My wife and I started listening to Mack when he was leading worship at Elevation. The songs he writes and sings have a real anointing on them and we are so blessed to have such dedicated talent serving our Lord in this age.
This song i was playing it day and night when things were hard for me after going through a Divorce and i didn't have a job. But the way God is, the impossible is possible, he can make the chain come loose and tell the mountain move. Nothing will stop my God
The first Christian song I heard. Thanks to the wrong radio station. I’m glad I got closer to the lord that day. Too much coincidence is no coincidence. It’s gods work. Jesus
I always listened to this song while my mom was battling with Alzheimer and even those she passed away January 5, 2021 I still listened cause it reminds me of mom... it makes me remember it all the time! THAT EVERYTHING IS POSSIBLE FOR YOU LORD, NO MATTER WHAT ENTERS OUR LIVES ... THERE IS POWER IN THE NAME OF JESUS. .... AND THERE IS NOTHING FOR US THAT WE STOP BELIEVING THAT EVERYTHING IS POSSIBLE FOR YOU LORD AND THAT HE TELLS THE MOUNTAINS TO MOVE .... AND THEY MOVE HE SAID SO AND I BELIEVE IT AND I SEE IT THAT NOTHING IT IS IMPOSSIBLE FOR YOU! ..... 🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🙌🏽🙌🏽😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽😭😭😭😭😭🙌🏽🙌🏽
This is what we need to see--what we are seeing, if we are listening to Him. Only He can do what we cannot ever do, and so WE CRY OUT TO HIM FOR HIS PRESENCE AND HIS REVIVAL NOW. O LORD, REVIVE US !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I believe in prayer. I believe in the power of our God. I know that he cannot be stopped. I have felt weights in my life that I thought would sink me and then our God intervened to keep me afloat. I know that the impossible is possible because I have felt this kind of healing firsthand in my life. All I want is for a world full of people who also know… this battle is finished and our God is HERE… not an abstract idea… not far away from us…. here is right here - now - and the way he loves us is incomparable.
Nate Griffith, your name caught my attention....good name, it was my brother’s name....he died over 7 years ago from cancer. I miss him...can’t wait to see him again in Heaven. Blessings to you, Nate Griffith.
I went to to a concert with Mack Brock a few years ago. He was the only artist there who thanked the audience for letting him lead them in worship. That speaks volumes for where his heart is.
Soon I will be 60 years old, but I love the way the Holy Spirit of God is using Mack Brock to worship Jesus. God has bless him with an angelical voice.
I want to encourage anyone going thru addiction that anything is possible for the Almighty GOD this November GOD willing will celebrate 3 yrs sober of alcoholism 🙏 All praise be to GOD ALMIGHTY
Ever since Matt left elevation worship it has not been the same, see what you want Bella I believe that Matt left because they turned away from preaching true doctrine and it hasn’t affected Matt at all he’s been just as successful this guy is the real deal…bless him in Jesus mighty name!
Covid19 Bow your knees There is God who can do impossible ,Crying for evryone Sleeping in Pain.May your power Move right now"There nothing th@ can stop you King Jesus
Nelly chiwaka WHAT IS TRUE REPENTANCE? FALSE X TRUE GRACE True repentance is a permanent change of character and conduct. It involves a change of opinion respecting the nature of sin, and this change of opinion followed by a corresponding change of feeling towards sin. To one who truly repents, sin looks like a very different thing from what it does to him who has not repented. Instead of looking like a thing that is desirable or fascinating, it looks the very opposite, most odious and detestable, and he is astonished at himself, that he ever could have desired such a thing. He looks back upon it and exclaims, “How hateful, how detestable, how worthy of hell, such and such a thing was in me.” When he views sin in its tendencies, it awakens a vehement desire to stop it, and to save people from their sins, and roll back the tide of death. It sets his heart on fire, and he goes to praying, and laboring, and pulling sinners out of the fire with all his might, to save them from the awful tendencies of sin. When the Christian sets his mind on this, he will bestir himself to make people give up their sins. Just as if he saw all the people taking poison which he knew would destroy them, and he lifts up his voice to warn them to BEWARE. Repentance, when true and genuine, leads to confession and restitution. (Charles Finney) WHAT IS FALSE GRACE AS OPPOSED TO TRUE GRACE? FALSE GRACE has people in this perpetual state believing they are saved while they are actually living in disobedience (sin); disobedience is rebellion (sin). They do not believe in repentance daily. They are in danger and know it not. False grace is saying that they have no power to overcome, they are hopeless, and says that Yahushua’s (Jesus’s) sacrifice is insufficient to keep them from sin. It is saying that the power of His shed blood has NO power. In other words, they are confessing that the Holy Spirit is incapable of ridding anyone from weaknesses of the flesh and cannot change anyone from the inside out. Those that believe in this false grace are then not in Yahushua (Jesus) and put themselves under condemnation (nobody has to do it for them), put themselves under God’s wrath and they will not receive salvation if they don’t come out from that way of thinking. False grace says we are all exempt from penalties of sin; this would be called heresy and they believe certain parts of the Bible no longer apply. It is a false sense of security but this is a lie and so far from truth because one must believe from the 1st word written to the last word in the Bible. False grace keep us in total selfishness. It is all about self; what one wants and desires. These people do not believe in holiness or that they will ever achieve it yet the Bible clearly states only those that overcome sin and the deeds of the flesh enter into the kingdom to come. We must have fruit in our