LA VERDAD SOBRE DESPERTAR CORRECTO E INCORRECTO DE LA KUṆḌALINĪ EN EL SHAIVISMO DE CACHEMIRA. Este es un extracto de un video de Alice Christensen (madre Alice) y Swami Lakshmanjoo discutiendo el ascenso y despertar de la kuṇḍalinī en el Shaivismo de Cachemira Alice Christensen: Hay tanta discusión en los Estados Unidos acerca de la Kuṇḍalinī, y el poder de la Kuṇḍalinī, ¿nos puede dar su visión personal y experiencia sobre este misterioso tema. Usted debe saber mucho al respecto, y realmente nos gustaría escuchar la verdad del asunto. Swami Lakshmanjoo: En realidad, kuṇḍalinī que se discute en el Shaivismo de Cachemira, es algo nuevo. Y lo he experimentado de esa manera. Alice: ¿Nuevo? Swamiji: Es nuevo para el público en estos días. Alice: Al dominio público. Swamiji: Es una nueva forma de ascenso de kuṇḍalinī. Y esta es la manera real de la subida de kuṇḍalinī. La kuṇḍalinī que han discutido otras personas, otras escuelas de pensamiento, veo, y siento, que esto se discute sólo a través de la imaginación. No es el ascenso exacto de kuṇḍalinī. El ascenso exacto de kuṇḍalinī es lo que te voy a decir ahora. La kuṇḍalinī se eleva cuando hay atención unipuntual. Hasta entonces nunca se levantará. Cuando hay atención unipuntual, contínua atención unipuntual debe prevalecer durante al menos seis horas o siete horas seguidas. Cuando eso sucede entonces la posición de la respiración cambia y es ovillada. La respiración, esa función del yogui de respirar hacia dentro y hacia fuera, se detiene, se arremolina, y después de unos segundos, la bola (el aliento arremolinado) se precipita en el canal central de la columna vertebral. Alice: Así que la respiración se convierte en una bola y empuja hacia la columna vertebral. Swamiji: Sí. y luego toca el lugar de mulādhara chakra. Y de ahí se levanta en forma de gozo super-sexual. Alice: Entonces esa es la base del gozo super-sexual que mencionó. Esta kuṇḍalinī surge, a veces lo hace incorrectamente y causa un gran daño. ¿no es cierto Swamiji? Swamiji: Sí. Esa subida incorrecta de kuṇḍalinī se llama piśacāveśa. Pero ese surgimiento incorrecto de kuṇḍalinī no se lleva a cabo así. Se produce cuando la respiración se ovilla hacia abajo y se precipita a través del canal central y toca mulādhara chakra, y entonces no se levanta del mulādhara chakra entonces, es decir, si es para subir de la manera incorrecta Entonces, ¿qué pasa después? Después de tocar el mulādhara chakra no sube del mulādhara chakra. El yogui siente que ha aparecido aquí en bhrūmadhya cakra.4 Alice: ¿quiere decir que no siente ninguna subida por la espalda hasta la frente? Swamiji: No. Alice: ¿sólo aparece allí? Swamiji: Aparece cerca de la frente. Alice: Pero en realidad no está ahí. Swamiji: Está ahí, y se precipita. No se levanta, se cae. Alice: Así que la fuerza en el canal espinal se mueve hacia abajo, y atrapa allí Swamiji: Esta es la manera incorrecta de la subida de kuṇḍalinī. Y este surgimiento incorrecto de kuṇḍalinī no es reconocido por los yoguis, yoguis shaivitas Alice: ¿Cree usted que debido a esta afluencia de la palabra, y esta idea de los movimientos de la kuṇḍalinī todo ese tipo de cosas, antes de la mente masiva del público indisciplinado, que estos problemas van a existir más y más? Swamiji: El público que no es disciplinado en los yamas y niyamas, que te hablé, entonces ocurre esta subida incorrecta de kuṇḍalinī. De otra manera, nunca se llevará a cabo. Alice: Y el resultado de este surgimiento incorrecto, ¿cuál es ese resultado. Swamiji: Muy raramente va a encontrar [paz] tiene que empezar de nuevo desde ABCD. Alice: En otras palabras, no hay ningún despertar espiritual en absoluto. Sólo piensa que es un despertar espiritual. Swamiji: No, no es despertar espiritual. Alice: Y no es correcto. Así que estas personas en occidente que van a grupos de la kuṇḍalinī, diciendo: "Todo lo que quiero es que mi kuṇḍalinī se eleve, todo lo que quiero es esa experiencia, "lo que están consiguiendo es simplemente una experiencia incorrecta. Swamiji: Una experiencia incorrecta. Y es sólo imaginación. Alice: Y todo es imaginación. Swamiji: Sí, sí.
