly large campaign book". 3 books, 64 pages each. That's just barely larger than the friggin Sword Coast Adventurer's Guide. Less content, higher cost. I hope we get an expansion on the Astromundi Cluster and the Far Realm.
I have never been interested in Spelljammer -- but I am less uninterested in this version. The art is absolutely beautiful, and the labor-of-love nature of the project is clear. I might buy it just for grits and shiggles.
In the before times it was a bit crazy to think that spell jammer was returning. But now I’m front row center on the hype train! How the tables have turned
I ran spelljammer back when it first came out in 2e and I need to say that if you look at it as a rules expantion rather than a campaign setting I think it would take care of your conserns.
Having the campaigns split into several smaller books is not new, thats how they all were back in the day, 3 or 4 smaller books in a box set usually with a set of dice and maps.
I think Spelljammer is the bridge between regular 5e campaigns and the wealth of 3rd party material available. Books like Talislanta and The Midgard Worldbook are now planets to visit and explore. Combining Spelljammer and The Book of Fiends creates a D&D version of Event Horizon. The possibilities are endless.
Sadly it sounds like they are trying to pass this off as a new concept and new IP within D&D. No refernce to bringing back a 'new ' or 're-imagined' version of the old Spelljammers books. i hope they give a bit more credit to the foundation to this in future discussions.
"More art" honestly concerns me. When I hear that, I hear "filler to add more pages to the book". Don't get me wrong, the art is BEAUTIFUL and I will greatly enjoy looking at all of it, but the length of the books really bothers me. 64 pages each is pretty short, I mean the Sword Coast Adventures book has 159, that is more than double what each of these books holds. So if the books are stuffed with art, how much actual content can we expect here? 40 pages? I'm buying the Spelljammer books, I should expect to get my money's worth out of it.
I ran spelljammer back when it first came out in 2e and I need to say that if you look at it as a rules expantion rather than a campaign setting I think it would take care of your conserns.
i love spelljammer. but i HATE that you moved the astral sea to whre the phlogistan used to be. the astral sea is jsut so different from the wildspace/phlogistan dynamic. and having time be meaningless and bringing in all the stuff from the astral sea jsut bogs it all down. the astral sea is a great place to explore and use as a dm. but its not a physical place int he world its another dimension within that crystal sphere. . its part of the great wheel cosmology. not the prime material plane. . it woudl be like sayign ravenloft is a place on the planet of torril..instad of a demiplane floatign somewhere near the shadowfell and negative plane of energy.
Great video Todd, and Chris. The scary thing, I was checking out D&D beyond and asked myself. What is Spelljammer I wonder if there's a video up about it.
Fire the person that created the new lore for the Hadozee it's core is based in racist inhumane acts, The Tuskegee Study is chillingly similar to the lore of the Hadozee, and the similarity in name is truly scary!
If the free intro campaign is any indication, this is going to be wildly disappointing. More whimsical and silly content making a mockery of the setting.
I hope to see it translated in italian soon! After the horrible translation of Van Richten guide to Ravenloft i wanna see every single product you make, unsold in the shops here in italy! Thank you so much for considering italian people as monkeys!
Two Words, Treasure Planet!
Been waiting to play an ooze and treasure plant for so long!
HELL! YES! I've been saying that seen I first heard of spelljammer!
3 words: deep rock galactic
@@SleepyGolem Also valid! But my counter three words why not both?
@@Rubymagicalgirl88 now that's s campaign i can get behind!
i have full plans to run an Episodic Spell Jammer campaign when this comes out, Adventures in the Astral Sea! Heavily inspired by Treasure Planet!
I'm so happy to know I wasn't the only person running a similar campaign when this releases!!!
I myself am starting with a crew in The Ghosts of Salt Marsh that my players will get to know and become friends with before meeting the crew again for the Spelljammer campaign. I also love that this setting also feels like Treasure Planet. = )
Same!! Im actually reading the old 30's Flash Gordon comic strip which is brilliant in capturing the episodic adventure format (prologue + cliffhanger with each episode)!!! Im so inspired!
Im really, REALLY hoping that this book gives credit to Jeff Grubb; sad he's not been really mentioned in regards to SJ.