lives and we are judged by how we live (our deeds) and He brings His reward at that time with Him to each one of us. When one believes no repentance daily is necessary they are easily ensnared into self and they make no effort to change. They feel they are fine with God yet they take no responsibility for their actions and just ride through life doing as they please thinking they will enter into God’s kingdom to come. TRUE GRACE speaks in a whole different language and will lead you to Holiness, to obedience and not because of works but simply these people truly love God. These people turn to God daily in true repentance admitting they need His help and need him in their lives, they ask for mercy, desiring to walk in obedience out of love and respect for a Most Holy God. They know God can do anything and nothing is impossible and they allow His Spirit to operate within them to bring about this change and as they are purged and purified, they grow to hate sin for they see how it has even hurt them and those that they love. They know that God helps us through all addictions and whatever else is deep within our hearts, our souls and empowers us to win the race and to overcome. This is how one defeats satan in the end. People must stop identifying with their sin because then you are in agreement with Satan to keep you in these strongholds and he wins and you lose and each one of us needs to kick him to the curb daily and start only identifying more with Holiness and the nature of God, His character. We must rid ourselves of our temptations and patterns that are not working in our favor and just get fed up with all the schemes of satan and how he pulls on our flesh. It is not as hard as people make it out to be because we have a friend called the Comforter who helps us along the way once we have accepted Yahushua (Jesus) as our King & Savior. To overcome we must walk the walk, not just talk the talk! Talking does nothing for anyone but there must be evidence of a changed life. How is anyone going to believe you are a true Christian brother or sister if you hate, are steeped in unforgiveness, slander, steal from family, sit at home drinking and doing drugs, in fornication, adultery, envy, jealousy, greed (list goes on and on) or whatever else your poison is. Do you truly think you are a Christian or do they see how you are lying even to yourself? You must come out from under that false grace way of thinking because without change, how are you really saved? Did Yahushua (Jesus) party on and partake of all the lusts back in his day, did He slander, steal, hate, or stay in unforgiveness or did He walk the walk and show us how to? Did He say to the Father, “sorry dad, I am not about to give up anything on this journey called life for you or for anyone else?” Yahushua (Jesus) walked and lived by God’s commandments and never went against Him. Think about this because it is so very important. Do not live under the lies of satan that God is good with us in sin and that we are fine dying in it. Remember satan is a deceiver, a liar, a thief and even a murderer. He is the one that took from you, caused your problems, makes you feel bad about yourself, talks you into vulgarity, perversions, lusts of all sorts. He could care less about you but drools all over himself making sure he sends his minions to keep you locked in tight in sin and in enmity with your Father who has always loved you from the start. Wake up for the hour is ending and this world is fading away and anyone who cannot see that I do not know what to say. It is all around us; here and in other nations & if you can’t tell things are rapidly going away then you are truly in the dark still. Once truly repentant, your eyes will be opened to see! Remember, SIN is a “heart condition”. God seeks the heart and if we live in disobedience, in constant hate, unforgiveness, bitterness and slandering others then our heart condition does not align with our Heavenly Father. Yes it is hard to get over things but if one truly repents from the heart, then you allow His Spirit in to do the work in you which frees you! There is much freedom in letting go. I speak from experience about satan and his tactics; he did everything he could to try and destroy me. There is no love for us in him…he is a snake charmer selling you a bill of goods that says you are a child of God forever if you remain in sin; instead he will escort you or have one of his generals do so on the way down to hell. Let love in; love that never fails…let the One who loved us all from the beginning. How hard is it to say you are sorry? We were born into sin through Adam and Eve so there is no getting around that part of it but we have an advocate, the Holy Spirit who was sent to us to help us, change us, intercede for us if we allow Him into our heart by asking for forgiveness with a contrite heart. Father in heaven loves us all very dearly and if He didn’t He would not put out so many Words about how important repentance is. He keeps reaching out His hand, so take His hand and let Him in! True grace gets you into New Jerusalem because you can overcome sin and false grace sends you straight to the pit of hell at the end of life’s journey. It is you that puts yourself into hell. God is Holy and cannot bear to be around sin He cannot and will not let those enter in. Daily repentance cleanses and purifies and why it is so necessary.
For multiple reasons when I hear this I just want to cry I want be normal and live a normal life like every one else he made me this way and told me my road wouldn't be easy.😕😢🤗🥰I need him he's my anchor I lean on him because only have a few people in my life and they get tired . "Dignosed" C-PTSD. This struggle is real.
I believe That I'm a good, right-thinking person, although I have never been able to find the blind faith that is required to believe in God. However, it is clearly apparent that there is definitely power in Jesus' name. I find this song, and the reaction of this audience incredibly powerful. That can only be a good thing for America and the world, because make no mistake, the whole world needs America to rise up for all of us now!