@@Kasperia22there are not great yogis left but some of the trika masters are there in benaras and of course if you can leave everything and go to Himalayas you may find swachhand bhairava himself
I believe I understand (a bit) of what the Swami was saying here and it connects with my own experience with Tantra and Kundalini practice. I dont dare to articulate it in great detail because I'm certainly not qualified to do so but I will say this much.. In my opinion we (perhaps all peoples but mainly westerners) view spiritual questions from an intellectual or ideological perspective. The principles of enlightenment and or liberation appear to us as a kind of riddle or an algebra problem to solve... ""if I could only get it I would be free."" This approach reduces the most profound and vast "mystery" (the question of being) down to a mere head trip. Life is so much more than a head trip. Head trips tend not to change a person much at all. In fact, head trips are often used to hide who or what we really are from other and from ourselves. I've studied Eastern religion and philosophy for over 40 years and counting and most of that time it was just a head trip. It made me smarter but did not change me....until... When I began to practice Tantra and other forms of yoga (including Kundalini, hatha yoga, pranayama, and tandava dance btw) I knew I had finally moved out of my head and back into my body. That was what was needed. Reality is not captured in a riddle or contained within a view or ideology, reality is BEING and BEINGS have (are) bodies and not just minds. So when I hear Swami say that Kundalini "goes from the head downward" into the body it reminds me of what I have confirmed in myself we need to bring our consciousness back into our neglected and abused body. We need to do this to become whole again and because the body is where true awakening lies. No matter what your spiritual path or practice is it HAS TO bring wholeness to your experience or it will remain just an intellectual head trip. This is why in many Eastern traditions the seat of consciousness is not located in the head ir brain but is located in the heart or in the gut. Tantra especially cannot exist (or be practiced) solely as an intellectual endeavor in that it operates within the context of physical sensation and emotion and these are mostly a function of the body, not the intellect. If your Kundalini is rising and shooting out the top of your head into a formless void it means you are worse than dead, you are completely disembodied. On the other hand, if somewhere in that process you come back home, come back into your BEING as both mind AND body then youre expressing yourself as a fully living human being which is a better place to be than "dead in your head." 🙏
Finding the right guru is the key. On our own, I think it would be difficult to awaken the kundalini. Unless divine grace or the grace of our ancestors visits or guides us in some way. ..
Contemplate your own death, and dig into the core questions like "Who am I?" or "What is this?" No matter what practice you do those contemplations are key. Study everything because we dont really understand anything. My own "interests" (studies and practices) have been many and go back many years. Today I mainly study and practice Hatha Yoga and shikantaza (Zen meditation) but also do Deity Yoga in the Tibetan tradition. The key point though is to be determined and motivated. Contemplate your own death and digging into the core questions like "who am I?" or "what is this?"
Even though his explanation is vague, this is extremely important information he's sharing that very few people will touch on. Incorrectly raising Kundalini can cause everything from chronic fatigue, to autoimmune diseases, to even insanity. Its extremely important that you start from the bottom and work your way up.
I'm just discovering this swami today.. Was a surprise to me coz I happen to travel some of the places where he lived and all those places were very awakening to me in realizing my ego... Especially when I found out he and ramana maharishi met.. I literally surrendered in Tiruvannamalai after I reached there for the first time.
Sometimes that energy rises and possesses without any direction… any organized discipline with this goal of its raising in mind. Sometimes communion with nature, aggressive breathing and pushing the machine of the body in nature’s cathedral of love and beauty and danger, coupled with meditation and piety/ reverence/ gratitude… will stoke up this “kundalini” fire. And your life will never be the same. To continue the practice sees the energy possess even more, so that you float in the light all the time. Available to all. It’s just Nature. Meaning, it’s just “God.”
