Bootleg MTG Proxy Review (Ron, MythicBlackCore, MPC)

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @Jamajalama
    @Jamajalama 4 роки тому +3

    thank you very much for the video, good sir!
    I recently got into magic and I just love the art and everything about it. But the more I learnt the more shocked I was to learn how much money you would have to spend on a nice pool of cards.
    For me it takes out the fun when I have to pay 60 € or more for a good card and then have to be super careful when handling it^^ Life is short - also financially speaking.
    So I will probably wait another year or so hoping that the quality further increases and the prices drop even lower. And finally I will buy hundreds or thousands of cards to sleeve them up for eternity :P
    Would be cool to get a follow up on prices and quality of the cards in a year or so!

  • @mechakinggidora
    @mechakinggidora 4 роки тому +6

    Blessed video man, I'm just getting into the game and want to make a couple commander decks and I was recommended Undersea as a Proxy provider and they had really good quality stuff I found but I was wondering what other "high-end" proxies would be so this is a phenomenal video for that.. Have you tried comparing the proxies from Undersea? I'm curious how they stack up compared to these higher end ones like the ones from Ron and MBC.

  • @Jamajalama
    @Jamajalama 4 роки тому +3

    I changed my mind, haha! Could you show us what settings you have chosen on the MPC site? I cant wait to order some cards but the amount of different options and settings on the MPC-site is a lot :P Would be really appreciated!

  • @OfficialAvijitDas
    @OfficialAvijitDas 4 роки тому +6

    Thank you for this video, filled me with a lot of confidence when buying. Just bought some mpc, some blackcore and some mtg proxy King. So will let you know when they come :) . I don't seem to find this "Ron" site, could you link?

    • @somedudeontheinterwebs45
      @somedudeontheinterwebs45 4 роки тому +2

      Ron is a BL(Black Lotus) reseller based in the US. If you ask around on the BootlegMTG subreddit/discord you'll find his skype/email/pricings.

  • @HyperBulletX
    @HyperBulletX 3 роки тому

    @spitinsk8er for MPC where did you downloaded the full card arts?

  • @TheSpawn4490
    @TheSpawn4490 4 роки тому

    anyway you could link the G drives with the card list trying to get some from MPC just having a hard time trying to find HQ scans >.

  • @luisnetoTV
    @luisnetoTV 4 роки тому +4

    Hello, spitinsk8er. What did you select for the card stock, print type and finish options when you placed the MakePlayingCards order?

    • @OfficialAvijitDas
      @OfficialAvijitDas 4 роки тому +1

      Dunno if it's a little late, but I use this guide and it works like a charm.

  • @mynt4033
    @mynt4033 2 роки тому

    He apparently doesn't make one to one copies anymore? How do I get these hard-to-tell copies?

  • @dragonballtalk8527
    @dragonballtalk8527 3 роки тому +1

    Is blue or black core better

  • @mrman3724
    @mrman3724 4 роки тому +2

    what do the mpc cards feel like? are they paper or glossy? any way you could send me some pics of them close up? did you order your amulet titan deck?

    • @heathholmstrom6628
      @heathholmstrom6628 Рік тому +2

      If you go with S33 card stock and the default MPC (matt) finish then they look , feel and smell like new MTG cards. The trick is to pick / use images that are 1000 dpi or higher (1200 dpi = 3264 x 4440 pixels). 600 dpi probably looks ok. Most cards will have "not for resale" on them in the lower right corner which is in tiny letters. If you upload your own pics then make sure you remove any copyright info / logos (like the mtg card back). I highly recommend using the MCPfill tool and follow their guide.

    • @mrman3724
      @mrman3724 Рік тому +1

      @@heathholmstrom6628 thanks for your advice. i did use s33 smooth finish and delved a little further by making hundreds of proxies on photoshop utilizing a retro template and they turned out crystal clear. kept all sorts of unique details including the original dual land swirl, fonts sizes, symbols, etc. so they all had nostalgic ties to the original printings but updated the text, removed unnecessary text and added color to old rarity symbols. focused primarily on old school and premodern formats. got stunted making new cards because it required most recent photoshop software. will get around to it eventually

  • @trevordavey2338
    @trevordavey2338 4 роки тому

    Where do you get rons 8.0 from please?

  • @frooshante
    @frooshante 4 роки тому

    thanks for the cool video

  • @RegimentJoker
    @RegimentJoker 3 роки тому

    what is Ron's website

  • @irishboy664
    @irishboy664 4 роки тому

    how long did Ron's order take?

  • @MannibalLector
    @MannibalLector Рік тому +1

    Ron is making just straight up counterfeit magic cards....

  • @Syne111
    @Syne111 3 роки тому

    These look like copyright counterfeits

    • @mtgbrewery7239
      @mtgbrewery7239 2 роки тому +2

      Wotc didn't pay the artist for they're copyright on 30th anniversary edition either. Oops

    • @Syne111
      @Syne111 2 роки тому

      @@mtgbrewery7239 All proxies are scams.

    • @RMSLtnick
      @RMSLtnick Рік тому +5

      I mean... Are you really getting scammed when you know what you're buying? And yknow do not to intend to use them for actual competitive play...
      Some people can't afford spending 120 dollars on a set of steamvents for example when the rest of the deck probably costs like 25 bucks