Ascended Masters Message to Humanity & Drunvalo Melchizedek Awakens the Heart for the New Earth

  • Опубліковано 15 вер 2024
  • Incredible wisdom shared by The Council of Ascended Masters (with deep gratitude to Sara Landon) AND.. Elevated Planet explore Drunvalo Melchizedek's Awakening the Illuminated Heart Workshop, taking us into this new 13,000 year cycle of Heart based Unity-Consciousness. Extracted from our Live Event of 1st September.
    Okay, define “Ascended Masters” for me? Certainly! Buddha, Jesus, Mother Mary, Thoth & St Germaine (amongst many others) are examples of Ascended Masters. They have been on the planet many times, in many guises as “Way Showers” for humanity. This is a vital time in human history, so they have come forward to share their collective wisdom. This time around, we can be “the way showers”. We just have to remember who we REALLY are, and step into our power! Heaven on Earth awaits those that rise above the low vibrational distractions to choose it, because we too are Masters!
    Also, a Jolé Gabrielle Guided Meditation / Visualization helps us embody the revealed wisdom from the Ascended Masters
    Email JohnDrew@ElevatedPlanet.Life to join our community and access more uplifting, life affirming content.
    The world is a more fantastic, (and fantastical) place than many realise! It is time to remember forgotten wisdom & step back into our power, both individually & collectively
    "WE THE PEOPLE" have significant power to effect change, and a world of Unspeakable Beauty awaits those who can “rise above the noise” to create it!
    Setting the scene for changing times.. There is good reason to keep planting the seeds of change. It is to help build preparedness for our community. There are exciting times ahead, but over the next few years everyone will be shaken out of ‘life as we know it.’ It will awaken many to the deeper empowering truth of our magnificence, but as always, we have a choice.
    Because we know to expect this unfoldment, we can choose not to drop into fear. Instead “we the people” are destined to take back our power for the good of the collective, driven by the high frequency energies of love, kindness & compassion, ultimately making life into the celebration it was always intended to be.
    This is our destiny, it is why we came here to Planet Earth at this time. But first, there a battle for the consciousness of the collective that has to play out.
    Freedom is about choice, but most importantly, we need to know we have one!
    Truth or Deluded Nonsense? As always, you get to decide.
    We are just here to plant the seeds
    Brace yourselves for a time foretold for millennia!✨❤️
    THANK YOU & Much Love.. J&J XX