Jeff? What a grubb.
Unless he actually wrote something for this book specifically it most likely wont since Wizards owns the IP and has no obligation to credit him for anything to do with this version and edition considering he has not worked on a wizards product since 2000. He has already been credited numerous times as the creator of the original spelljamer setting under TSR.
Mr. Grubb shall forever be immortalized in this top UA-cam comment. I trust this will honor his memory sufficiently.
@@TheHiddenMana Thank you
@@darschpugs4690 Well, just got my books and he is indeed credited!!! thank you WotC for acknowledging this brilliant creator!!
I wish each supplement was longer than 64 pages. But am nevertheless super excited to see all the new art and run players through the adventures!
Man the art looks so inspiring! And when Chris started talking about the reason they made it three books. I'm stoked for this release. I've been home-brewing up a campaign for my players, this will be a great resource and inspiration!
0:37 There is a flumph with a pirate hat. I am sold.
The return of the Spelljammer campaign setting is welcome news indeed! As we all know, after TSR, Inc. discontinued the Spelljammer RPG, online fansites kept the campaign alive and thriving (the Clusterspace campaign setting comes to mind). Per this recently published video, the settings of the 2022 version of Spelljammer can run the gamut from straight-on Star Trekian space opera to space horror. For the record, one of my favorite campaign settings from the 1990's version of Spelljammer was "The Rock of Bral." Perhaps WOTC will revisit it someday.
Rock of Bral is confirmed! The set even comes with a double-sided map of it.
As much as I want to like this, I'm still concerned that we've got less content than other campaign settings, split between three books, of which only 64 pages is dedicated to actually fleshing out the setting and player options within it. We're being asked to pay more for less.
Take Eberron for comparison - it had 86 pages for character creation, 180 pages of worldbuilding material for the DM to use, including a 15-page adventure, and 38 pages of monsters and NPCs for the setting.
Yes, we're getting more monsters and a longer adventure here, but that seems like it's come at the cost of so much lore and worldbuilding material for DMs to work with to come up with their own stuff. I've wanted Spelljammer for so long and I really want it to be good, but this feels like it's about half of what we should be getting for a campaign setting.
But on one hand, when you have a dedicated area or a planet it's easier to define things. For something like *the entirety of space* - there's only so much you can write before you're just adding more noise and not really adding value. Like the adventure book is going to introduce basically an entire hub and campaign setting in and of itself - which is great because we will be able to adapt that stuff to how we want, instead of something like Eberron or Greyhawk (if we had a book) where there's an entire world that's already been decided.
So to me as a DM, it feels like I'm getting 64 pages of worldbuilding and lore and an additional 64 pages of worldbuilding and lore *if I want to use it*. I like having the options; running campaigns on the Sword Coast have been really tricky because there's so much pre-established lore, characters, events, places etc etc that for me it was really hard to NOT muck with canon stuff or just having to pretend certain important events just didn't happen because I can't remember all that.
Plus I feel like I can pull worldbuilding charts and tools from ALL the books since we technically now can access all the worlds; which to me just means I now have over 400 pages of lore and worldbuilding tools to use. Haven't always liked the 5e sourcebooks, but this one I'm actually excited about.
Hopefully it's more than you think and it works out! WILDSPACE SOUNDS SO COOL lol
It's to get more of your money.
If they cared they'd include digital copies of books you've purchased at minimum.
A general issue with 5e is that they dump a lot of work onto homebrewers.
I ran spelljammer back when it first came out in 2e and I need to say that if you look at it as a rules expantion rather than a campaign setting I think it would take care of your conserns.
I'm gonna take an educated guess to say that you probably know the spelljammer lore pretty well. That's kind of the thing about older settings - they're out there already.
Part of the reason Eberron's wordlbuilding was bigger was because Kieth Baker wanted to change the setting a bit from what it was in 4e.
Spelljammer is my favorite! It will be my great personal joy to bring you all my own spelljammer vessels for 3d print / purchase but also 5e stats to go along :)
I ran spelljammer back when it first came out in 2e and I need to say that if you look at it as a rules expantion rather than a campaign setting I think it would take care of your conserns.
