I don't trust these relays that have one of the switched contacts near the two coil contacts. At least for switching mains voltages. Last time I dismantled one, it was apparent that it was one broken copper wire away from killing someone.
@YoikySploiker I salvaged a few Omron G2R-1 from a dead UPS a while back. They have a transparent casing. Unlike the kind I mentioned before, these really don't appear to have a plausible failure mode that could make the low-voltage side live.
Very nice, will it work in sunlight?
Hi, where can I buy this special relay?
will the sun turn on the fan?
Old MacDonald had a farm
Ee i ee i o
And on his farm he had some chickens
Ee i ee i oh
I don't trust these relays that have one of the switched contacts near the two coil contacts. At least for switching mains voltages. Last time I dismantled one, it was apparent that it was one broken copper wire away from killing someone.
I don't trust relays either, too dangerous. I'm not taking that risk for a hobby
@YoikySploiker I salvaged a few Omron G2R-1 from a dead UPS a while back. They have a transparent casing. Unlike the kind I mentioned before, these really don't appear to have a plausible failure mode that could make the low-voltage side live.