We expect Theoretical and Practical Spiritual science and philosophy of Sanatan Vedic Hindu Dharma Kashmiri Shaiv Ramlal ji Siyag siddhayoga Kundalini yoga. for Self realisation , iternal spiritual awareness , peaceful life and Peaceful bright future of human and world Unbelievable mysterious powerful Spiritual Path. ❤
Because there are many people in the west who claim the rise of kundalini but do they experience complete universal realization after that experience? What Swami Lakshmanjoo is talking about is the rise of kundalini culminating in complete realization. This is the reality of kundalini as explained in Kashmir Shaivism. Swamiji clearly outlined the different types of rise of kundalini in his book Kashmir Shaivism the Secret Supreme.
@@cornicopia88 well until you realise your self, everything else is just an illusion, no reaching how much you say I have got this experience or that experience... Every experience like eating, tasting is as similar as spiritual experience
Este es un extracto de un video de Alice Christensen (madre Alice) y Swami Lakshmanjoo discutiendo el ascenso y despertar de la kuṇḍalinī en el Shaivismo de Cachemira
Alice Christensen: Hay tanta discusión en los Estados Unidos acerca de la Kuṇḍalinī, y el poder de la Kuṇḍalinī, ¿nos puede dar su visión personal y experiencia sobre este misterioso tema. Usted debe saber mucho al respecto, y realmente nos gustaría escuchar la verdad del asunto.
Swami Lakshmanjoo: En realidad, kuṇḍalinī que se discute en el Shaivismo de Cachemira, es algo nuevo. Y lo he experimentado de esa manera.
Alice: ¿Nuevo?
Swamiji: Es nuevo para el público en estos días.
Alice: Al dominio público.
Swamiji: Es una nueva forma de ascenso de kuṇḍalinī. Y esta es la manera real de la subida de kuṇḍalinī. La kuṇḍalinī que han discutido otras personas, otras escuelas de pensamiento, veo, y siento, que esto se discute sólo a través de la imaginación. No es el ascenso exacto de kuṇḍalinī. El ascenso exacto de kuṇḍalinī es lo que te voy a decir ahora.
La kuṇḍalinī se eleva cuando hay atención unipuntual. Hasta entonces nunca se levantará. Cuando hay atención unipuntual, contínua atención unipuntual debe prevalecer durante al menos seis horas o siete horas seguidas. Cuando eso sucede entonces la posición de la respiración cambia y es ovillada.
La respiración, esa función del yogui de respirar hacia dentro y hacia fuera, se detiene, se arremolina, y después de unos segundos, la bola (el aliento arremolinado) se precipita en el canal central de la columna vertebral.
Alice: Así que la respiración se convierte en una bola y empuja hacia la columna vertebral.
Swamiji: Sí. y luego toca el lugar de mulādhara chakra. Y de ahí se levanta en forma de gozo super-sexual.
Alice: Entonces esa es la base del gozo super-sexual que mencionó. Esta kuṇḍalinī surge, a veces lo hace incorrectamente y causa un gran daño. ¿no es cierto Swamiji?
Swamiji: Sí. Esa subida incorrecta de kuṇḍalinī se llama piśacāveśa. Pero ese surgimiento incorrecto de kuṇḍalinī no se lleva a cabo así. Se produce cuando la respiración se ovilla hacia abajo y se precipita a través del canal central y toca mulādhara chakra, y entonces no se levanta del mulādhara chakra entonces, es decir, si es para subir de la manera incorrecta
Entonces, ¿qué pasa después? Después de tocar el mulādhara chakra no sube del mulādhara chakra. El yogui siente que ha aparecido aquí en bhrūmadhya cakra.4
Alice: ¿quiere decir que no siente ninguna subida por la espalda hasta la frente?
Swamiji: No.
Alice: ¿sólo aparece allí?
Swamiji: Aparece cerca de la frente.
Alice: Pero en realidad no está ahí.
Swamiji: Está ahí, y se precipita. No se levanta, se cae.