Sing Mack, sing! Even the impossible is possible for us! We are loved, we are loved, we are loved! HALLELUJAH! Minister to our hearts Mack!! MINISTER!!
May He who has called you continue to guide and lead your path of righteousness, remain in Christ Jesus and never let fame to lure you into the dark side of the world.Remain in Christ no matter what happens your music makes us to wake up at 00:00 and listen until 5:00 am really blessed Brother.
Mack because of you I like Elevation worship “ last word “ is my favorite song ever . When I think about corona virus I sing “You have the last word it is finished You have the last word it is finished My fear is silenced in your love. My hope is endless..............
Very true 👍 bro yes it is me to bro from the very beginning when mack and Chris brown starting Elevation because of Mack I love Elevation this dude is anointed by his voice and the song 🎵 he wrote is powerful 👏 keep the Good work for the Lord through the inspiring message of Songs 🎵 👏 I'm a big fans of Mack brook I was looking for him a quite along time when moving out from Elevation and brother recently just told me that Mack has new songs 🎵 so I follow him and keep it touch with the Group and the woship team that he continues with I really enjoy the message of songs thus dude wrote 👍.
Hey man I’m sure you meant to say this a different way but... nothing or no one should go before God ever. God should always be the one glorified and praised. And not us. Just wanted to make sure you knew that. Hope you’re having an awesome day. God bless
I pray ask God to make me model me shapes me and make me what he want to and what he see for me to go and do I can’t do it by myself and I pray to God to send the right peoples into my life
I'm not Christian , But I have seen the Love of God Into My Life ! Somehow 4 yrs AGO, After Surviving All I have , After seeing the EVIL in others who did me wrong , I came across this 🎵 3 yrs AGO , Or a little More . I was left Alone to Deal with all Imposibilitated to Walk , And A surgery, But I Know that NOT only THEM but BEFORE , GOD has never Left me alone ! I HAVE A PROMISE I HOLD ON TO IT , because PEOPLE LIE , But JESUS DOESN'T ‼️😭 I have seen the Goodness of GOD ...even when I don't understand I am still 🙏🏻❤ for Justice !!! 😭🇺🇲⚖👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
Jesus Christ is Lord Glory Jesus Nobody greater than Jesus Nobody defeats Jesus 👑 There is none like Him With man it may be impossible, all things are possible with God.~Jesus Blessed children family and prayer warriors
Thank you, Mack Brock and team for creating and sharing this powerful expression on worship to our God and encouragement to us. I hope you all are keeping well and safe and courageous in Jesus' Mighty name. God bless you all. - Timika from NYC
Psalm 57:7 My heart is steadfast, O God, my heart is steadfast; I will sing, yes, I will sing praises! I feel the anointing of the spirit in this song much hope in him during this time of covid.
A couple of weeks ago you came to my church Westside Family Church in Lenexa KS It was our last time we collectively met as a church . You are such a blessing to me for the last three years . Your music has encouraged me in the hardest times. Thank you soo much for all your music 🎶. God bless you .
Mack Brock never fail to make great songs that sets the fire deep inside our souls. We thank God for your life!!! We greatly needed this song because yes! Our God is victorious! Our God is sovereign and He will never be defeated! God, we'll keep on declaring that the challenges of this world has already fallen down on their knees in the honor and glory of Your Presence!!! You are God of the impossible!!! There is power in Jesus' name!!! AMEN!!!
I just saw you in concert last night at ELEVATE 2021 in SCOTTSDALE ARIZONA WOW WOW WOW you are FANTASTIC so impressed with ALL of your songs....THANKS for ALL you do keep up with being on fire for JESUS!!!!! YOU ROCK....I will be listening to you while I exercise everyday for sure........
Even The Impossible" I think this stone's getting ready to roll I feel a faith that is starting to rise And I see a world on the edge of revival I think it's only a matter of time Do what only You can do Move what only You can move Even the impossible is possible for You I see a grave that is hollow of power I see a battle that's already won And I see a church on the verge of revival I see your kingdom has already come Do what only You can do Move what only You can move Even the impossible is possible for You You can make the chains come loose You can tell the mountains move Even the impossible is possible for You Even the impossible is possible for You You said it, I see it You still do miracles There's power in Jesus' name All darkness defeated There's nothing stopping You, my God There's nothing stopping You You said it, I see it You still do miracles There's power in Jesus' name All darkness defeated There's nothing stopping You, my God There's nothing stopping You
I’m here in my bed crying listening to this song I’m in pain and it’s been a year, spend most of my time at the doctors still can’t find any result…even the impossible is possible for him🙏🏾
You’re Baacckk!!! Thank you 🙏🏻 so so very much for your Pure raw talent Mr. Brock!! This IS a beautiful song and it makes me want to sing and Praise Jesus Christ! I hope you realize how much you impact peoples’ lives and how you Truly Bless us with such amazing lyrics and voice. Thank YOU Mack 🙏🏻 for sharing your amazing voice, lyrics, and your undeniable love for Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ especially at this time when the entire world needs to hear this one (in particular!). God Bless You and your family always!