... couldn't be happier than to see this setting restored. It is the ultimate for exploring any subject... in any modality. It is where the most important ideas regarding humanity's place in the Multiverse as well as where their intellectual and divine inheritance lie. Here... advanced gamers can live-out the remainder of their lifetimes... exploring the most meaningful story's in the most meaningful ways.
Much appreciated...
So what IS SpellJammer? All I got was campaign in space, lots of cool artwork, and 3 books. How do we get there? Do we live in the whales? How do we survive in space when the house is strapped to something?
August 14th needs to hurry up and get here already, excitement levels like a barrel of phlogiston, highly volatile
I've been playing since 1988 and the method in which they are selling Spelljammers 5e is the same as back then. I don't buy the setting books due to the layout in the books. I perfer...
1. Campaign setting in one book or box set separate.
2. Monsters for said campaign in another book.
3. Adventures in a type of print being a book or pamphlet.
I understand companies need to "maximize" profits but this is the reason I just buy certain books and not them all. This is the first time I am truly excited to purchase a dnd product. I still have the original box set. I can't wait! Thank you for your time and efforts!
I love sky world fantasies
bloody red herring of a video! can't wait to get my hands on the book(s) and try to DM a small game based around a movie that is really underrated. Yeah I just happened to watch Treasure Planet when i head of spelljammer coming. Also I can wait to make a Ebberon Lighting Rails into a spelljammer.
Spelljammer isn't based on Treasure Planet.
@@donotinteract7851 I'm looking at making a one shot game based on that movie and i never assumed that
My favourite Spelljammer adventure is Super Mario Galaxy
If the possibility of turning a small moon or asteroid in to a ship is in the book I know what I'm doing.
I feel like the lack of lore for Spelljammer can benefit people like me, who plan to make our own details by using our inspiration from other space-based fantasy universes. For those who, reasonably, prefer to have that information already prewritten, I can only recommend that you start looking at official Spelljammer lore online or even looking at third-party supplements (such as in the DM's guild) for those details.
I do hope Plasmoids get an innate shapeshifting (that way I could make something like Odo from Star Trek DS9)
I really enjoyed the 2nd edition novels and game materials from back in the day.
YES! I’m designing a campaign based on the song Dawson’s Christian! If you’re not familiar it’s a folk song set in space about a legendary Captain named Jayme Dawson and his ship the Christian and its crew. In the song, when the Christian is facing overwhelming odds in battle Dawson “made a bargain with some power of the night, and he sold his sole to win his final fight”. After the first chorus, the narrator tells the story of when their ship was assaulted by pirates and while they waited to be boarded a mysterious ship appeared and defeated the pirates. When said ship came within view they saw the heavily damaged Christian, as well as the bones of Jayme Dawson and his crew.
So I’ve been looking at videos and other stuff regarding spell jammers and something I could never understand is how come you (spell jammer) doesn’t look at something like Starfleet Battles with regards to stats on the ships and how to handle damage. I think you should look at the Starfleet Battles game for this to add to the ship combat. Using that type of system would add massively to the game as well as give players more strategy options for ship space battles.
Killer Klowns has a permanent spot on my DVD shelf. Pre-ordered.
Fits very well as in between world settings. Like it. Now an Oberron magic ship can crash into GreyHawk or a Dark Sun Land or brong Exotic trades to the Forgetten Realms.
Athas (darksun) isn’t accessible by spelljammer
@@Jbcblack Why? Because magic fails there? That could make for a fun adventure, crashing the ship in the desert.and finding ruins to hide from the locals that are angry about their oasis
As one of the people who feels a bit cheated on the smallest supplement released to date: I wish WotC spent more on developing a playable spacefaring game(a page and a half for ship to ship combat rules) and less on art.
I'm realy excited for this , but I'd still like some kind of explanation on why the digital version is so much more expensive then other digital books, despite being overall less pages. I get material cost on the physical version, but the digital version is basically just a 190 page book, while I think most books are over 200 pages in their physical form.
Never tried streaming before, but I think I'm going to stream this Saturday to see if I can make more comprehensive Spelljammer rules in a Saturday than you guys did with your whole staff.
I feel like there might some other advance in technology that might solve their book swapping problem. Like may they could allow DMs digitize and print only the parts they need for the moment, but maybe, like all modern gaming, money plays a factor.