Alice: Así que la fuerza en el canal espinal se mueve hacia abajo, y atrapa allí
Swamiji: Esta es la manera incorrecta de la subida de kuṇḍalinī. Y este surgimiento incorrecto de kuṇḍalinī no es reconocido por los yoguis, yoguis shaivitas
Alice: ¿Cree usted que debido a esta afluencia de la palabra, y esta idea de los movimientos de la kuṇḍalinī todo ese tipo de cosas, antes de la mente masiva del público indisciplinado, que estos problemas van a existir más y más?
Swamiji: El público que no es disciplinado en los yamas y niyamas, que te hablé, entonces ocurre esta subida incorrecta de kuṇḍalinī. De otra manera, nunca se llevará a cabo.
Alice: Y el resultado de este surgimiento incorrecto, ¿cuál es ese resultado.
Swamiji: Muy raramente va a encontrar [paz] tiene que empezar de nuevo desde ABCD.
Alice: En otras palabras, no hay ningún despertar espiritual en absoluto. Sólo piensa que es un despertar espiritual.
Swamiji: No, no es despertar espiritual.
Alice: Y no es correcto.
Así que estas personas en occidente que van a grupos de la kuṇḍalinī, diciendo: "Todo lo que quiero es que mi kuṇḍalinī se eleve, todo lo que quiero es esa experiencia, "lo que están consiguiendo es simplemente una experiencia incorrecta.
Swamiji: Una experiencia incorrecta. Y es sólo imaginación.
Alice: Y todo es imaginación.
Swamiji: Sí, sí.
Muchas Gracias 🙏
Great Saint of Kashmir and last exponent of Kashmir Shaivism. His interviews are a real treasure of knowledge.
Swami Laxman Joo was Lord Shiva himself.A true Yogi with highest level of discipline.shat shat pranam.
Har Har Mahadev
Namaskar there any great yogi left in our community? If yes then can you please tell me how can I meet him.
@The Fluffy Tube do you know anyone of them ,in jammu or Delhi or anywhere ?
@@Kasperia22there are not great yogis left but some of the trika masters are there in benaras and of course if you can leave everything and go to Himalayas you may find swachhand bhairava himself
I believe I understand (a bit) of what the Swami was saying here and it connects with my own experience with Tantra and Kundalini practice. I dont dare to articulate it in great detail because I'm certainly not qualified to do so but I will say this much..
In my opinion we (perhaps all peoples but mainly westerners) view spiritual questions from an intellectual or ideological perspective. The principles of enlightenment and or liberation appear to us as a kind of riddle or an algebra problem to solve... ""if I could only get it I would be free.""
This approach reduces the most profound and vast "mystery" (the question of being) down to a mere head trip. Life is so much more than a head trip.
Head trips tend not to change a person much at all. In fact, head trips are often used to hide who or what we really are from other and from ourselves.
I've studied Eastern religion and philosophy for over 40 years and counting and most of that time it was just a head trip. It made me smarter but did not change me....until...
When I began to practice Tantra and other forms of yoga (including Kundalini, hatha yoga, pranayama, and tandava dance btw) I knew I had finally moved out of my head and back into my body. That was what was needed.
Reality is not captured in a riddle or contained within a view or ideology, reality is BEING and BEINGS have (are) bodies and not just minds.
So when I hear Swami say that Kundalini "goes from the head downward" into the body it reminds me of what I have confirmed in myself we need to bring our consciousness back into our neglected and abused body. We need to do this to become whole again and because the body is where true awakening lies.
No matter what your spiritual path or practice is it HAS TO bring wholeness to your experience or it will remain just an intellectual head trip. This is why in many Eastern traditions the seat of consciousness is not located in the head ir brain but is located in the heart or in the gut.
Tantra especially cannot exist (or be practiced) solely as an intellectual endeavor in that it operates within the context of physical sensation and emotion and these are mostly a function of the body, not the intellect.
If your Kundalini is rising and shooting out the top of your head into a formless void it means you are worse than dead, you are completely disembodied.
On the other hand, if somewhere in that process you come back home, come back into your BEING as both mind AND body then youre expressing yourself as a fully living human being which is a better place to be than "dead in your head."