Do what only You can do Lord 🙌 I truly believe great revival is coming!! Hold tight church, the Lord is still in control. God bless you all. There is definitely power in Jesus name ❤️ Thanks Mack for this powerful song. The world needed it in this very moment.
This is a song most of his songs are all very very good very inspirational You are very talented sir, brother. God uses you to help us enter into that love from the spirit from the Lord brings us into the presence of the throneroom of our Mighty God, we are His kids He allows us to Enter into this wonderful Presence!!Praises! to Sing of the glory of God! For ever ! God and I feel his love and his arms around me as I listen to the worship and the words that you're singing that you've written down from the spirit Thank you for all you do You are blessing God uses you ! God bless you !!☝️🙏 mightily!!!
Lol & I thought I wasn't gonna hear a song more or less as good as "Still In Control" & then he just dropped this? Keep on expressing the truth of your Christian convictions in your songwriting bro you're a blessing me!
This song wake's my spirit up and love jesus my King more than before allelujah praise him forever the one and only God almighty amen
Those that laughed at me that I wont succeed Jesus is the one fighting the battle am succeeding by his grace.Amen
My wife and I started listening to Mack when he was leading worship at Elevation. The songs he writes and sings have a real anointing on them and we are so blessed to have such dedicated talent serving our Lord in this age.
This song i was playing it day and night when things were hard for me after going through a Divorce and i didn't have a job.
But the way God is, the impossible is possible, he can make the chain come loose and tell the mountain move.
Nothing will stop my God
The first Christian song I heard. Thanks to the wrong radio station. I’m glad I got closer to the lord that day.
Too much coincidence is no coincidence. It’s gods work.
God's Love is in every word he sings
With god nothing is impossible 🙏❤️💯🫶🐻✝️🌈🦅
I always listened to this song while my mom was battling with Alzheimer and even those she passed away January 5, 2021 I still listened cause it reminds me of mom... it makes me remember it all the time! THAT EVERYTHING IS POSSIBLE FOR YOU LORD, NO MATTER WHAT ENTERS OUR LIVES ... THERE IS POWER IN THE NAME OF JESUS. .... AND THERE IS NOTHING FOR US THAT WE STOP BELIEVING THAT EVERYTHING IS POSSIBLE FOR YOU LORD AND THAT HE TELLS THE MOUNTAINS TO MOVE .... AND THEY MOVE HE SAID SO AND I BELIEVE IT AND I SEE IT THAT NOTHING IT IS IMPOSSIBLE FOR YOU! ..... 🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🙌🏽🙌🏽😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽😭😭😭😭😭🙌🏽🙌🏽
This is what we need to see--what we are seeing, if we are listening to Him. Only He can do what we cannot ever do, and so WE CRY OUT TO HIM FOR HIS PRESENCE AND HIS REVIVAL NOW. O LORD, REVIVE US !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Now faith is the substance of things hope for
Blessed children and prayer warriors
October 2, 2024
I believe in prayer. I believe in the power of our God. I know that he cannot be stopped. I have felt weights in my life that I thought would sink me and then our God intervened to keep me afloat. I know that the impossible is possible because I have felt this kind of healing firsthand in my life. All I want is for a world full of people who also know… this battle is finished and our God is HERE… not an abstract idea… not far away from us…. here is right here - now - and the way he loves us is incomparable.
Thank you Jesus for the new miracles.I love you Jesus
You said it, i see it,You still do miracles. There's power in Jesus name.
I'm not a English speaker but I can feel God's presence through this song,
JESUS transcends all languages ! GOD BLESS
Holy Spirit lives in all of us, in Jesus name I pray Amen 🙏!!!
Beautiful Savior ~Christ Jesus
You deserve all the glory
My children are blessed
July 12 2024
Matt Brock needs to come to Pittsburgh ✝️
Amen I am the impossible. Do only do what You do Jesus
I am very late to this but god has worked miracles in my life and I feel his presence through this song
This dude has Talent. He's genuine he's committed to Christ He has a passion for music. His messages are pure. Much respect! Carry on friend!
Nate Griffith, your name caught my attention....good name, it was my brother’s name....he died over 7 years ago from cancer. I miss him...can’t wait to see him again in Heaven. Blessings to you, Nate Griffith.
"There is a sound..."
This is the sound....
Heavenly sound
I went to to a concert with Mack Brock a few years ago. He was the only artist there who thanked the audience for letting him lead them in worship. That speaks volumes for where his heart is.
.... what is impossible with man ,is possible with God.. with God all things are possible,...I believe it I received it.... Amen
Amen that’s what Jesus said 🙌
If you’re reading this Jesus Christ loves you and He will never leave you alone 💛
Praise God! I am 12 years old and was going through a really hard time. I was in a bad spot when i heard this song. Then at once thing got better!
There's power in Jesus' name! Amen!