Wacky, whimsical, fantastical, possibly deadly, D&D space opera. This is exciting.
I really like the explanation of the 3 book form factor - it makes a lot of sense now. I hope that when release comes you'll make another "What is spelljammer" video that I can show to players to get them excited about the campaign, relate it to similar things they know like Guardians of The Galaxy, and inspire them to create characters and get adventuring.
A pity the new books didn't live up to the promise of an old and fantastic idea.
Thank you Todd
I've been planning a Spelljammer campaign off-and-on for about a year now (time constraints). Premise is basically a Star Trek away team, with a Spelljamming city as the home base, and away missions to various homebrew planets as part of the players' adventure. And now here we are, Spelljammer is on it's way back.
My one hiccup is airship (away team shuttle) combat. Can't seem to find the time/drive to write/borrow/steal my own rules; anyone know if there's a planned gameplay pillar for vehicle combat?
I would love to run a campaign mashing up Spelljammer with Ravenloft, and essentially make the Darklords into Goa'uld in realmspace.
I don't know who the Darklords are, but if they are anything like the Goa'uld, this would be the best adventure.
This comment blindsided me so hard dude. That is such an amazing idea.
@@captainraccoon3406 TL;DR Darklords are individuals through history that had become downright *problematic* for the gods, but also too strong to be killed. So the gods made time-looping punishment realms to contain them that are known as the *Domains of Dread.*
For reference, Ravenloft is just one particular Domain of Dread.
With all the vecna content being released I'm convinced he's the main villain for the spelljammer campaign.
He isn't, it's a prince that is shown in the cover of the adventure book. Though vecna may be an important villain for this switch or ''evolution'' in 2024 (youtube ''Black Obelisks D&D'' and you will see what I mean).
I think it’s more to tie in with Vecna appearing in Stranger Things
So... No ship to ship combat rules, ships that take a year to repair, 30 rounds to close for conventional battle, and a month to leave an Earth-sized planet... and no real guidance on the hard stuff other than "The DM decides." Of course I decide; it's my table. If I wanted to resolve all the rolls through interpretive dance if I wanted. I did not pay for this book to be told "it's up to the DM." It's heartbreaking that somehow the developers managed to ignore so much of what made Spelljammer great... and it's frustrating that they chose to rely on "the DMs will fix it" when their mechanics ( _limited as they are_ ) produce absurd results like monkeys flying at the speed of light. Come on WotC, you're better than this.
So more art than usual? Not from MTG cards? That sounds great, but with an already limited page count of 128 pages for setting lore and player options (excluding the adventure book) I am both disappointed and skeptical.
It would have been nice to have a larger campaign setting dedicated to Spelljammer, and to know that the original creators where asked to contribute for 5e. This does not seem to be the case.
I think those of us who have been holding our breath for Spelljammer are going to be really let down by the August release.
spelljammer was never a "setting" in the sence of the relms, or eberon, or dragonlance. it is a mecanics tool set. that is what it was originaly in 2e as well. and the original box set only had 2 98pg books. I ran spelljammer back when it first came out in 2e and I need to say that if you look at it as a rules expantion rather than a campaign setting I think it would take care of your conserns.
@@sylvnfox Spelljammer is very much a well developed setting, complete with dozens of adventure paths, and novels set specifically in its framework. It might be nontraditional I'll give you that much.
2e Spelljammer had so much material beyond what came in the boxed set, supplements for each area of Wildspace, and then some. That is easily more than enough to put into a properly sized campaign book for 5e.
Not to mention at 98 pages for two books- that is still far more content than what we will get in 5e when you exclude the 64 page adventure path.
Since Boo's Astral Menagerie is a monster book, I'd reckon it's less than that. Maximum 24 pages player options, maximum 20 pages setting lore, minimum 20 pages party options.
Even with PHB/Tasha's levels of art, that's . . . functional. Not Eberron/Wildemount level of detail, but functional. DMs will be able to juice more, of course.
Maybe there will be an official PoD pdf.
@@sylvnfox I own the original box set and many of the supplements. I've ran 2e Spelljammer and am currently running Spelljammer for 5e.