Thank you, your reply was actually very helpful for me
Finding the right guru is the key. On our own, I think it would be difficult to awaken the kundalini. Unless divine grace or the grace of our ancestors visits or guides us in some way. ..
Hello! Could you recommend any source for exercises and practices? 😄
Contemplate your own death, and dig into the core questions like "Who am I?" or "What is this?"
No matter what practice you do those contemplations are key.
Study everything because we dont really understand anything.
My own "interests" (studies and practices) have been many and go back many years. Today I mainly study and practice Hatha Yoga and shikantaza (Zen meditation) but also do Deity Yoga in the Tibetan tradition. The key point though is to be determined and motivated. Contemplate your own death and digging into the core questions like "who am I?" or "what is this?"
@@davidmickles5012 Thank you, great advice 🙏🏻😎
Even though his explanation is vague, this is extremely important information he's sharing that very few people will touch on. Incorrectly raising Kundalini can cause everything from chronic fatigue, to autoimmune diseases, to even insanity. Its extremely important that you start from the bottom and work your way up.
White man trying to educate a yogi who was able to relaize self through divine sadhana... Typical white mentality
I'm just discovering this swami today.. Was a surprise to me coz I happen to travel some of the places where he lived and all those places were very awakening to me in realizing my ego... Especially when I found out he and ramana maharishi met.. I literally surrendered in Tiruvannamalai after I reached there for the first time.
Prana and Apana , becomes Samana vayu ,then from muladhar when kundalini rises above Anahta chankra , it is called Udana Vayu
Thanks for uploading such precious talks 🙏🙏
Sometimes that energy rises and possesses without any direction… any organized discipline with this goal of its raising in mind.
Sometimes communion with nature, aggressive breathing and pushing the machine of the body in nature’s cathedral of love and beauty and danger, coupled with meditation and piety/ reverence/ gratitude… will stoke up this “kundalini” fire.
And your life will never be the same.
To continue the practice sees the energy possess even more, so that you float in the light all the time.
Available to all. It’s just Nature. Meaning, it’s just “God.”
Wonderful video!
Thank You! 🧡
Now I understand what is going on with me. Please share the correction methods.
You may find your answer here...
We expect
Theoretical and Practical
Spiritual science and philosophy
Sanatan Vedic Hindu Dharma
Kashmiri Shaiv
Ramlal ji Siyag siddhayoga
Kundalini yoga.
Self realisation , iternal spiritual awareness , peaceful life and
Peaceful bright future of human and world
Unbelievable mysterious powerful Spiritual Path.
Please can someone describe "one pointedness" ?
Such yogi's dont exist now....not at all❤
Can you please upload the full interview of swamiji
we are working on it
@@LakshmanjooAcademy It has been an year.. Still waiting.
@@ishanbhat9274 five years
Jai jai Gurudev
How can you as one person say that everyone in the West awakening is an imagination.
Because there are many people in the west who claim the rise of kundalini but do they experience complete universal realization after that experience? What Swami Lakshmanjoo is talking about is the rise of kundalini culminating in complete realization. This is the reality of kundalini as explained in Kashmir Shaivism. Swamiji clearly outlined the different types of rise of kundalini in his book Kashmir Shaivism the Secret Supreme.
Lakshmanjoo Academy complete realization is a whole different thing and that I can understand, no spiritual awakening at all was my only concern.
@@cornicopia88 well until you realise your self, everything else is just an illusion, no reaching how much you say I have got this experience or that experience... Every experience like eating, tasting is as similar as spiritual experience
Nandideva calls to the Lord Shiva 🙏
How come non Indians know about this kind of spirituality 😮??
They spend time studying with Swami Lakshmanjoo
Hey cow, could you cool it? I'm trying to listen to Swamiji, lol.
Hahaha, they were also voicing their approval I guess
Nandi is saying OM, OM. Of course it will call out OM in the presence of Shiva.
He is giving his opinion
@@Daffodil956 he isn't. He's just kidding. And so are we :)
Islamic invader distroy our culture forcefully conversion 😢
"They tried to bury us but didn't know we were seeds" ~Dinos Christianopoulos
It all happened to Sandeep Maheshwari