There nothing stopping you
im muslim but we love jesus in our religion this song is so good for motivation
Awesome, Jesus is God
I pray you get to know Him as Lord and Savior 🙏
Great job Mack & Company!
All Praise & Glory to God!
There is Power in Jesus’ Holy Name!
Luke 1:37 Glory to Jesus Christ Hallelujah.
Nothing is impossible when god is in control all day 🙏❤️
Amen Jesus is Almighty God ❤
"Even the impossible is possible for You"
What a encouragement and powerful line; So timely
That true very encouraging.
Please pray for me that I will receive this word meekly through Faith.
Who is listening to this song in early 2021.
Leave your prayers alone.
God listen to you and bless you and your family !!
thanks God
Coronavirus, defeated. There’s nothing stopping you My God.
Brenton Kelly has it been really? Yes I believe it! :)
Change my heart oh Lord! I know is possible for you!!
Jesus is here ❤❤
Amen when I was recorded he showed me how he was there and it was like he was everywhere all at once 😮 he truly inhabits the praz of his people
I see a battle that’s already won! Yes!! With current events as they are, this is so timely. I appreciate your writing and authentic worship, Mack!
In Jesus mighty name 🙏
Amen 🙌🙌🙌
I see your Kingdom has already come 🤗
Even the impossible is possible with Almighty God
My mum is healing no sickness is bigger in Gods name.
Soon I will be 60 years old, but I love the way the Holy Spirit of God is using Mack Brock to worship Jesus. God has bless him with an angelical voice.
I just recently turned 72, and I love this song too. So encouraging!! 🙌 ✝️
There is nothing stopping you my God
What a great faith-raising song! 😍 Luke 18:27 Jesus replied, “What is impossible with man is possible with God.” 👍 Stay healthy, everyone! 🙏 🕊️
@@jordanjotta647 God bless you! 🙏
Yes Amen🙏✝️we believe and we received it
@@jewelsoniawphniaw9219 God bless you! 🙏
“You said it, I see it. You still do miracles. There’s power in Jesus’ name. There’s nothing stopping you” whew I’m tearing up
We are together
Beautiful 🙌🙌🙌
I want to encourage anyone going thru addiction that anything is possible for the Almighty GOD this November GOD willing will celebrate 3 yrs sober of alcoholism 🙏 All praise be to GOD ALMIGHTY
Ever since Matt left elevation worship it has not been the same, see what you want Bella I believe that Matt left because they turned away from preaching true doctrine and it hasn’t affected Matt at all he’s been just as successful this guy is the real deal…bless him in Jesus mighty name!
Glory to Jesus Christ Hallelujah.
For nothing is impossible with our God . You said it Lord we believe it
There is!!! That's because the fights we've with others are so hard.... and missunderstandings...People don't understand and see!
Somedays I feel alone in this big world even if I'm not alone.
I've my son, friends...
There is nothing impossible for God Hallelujah.
This song wash my soul and spirit clean ❤❤❤❤ Jesus Christ of Nazareth my king amen
If I could choose one worship artist to see live Mack Brock would be it!!!
Covid19 Bow your knees There is God who can do impossible ,Crying for evryone Sleeping in Pain.May your power Move right now"There nothing th@ can stop you King Jesus
Nelly chiwaka
Amen all over the world. And the enemy has to pay back the world for what he has done to us because we are made in God image.
True repentance is a permanent change of character and conduct. It involves a change of opinion respecting the nature of sin, and this change of opinion followed by a corresponding change of feeling towards sin. To one who truly repents, sin looks like a very different thing from what it does to him who has not repented. Instead of looking like a thing that is desirable or fascinating, it looks the very opposite, most odious and detestable, and he is astonished at himself, that he ever could have desired such a thing. He looks back upon it and exclaims, “How hateful, how detestable, how worthy of hell, such and such a thing was in me.” When he views sin in its tendencies, it awakens a vehement desire to stop it, and to save people from their sins, and roll back the tide of death. It sets his heart on fire, and he goes to praying, and laboring, and pulling sinners out of the fire with all his might, to save them from the awful tendencies of sin. When the Christian sets his mind on this, he will bestir himself to make people give up their sins. Just as if he saw all the people taking poison which he knew would destroy them, and he lifts up his voice to warn them to BEWARE. Repentance, when true and genuine, leads to confession and restitution. (Charles Finney)
FALSE GRACE has people in this perpetual state believing they are saved while they are actually living in disobedience (sin); disobedience is rebellion (sin). They do not believe in repentance daily. They are in danger and know it not. False grace is saying that they have no power to overcome, they are hopeless, and says that Yahushua’s (Jesus’s) sacrifice is insufficient to keep them from sin. It is saying that the power of His shed blood has NO power. In other words, they are confessing that the Holy Spirit is incapable of ridding anyone from weaknesses of the flesh and cannot change anyone from the inside out. Those that believe in this false grace are then not in Yahushua (Jesus) and put themselves under condemnation (nobody has to do it for them), put themselves under God’s wrath and they will not receive salvation if they don’t come out from that way of thinking. False grace says we are all exempt from penalties of sin; this would be called heresy and they believe certain parts of the Bible no longer apply. It is a false sense of security but this is a lie and so far from truth because one must believe from the 1st word written to the last word in the Bible. False grace keep us in total selfishness. It is all about self; what one wants and desires. These people do not believe in holiness or that they will ever achieve it yet the Bible clearly states only those that overcome sin and the deeds of the flesh enter into the kingdom to come. We must have fruit in our lives and we are judged by how we live (our deeds) and He brings His reward at that time with Him to each one of us. When one believes no repentance daily is necessary they are easily ensnared into self and they make no effort to change. They feel they are fine with God yet they take no responsibility for their actions and just ride through life doing as they please thinking they will enter into God’s kingdom to come.