It is far more than a rules expansion, and seeing it that way does not address my concerns. It worries me that WoTC might feel just like you do.
@@josephedwards1738 this release only equates to the origina;l box set though, throwing in all the 2e expantions and just comparing that to the core rules is not a fair comparisen. I too have the core box set and most of the suplements. I even broke it all out when wotc made the anouncement of the 64 page books and compared. throwing out all the fluff and stuff 5e isnt useing 64 pages JUST for core rules is plenty. and solong as people don't shit all over it wotc can very easly start puting out suplemental material just like tsr did back in the day. but is people shit on it wotc will just shelf it
Curious about the total page count, because those books look a lot thicker than the product listing suggests?
192 pages isn't a fairly big book. And what dm wants or has the space to have two books open at the table
They're just trying to justify paying for 3 books for one book (or less) of content. I was pretty excited until I saw that. Will be skipping it now most likely.
I am really glad we are finally getting official spelljammer for 5e.Do you want to do space adventure like Star Trek or Cosmic Horror or wacky Killer Clowns in Outer Space? Yes,yes and yes please.
Love the three-book model. It’s a defining feature of the core books because it is useful!! Honestly it’s something I WISH the did for the tome that is RotF
Spelljammer has always been my favorite setting in the multiverse and I can't wait to dive in with my players!
Anybody know where to buy the art hanging on the walls?
Spelljammer is such an awesome name
"We split the book into 3 for ease", cool, but did you also triple the price instead of just have it all in one book? Packaged together?
$41.99 on Amazon right now.
Shorter books and more art? More toys for my players and not enough for me I suspect
2/3 of the books are DM-facing fwiw
@@egrettacaerulea Yeah but its just the monster book and the adventure book. Curious to see how fleshed out the ship mechanics are, I have a feeling its just gonna be how to use the ship in combat
This looks like it could be really good. Is there going to be support on Roll20? Some quality asset packs would be very useful.
3x64, That is less pages than most books
@@bodhixzx I hope they used a small font (like xanathars) not the huge font they used in Tasha’s.
So if I buy it for dnd byond do I not get the map or dm screen
Excitement aside, 64 page front to back (128 total) or 32 pages front to back equaling 64 pages?
I’ve got my physical box set preordered, but by what we see in this video I’m leaning towards 128 per book!
Afaik 64 pages front to back total. So three very slim books. Otherwise people wouldn't be so outraged about the page count.
Absolutely loooooooooooove the fact the books were split into three as a DM. Thank you thank you thank you.
I'm seriously hoping that the Astral Menagerie contains Necromorph-like creatures so we can run the perfect Dead Space adventure in Spelljammer.
Just add Vetna to your campaign
If you want that, look up “Atropus, the World Born Dead”.
Soo happy I picked up Spelljammer! Even thought I currently am not running a campaign in the setting, the book is so jam packed with content and its so great to read and go through
Does the set cost as much as the 3 book sets they've put out? If it does then that's the rub because as he said it's 1 book worth of material broken up.
I really like the IDEA of the 3 book format, but I don’t think there will be enough content to justify it
I've never seen so many space whales.
"We split up into three books what would have been a fairly large campaign book". 3 books, 64 pages each. That's just barely larger than the friggin Sword Coast Adventurer's Guide. Less content, higher cost. I hope we get an expansion on the Astromundi Cluster and the Far Realm.
I have never been interested in Spelljammer -- but I am less uninterested in this version. The art is absolutely beautiful, and the labor-of-love nature of the project is clear. I might buy it just for grits and shiggles.
... I'd of wanted one book opposed three.
lol at him trying to explain why forcing you to buy three separate books is a good thing
PlaneScape next year?
In the before times it was a bit crazy to think that spell jammer was returning. But now I’m front row center on the hype train! How the tables have turned
Spelljammer is how you bring back Krynn.
I pray that they have enough rules for spelljammer
I ran spelljammer back when it first came out in 2e and I need to say that if you look at it as a rules expantion rather than a campaign setting I think it would take care of your conserns.
And now... bring back Sigil and Planescape in full.
Spelljammer! Flying here and everywhere! All settings combined by a ship in the air! It's Spelljammer!