TRUE GRACE speaks in a whole different language and will lead you to Holiness, to obedience and not because of works but simply these people truly love God. These people turn to God daily in true repentance admitting they need His help and need him in their lives, they ask for mercy, desiring to walk in obedience out of love and respect for a Most Holy God. They know God can do anything and nothing is impossible and they allow His Spirit to operate within them to bring about this change and as they are purged and purified, they grow to hate sin for they see how it has even hurt them and those that they love. They know that God helps us through all addictions and whatever else is deep within our hearts, our souls and empowers us to win the race and to overcome. This is how one defeats satan in the end.
People must stop identifying with their sin because then you are in agreement with Satan to keep you in these strongholds and he wins and you lose and each one of us needs to kick him to the curb daily and start only identifying more with Holiness and the nature of God, His character. We must rid ourselves of our temptations and patterns that are not working in our favor and just get fed up with all the schemes of satan and how he pulls on our flesh. It is not as hard as people make it out to be because we have a friend called the Comforter who helps us along the way once we have accepted Yahushua (Jesus) as our King & Savior.
To overcome we must walk the walk, not just talk the talk! Talking does nothing for anyone but there must be evidence of a changed life. How is anyone going to believe you are a true Christian brother or sister if you hate, are steeped in unforgiveness, slander, steal from family, sit at home drinking and doing drugs, in fornication, adultery, envy, jealousy, greed (list goes on and on) or whatever else your poison is. Do you truly think you are a Christian or do they see how you are lying even to yourself? You must come out from under that false grace way of thinking because without change, how are you really saved? Did Yahushua (Jesus) party on and partake of all the lusts back in his day, did He slander, steal, hate, or stay in unforgiveness or did He walk the walk and show us how to? Did He say to the Father, “sorry dad, I am not about to give up anything on this journey called life for you or for anyone else?” Yahushua (Jesus) walked and lived by God’s commandments and never went against Him.
Think about this because it is so very important. Do not live under the lies of satan that God is good with us in sin and that we are fine dying in it. Remember satan is a deceiver, a liar, a thief and even a murderer. He is the one that took from you, caused your problems, makes you feel bad about yourself, talks you into vulgarity, perversions, lusts of all sorts. He could care less about you but drools all over himself making sure he sends his minions to keep you locked in tight in sin and in enmity with your Father who has always loved you from the start.
Wake up for the hour is ending and this world is fading away and anyone who cannot see that I do not know what to say. It is all around us; here and in other nations & if you can’t tell things are rapidly going away then you are truly in the dark still. Once truly repentant, your eyes will be opened to see! Remember, SIN is a “heart condition”. God seeks the heart and if we live in disobedience, in constant hate, unforgiveness, bitterness and slandering others then our heart condition does not align with our Heavenly Father. Yes it is hard to get over things but if one truly repents from the heart, then you allow His Spirit in to do the work in you which frees you! There is much freedom in letting go.
I speak from experience about satan and his tactics; he did everything he could to try and destroy me. There is no love for us in him…he is a snake charmer selling you a bill of goods that says you are a child of God forever if you remain in sin; instead he will escort you or have one of his generals do so on the way down to hell.
Let love in; love that never fails…let the One who loved us all from the beginning. How hard is it to say you are sorry? We were born into sin through Adam and Eve so there is no getting around that part of it but we have an advocate, the Holy Spirit who was sent to us to help us, change us, intercede for us if we allow Him into our heart by asking for forgiveness with a contrite heart. Father in heaven loves us all very dearly and if He didn’t He would not put out so many Words about how important repentance is. He keeps reaching out His hand, so take His hand and let Him in!
True grace gets you into New Jerusalem because you can overcome sin and false grace sends you straight to the pit of hell at the end of life’s journey. It is you that puts yourself into hell. God is Holy and cannot bear to be around sin He cannot and will not let those enter in. Daily repentance cleanses and purifies and why it is so necessary.
Victoria Artist
Indeed Our God loves us soo dearly .!!the Devil is a liar,Lets stand strong against fear..Our God is a Stronghold
Amen 🙏
Even the impossible is possible with God!!!!😭😭😭😭😭😭👏🏾🙌🏽
For multiple reasons when I hear this I just want to cry I want be normal and live a normal life like every one else he made me this way and told me my road wouldn't be easy.😕😢🤗🥰I need him he's my anchor I lean on him because only have a few people in my life and they get tired .
"Dignosed" C-PTSD. This struggle is real.
There’s a storm coming! Buckle up everyone! We are living in biblical times!
God Bless each and every one of you! In God, we trust.
Yes, it’s true , nothing is impossible with God.He’s
amazing !!!! Love this song ☺️it’s a song that truly uplifts your spirits 💕
I believe That I'm a good, right-thinking person, although I have never been able to find the blind faith that is required to believe in God. However, it is clearly apparent that there is definitely power in Jesus' name. I find this song, and the reaction of this audience incredibly powerful. That can only be a good thing for America and the world, because make no mistake, the whole world needs America to rise up for all of us now!
Jesus, number one❤️🫶❤️
prayers to the community of UVALDE TX LOVE FROM SAN MARCOS TX
Move what only you can move o God 🙌🙌🙌 I believe in you 🙏
Sing Mack, sing! Even the impossible is possible for us! We are loved, we are loved, we are loved! HALLELUJAH! Minister to our hearts Mack!! MINISTER!!
The impossible becomes possible in God's eye. Amen
May He who has called you continue to guide and lead your path of righteousness, remain in Christ Jesus and never let fame to lure you into the dark side of the world.Remain in Christ no matter what happens your music makes us to wake up at 00:00 and listen until 5:00 am really blessed Brother.
Mack because of you I like Elevation worship
“ last word “ is my favorite song ever .
When I think about corona virus I sing
“You have the last word it is finished
You have the last word it is finished
My fear is silenced in your love.
My hope is endless..............
Yeah it is sad that he left Elevation Worship, but at least he still makes music to praise God and that’s all that matters
Heyy!! Last word is my favourite tooo!!! I just get so much overwhelmed by the lyrics...and the way he sings really fills me up with the spirit!!! :-)
Very true 👍 bro yes it is me to bro from the very beginning when mack and Chris brown starting Elevation because of Mack I love Elevation this dude is anointed by his voice and the song 🎵 he wrote is powerful 👏 keep the Good work for the Lord through the inspiring message of Songs 🎵 👏 I'm a big fans of Mack brook I was looking for him a quite along time when moving out from Elevation and brother recently just told me that Mack has new songs 🎵 so I follow him and keep it touch with the Group and the woship team that he continues with I really enjoy the message of songs thus dude wrote 👍.
I can feel the Lord in your voice. I pray that Mack's worship will be put before God forever. ☺️❤️🙏
Hey man I’m sure you meant to say this a different way but... nothing or no one should go before God ever. God should always be the one glorified and praised. And not us. Just wanted to make sure you knew that. Hope you’re having an awesome day. God bless
well said!
@@MetulMohikun I think they meant Mack should be able to worship “before God” as in God’s presence in Heaven.
공감합니다 정말, 요즘 또 매일 듣고 찬양 올려드립디다
All glory to Jesus
Even the impossible is possible with You.
Jesus Reigns!
April 18 2021
All glory to Jesus!
With Christ Jesus, we can do all things.
To God be the glory for all He has done
Forever grateful for my two children and prayer warriors 💒😎🥰💃
November 23, 2024
I pray ask God to make me model me shapes me and make me what he want to and what he see for me to go and do I can’t do it by myself and I pray to God to send the right peoples into my life
My heart goes out to you. I hope the right people showed up for you. God bless you, sister.
A new song for this season...Nothing is impossible for our God..He is still in control...
I'm not Christian , But I have seen the Love of God Into My Life ! Somehow 4 yrs AGO, After Surviving All I have , After seeing the EVIL in others who did me wrong , I came across this 🎵 3 yrs AGO , Or a little
More . I was left Alone to Deal with all Imposibilitated to Walk , And A surgery, But I Know that NOT only THEM but BEFORE , GOD has never Left me alone ! I HAVE A PROMISE I HOLD ON TO IT , because PEOPLE LIE , But JESUS DOESN'T ‼️😭 I have seen the Goodness of GOD ...even when I don't understand I am still 🙏🏻❤ for Justice !!! 😭🇺🇲⚖👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
There is nothing stopping you my God!!!
Alleluia 🙌🙌🙌
Jesus Christ is Lord
Glory Jesus
Nobody greater than Jesus
Nobody defeats Jesus 👑
There is none like Him
With man it may be impossible, all things are possible with God.~Jesus
Blessed children family and prayer warriors
Wonderful Savior ❤️❤️❤️
Thankful for my two amazing children and prayer warriors
October 20, 2024😊😊😊
Jesus I put my trust in you 🙏💯❤️
Thank you, Mack Brock and team for creating and sharing this powerful expression on worship to our God and encouragement to us. I hope you all are keeping well and safe and courageous in Jesus' Mighty name. God bless you all. - Timika from NYC
Even the impossible is possible for you 🙌❤️
All darkness defeated! There is nothing stopping you my God!🙏🏼❤️
Psalm 57:7 My heart is steadfast, O God, my heart is steadfast;
I will sing, yes, I will sing praises!