Having the campaigns split into several smaller books is not new, thats how they all were back in the day, 3 or 4 smaller books in a box set usually with a set of dice and maps.
Been playing Spelljammer before it was cool...
3 books to run 1 setting? I think there is a bit of commercial self interest there. - sorry but buying it.
ICE PIRATES! All day, e'eryday.
Three 64 page books? Is that right? That's less pages combined than we have in the DMG alone, by almost half?
This is gonna be so hard for me not to run a Mando campaign when this drops.
I've always wondered if treasure planet inspired it...
Spelljammer predates Treasure Planet as a setting.
Spelljammer was initially published in 1989 for AD&D 2e. Treasure Planet came out in 2002.
Excuse me, ship deck plans?! Yes! Gimme it!
I think Spelljammer is the bridge between regular 5e campaigns and the wealth of 3rd party material available. Books like Talislanta and The Midgard Worldbook are now planets to visit and explore. Combining Spelljammer and The Book of Fiends creates a D&D version of Event Horizon. The possibilities are endless.
Spelljammer is 2nd ed AD&D...
@@johnny88j9 Yes, I know, but I was speaking about contemporary players working with 5e.
Sadly it sounds like they are trying to pass this off as a new concept and new IP within D&D. No refernce to bringing back a 'new ' or 're-imagined' version of the old Spelljammers books. i hope they give a bit more credit to the foundation to this in future discussions.
WOTC putting out this video like I don't spend every week thinking about the campaigns I'm gonna run.
"More art" honestly concerns me. When I hear that, I hear "filler to add more pages to the book". Don't get me wrong, the art is BEAUTIFUL and I will greatly enjoy looking at all of it, but the length of the books really bothers me. 64 pages each is pretty short, I mean the Sword Coast Adventures book has 159, that is more than double what each of these books holds.
So if the books are stuffed with art, how much actual content can we expect here? 40 pages? I'm buying the Spelljammer books, I should expect to get my money's worth out of it.
I ran spelljammer back when it first came out in 2e and I need to say that if you look at it as a rules expantion rather than a campaign setting I think it would take care of your conserns.
i love spelljammer. but i HATE that you moved the astral sea to whre the phlogistan used to be. the astral sea is jsut so different from the wildspace/phlogistan dynamic. and having time be meaningless and bringing in all the stuff from the astral sea jsut bogs it all down. the astral sea is a great place to explore and use as a dm. but its not a physical place int he world its another dimension within that crystal sphere. . its part of the great wheel cosmology. not the prime material plane. . it woudl be like sayign ravenloft is a place on the planet of torril..instad of a demiplane floatign somewhere near the shadowfell and negative plane of energy.
So are these actually new adventure modules?
1 adventure, 1 setting book, and 1 player-centric resource book.
Guardians of the Galaxy type beat🤔
Great video Todd, and Chris. The scary thing, I was checking out D&D beyond and asked myself. What is Spelljammer I wonder if there's a video up about it.
Ship space dnd ??
Own energy? This product is like 25 years old...
Now if only you asked the original creators for input.
3 64 page books. That's not a better end-user experience. That's just milking DM's wallets.
Me likey
64 page books x 3 = money grab.
You don't actually say what it is
Cool why 3 books and 64 pages like ummm I dunno ebberon?
SpellJammer looks like if Unicorn puked a pastel rainbow onto a game of StarCraft. 🤷♂️
Seems like a way to make more money by splitting one book into 3
3 books 1 product. buy 1 get all 3 they are not sold sepretly
Why you interview dnd hater. This guy tried to push replacing dnd with Wow the rpg (4th Ed). Feel they are trying to make 4e again in slow motion.
Fire the person that created the new lore for the Hadozee it's core is based in racist inhumane acts, The Tuskegee Study is chillingly similar to the lore of the Hadozee, and the similarity in name is truly scary!
Not new .....there isn't really anything new just dumbed down with ridiculously op players
If the free intro campaign is any indication, this is going to be wildly disappointing. More whimsical and silly content making a mockery of the setting.
I hope to see it translated in italian soon! After the horrible translation of Van Richten guide to Ravenloft i wanna see every single product you make, unsold in the shops here in italy!
Thank you so much for considering italian people as monkeys!