I feel the anointing of the spirit in this song much hope in him during this time of covid.
Been waiting for this song since Worship Together! God was moving that night, it was so powerful and this song is absolutely amazing!
Thank you Jesus for the miracle and more strength and mercy and grace
Well when I found the key chain that said with god nothing is impossible it was actually 💯percent true amen 🙏
A couple of weeks ago you came to my church Westside Family Church in Lenexa KS It was our last time we collectively met as a church . You are such a blessing to me for the last three years . Your music has encouraged me in the hardest times. Thank you soo much for all your music 🎶. God bless you .
Mack Brock never fail to make great songs that sets the fire deep inside our souls. We thank God for your life!!! We greatly needed this song because yes! Our God is victorious! Our God is sovereign and He will never be defeated! God, we'll keep on declaring that the challenges of this world has already fallen down on their knees in the honor and glory of Your Presence!!! You are God of the impossible!!! There is power in Jesus' name!!! AMEN!!!
Mack Brock, the first time I heard your revelation lines of" I'm Loved" ..
,I've never missed any other.
Meen! You're so blessed.
There is nothing stopping you my GOD!! Oooh I so mean it !!! there is nothing stopping you my God woohoo🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾🔥🔥
I love to listen to this song in my car and sing and feel the spirit 💗
I just saw you in concert last night at ELEVATE 2021 in SCOTTSDALE ARIZONA WOW WOW WOW you are FANTASTIC so impressed with ALL of your songs....THANKS for ALL you do keep up with being on fire for JESUS!!!!! YOU ROCK....I will be listening to you while I exercise everyday for sure........
Even The Impossible"
I think this stone's getting ready to roll
I feel a faith that is starting to rise
And I see a world on the edge of revival
I think it's only a matter of time
Do what only You can do
Move what only You can move
Even the impossible is possible for You
I see a grave that is hollow of power
I see a battle that's already won
And I see a church on the verge of revival
I see your kingdom has already come
Do what only You can do
Move what only You can move
Even the impossible is possible for You
You can make the chains come loose
You can tell the mountains move
Even the impossible is possible for You
Even the impossible is possible for You
You said it, I see it
You still do miracles
There's power in Jesus' name
All darkness defeated
There's nothing stopping You, my God
There's nothing stopping You
You said it, I see it
You still do miracles
There's power in Jesus' name
All darkness defeated
There's nothing stopping You, my God
There's nothing stopping You
Thanks for sharing ❤️
Thank you for typing these lyrics 🙏
You made me learn this song thanks for sharing
I’m here in my bed crying listening to this song
I’m in pain and it’s been a year, spend most of my time at the doctors still can’t find any result…even the impossible is possible for him🙏🏾
There's POWER in JESUS name! 💞
You’re Baacckk!!! Thank you 🙏🏻 so so very much for your Pure raw talent Mr. Brock!! This IS a beautiful song and it makes me want to sing and Praise Jesus Christ! I hope you realize how much you impact peoples’ lives and how you Truly Bless us with such amazing lyrics and voice. Thank YOU Mack 🙏🏻 for sharing your amazing voice, lyrics, and your undeniable love for Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ especially at this time when the entire world needs to hear this one (in particular!). God Bless You and your family always!
Fantastic. God bless you Mack Brock! Praise be Jesus Christ our Lord - King of Heaven and Earth.
ጌታ እየሱስ በጣም እወድሃለሁ 🎉🎉🎉 የእኔ ጌታ ስምህ ይመስገን
Thank God for You'se Being a Blessing to us! Taking Our Worship into Another Level and lHelping us See How Awesome God is! God Bless!!
Do what only You can do Lord 🙌 I truly believe great revival is coming!! Hold tight church, the Lord is still in control. God bless you all. There is definitely power in Jesus name ❤️ Thanks Mack for this powerful song. The world needed it in this very moment.
YOU (JESUS) still do miracles!!! Wow. Speechless. Being saved within itself is a miracle today. Beautiful song! 👍
This is a song most of his songs are all very very good very inspirational You are very talented sir, brother. God uses you to help us enter into that love from the spirit from the Lord brings us into the presence of the throneroom of our Mighty God, we are His kids He allows us to Enter into this wonderful Presence!!Praises! to Sing of the glory of God! For ever ! God and I feel his love and his arms around me as I listen to the worship and the words that you're singing that you've written down from the spirit Thank you for all you do You are blessing God uses you ! God bless you !!☝️🙏 mightily!!!
Theres power in the Name JESUS
my goodness.....i love this song .........''even the impossible is possible for you''
Amen! All things are possible! With God. I pray that God heals this world from this Corona Virus.
Jesus ♥️
Lol & I thought I wasn't gonna hear a song more or less as good as "Still In Control" & then he just dropped this? Keep on expressing the truth of your Christian convictions in your songwriting bro you're a blessing me!
Another song i want to get lost in the Presence of God with as Ím trying to do other things!!! 🙌🏼🎶🎵♥️🎵🎶🙌🏼